Just A Little About me

Me So, who is the person behind the site?

Well... my name is Lyn Wilkinson and I have been 35 for the last ten years...(big grin!) I live in small country town in rural New South Wales, Australia, with my husband (who is also my soul mate and best friend), Gerald and our three children: Michael (16), Katie (14) and Sarah-Jean (7). We have one scruffy tabby cat called.... wait for it...."Tabby"   *s*   and a backyard full of aviaries filled with various types of Australian parrots and English Budgerigars...

That's me on the left holding Sarah at 6 weeks of age.

My journey into the world of needle arts began in 1986 with the birth of Katie (Katrina Margherita!!! on her not so lovable days.) I have always adored hand smocked and heirloom sewn garments but found myself unable to justify the expense of those for sale in the Boutiques...

So, I decided to learn how to create my own...

Firstly, I read every book I could lay my hands on and then set about teaching myself. I found that the more I mastered, the more I wanted to learn.
pink batiste and lace dress

ribbon embroidery After attending the first Country Bumpkin Beating Around the Bush (smocking and heirloom sewing) Convention in Keith, S.A. (Australia) in 1989, I became determined to extend my knowledge through more comprehensive means. So, in 1990 I began a four year part-time Advanced Certificate of Commercial Needle-Craft course at our local TAFE College and, as a whole new world of discovery and pleasure opened up to me, my list of passions began to expand.

My catch cry these day is:- If it involves a needle and thread then I know I'll love it!
My interests now include both machine and hand embroidery; appliqu�; decorator crafts; counted thread embroidery; canvas work and patchwork and quilting. My original love of beautiful children's garments however, remains one of my greatest passions.

Some of my needlework projects         Some of my quilting

Graphics by Backgrounds For Stitchers