For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Yue - Part Six -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even now, as she stripped off to bathe away her morning workout, Yue still considered pinching herself -- to ensure she was not in the midst of some wonderful dream. The last three days had been filled with such excitement, fun and wonder she had barely noticed their passing. Lin had shown her many new and marvelous things, taught her so many others, and made it all so enjoyable that she found herself thinking less of her lost past -- and even looking to the future. The strangeness of the age was now exciting -- filled with new discoveries and limitless possibilities. And making it all the much better was the incredible man that was Tsu. Every evening since their first together, they had met for the supper meal, and spent the remainder in each other's company. He had taken her through quiet, picturesque parts of the neighbourhood that only he seemed to know of, and they had enjoyed a wonderful, moonlit walk along the river -- one that reminded her of her childhood, and doing the same with her father. But those events paled in comparison to what they had done just the evening past. She flushed slightly as she recalled what had happened as they spent their time watching the sunset, perched on the roof of the Neko-hanten. As they had talked quietly of their lives, their dreams and their aspirations, he had kept a respectful distance. He also kept his voluminous cuffs tight together, not moving them except to point out an item of interest. She, however, feeling a bit cool, took the unusually bold step of nestling against him, resting her head on his shoulder. To her great delight, he gasped, then shook his head, eventually wrapping his arm over her shoulders. The act had sent a wave of ecstasy through her entire being. It had also brought a delirious smile to her face as she melted sighing against him, reveling in the delicious sensations -- the quiet strength in his arms, the feel of his solid chest against her face, the beat of his heart. There, in his arms, she had finally found the place that she had been seeking without realizing so -- the one place where she felt truly protected -- truly safe. She had never known such contentment in the company of any other man, despite the number of suitors she had entertained in the weeks before her 'incident'. The exquisite embrace continued until the cooling night air overcame even the warmth she felt, forcing them to grudgingly return to the indoors. She could still see the sparkle in his eyes as they gradually parted, finding herself again wishing he had been less the proper gentleman, and attempted a good-night kiss. Looking into the eyes of her image in the mirror, she smiled as she resolved that he would not escape unscathed this eve. After spending the day exploring an unbelievable, overwhelming place Lin called the 'Mall', Yue sat quietly in what had become her usual corner of the Neko-hanten, putting the finishing touches on a lanyard while she awaited Lin's return. The first she had completed now adorned the hilt of her sword, tied securely just behind the finger guard. It had felt so good to finally have it there, as its presence truly made the weapon hers -- to the point that it even felt better in her hands. The one she was just completing, however, was to be even more special, born of the unexpected happiness and acceptance for which she still counted her blessings. Just as she finished teasing out the last tassel, Lin returned from the kitchen carrying their supper. "" she observed, setting down the array of plates and bowls. "" she responded, smiling. "" she asked innocently, holding it up as Lin settled to her seat. "" Lin smiled, taking it and examining it happily. "" the girl added, her voice abruptly fading off. "" she smiled back, pleased that her friend appeared to recognize it. Lin's jaw dangled. "" she gasped, her eyes widening. "" she nodded, watching as Lin's face melted from a shocked gape to an incredulous smile. "" she stated, almost reverently. "" she continued, her voice beginning to waver as her eyes welled with tears. Yue had to clear her throat of the lump forming in it. "" she smiled, reaching across the table and resting her hand on Lin's. "" she continued, fixing her gaze on Lin's moistening eyes. "" she sniffed, wiping at her eyes. "" she added, tying it into her hair over one of her ribbons, then removing the ribbon itself. Yue smiled as she watched, remembering her mother's stories of how the Amazon women used the Tie in a like manner to a blood-bond between men. But, unlike the male ritual, it was only truly accepted if the recipient wore it on her person. And if she wore it in her hair, she regarded it as a high honour. "" Lin then asked, turning her head to show it. "" she stated, bowing slightly in her chair. Lin smiled warmly. "" she responded, her voice soft as she turned her hand to hold Yue's own. Yue couldn't prevent the embarrassed flush that lit her face. Before she could respond in any other way, however, she heard a familiar rustle behind her. A moment later, Tsu appeared at the table side, looking piqued. "" he