YAESU FT-727R Modification for extended coverage. (This will work for both the old and new CPU versions) -Remove the battery pack -locate the RAM backup switch according to your manual ( this will be the switch FARTHEST away from the battery terminals) -Turn the switch off, count to 4, then turn it back on -Relace the battery pack -Turn the rig on. The readout should be entirely blank. If it is not, you probably did not wait long enough before turning the switch back ON, so repeat the above procedure. -Type in the following: ' 001111 ' -The rig should now come to life. You will have to reprogram all the memories as well as the repeater splits for both bands. The display will now cover 100-199, 400-499MHz, but it obviously won't work over this range. Mine covers 139- 153, 420-460. - The reset code is in your manual [ From another source: The factory code to make the program from the factory is ( 443300 ) and if you enter those digits the talkie will return to normal again. However if you enter the code ( 601111 ) you will notice the talkie will come up in a different mode you can and must input 5 digits instead of 4 to input a freq. Example in the normal mode to get freq 147.06 you would enter 7060 then hit the dial button. In the expanded mode you would enter 47060 to get the 147.06 cause your display now takes and controls the last 5 digits of a freq instead of the normal 4. ]