For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Yue - Part Five --------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was tired. More tired than she had been in as long as she could remember, and it was just time for the evening meal. Her afternoon had been filled with a dizzying exploration of the city, and she had seen, done, felt, sampled and examined more than she could possibly remember. Lin had also tried to tell her the Japanese words for everything she had encountered, but she found that there were simply too many to place. It was no wonder her forehead throbbed in a dull ache. However, she had also enjoyed the experience far more than she would have thought possible. Perhaps, it had been the challenge of trying so many new things. Perhaps it had been the fact that she was feeling more comfort in her new surroundings. Perhaps it was just the fact that she had spent the afternoon laughing and giggling like a child, with a very good friend at her side. She could still feel the euphoria in her body and the glow on her cheeks -- right along with the soreness an afternoon of laughter had caused. Knowing it would be a while before Lin would serve their dinner, she reached down into her bags and withdrew four balls of coloured twine. Drawing the leads from each, she began to braid herself a lanyard. One had adorned the hilt of her long-lost sword, and its absence from her new weapon was disconcerting. As well, she hoped it would distract her from thoughts of the morning's events, which had not been far from her mind all day. She had only managed a small amount before the approach of a familiar presence interrupted. Knotting off temporarily, she looked up, only to be surprised at who it turned out to be. "Nihao, Liang Ju Yue," the black-haired girl greeted cordially, with a suitable bow. She couldn't stop herself from blinking. The difference in the girl's comportment was akin to night from day. "" she smiled back, dipping her head. "" the girl asked, choosing her words carefully. Yue was impressed. "" she replied, gesturing toward a chair adjacent. "" the girl smiled, again bowing. As she seated herself, Yue set aside her task, intrigued by her guest. It was apparent that the girl had invested considerable effort in refining herself, which was something she could respect. "" she opened, gesturing toward the pile. "" the girl replied, folding her hands in her lap -- in a very Kasumi-like manner. "" she attempted, but apparently couldn't find the word. Yue smiled at her. Her face was too sore to try laughing off the girl's difficulty politely, so she opted for diplomacy. "" she supplied, holding up the completed section. "" she continued, thinking that if she offered a topic, the girl might relax. "" the girl nodded, happily. A moment later, she drew a long breath, apparently building up to something. Yue looked back at her encouragingly, not wanting to intimidate her by seeming impatient. The girl glanced up briefly, then her face seemed to calm slightly. "" she stated, sheepishly. "" she stammered, wrinkling her nose at her mangling of the language. "" she smiled back, speaking slowly. Her guest seemed to appreciate it, looking as if she hung upon each word. "" the girl stammered, then, likely without meaning to, looked back at her searchingly. She couldn't stop herself from chuckling, but forced herself to when she saw the mortified look on her guest's face. "" she retracted, fighting to school her features. "Is easy to do thing not, yes?" she followed, flashing Lin's famous grin. The girl immediately brightened, then chuckled herself. "Iya... It really isn't. I've been trying for two days and nights," she puffed, shaking her head. "I'm sorry I'm still not very good." "You okay, Tendou-san. No self worry. Lin teach me try, but still I long way have to go, too," she confessed, shrugging. She was, however, pleased to note that the girl seemed much more at ease, now that the conversation had shifted to her language. "You're doing a lot better than me. I just can't seem to make it work," the girl noted, frowning slightly. "But I'll keep trying. I really want to learn it," she stated, her face determined. "Why? City Chinese others have?" she asked, wondering genuinely. "Hai. And I'd like to make you feel more comfortable than I did this morning. Oh -- that reminds me! The reason I came to see you is that my family has a training room. I wanted to invite you to come over and try it out," the girl responded, looking back expectantly. She smiled. "Hai! Like too much I would. You fighter?" The girl smiled proudly. "Hai. I am a Martial Artist -- the only one in the family other than my Dad. He taught me," she indicated, which brought a certain soft smile to Yue's face. She was starting to like her new friend just a little more. "Father teach me, too. Say girls no different boys. Need know. When come you want me?" she asked, looking forward to the opportunity. "How about tomorrow morning?" the girl proposed, happily. "About ten o'clock?" Yue shook her head. "Good is not. Lin want show me town more," she stated, with a slight frown. "That's okay. You can come whenever you have the chance. Just let me know," the girl replied, smiling. This time, she nodded. "Good! Sword I bring?" "Sure! I'd love to watch you do your workout, and I'm sure Kasumi would like to see you again," the girl stated, then rose from her chair and bowed. "Arigato... And I'll see you as soon as you can come," she smiled, then turned and headed out the door. Yue smiled back as she watched the girl leave, shaking her head slightly. It was apparent that this Tendou Akane was trying very hard to be nice, and in a way she considered it flattering. However, she could not understand why, particularly in view of how determined and serious the girl seemed. Sighing, she moved her twines back into place and resumed her task, thinking that she would likely find out soon enough. Lin seemed shocked. "" the girl repeated, setting down her sticks. "" she smiled back, rolling her eyes. "" Lin noted, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "" she explained, only to blink at the look Lin was giving her. "" the girl abruptly quipped, snickering. "" she smirked back, flicking a fish cake at the still-sniggering Amazon. "" "" Lin countered, still snickering. Yue narrowed her eyes. "" Lin stopped laughing and smirked. "" she shot back, leaning across the table. For a long heartbeat, they simply glared at each