For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Yue - Part Nine ------------------------------------------------------------------ Shan Khu Lon sat alone in her room, brooding in silence as she gazed out at the night sky. Even though she hadn't said anything about it to Tsu or Lin, she was deeply concerned over what had happened to Yue. As near as she could figure, there was only one thing that could have prevented her from killing Akane. Ranma's protective instinct. Even Tofuu had agreed, which had given her grave cause to be concerned. She had to get Yue in the Tribe. She had already sent word to Council, and couldn't afford to lose face again. Another failure could well end up getting them banished for life, or at the very least, barred from Tribal politics. The problem lay in the possibility that Ranma could regain control of his body. She was not certain that such a thing could actually happen, but she also knew that Yue's presence would have been considered equally unlikely. That very fact made it a foolish thing to ignore. She puffed a sigh. She knew that even if Ranma did come back, and by some miracle cooperated with Lin, the situation would not nearly be as good. He would produce strong, healthy children, and give the Shan family name back some of its prestige. That, however, would be nothing compared to what the Princess would bring. However, in the more likely scenario, things would only return to how they were before Yue's arrival. Her face darkened as she considered how disastrous that would be. The solution to her problem was obvious -- all she had to do was isolate Yue for two more days, and then get her back to the village. Once she was there, and properly wed, she would be protected from any 'adverse' influences. But, as she was keenly aware, the best-laid plans had a tendency to suffer the 'Nerima Effect', which meant that she was likely in for a hard battle. As those final thoughts drifted through her mind, her gaze fell on an old, travel-worn chest at the back of her room. Her face grew sombre as she looked at it for several long minutes, and then made up her mind. The future of the Tribe was worth even going that far. Nabiki frowned as she hung up the phone. "Kuso... The Nekohanten's closed. Now I can't keep an eye on things in there." Akane gasped. "Closed? Why would they do that?" "They probably figure we'll be trying something. Frankly, it doesn't surprise me." "So then what do we do now?" she fretted, sitting forward in her chair. "I don't know yet. I was hoping they'd have been a bit overconfident, and left the place open. But, that just means we'll have to try something else." Akane gaped back at her. "You mean... You haven't got an idea yet?" "Hey, chill sis. I have an ace, but I don't want to use it unless I absolutely have to. It's pretty dirty, even for me," Nabiki smirked, lifting a specific file from a nearby stack. "You see, just in case of an emergency, I put together a file on everyone that shows up here -- if they stick around, that is. The transients aren't usually worth blowing off the markers. Anyway, it turns out that 'duck-boy' has left himself wide open. So, if I have to, I can get him out of the picture -- for good," she grinned, smugly. "A file? So then that's Mousse's?" Akane asked, taking the file and looking over the first page. "Masaka... That's awful!" she gasped, closing it quickly. "You wouldn't really do that, would you?" The older girl lowered an eyebrow. "How bad do you want Ranma back?" She bit her lip. Kasumi sighed as she hung up the payphone, distressed that the situation had forced her hand. Having taken a discreet look at the 'file', the little voice of her conscience almost screamed that she had to do something -- before things took a very bad turn. She had not wanted to interfere, unaccustomed as she was to such activity, but somehow she knew that to not do so would result in only one outcome -- and it was not one that she could in any good conscience allow. Taking back her card, she turned and started off down the street, hoping she would be allowed to offer her solution. Several minutes later, she arrived at her destination, and simply stood outside the closed doors. Her hand twitched toward the bell rope, but stopped as she felt a presence beside her. "" she smiled, turning to face the Elder. "" the old woman smiled back, politely. "" she asked, her tone friendly but serious. "" the woman responded, looking quite curious. When they arrived in the office a few moments later, Kasumi wasted no time. "" she asked, looking the aged woman in the eyes. Shan Lon studied her for a moment before speaking. "" the woman stated, her face softening. "" the old woman added, with a shrug. Kasumi had to smile. "" she stated, genuinely. "" she sighed, lowering her face. "" she stated, biting her lip as she held out a piece of paper. "" Shan Lon was stunned. "" she asked bluntly, her face fallen. Kasumi sighed. "" she stated, keeping her voice quiet. "" she added, meeting the older woman's gaze. It took the woman a moment to respond, but when she