For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Yue - Part Two ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yue had held her tongue as long as possible, but finally, after noting no improvement in the Amazon's mood, couldn't help but speak her thoughts. "" she asked, doing up the last of her tunic ties. "" the Amazon gasped, wiping the disappointment from her face and flashing what resembled a smile. "" she dismissed, turning to the mirror to check herself over. "" she responded, although she had the distinct feeling there was more to the situation. Deciding that a change of topic was in order, she walked over to the Amazon and looked at her through the mirror. "" she opened, noting how the girl's eyes seemed to light up. "" she replied, quite seriously. "" she added, a smirk appearing on her face. "" she responded, smiling knowingly. It faded quickly, however, as she prepared to ask her most difficult question. But, before she could, the Amazon turned and met her gaze. "" Yue blinked. For a moment, she had to wonder if the Amazon could see her thoughts. "" she nodded, a smile forming on her face. "" she smiled back, then gestured toward the door. "" she added, flashing what was fast becoming a familiar grin. The mood was exactly as one would expect around the Tendou home, everyone trying to come to grips with the dramatic turn of events. Akane, having not felt much like company after Ukyou left, had gone straight to her room, and sat in the middle of her bed. Her mind still reeled, but she'd decided that she had shed enough tears. Ranma was still alive, which to her meant that there was a hope he could be restored to his usual self. In the meantime, however, she knew it was imperative that she get him out of the Amazon's clutches. If what they said was true, and since Tofuu-sensei had confirmed it, she assumed that it was, then they were now dealing with the girl who had fallen in the Spring. Based on that, and the fact that it had sounded like Ranma was speaking Chinese, she reasoned that she had two things to do, and quickly. First was to learn Chinese, and second, get to know the 'new Ranma', before the Amazon could work any tricks. Her face set in grim determination, she sprang from her bed and threw open her door. "Nabiki! I need that Chinese Translation book!" she shouted, darting off down the hall. Tall. Handsome. Bright, clear eyes. Well cut, well spoken. The man that had been introduced to her as the healer would have made a fine, strong husband -- except for one minor detail. He was too old. Yue's best estimation put him at perhaps twice her years, meaning he had not many good ones left. She frowned inwardly with disappointment, as when she had seen him from the back, he looked to be a better candidate; a healer would raise healthy children. That, in turn, made her wonder why he was without a wife at such an advanced age. After he had exited the room to bring someone else in to be met, she turned to Shan Lin. "" she asked, to a giggle from the Amazon. "" the girl responded, sighing. "" she added, shaking her head. "" she stated, only to straighten as the door reopened. The healer entered first, then stepped back to hold the door for whoever followed. She quickly took a formal greeting pose, assuming the new arrival to be a person of some import. She had to fight to keep her face from dropping when she found out how right she was. Immediately, she bowed deeply. "" she stated, holding the bow. "" the Elder stated, bringing a gasp to her lips. "" she blurted, snapping upright. "" the Elder grinned, hopping closer. "" she added, looking pleased. She looked back at her in amazement, then the impact of the old woman's words began to sink in. "" she stated, hoping the Elder would understand. To her relief, she did. "" she stated, again smiling. " "" she bowed, then rose and gathered herself. She felt nervous about revealing her story, but at the same time reassured that she was speaking to an Elder. "" she sighed, chewing her lip. "" she related, feeling herself shudder. "" The Elder nodded. "" she stated, bringing a hand to her chin. What the Elder said, however, reminded her of something even more disturbing. "" she asked, meshing her hands. Her heart sank as she watched the old woman's face sober. "" she countered quietly, the look in her eyes telling her preference. "" she answered, her voice and chest tight. "" she followed, quietly. Having closed her eyes, she did not see the Elder's wordless response, but was able to hear her nod. A tear escaped her eye. "" she whispered hoarsely, then turned and fled the room. "" Shampoo fretted, biting her lip. "" "" Shampoo responded absently, looking in the direction the Princess had gone. "" Cologne sighed, tossing a sad look at the Doctor. "" she added, frowning. "" she redirected, only to find herself talking to a closing door. A thin smile parted her face. "" Yue sat ungraciously in the center