asked, looking down at the union of their hands. Yue expected Lin to snap at him as she usually would, but instead, she grinned. "" she then indicated proudly, pointing to the tassel hanging from the bun in her hair. His eyes widened as he looked at it, then shook his head. "" "" she explained, hiding her deepening flush. "" the Elder chimed in, seeming to appear from nowhere. "" she explained, noting how the Elder nodded. "" the old woman then asked, a glint appearing in her eye. "" she responded, wondering where the conversation was headed. The Elder seemed to notice. "" she then smiled, nodding again. "" she concluded, then pivoted on her stick and started back toward the kitchen, motioning for Tsu to follow. "" Yue bowed quickly, then upon watching Tsu depart with her, turned her attention to the food. "" she smiled, inhaling deeply. "" Lin grinned, starting to open the serving dishes. "" she asked, looking across the table at Lin questioningly. "" "" she smirked, baitingly. To her surprise, Lin rolled her eyes. "" she huffed, shaking her head. Yue had to chuckle. "" she stated, snapping apart a set of sticks. Lin smiled a somewhat unusual smile. "" she stated, her smile brightening. Once the meal was finished, Yue helped clear the dishes back to the kitchen, then excused herself to prepare for a certain prearranged rendezvous. As she had decided that this evening would be one of special significance, she felt that her usual dress of the layered tops and pants was far from appropriate. For tonight, she needed to be a Princess -- or as close to one as she could manage. Closing the door behind her as she entered the bedroom, she went immediately to the place that Lin stored her nicer garments, and looked over the impressive selection. Lin had long ago offered their use to her, should she ever happen upon the need. She carefully leafed through the collection of formal gowns, minis, two-pieces et al, having a hard time coming to a decision. Before too much longer, however, she happened upon a beautiful long dress, high-necked and sleeveless, fashioned of fine jade-green satin. It also sported a surprisingly understated dragon motif, illustrated richly in red and gold. It began just off the hip, and reared up well over the bodice. "" she smiled to herself, laying the garment out neatly on the mat. Upon selecting a few complimentary trinkets and some appropriate shoes, she set them out with the dress, then nodded happily and made for the bath. Tsu stood silently in the light of the streetlamp, his large cuffs together in the usual manner. He had arrived a few minutes early, mainly to allow himself a much-needed opportunity to prepare. Cologne had already told him she was getting tired of waiting, and given him very specific orders. She had even gone so far as to coach him, saying she couldn't trust him to get it right. Normally, he would have resented that, but this time, it was worth it. Despite not having any real interest in Yue, he felt that he could put up with her long enough to get home, especially since it meant he would be redeemed. Given, she was cute, charming and nearly as sexy as Lin herself, but to him, she'd never be as good. Especially since at this point, he was still having trouble even seeing her as *female*. His smirk became a frown as he realized that he was probably going to have to take up drinking. Otherwise, he didn't think he could stomach trying to get her pregnant -- which was the biggest part of Cologne's orders -- and central to his plan. All he figured he'd need to do is give her enough kids to satisfy Cologne, which would in turn keep her busy -- and he'd be able to do as he pleased. Stifling a yawn, he caught himself thinking back to when he'd first met her, and frowned. He still felt that he'd have won that contest, had the redhead not cheated. He also recalled how he had thought that Ranma was a girl pretending to be a guy, and not taken 'his' marriage to Lin as anything serious. He'd even thought Lin had just talked one of her girlfriends into helping her look married. But when he found out the truth, he began to legitimately worry. Since Ranma was actually a guy whose curse changed him to a girl, he suddenly became every Amazon woman's definition of the perfect mate. It was the Tribe's worst-kept secret that most of them fooled around with each other, even the married ones. His own curse, meanwhile, meant spending his time running away from women -- mainly because they kept trying to cook him. The disgusted sigh he uttered gave way to a rising eyebrow, as he caught a sound in the near distance. He soon identified it as a soft, carefully measured, yet confident pattern of clacks. He leaned toward the sound, wondering why it was not the usual, almost inaudible footfalls he was used to. A moment later, out of the darkness came the answer, which instantly shattered his carefully prepared composure. Before him had appeared a vision that paled even the beauty of his cherished Shan Lin. She stood demurely with her hands folded before her, the light of the streetlamp lending a soft, almost surreal glow to her attractive, tentative face. The colour of her close-fitting dress seemed alive as it