by: Jeremy and Tyler

The U.S. Constitution is our nation's laws.  Forty people from twelve states signed the U.S. Constitution.  There were fifty-four representatives present at the convention in 1787.  They met in Philadelphia at Independence Hall.  The men believed they would only be changing the Articles of Confederation, but they ended up writing a whole new Constitution.  These were the men present at the convention.  They didn't all vote in favor of the Constitution.  The men who voted against it have an * following their names.

Delaware       Gunning Bedford jr;  John Dickinson,  Richard Bassett; Jacob Broom ; George Read

 Maryland   James McHenry ;  Dan of St. Thos Jenifer ;  Danl Carrol ; Luther Martin* ,John F. Mercer*

Virgina         John Blair ;  James Madison: George Mason*, James McClurg, Edmund J. Randolph*,  George
                                Washington, George Wythe*

North Carolina   W.M. Blunt ;  Richard D. Spaight ;  Hugh Williamson, William R. Davie*, Alexander Martin*

South Carolina  John Rutledge ;  Charles Cotesworth Pinkey ;  Charles Pinkey ;  Pierce Butler

Rhode Island    No delagates were sent to the Constitutional Convention

Georgia                  William Few  ;  Abraham Baldwin, William Houstoun*, William L. Pierce*

New Hampshire  John Langdon  ;  Nicholis Gilman

Massachussetts     Nathaniel Gorham  ;  Rufus King, Elbridge Gerry*, Caleb Srong*

Connecticut          Roger Sherman, Oliver Ellsworth*, William Johnson

New York        Alexander Hamilton, John Jr. Lansing*, Robert Yates*

New Jersey     Will Livingston  ;  David Bearly  ;  WM Patterson  ;  Jona Dayton, William C. Houston*

Pennsylvania     Ben Franklin  ;  Thomas Mifflin  ;  Robert Morris  ;  George Clymer  ;  Fitz Simmons  ;  Jared
                                        Ingersoll, James Wilson  ;  Governor Morris.


Silver Burdet Ginn,   Our Country   Dr. Herburt J. Bass ,Dr. James F.
Baumann, Dr. Ben A. Smith , Dr. Jesse Palmer , Dr. John C. Davis,
                                           Dr. Theodore Kaltsounis.

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