For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Yue - Part Eight ------------------------------------------------------------------------- How she found her way back to the Neko-hanten, she did not know. All that mattered was that when she did, Tsu was there. "" he blurted, tossing aside the dirty plates he held. Diving into his arms, she buried her face in his tunic and let the tears come. "" "" he responded, as he gathered her under his arm. She nodded. In the kitchen, Lin and the Elder met them, both of their faces worried. Even as they directed her to a nearby chair and settled her into it, she clung to Tsu's hand, taking comfort in his presence. Lin proffered a glass of water. "" "" she managed to sob, taking the glass with shaking hands. She heard all of them gasp in unison. She withered. The Elder moved closer, face bearing a puzzled expression. "" "" she explained, shuddering as she tried to control her voice. "" The Elder smiled. "" Yue couldn't believe her ears. "<'Calls' the hammer?>" she repeated, gaping. "" the Elder explained, shrugging. Lin grinned and nodded. Yue felt herself slumping as the panic and fear drained from her body. "" she breathed, glancing up to acknowledge Tsu's hand settling on her shoulder. Flashing a sheepish smile at the Elder, she lowered her colouring face. "" "" "" Tsu nodded, eyes wide. That was all the incentive she needed. A heartbeat later, she was in his arms. "" she apologized, realizing she had likely put on quite a show -- and in front of many strangers. He smiled and tightened his arms around her. "" "" she whispered back, finding herself wishing they were alone. A few minutes later, Cologne hopped into her bedroom and closed the door. After listening to ensure that she was alone, she sighed and pulled a cordless phone from her garments. Her face darkened as she waited for her call to ring through. "Good -- I was hoping you were there. Yes, I realize that," she stated, rolling her eyes. "But enough chatter. I have some very serious questions for you." Akane groaned as she tried to raise her aching head, only to stop as she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "Iya, Akane-chan. You should stay still for a while," the soothing yet concerned voice of Kasumi advised. "You seem to have taken quite a hard fall." "Ah! Kasumi? What... Where am I...?" she blurted, eyes darting around the room. "You're in your room, Akane. Father brought you up here after we found you in the Dojo," her older sister explained, removing the cloth from her head and rinsing it. "The Dojo..." she repeated, then her eyes widened as the memories came flooding back. Instantly, her hand went to her stomach, searching for a dressing. Finding none, she gasped -- then moisture began to gather in her eyes. "Akane? What is it, dear?" She forced back her tears to try to speak, but as soon as she saw the concern in her sister's face, she dove up to bury her streaming face in Kasumi's top. "She's... She's... Engaged!!" "Oh, My..." Akane was numb. All around her, the family was discussing the story she had related, and what, if anything, they could do about it. Notably absent were the remaining Saotomes, as Genma was back home, ministering to his unconscious wife. Tofuu had speculated that her condition was in fact a stress-induced coma, and could only suggest that she be given time. But that was of little concern to her. All that she could see and hear was the happiness, excitement and pride in 'Yue's' face as she held up her ring. It was an image she would not likely forget any time soon -- because it meant she had lost. Lost the 'battle of the fiancees', lost her claim to the School... And lost Ranma. And that *hurt* -- far more than she would have thought. Even in the beginning, when what happened became apparent, a small voice inside her had kept saying "This too shall pass." It assured her that somehow, some way, a means would be found to return Ranma to normal -- just like every other time. Now, she cursed that complacency. It had caused her to underestimate the importance of 'being in the picture', which had allowed this 'Yue' to meet someone -- and even fall in love. Suddenly, something Kasumi had said to her came back with an entirely new significance: "I know she is just appalled at the thought that I, at age twenty, am not married with at least two children. In her time, that was extremely important to women her age, because the average person only lived to be about fourty." She kicked herself for not having understood the deeper meaning of those words. Now, however, she realized it was far too late to change anything. After what had happened in the Dojo, there was no way she'd be able to get