For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Yue - Part Four ----------------------------------------------------------------- She felt much better being back on the street, having felt very odd in the company of the family Tendou. It had compared to being the bug under the goblet. The black-haired girl, the one called Akane, had at least tried to talk to her, but was even less versed in Mandarin than she herself was in Japanese. It had been an experience, given the girl's apparent lack of patience and self-control. As well, something about the girl made her greatly uncomfortable. No matter the circumstance, she found the girl's mere presence as disquieting as scraping pot-shards together. The girl called Nabiki was yet a different matter. She had borne the face of a strategist all throughout, giving her the impression that she was one to be wary of. Their father, overall, had remained distant, his visage sporting a contrived smile between his assessing gazes. Of the lot, only Kasumi had been welcoming, pleasant and friendly, which she had expected. She had to wonder how such a sweet, kind soul could have come from such a family. "" the teasing voice of Shan Lin abruptly asked, disturbing her thoughts. She tossed her a look. "" she droned back, rolling her eyes. Shan Lin started to laugh, apparently pleased with her barb. She ignored her. "" she redirected, before the Amazon could come up with something else. "" Shan Lin smirked back, knowingly. She couldn't help but huff. "" she explained, shaking her head. Shan Lin's face sobered slightly. "" she stated, sighing. She had to ask. "" Shan Lin's face immediately saddened, after which she remained silent for a few moments. She felt so guilty she considered retracting the question, but before she could, the girl drew a long breath and spoke. "" she explained, then paused as if to gather herself. "" she concluded, bitterness evident in her voice. She reached up and touched her friend's shoulder, feeling terrible. "" she soothed, biting her lip. "" Shan Lin rebuffed, sniffing back tears that seemed determined to come, even as she forced a smile. "" she added a moment later, wiping at her eyes. Her heart ached for her friend. She could not imagine existing in such a fix, and stood amazed that Shan Lin had managed to bear it with such courage. "" she smiled, gently. "" she winked, deliberately looking her friend up and down. "" she added, nodding sharply. She was surprised to see Shan Lin's face take on a mix of states, seeming to be both smiling and crying at once. A moment later, she found herself smothered in sobbing Amazon. Akane looked back at her oldest sister in disbelief. "But Kasumi, I wasn't!" she protested, ardently. "I am afraid you were, Akane-chan. I could see it, and I know Yue did. I would not be surprised if that's why she left so quickly," Kasumi insisted, folding her hands in her lap and sighing. Akane swallowed. She knew what that gesture meant. "Akane... Until we know what is going to happen with Ranma, Yue is going to be around. It is important for you to remember that she has a much different value system than we do. For example, I know she is just appalled at the thought that I, at age twenty, am not married with at least two children. In her time, that was extremely important to women her age, because the average person only lived to be about fourty," Kasumi opened, looking back at her insistently. "But what does that...?" she began, but Kasumi flashed her a very brief annoyed look. She clamped her mouth closed. "As I was saying, Yue thinks differently. You are going to have to think differently to be able to be friends with her. You have to understand that in her world, women had only two places -- wives or 'wenches', with the exception of the Amazons. And added to that, when someone stared at you, it was a challenge," she continued, her tone somewhere between conversational and condescending. "If you add all of that up, she didn't know what message you were sending, Akane. And it made her uncomfortable on a level she probably doesn't understand herself," she added, with an expectant look. Akane couldn't quite figure out where Kasumi was leading, and from what she could see on her sister's face, her expression must have said so. "Akane-chan, please take this in the constructive spirit that it is intended," she began, drawing a breath. "If you intend to become friends with Yue, you need to decide what message you want to send, and make it clear; are you a 'wife' or a 'warrior' -- are you challenging her or trying to get to know her? She doesn't know how to deal with a tomboy that stares at her with moist eyes, and won't want to be around you," she concluded, sighing. Akane erked. She wasn't used to such frankness