did, it was preceded by a surprisingly delighted smile. "" she noted, bowing appreciatively. Kasumi simply smiled her usual smile. "" she trailed off, seeking the older woman's eyes once more. Shan Lon met her gaze, then returned a solemn nod. Kasumi's smile broadened as she closed her eyes, took a breath, then opened them and rose from her seat. She bowed out of respect and appreciation, then turned and headed for the door. "" she heard a moment later, stopping her just as her hand settled on the doorknob. She looked back over her shoulder. "" "" the old woman smiled, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Arigato. Sayonara, Shan Khu Lon... Gambatte ne," Kasumi smiled back, then stepped through the door. Shan Lon waited about two heartbeats, then hopped to the same door and peered out its small window, watching Kasumi walk away. She wasn't at all surprised to see the girl pull a tissue out of her purse and dab at her eyes. "" she smiled to herself, then sighed and hopped away from the door. She had work to do. The Airport, as Lin had called it, was a busy, noisy, intimidating place, filled with all manner of strange, overwhelming sights. Even while maintaining her outward bearing, she clung to Tsu's hand, glad for his presence as they all followed the Elder through the throng. She had to wonder what Kasumi had been thinking. They eventually stepped from the cavernous, disquieting structure and walked across a large expanse called a 'runway apron', heading toward the oddest-looking object. It resembled a huge bird, in that it seemed to have wings, but the deafening noise that assulted her ears was no birdcall. "" she shouted over the din, noting the smiles her question attracted. "" the Amazon responded, her large eyes sparkling at the words. "" she gasped, looking back at it incredulously. Based on what she could see, that did not seem likely. Lin and Tsu both looked at her and smiled. "" Lin assured, followed by a nod from Tsu. She could only look back at each of them and sigh, tightening her grip on Tsu's hand. Nabiki dropped into her chair, her eyes widened in disbelief. "Say that again?" she gasped into the phone, then cursed silently at the response. "Okay... Arigato." "What? Did something happen?" Akane prodded, her heart skipping a beat at the look on her sister's face. Nabiki huffed dejectedly. "They got away." Akane blanched. "Got... Away?" "Hai. Seems they slipped out of the cafe and just disappeared. All of 'em. The place is empty. Kuso, I can't believe they got past me. Somebody's head's going to roll for this," she swore, her eyes flashing. Akane didn't react. Without a word, she rose from her chair and walked from the room, heedless of her sister's worried calls. She continued straight up to her room, stepped in and closed the door. Not another sound was heard. Yue uttered a painful groan as her eyes slowly opened, then winced as the brightness struck them. "Forgive me, Princess Liang, but I acted in your best interest," the Elder apologized, dipping her head. "Uhnnn... No, Elder, you need not make apology. It is I who should beg your forgiveness. I meant not... To take such drastic leave of my senses," she countered, shamefaced. As she moved to sit up, she noticed that she had been leaning against Tsu's side. When she looked up and saw his concern melting away into a relieved smile, she smiled back, then nestled against him once more. She heard his smile widen. "I shouldn't have placed you in the window seat. I forgot that you have never flown," Cologne deflected, sighing. "Do not concern yourself, Elder. You acted appropriately. Had you not done so, it is likely that I would have harmed that poor girl," she insisted, the memory of how she drew her sword, leapt at the 'stewardess' and demanded to be released bringing an embarrassed flush to her cheeks. "I confess to having been less than sensible," she added, noting how Lin covered her mouth and looked away. "How is your head? I did not want to leave you with a headache, as I imagine Lin wants to show you around," the Elder redirected, a smile growing on her face. Yue widened her eyes. "You mean... We have arrived already?" she gasped, jumping upright and looking out what she assumed was a window. "Yes. We are in a taxi, and being taken to the Village. Kasumi was kind enough to arrange our landing so that we would be very close to it," the old woman responded, happiness clear in her voice. As excited as she was for herself, Yue couldn't help but think that the Elder had also missed her homeland. She knew Lin had, and Tsu had also expressed such a sentiment -- but it seemed to her in that moment that the Elder had missed it evermuch more, and Yue had the distinct feeling that she knew why. It was not simply the woman's home -- it was her soul. Just as she was completing the observation, however, it reminded her of her own predicament. She had arrived in the land of her birth, but was as surely a stranger to it as the Elder was a part of it. The things she could see flashing past her reinforced the point almost mockingly. "I