Here it is, Part Six! For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Secrets: Volume One Part Six -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nodoka, Akane and Kei slowly walked back to their hotel from the park, taking full advantage of the pleasant afternoon. Nodoka noticed that except for the period when they had spoken, Akane wouldn't let Kei out of her sight. In a way, she seemed to be clinging to the child, as if she couldn't stand to be separated from him. Nodoka had a feeling she knew why, having witnessed many such occasions in the past, particularly when Akane had been upset over something. She knew that Akane didn't have any friends, and with her father having passed away, very little contact with her family. In fact, she knew that had she not volunteered to look after Kei while Akane worked, she herself would probably not have been around much either. She was pleasantly surprised by the apparent change in attitude that Akane had exhibited since she arrived, and earnestly hoped that it was a sign of things to come. She was aware of Akane's anger control problem, having seen the empty prescription bottle in the one of trashcans she changed out. She hoped also that perhaps, her 'kinder, gentler' attitude was a sign that Akane had finally stopped fighting her therapy. "Akane-chan... Look over there... Isn't that a nice looking little shop?" she ventured, curious about the reaction. Akane looked across the street and smiled. "Hai... Want to go in?" she asked, glancing back at Nodoka. "Hai. I do. It's been a while since I've just gone shopping, and as long as I'm here, I might as well indulge," she responded, happily. "How about you, Kei-chan? Feel like doing some shopping?" she redirected, grinning. "Ano... Shopping? Yuk," he grimaced, drawing a laugh from both women. It had taken hours, but Miyoko finally managed to get Yoriko calmed down enough to stop trembling. The poor girl had literally gone into shock, clinging to Miyoko like a frightened child. The situation had honestly scared Miyoko, bringing her very close to calling an ambulance. Miyoko had seen people handle trauma in a wide variety of ways, but had never seen anyone react like this. It was almost as if the experience had awakened some lurking demon from Yoriko's past, one that utterly terrified her. Even now, as the exhausted Yoriko slept fitfully against her side, she knew that the girl was still reliving the earlier episode. Miyoko sighed again as she glanced over at her, her heart aching for the girl's torment. Her face darkened as she vowed to herself that Nabiki was going to suffer for this outrage, and suffer as much as she could make her. She was already angry at the middle Tendou sister for her interference in what was once an idyllic life, and this incident only served to throw fuel on that fire. "She's going to pay for this, Yoriko-chan... I swear it," she whispered, leaning down to kiss her girlfriend's forehead. "As soon as you're okay," she added, pulling the blanket back up over the girl's shoulder. Nabiki was stunned. He cell phone lay beside her open hand on the bed, its flip still open. She had just heard from her 'assistant', as he called in from the Emergency room of the Hospital. She had already figured that Ranma would be angry, but couldn't believe just how angry he had actually been. Suddenly, she knew what it was like to be in fear for her life. Having already gathered her papers and such back together, she decided it was a good time to leave. Hurriedly packing her suitcases, she called down for a porter and stacked them all near the door. A few minutes later, she heard a faint knock at her door, followed by a voice yelling "Porter!" She walked to the door quietly and peered out the peephole nervously. In the hall stood a young man with a cart, patiently waiting for her to open her door. Flinging it open, she was about to put the rush on him when two large men in black suits and sunglasses stepped in from either side. "Tendou Nabiki? Would you come with us, please?" the one on the right stated, gruffly. "Why should I?" she snapped, trying to act tough. The man opened his coat to reveal a shiny automatic pistol in a shoulder holster, then smirked slightly. "We believe it would be in your best interest," he stated, quietly. "C'mon, Mom! I want to watch Sailor Moon!" Kei insisted, tugging at his mother's hand as they made their way toward the hotel. "We're only going in to get cleaned up and changed, and then we're going back out," Akane chided, shaking her head. Nodoka only smiled. "Mo-om..." he groaned, looking up at her impatiently. "We only got ten minutes!" he indicated, frowning. "I'm not rushing for that, Kei-chan. If we get there in time, we do. If we don't, you'll catch the rerun tonight anyway, so just hold your horses," she responded, her patience wearing. "Will Nabiki be meeting us there, Akane-chan?" Nodoka asked, attempting to disrupt the 'discussion' before it created a scene. "No, probably not. She told me she had to follow up on some things, and may not be back until later," Akane replied, hoping Nodoka wouldn't press for details. "I see... So then we should just go for supper without her?" "Hai... She'll probably meet us there," Akane confirmed, breathing a sigh of relief. "I hope she does... I'd like to see what her plans are," Nodoka remarked, sighing. "I'm still hoping that things will work out... At least partially." "Hai. I am too," Akane responded, trying not to sound as sad as she felt. "Is it a nice place, this 'Happy Spatula'?" "Not too bad. It's not fancy, but the