from Kasumi, and on top of that, what she had said was a bit hard to take. However, as she analyzed it, she realized that Kasumi was very right -- as usual. The squirming that 'Yue' was doing during her visit suddenly took on an entirely new significance. Sighing, she lowered her head. "Kasumi... Would you... Help me?" she asked, defeatedly. Kasumi brightened. "I thought you'd never ask!" The looks cast her way were annoying, but she felt it best to simply ignore them as she sat in the Neko-hanten, sipping at her tea. She had walked Shan Lin back by the hand a short time earlier, thinking the poor girl needed a chance to freshen up. Her friend had gone to the kitchen and entreated the Elder, at which the two had moved out of sight to talk. She did not mind, knowing the Elder to be all of the family Shan Lin had. It did, however, leave her sitting amoungst a press of strangers. Squaring herself, she cast a gaze over the room, then through the windows, but was greeted with nothing of any consuming interest. A sigh escaped her as she wished for someone with whom to converse, lest she fall into slumber from boredom. After toying idly with her chopsticks for a bit, she realized that there was a thing she could do; one which always lifted her spirits. Thus decided, she rose from her seat and headed out the doors, immediately setting course for the yard in back. When she rounded the last corner of the structure, however, her plans were changed. In the yard, working alone through a set of Taiji forms, was the finest figure of a man she had yet set eyes upon. Better even than the oaf with the parasol. "Aiyah..." she breathed, blinking to ensure she was not seeing falsely. To her delight, he was still there -- and still breathtaking. His broad, powerful and very bare chest glistened in the bright midday sun, seeming to almost sparkle as it flexed with his mesmerizing movements. His long, shining black hair cascaded down his back in a smooth wave, framing his strong, handsome features. Yue felt her knees weaken and her face begin to heat as she stared unashamedly, simply unable to tear herself away. Her state grew steadily worse as she saw the well-marked muscles of his large arms work, and could imagine herself nestled amid them, pressed sighing against that magnificent chest. She decided then that she could endure only looking no longer. She assessed herself to ensure she looked not like an urchin, then calmed herself inwardly. She knew it would avail her not to appear a smitten virgin, even though she was. Deciding herself ready, she strode confidently, yet still demurely out into the yard, took a position near to him and matched his element. She nearly lost it, however, as she saw him note her presence. It took a few more forms before he actually addressed her, but that, she had expected. A man of such desirable mettle would be long tired of maids fawning over him. His first words, however, were not what she would have expected. "" he stated, his voice disappointingly flat. "" she responded with her best smile, not only because he spoke, but also because he spoke Mandarin. "" he stated, tiredly. "" she smiled, glancing over at him. She saw him flash a brief smile -- although it was not at her. Even so, it was still a smile. "" she began, but he only shook his head. "" he stated tightly, appearing to be lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly, she felt put off. Taking his words at their face, however, she continued to work alongside him, hoping that he would warm to her over time. He, meantime, simply continued his forms, his face set in an unreadable mask. She knew well that Taiji was a centering, relaxation-based exercise, but something told her that his demeanor was not a result of such. He appeared, if anything, to be troubled -- deeply. And it also seemed that she had a part in his consternation. "" she asked, as gently as she was able. Abruptly, he stopped in mid-form, a strange, angry look sweeping his handsome face as he looked hard at her. "" he snapped, then turned and strode away, leaving her alone with her bewilderment. Cologne turned to Shampoo and frowned. "" she asked, pointedly. Shampoo sighed, then meshed her hands in front of her, mainly to keep from wringing them. Steeling herself, she raised her eyes and met those of the old woman. "" she began, trying to choose her words carefully. "" she asserted, pausing to gather herself. "" she forced out with a waver in her voice, feeling her knees shiver slightly. "" she continued, until the old woman interrupted her by raising her hand. "" she stated, hopping closer. Shampoo winced, then swallowed hard. The old woman came to a stop about two feet in front of her -- and smiled. "" she indicated, nodding. Shampoo felt the