cannot believe that this is China," she remarked without meaning to, turning to look back at Tsu searchingly. "It is, Yue. But this is the area just outside a major city. Where we live, things are different. You'll feel much more comfortable there," Lin noted, with an assuring smile. "Yeah -- I figure you're gonna like it," Tsu added, gesturing for her to sit beside him again. She looked into his eyes for a moment, then smiled gently. "As long as I am there with you, my love, I could live anywhere," she stated, settling back on the seat and nestling against him again. "Our village is not far now, Yue. You should save your strength, because once I get you there, I'm going to keep you very busy," Lin teased, regarding her with a threatening eye. "I look forward to that. It appears that I yet have much to learn," she smiled back, casting another glance out the window. She didn't see the satisfied smile touch Shan Lon's features. Yue was stunned at the reception that greeted her as she stepped from the taxi. The entire population of the village had gathered in what seemed a ceremonial field, lined up in a manner most official. The Elder, Tsu and Lin even moved into entourage positions around her, adding to the formality. In the center of the assemblage sat who Yue assumed was the Matriarch, the Queen of the Amazon people. The very regal-looking woman, dressed in bright ceremonial raiment and sporting a tiara-like crown, bore a wide, delighted smile -- as did everyone within sight. As she was escourted up to greet the Matriarch, she couldn't help but smile herself. The scene was so reminiscent of her former life that it touched her heart. The Elder moved forward as they approached the Matriarch, then stopped before her and bowed. Upon rising, she stepped out and turned to the side. "Majesty and Sisters, I present the Princess Liang Ju Yue, daughter of Emperor Liang, honoured friend of the Tribe," she announced with surprising reverence, at which the assemblage joined the old woman in a deep bow. Yue smiled, returned the bow, then rose and drew her sword. Lowering her eyes, she then knelt and placed it on the ground between her and the Matriarch, the sharp edge toward herself. She knew it to be a show of respect to the Matriarch, expected from visitors who came bearing weapons. The Matriarch smiled her approval. "I am pleased, Princess Liang. You know of our customs," she stated, leaning back in her seat. "I do, Majesty. My mother was a wise and careful tutor," she smiled back, rising and then sliding away her weapon. "I am not surprised, young Princess. Your mother is as well-known to us as is your father. She was the only Amazon to ever wed an Emperor," the woman indicated with great pride, as a murmur passed through the gathered. Yue was stunned. "My mother... Was an Amazon?" she gasped, fighting to maintain her comportment. She had long wondered if such were true, even though her mother had never affirmed it. "Yes, my child. We confirmed this fact only yesterday. It had long been rumoured that she was of Amazon lineage, though no ready proof existed. But, from the moment we heard of your return, our historians have been working tirelessly to find the truth of it," the Matriarch nodded, holding her hand out toward one of her attendants. "And now that we are certain, there is something I must pass along to you. Step forward, Princess Liang," she continued, taking a small pouch from the girl. Yue stepped forward, trying not to look as excited as she felt. The Matriarch then rose to meet her and opened the pouch, turning its contents out into her hand. "I see you wear the ornamentation of Shan. That is customary, when a clan brings a worthy outsider into the Sisterhood. But you, Princess Liang, are no outsider. By birth, you are Amazon, and as such, should wear the ornaments of your family," she smiled, her aged eyes literally sparkling. "And to that end, I present you with the Tsung ornaments, which give you title to your ancestral lands and estate. Wear them with pride, young Princess. You have much to be proud of," she concluded, handing over the items she held. Yue stared at the collection of baubles in her hands, her chest tightening as their significance sank in. They were at once a poignant tribute to her mother, and a painful reminder -- of what she had lost. Closing her hands over them, she clutched them to her chest slowly, then raised her tearing gaze to the Matriarch. "I will wear them... As a symbol of my family, and to honour their memory," she declared, even as she fought the break in her voice. As the Matriarch smiled and nodded, Yue felt a warm hand settle on her shoulder, and turned to see Lin standing close at her side. The girl's face bore a look of pride, and another Yue couldn't quite fathom. A heartbeat later, however, the girl made it apparent. "Welcome home... Amazon," she smiled, at which Yue lost the battle with her tears. ===================================================================== END - Yue - Part Nine A Ranma1/2 Fanfic By Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!