reflected the light, appearing to shimmer and sparkle as it moved with her every breath. A delicate, hopeful smile decorated her visage, and her deep sapphire eyes seemed to dance with excitement. As his stunned gape drank in her lovely form, he noted with interest the open-toed red heels she wore. They were just high enough to accent the flawless, yet unmistakably feminine tone of her slender leg -- the one that peeked teasingly through the long slit of her dress. He shook his head to rein in his libido, and regain some semblance of control. He hadn't counted on her cleaning up so well, and he certainly hadn't expected the result to be quite so sexy. As he forced himself to concentrate on what he had to do, he still smirked inwardly. Just maybe, he could manage to stay sober after all. Yue held her breath. The dress was perfect; the hair was perfect; the shoes were perfect. The looks she had attracted as she walked to her rendezvous had assured her of that. But he hadn't said a word. He was only gaping at her, his expression one of either wordless, appreciative incredulity -- or stunned disbelief. She prayed it was the former. In the interim, her heart was pounding against her tightening chest. She felt his eyes upon her, and fought to keep the thrill that danced her spine from making her giggle, or worse yet, collapsing her already trembling knees. Several thudding heartbeats went by. He said nothing. She bit her lip -- and slowly lowered her face. Her heart sank to her feet as she realized things had not gone as she had hoped. Drawing a breath, she prepared to apologize for her presumptuousness -- until she felt her hands being gently taken by larger, much more powerful ones. "" the most wonderful voice in the world breathed, sending a shiver through her. With a quiet gasp, she raised her eyes to find those of Tsu looking back, an unspoken plea dancing in their simmering depths. Her heart leapt as she answered by wordlessly parting her lips -- and slowly raising her chin. His eyes flashed -- he moved his face toward her. She tilted her head slightly and closed her eyes -- then felt his arms gently yet urgently encircle her shoulders. As they drew her to him, she slipped her own about his waist. His lips pressed against hers. Time stood still. Several yards away from the tender scene, Cologne smiled with great satisfaction. "At last! Our time in this dreadful place is almost behind us! We finally have what we came for," she thought to herself, drawing a relieved sigh. Despite the fact that it wasn't as she had originally envisioned, she was still looking forward to returning to her homeland in triumph. "And not a moment too soon. I wasn't getting any younger," she lamented inwardly, shaking her head. As she continued to watch the scene unfold, a different sort of smile began to cross her face. She could feel Yue's aura intensifying, just as she'd hoped, but wasn't prepared for what happened next. Without warning, a powerful wave suddenly washed right over her, widening her aged eyes. "Time for me to leave -- I'm definitely too old for this," she smirked, fanning at her face as she turned and silently hopped into the night. The only sounds she heard as the ringing in her ears subsided were the soft, feathery pecks of their parting kisses, followed by the quiet tap of her heels touching down on the walk. Sighing luxuriantly at the glow settling over her, she melted against Tsu's broad chest and smiled deliriously. "" she breathed, at an utter loss for words of more substance. "" he responded, as his embrace shifted so that he held her head gently. She also felt him swallow hard, and draw a long breath. Her heart skipped a beat. "" he began, then paused as if to gather his thoughts. She sucked in a breath -- and held it. "" he finally stated, resting his chin gently on the top of her head. She did the only things her rejoicing heart would allow. She tightened her embrace, nestled her face into his garments -- and wept. "" she sniffed a few moments later, trying desperately to compose herself. "" she added, at which a few more tears managed to escape. She felt his arms tighten in response, followed by him drawing another long breath, clearing his throat, and moving his face closer. "" he whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "" he added, his voice unsettled. She gasped, then started to laugh through her tears. "" she chuckled, squeezing for all she was worth. "" she swore, lifting her face to look hard into his eyes. He smiled the widest, most releived smile she had as yet ever seen him display. "" he confirmed, running his fingers through her unbound locks. After a long moment of what seemed thoughtful reflection, he stepped back, took her hands and appeared to set himself. She felt her entire body tense. "" he asked, his nervous smile seeming to light up the night as he produced a band of gold, topped with a single sparkling diamond. "" she cried out, leaping into his arms and hugging him tight. "" she sniffed, her tears of joy returning even as she laughed out loud. =================================================================== END -Yue - Part Six A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!