food is excellent. You probably know the chef... Kuonji Ukyou?" "Hai... I do remember that name. She was the girl with the boyish clothes, was she not?" Nodoka asked, thoughtfully. "That's her. She left Nerima in the spring to open this place." "I look forward to meeting her," she smiled, noting that Kei had settled nicely, and their Hotel was only half a block away. "Although, I think I'll call a cab to take us there. Kei seems to be getting a bit tired," she noted, as the child finished yawning. "He probably is. You traveled late into last night. I... Meant to thank you for bringing him so quickly, by the way. I was missing him pretty badly," Akane smiled, glancing down at him. "I know," she responded, smiling. "Don't worry, Yoriko-chan. By the time I get back, this will all be over," Miyoko insisted, darkly. "Miyo-kooo.... I don't want you getting in trouble just for me," Yoriko whined, grabbing her girlfriend's gi sleeve as she walked by the couch. "Yori-chan... If I don't finish this now, it'll never *be* finished. She went after you to get to me. She probably found out something about your background, and was going to threaten you with revealing it. That's her style. I know that if..." she started, but stopped as she noticed Yoriko's face. The girl had sunk back to her knees on the couch, looking like she had seen a ghost. "Yori-chan?" she asked, moving up to her and sitting beside her worriedly. "Ano... Gomen, Miyoko-chan... I just... Had a flashback..." she gasped, shaking her head. Miyoko growled. "See? This is what I mean! If I don't put a stop to this crap, we'll never have any damned peace!" she snarled, leaping to her feet. "What... Where are you going, Miyoko-chan?" Yoriko abruptly asked, bailing off the couch and heading after Miyoko. "The Happy Spatula. They know where she is, and I know they'll tell me. At least they damned-well better," she replied, stomping toward the door. "I'm coming, too... I want to see what's going on," Yoriko insisted, stopping to slide on her uniform pants. Miyoko stopped and looked at her for a moment, considering insisting that she stay at home, but when she saw the concern in her eyes, she simply grunted. "C'mon, Yori-chan. Let's get this over with," she glowered, holding open the door. It was busy, but not terribly crowded at the Happy Spatula, much to Nodoka's relief. She had been slightly afraid of ending up stuck in a small, noisy restaurant, especially since she had expected to be having some fairly serious conversations. The meal turned out to be a cordial affair, at least until the rush quieted, then Ukyou made her way over to their table and introduced herself. "You're Mrs. Saotome?" Ukyou exclaimed, blinking in surprise. "I had you pictured a lot differently," she added, regarding her intently. "I have the feeling that I should take that as a compliment," Nodoka remarked, uncertain of exactly *how* to take it. "Hai... It is. I was expecting someone older... And less pleasant," Ukyou indicated, earnestly. Nodoka flashed a glance at Akane, who only shrugged. "So this is the same little guy that I remember as only being this big?" Ukyou redirected, walking over and tousling Kei's hair. "Hai! I growed this much!" Kei indicated proudly, holding his hands about a foot apart. "I don't fit my pants anymore!" he added, eliciting a snicker from Nodoka and red cheeks from Akane. "Wow... You must be cold," Ukyou quipped, shooting a smirk at Akane. "So, I guess you plan on going ahead, ne?" she slid in, lowering an eyebrow. "No... I just couldn't stand to be without the man in my life. I missed him," Akane replied, adjusting Kei's shirt front as she flashed a scathing look back at the chef. "He came in late last night with baachan." "Baachan?" Ukyou blinked, then leaned close to Akane. "How much does he know?" she whispered quickly, not wanting to hurt the boy's feelings over a casual remark. "He doesn't know who Miyoko is, if that's what you mean. I'll explain it later," Akane whispered back, tersely. "Hai... I'll go back to the kitchen. Come see me." "Nodoka-sama... Ukyou would like to show me something in the kitchen. Could you look after Kei-chan for a minute?" Akane announced, slipping Nodoka a wink. "Most certainly, Akane-chan... Take your time," Nodoka smiled, rising with Akane to move closer to Kei. In the kitchen, Akane wasted no time. "I called them and asked them to come. And Kei doesn't know about 'Miyoko' or her little plaything. And no, this isn't a setup, so don't give me that look," she whispered, seriously. "That's what I wanted to know. So if this isn't a setup, then why are they here?" Ukyou countered, eyeing her suspiciously. Akane's face immediately saddened slightly, although her voice didn't give it away. "Like I said... I missed him. We've never been apart for more than a few hours." "Fair enough. So where's Nabiki? I thought she was coming with you?" "I don't know. She left us at the park today, and I haven't seen her since. She's probably still trying to dig up some dirt on 'blondie'." "Masaka. I hoped she'd quit," Ukyou responded, frowning. "That's only going to raise more hell." "Don't ask me... Anyway, let's get back out there. I don't want Kei eating too much junk, and Nodoka will feed it to him just to spoil him," Akane noted, glancing back toward their table. "He's a bit hyperactive, and sugar makes him wild." Ukyou only stared back at her for a heartbeat, eyes slightly wide. "Kuso, Akane... What happened to you? You sound like a mom, and look like a woman all of a sudden. What gives?" Ukyou abruptly blurted, regarding her