colour return to her face. "" she stammered, incredulously. "" Shampoo couldn't believe her ears. "" she echoed, a smile forming on her shocked face even before she realized it was. "" she breathed, her heart soaring. "" the old woman noted, leadingly. Just as she went to speak again, however, she blinked, then looked toward the back of the building. "" she stated, then hopped out of the room. Shampoo followed immediately, wondering what could have distracted her in the midst of such an important discussion. When she entered the room Cologne had hopped into, she found the woman looking out the window into the back yard. "" she smiled, gesturing out the window. Shampoo walked up beside her, then erked. Cologne smiled wickedly. "" "" Shampoo commented, shaking her head. "" she added, rolling her eyes. "" the old woman noted, a smile crossing her face slowly. Shampoo frowned. "" she glowered, eyeing the scene with great disdain. Cologne shook her head. "" the old woman stated evenly, her eyes hard. "" she continued, but stopped as she noticed something out in the yard. "" she sighed, watching him stride back into the building. "" she stated, then hopped out of the room quickly. Shampoo watched her go, then sighed sadly and followed. It was frustrating. A few sentences exchanged with a man she barely knew, and her focus had entirely fled her. She could not manage even the simplest of forms with any grace. Opting to resign herself to the obvious, she slid away her sword and sighed, her gaze automatically returning to the door that man had entered. She could still see his well-muscled back as it disappeared into the shadows beyond the entry, and felt her face warming at the memory. Her wistful thoughts were soon quashed, however, as she recalled the look on his face. It had been angry, but at the same time -- it seemed almost anguished. And his words continued to puzzle her. "" the cheery voice of Shan Lin called out, interrupting her thoughts. "" she smiled, hoping her friend would know of this Kuan. "" the Amazon replied, smirking knowingly as she pointed to her own cheeks. Yue flushed even brighter. Shan Lin knew her too well. "" she began, trying to salvage some dignity. "" she asked, hoping she did not sound too anxious. "" her friend smiled back, looking quite pleased. "" she added, leadingly. Yue erked. "" she gasped, eyes widened. "" the girl nodded, casually. "" she explained, gesturing toward it. Yue felt her heart sink. It was indeed too perfect to prove out. "" she sighed, sagging along with her heart. "" Shan Lin smiled, looking far more excited than Yue would have expected her to be. "" she sighed, resignedly. "" she stated, smirking sadly. She was surprised to see Shan Lin smile warmly, then step up and take her hands. "" the girl half-whispered, her eyes shimmering emotionally. "" she began, but, before she could conceive a suitable response, the girl cleared her throat and continued. "" she smiled, rolling her eyes. "" she grinned, her face wrinkling comically. "" she replied, looking at the girl questioningly. "" Shan Lin blurted, incredulously. Yue had to blink at that. "" she roted out, just for the sake of doing so. "" she added, shaking her head. "" Shan Lin emphasized, spreading her arms as if presenting a great discovery. "" she added, smiling. "" she added, winking. "" she reiterated, meeting her friend's eyes again. "" Shan Lin puffed, shaking her head. "" she urged, smiling again. Yue wasn't quite sure what to say to that. She wanted to try again with Kuan; so much that her heart pounded at the thought, but she also valued Shan Lin's friendship. No man was worth losing that. Just as she was about to growl in frustration, however, she hit upon a plan. "" she proposed, regarding her friend expectantly. Shan Lin appeared to think it over for a moment, then smiled. "" "" she smiled, sighing with relief. "" her friend grinned, turning and gesturing back toward the Neko-hanten. Yue broadened her smile. "" she commented, starting off. She hadn't managed a step before Shan Lin set a hand on her shoulder, and met her eyes with her own. "" the girl stated, smiling warmly. Her heart actually twinged at the gesture. "" she smiled back, realizing at that moment just how close she and the Amazon had become. She had allowed no one but her family to ever call her by her given name, never having met anyone she wished such familiarity with. But now, as she looked into the Amazon's large, earnest eyes, she realized that what she could see within them made her feel safe -- and also realized why. They reminded her -- of her mother. ====================================================================== END - Yue - Part Four A Ranma1/2 Fanfic By Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!