of the 'table room' floor, barely noticing the Amazon's arm about her shoulder. She hated to be seen in such a state, but could not have held her tears in check any longer. The thin shell of hope she had hidden them behind had been too fragile to withstand the truth. And so now, finally, she allowed herself to mourn. She mourned her friends, her family, and most especially, her Mother. They had shared a bond far beyond that of just mother and child, and it was her loving face and powerful presence that she would miss the most. Even though it seemed she could not cry enough tears to drive the pain and emptiness from her heart, the tide eventually ebbed, she expected from her body's inability to create any more. Slowly, she raised her stinging eyes to the Amazon, and was touched to see that she also looked close to tears. "" she asked, at which Shan Lin flushed. "" she sniffed, flashing a sheepish smile and wiping at her eyes. Yue couldn't stop the smile that stretched her hot cheeks. "" she sniffed, taking the Amazon's hands in hers. "" "" Shan Lin responded softly, reaching out and adjusting her flame-red bangs. Yue gave in to her urge and leaned up, wrapping a huge, emotional hug around the startled Amazon. A heartbeat later, she was surprised to feel, and then hear the Amazon weeping into her shoulder. Suddenly, she felt just a little less alone. The sun was bright and warm, but the air smelled slightly strange as she stepped from the doors of the healer's home, a smiling Shan Lin leading the way. Glancing up, she could see that it was getting late in the day, and hoped they would have enough light to make their venture worthwhile. She was as anxious to learn the city as her new friend was to show it to her, and wanted to spend as much time as she could exploring it. It would keep her from thinking too much about things far less pleasant. However, she did not count on what happened when she stepped through the gate and out onto the street. No sooner had her foot crossed the boundary than the sound of a strike cry seized her heart. "" she shouted, raising an open hand as her narrowing gaze found their attacker. When she felt the weight of a broadsword hilt, she swung the huge weapon down and spun it to ready, dropping to her stance and raising her counter arm. Carefully, she watched her opponent's approach -- and smiled. She needed only await the right moment. Kuno had already launched into his Pigtailed Goddess Glomp Lunge (tm) by the time he noticed a few rather significant details. First, the Pigtailed Girl wore the dress of an Amazon. Second, she wore the hairstyle of an Amazon. Third, he did not know why. Fourth, there was a different, much more angry flash in her huge blue eyes. Fifth, her stance was unusual. Sixth, she was brandishing a Very Large Sword. All of this slowly led him to one inescapable, albeit belated conclusion; he was about to suffer pain on levels he could not imagine. He was almost right. His attention riveted on the arc of the large sword, he barely heard the panicked shout from behind the wielder of same. The next thing he knew, he was on his back, feeling a distinct draft, and looking up bewilderedly at the Pigtailed Girl. She was now glaring down the sword at him and swearing in Chinese -- and threatening to remove parts of his anatomy that he didn't think she should know the words for -- in any language. As he tried to make the pieces fit, he saw the Chinese Amazon Bicycle Girl step up and calm the Pigtailed One, then start to laugh. A few moments later, she produced a blanket and threw it over him. "Stupid Stick Boy," she chuckled, then collected the Pigtailed Girl and walked away. It was when he went to move the blanket to block an uncomfortable breeze that he noticed something else amiss. He couldn't move. "" Yue commented reproachfully, despite the smile on her face. "" the Amazon laughed, as she had been all along. "" "" she indicated, finding Shan Lin's reaction amusing. "" she responded, a strange timbre evident in her voice. "" "" she smiled back, her cheeks colouring. "" she began, only to have her voice catch as memories threatened to overwhelm her. "" Shan Lin began, until her eyes again found Yue's own. "" she waved off, forcing a smile. "" she redirected, becoming uncomfortable with the direction of their previous topic. The Amazon, meanwhile, responded with her familiar smile. "" she stated, winking an eye. She had to blink. "" "" Shan Lin redirected, gesturing ahead of them. "" she warned, shooting the grinning Amazon a look. "" She almost gasped. She hadn't spared it a thought, but now that the subject had been broached, she noticed that she was hungry -- more to the point, she was *ravenous*. "" she smiled back, enthusiastically. "" "" she smiled, pointing to a structure a distance up the street. "" Shan Lin smiled proudly. "" Kasumi hung up the phone and frowned slightly. Not a great, obvious frown, more a