anywhere near the girl -- not that doing so would matter. She had not heard from Tofuu, Nabiki, or even Cologne about any chance of restoring Ranma, which led her to conclude that there likely wasn't one. That was when it hit her. "The Amazons..." she gasped aloud, as certain things began to fall into place. It occurred to her that Shampoo wanted Ranma so badly she was willing to kill for him -- put against 'Yue's' engagement, and the fact that the girl was staying at the Nekohanten, something didn't add up. As she explored it further, it made sense to her that the Amazons *knew* of a way to bring him back, but were probably keeping it secret -- until after 'Yue' was married -- to a male Amazon. One who would willingly go along with something so conniving. One who would do exactly as he was told... One named Mousse. Her jaw dropped as she realized it was too perfect. If 'Yue' married Mousse, she would be an Amazon. Ranma's male form would also be one then, meaning the Tribe had a claim to both him and his children, no matter which form they resulted from. And even if they didn't have a way to get Ranma back, it still worked -- at least for them. Her face darkened. Her fists clenched. She vowed to herself that one way or another, she had to stop any wedding from happening. If she didn't, then whether or not there was ever a 'cure' would be a moot point. "Ano... Akane, what's with the battle aura?" Nabiki's voice abruptly asked, which instantly silenced the discussion in the room. She turned and leveled a look at her next oldest sister that reeled the girl. "Nabiki - I know what they're up to," she glowered, her eyes narrowed. Cologne closed the door without a word, then turned and hopped away from it. Shampoo stood blinking and bewildered a few feet away, having just been grabbed from the hall and yanked into the room. "" the old woman began, her face stern. "" she stated, her voice edged with anger. Shampoo gasped, then lowered her face. "" she began, but, much to her relief, the old woman just waved her confession off. "" she glowered, hopping closer. "" she stated, her tone serious. Shampoo shuddered. "" she breathed, raising herhands to her face. "" the old woman trailed off, eyeing her knowingly. Shampoo felt the blood drain from her face. "" "" "" she opened, but Cologne only shook her head. "" Cologne intoned, her aged eyes flashing. "" she commanded, gesturing toward the door. Something was wrong. The feeling nagged at her as she watched her friend send Tsu out of the room, and then step toward her wearing a contrived smile. "" Lin stated, the smile fading. "" she stated, then leaned back against the wall and frowned. "" Lin asked, a definite downcast to her features. "" she nodded, toying with the item in question. "" "" Lin responded, sighing. "" Yue bit her lip. "" she smiled, settling a reassuring touch on her friend's shoulder. "" Lin smiled back, her face still bearing a guilty appearance as she raised it again. "" she smiled, as she patted the girl's shoulder. "" she added, upon noticing that the look in the girl's eyes had not changed. Lin nodded. "" "" she sighed, shaking her head sadly. She had started to like the black-haired girl, but now, she felt only pity for her. She had known other people that obsessed over lands, livestock or even trees -- and could never understand how such trivial concerns could consume a person. "" "" she smiled, stepping up and taking her downcast friend's hands. Lin flashed a grateful smile. "" she acquiesced, shaking her head. "" "" When Mousse returned a short while later, Shampoo stepped from the small office and headed down the hall, then up the stairs at its end. Entering her room, she walked to the sleeping mat that she and Yue shared, looked at it for a long second, then stretched out on it. As her head settled to her pillow, she happened to glance over at Yue's. She felt her chest tighten at the sight, and the wrenching guilt she had been fighting off finally burst through her walls. She hated lying to Yue. Hated it more than anything she could think of. Every word spoken in dishonesty stabbed at her, tearing her apart inside. In her past dealings with Ranma, Akane and the others, she had become quite accustomed to 'tailoring' the truth to suit her needs. But it had never, ever hurt like this. Then again, she had never had a friend like Yue. The girl trusted her, depended on her. Took her at her word without question. She looked over at the empty pillow once more, then reached out and pulled it to her. Gathering it to her chest, she buried her face in it -- and wept. "Yes! Akane! We got it! I just made contact with someone I've had watching the Nekohanten. He says he saw the