other -- until Lin broke out laughing, and Yue joined her. In the kitchen, meantime, Mousse leaned on the prep counter and frowned, his attention riveted on a certain oblivious redhead. When she'd first introduced herself, he'd had no interest in talking to her, much less getting to know her. Every time he saw that head of hair, it reminded him yet again of his situation, and the reason he was in it. Now, he'd been told that he had to form a relationship with her, and eventually marry her. The thought still gave him a shudder, even though he knew going along with it would restore his tarnished prestige, and let him return home with his head held high. He had to wonder, however, if it would ever be worth losing out on marrying Lin. Even disgraced, he'd still had a slim chance - very slim, to be sure, but still a chance. A sad smirk of resignation crossed his face. Rising from the counter, he puffed a sigh and returned to his duties, brightening as he realized that if it all worked, he'd at least have no problem finding willing concubines. Yue gathered her twines and partially completed strands together, too tired to concentrate on the intricate work. As Lin was still away assisting the Elder, she decided to submit to her body's insistent demand for sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she picked up her bags and started for the passage to the stairs, already envisioning herself snuggled into her bedding. As she rounded the corner at the base of the stairs, however, her eye caught a movement in the shadows of the yard, visible through the open door nearby. Hanging the bag on the stair post, she stepped to the door to determine what she had seen, only to gasp at the sight of Tsu working on a collection of weapons. Licking her drying lips, she checked herself quickly and started into the yard, not wanting to waste the chance. She saw Tsu look up from his work as she approached, then immediately lower his gaze again. After a heartbeat's consideration, she decided the act constituted being 'addressed', and moved to a spot about a yard distant, there to simply stand, hands enmeshed. "" she bowed politely, watching his face intently -- and crossing her fingers inwardly. "" he responded, tightly. Not what she had hoped for, but at least he had spoken. Drawing a breath softly, she threw caution to the wind. "" she ventured, hoping that by speaking to his interest, she could at least open a conversation. To her great relief, he turned and looked up at her. "" he responded, the edge noticeably absent from his voice. She had to smile -- for a number of reasons. "" she followed pleasantly, fighting the weakness in her knees. "" she added, tearing her gaze away from his face to glance at the array of chains, axes, maces, grapples, shuriken et al displayed before her. "" Tsu actually smiled at her comments, then cast her a look she couldn't be sure of. Just as she was beginning to worry, however, he lit an almost childlike smile. "" She felt like cheering out loud at the unexpected success of her gamble, but instead only smiled brightly. "" she nodded, happily. He smiled back -- she felt her heart race. "" he indicated, taking one of the weapons and placing it within his voluminous sleeve. As she watched in fascination, it occurred to her how his arms -- and chest -- had become so muscular. After a few moments, he had them all reset, and stood smiling with his cuffs together. "" he grinned, excitedly. "" he continued, extending his arm smoothly, and in the same motion launching a chain-tethered mace at a distant target. Her jaw dropped ungraciously as she watched the weapon impact the target dead-center, even though the light was fast dimming around them. A barely-perceptible twitch of his arm later, the chain retracted, once again to disappear into his sleeve. "" "" he bowed, smiling proudly. "" She smiled enthusiastically, then stepped closer to be clear of the firing line. He, meanwhile, nodded and readied himself. She could see subtle shifts in his shoulders and arms, even though his hands did not appear to move under his large cuffs. A moment later, he became a whirlwind of motion, launching, retracting and re-launching what seemed like more weaponry than had been contained in her Palace armoury. Each and every volley found its target, with a great degree of accuracy and surprising power. She watched in appreciative awe, hypnotized as she observed the almost unnoticeable changes his face underwent. She felt her cheeks heat as she imagined the workings of his sculptured chest and powerful arms, and moved her hands to mesh behind her back. She was finding it ever more difficult to keep them from confirming what her mind was seeing. Finally, he retracted his weapons for the final time, then moved his cuffs together and smiled, despite breathing slightly more heavily. His smile widened as he looked back toward her, which in turn sent a pleasant shiver down her back. Suddenly, she was glad the dusk was fading. "" she commented, bowing slightly to him. She immediately noticed the manner of his belated response, as it did not seem to fit with what she had just witnessed. "" he stammered, unconvincingly. " she blinked, wondering why he would lie -- especially about something most men would boast of. He only shook his head. "" he replied with lowered eyes, the timbre of his voice only reinforcing her sense -- and twisting her heart. "" she heard herself ask, her hand settling on his arm. He shuddered at the contact, then she felt his arm twitch as if he were going to pull it away -- but he did not. His eyes instead met hers, at which he seemed to struggle with his thoughts. A moment later, anger crossed his strong features, and he turned away amid a sigh of disgust. "" he blurted, bitterly. She started at the remark. For a moment, her mind reeled, then abruptly, it came to her. "" she breathed aloud, a hand rising to her face. "" he nodded, voice still bitter. She had to shake her head breifly. "" she began, only to suddenly gasp aloud at the thought that crashed through her mind. "" she breathed, the truth of it ringing strong. He gasped aloud at the assertion, face dropping and eyes opening wide. "" "" she opened, a smile growing as she put it together. "" He gaped back at her for a long moment, his face taking a surprised, then throughly pleased expression. "" he began, then his expression soured. "" She shook her head. "" she asserted, pleased to see him brighten at her words. "