turning down of the corners of her mouth. It was enough, however, to send a wave of alarm through the house. Within moments, Soun and Nabiki were both beside her, even though they had been in different rooms. "Kasumi...?" Nabiki prodded, as always the first to speak. Kasumi drew a breath. "I had hoped that by speaking to Tofuu-sensei after things had calmed, I would be able to find out more," she began, meeting their expectant gazes. "He told me that she is indeed a new person; and her name is Liang Ju Yue. He also mentioned that the curse is locked, and she is completely unaware of it. She thinks that she is a victim of some enemy's Sorcery," she continued, her brow furrowing almost imperceptibly. "Then I guess they don't plan to tell her. Wonderful," Nabiki frowned, puffing. "Then she doesn't know about Ranma -- or Akane," she added, shaking her head. "Then we can assume she won't be staying here. Was she still at the Clinic?" "No. It seems that she and Shampoo have gone for a walk; to get to know the city," she stated, folding her hands in her lap. "Apparently, they have already become quite good friends," she added, sighing. "I don't like the smell of this; you can't trust those Amazons as far as you can throw 'em. We'd better stay close to her just in case," she stated, then turned and started toward the hall. "Oneechan, I'll need the phone for a while." Soun looked after her for a moment, then turned to Kasumi. He raised his eyebrows questioningly; she closed hers and shook her head gently. He closed his eyes, nodding. Turning, he walked to his place at the low table, settled to his mat -- and wailed. Kasumi's frown deepened, actually becoming a mildly annoyed look. Soun instantly stopped wailing and turned to face her. She huffed in resignation and rose from the phone seat, then headed into the hall. Soun breathed a huge sigh of relief. He could still do it, although it was getting harder. Akane blinked as she looked up at her next oldest sister. "You're going to *what*?" she asked, placing a finger on her spot in the book. "I'm calling on some 'friends' to help teach you Chinese, Akane. The latest I have is that Shampoo is getting really chummy with this 'Yue' person, and that can't be good. You don't have a lot of time," she restated, flipping through her little black electronic organizer. "Kuso... But this is like trying to learn English, Nabiki. What makes you think these 'friends' are going to make any difference?" she retorted, annoyed at the presumption. Nabiki raised her eyes from her organizer. "Ever heard of 'Immersion Training'?" She swallowed audibly. The Nekohanten was empty, the signs were all in, but the doors were still open. Smiling, Kasumi decided that was a good sign. What she saw when she entered, however, definitely was not. 'Yue' stood in the entry to the kitchen, animatedly chattering away with Shampoo, who was apparently cooking. By the happiness on the redhead's face, and the tone of their conversations, it looked like the two had indeed become good friends. As she continued to watch the scene, she found it highly disconcerting to see the redhead looking, acting and sounding so feminine, yet still radiating the same kind of strength. And even though she hated to admit it, she could see why she and Shampoo would be a good pair. Gathering herself, she lit up her famous smile and walked up to them. The redhead noticed her immediately and turned, her face lighting up in a pleasant smile. Kasumi could almost feel the girl 'shift gears', transforming into a very proper, refined and elegant Lady. Suddenly, she felt terribly self-conscious. As she tried to collect herself, she noticed Shampoo looking at her through the pass-through, and was surprised that her face bore none of the animosity she was expecting. In fact, the Amazon seemed *pleased* at her presence. "Kasumi-san! I happy you come; I want you meet good new friend, Liang Ju Yue," the Amazon smiled, translating to the redhead as she stepped to the doorway. Kasumi couldn't help but notice how happy Shampoo was, and strangely, found herself pleased to see it. Most likely because it was obvious her friendship with the redhead was real, and not merely some schemed contrivance. Her heart sank. Shoving such thoughts out of her head, she turned her attention back to the redhead. "" she bowed, speaking flawless Mandarin. "" she continued, at which the redhead broke out in a wide, almost ecstatic smile. Shampoo's jaw hit the floor with a resounding thud. "" she responded, looking shocked but pleased as she rose from her bow. "" she added, smiling at the Amazon. "" she added, happily. "" she laughed, easily but still politely, her delight evident even through her natural poise. Kasumi felt herself smile -- she couldn't help it. ================================================================== END - Yue - Part Two A Ranma1/2 Fanfic By Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!