redhead run in and hug Mousse, just a short time after she would've left here. Looks like you were right. They're going to marry her off to him," Nabiki exulted, shining her nails on her top. "Damn, I'm good." "Kuso... I'd rather have been wrong," Akane grumbled, then landed as hard in her chair as her heart did in the pit of her stomach. "How... Good a look did he get?" "Very. Mousse was serving him when it happened." Her heart fell to her feet. "Did he say... How they looked together...? I mean... Did she... Seem to..." she attempted, but couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence -- or the thought. Nabiki raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to know?" "H-Hai," she replied, bracing herself. "Well, he said she ran in, threw herself into his arms and started crying. They were talking Chinese, so he couldn't understand them, but..." She blinked, then dropped her head to her hands. "Chikusho. It's worse than I thought," she whispered, then sniffed before she could prevent it. Before she could even formulate her next thought, Nabiki's voice startled her. "Just say the word, imotouchan." She raised her moist, reddened eyes, looked over at her sister's 'gunfighter' pose for a long second, then made up her mind. "Hai." Nabiki flashed a savage grin, then jammed back her sleeves. "Time to kick some Amazon butt!" Kasumi, meantime, after entering the room and stopping in her tracks, wordlessly turned and left. Yue sighed as she worked the stone over the edge of her weapon, her heart heavy. She had been looking much forward to an afternoon with her betrothed, only to end up with naught but her sword for company. Lin, the Elder and Tsu were all engaged in their preparations for departure, in which they had told her she need not participate. Given the choice, she felt she would rather be doing so, for she would then at least be in Tsu's company. Still somewhat unnerved by her earlier encounter, she found herself even more fondly wishing for the security of his strong arms, the warmth of his broad chest against her cheek, and the reassuring sound of his heartbeat. A soft sigh escaped her as she closed her eyes and imagined them standing together, her diminutive form all but obscured by his embrace. In the scenes, a satisfied smile decorated her flushed face. That was enough to convince her. A few moments later, she stepped from the hall and into the kitchen, there to find Tsu removing his working garment. He turned just at that same instant, and she felt her heart skip a beat at his bright, albeit confused smile. "" he asked, tossing aside his garment and stepping toward her. "" she smiled back, and moved forward to wrap her arms around him. "" "" he responded, looking down at his clothing. Her smile widened. "" she responded, tightening her embrace. "" she teased, wrinkling her nose. "" he grinned, then grazed a gentle touch on her face as he stepped back from the embrace. She fought down the tremble that raced her form. "" she smirked, trying her best to look threatening. He looked back at her for a long moment, then shook his head. "" he remarked, smiling. She flushed. "" she chided, which was hard to do through her smile of delight. "" he responded with a laugh, then turned and headed down the hall. She stepped to the hallway behind him as he walked away, watching his tall, broad frame fill the narrow passage. Her cheeks warmed as she recalled the sight of his bare back, and found herself wishing he would remove his tunic before entering the bath. As she watched him toss her a lingering look and enter the room, her hands came together before her. Her fingers happened to brush her ring, at which a mischievous smile replaced her wistful one. Looking down at the slender band, she toyed with it for a moment, then raised her gaze to the door of the bath. Her smile widened - until she jammed her eyes closed and shook her head. She turned and started to walk away, only to stop before taking a step. Again, her hands came together on her ring. She chewed her lip - and looked back down the hall. She heard the shower start. As she listened to the rush of the water, her thoughts filled with images of her beloved preparing to bathe. After only a few moments, she felt her knees weaken. Just then, the shower stopped. A smile sprang to her lips, as that told he had not set off his curse, and would soon be settled in his bath. She could stand it no longer. Opening the first of her tunic ties, she quietly strode down the hall -- and straight into the bath. ==================================================================== END - Yue - Part Eight A Ranma1/2 Fanfic By Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!