incredulously. Akane's face abruptly sobered, and her eyes rolled to the side. "It's amazing what being slammed into a wall can do to a person," she responded at length, then turned and walked back to the table. Ukyou watched her go, then broke into a smile. "There may be hope for you yet, Akane-chan," she whispered, starting after her. "Is this a progress report, Sasuke?" Tatewaki asked, turning his chair to face his underling. "Hai, Tatewaki-dono," the diminutive ninja replied, bowing. "Phase One of your 'present' has been long completed. They expect Phase Two completion fairly soon." "Very good, Sasuke. Pass along my compliments, and report back on Phase Two. I am most interested in the results," he smiled, turning his chair back around. "You are dismissed." "Arigato, Tatewaki-dono," Sasuke replied, and quickly exited the office. "Are you enjoying your little game, brother dear?" a familiar voice intoned from the sliding panel in the wall. "I am... And the play becomes more exciting by the minute," he smiled, leaning back in his chair and grinning evilly. Miyoko sprang back from the doorway and flattened against the wall, face white as a ghost. Yoriko, startled by the sudden move, gasped and reached out to her. "Miyoko-chan?" she blurted, noting the shock on her face. "Maaa... I can't believe this! DAMMIT!" she suddenly cursed, spinning to punch the brick wall, and scatter shards of masonry and dust all about her. "Miyoko?" Yoriko shrank, tucking her hands under her chin fearfully. Miyoko blinked, then shook herself. "G-Gomen, Yori-chan. I didn't mean to scare you," she began, then her eyes suddenly flew open. "Hang on!" she warned, then grabbed Yoriko by the waist and leapt straight up. "Aieee...!" Yoriko squealed, then suddenly found herself on the roof. "Shhh! They're right down there," Miyoko cautioned, pointing at the ground below her. Yoriko moved over beside her and looked over the edge, only to see the owner of the shop and two other women, one of whom was holding a small boy. All three were looking around, she assumed for the source of the damage to the wall. "He's... Incredible..." Miyoko suddenly breathed, her eyes softening. Yoriko blinked. "Is that your son?" she asked quietly, touching the redhead's shoulder. Miyoko turned to her and nodded, her face a mixture of pride and sadness. "Hai... And he's every bit as handsome and healthy as I hoped," she smiled, sadly. "And that's not all... See that older woman? That's... My mother," she added, shaking her head. "Shimata... I'm not ready for this..." Yoriko bit her lip as her mind conveniently replayed Miyoko's words from a few nights ago. Unconsciously, her hand sought out her new ring and toyed with it nervously. Abruptly, Miyoko turned, then stepped up and hugged her tightly. "Yori-chan... Give me strength." "Miyoko-chan... I love you..." she responded, returning the hug supportively, even though her knees felt weak. Nabiki didn't know whether to be angry or scared, but she was definitely a little of both. She sat alone in a small, dark room, furnished only with a desk, a chair and a large mirror on the wall behind the far end of the table. She had a suspicion what was going to happen, but no clue as to anything beyond that. In fact, she started to rise to go and inspect the mirror, just to throw a little defiance at her captors. "Remain seated!" a gruff, badly amplified voice ordered, startling her slightly. "And why should I do that? Afraid I'll figure out who you are?" she responded, off-handedly. "If you do not follow our instructions, you will be punished. And judging from your history, there are many who would like the opportunity. Move to your seat!" the voice ordered again, then went silent. Nabiki fumed for a moment, then decided to play the game and see what transpired. Settling into her seat, she crossed her hands on the table and waited like a schoolgirl. The voice returned a second later. "What are your intentions concerning Naganato Yoriko?" it demanded, flatly. "She's dating my brother in law... I want it stopped," she replied, evenly. "Takara Miyoko is not married, in either of her forms. What are your intentions?" the voice repeated, a bit angrier. Nabiki raised an eyebrow. These people had done their homework. "Ranma is my sister's rightful fiancee. That 'Yoriko' is preventing him from marrying my sister as he is honour-bound to do!" she shot back, indignantly. "Takara Miyoko left Nerima Ward long before meeting Naganato Yoriko. Your argument is invalid. What are your *real* intentions?" the voice persisted, sounding more impatient. "I've already told you!" Nabiki snapped, angrily. "Lies! You have persisted in attempts to gather information on Naganato Yoriko for more than 72 hours. This indicates malicious intent. You will explain your actions!" the voice yelled, angrily. Nabiki's patience wore out. "Yeah, my intent was malicious all right. I want that little blonde twat out of my family's life, and I was trying to find something to discredit her!! Can you assholes grasp that concept?" she shouted, leaping to her feet. "It is apparent that you do not wish to cooperate. You will remain in your present quarters until you provide reasonable responses. Oyasumi," the voice replied, followed by a click -- and silence. "Bastards!" she spat, landing heavily back in her chair. Looking around her room glumly, she sighed and looked at her watch. Noting that it was only seven p.m., she suddenly had the sickening feeling that it was going to be a long, lonely night. Meanwhile, behind the mirror, several people observed Nabiki's behavior, each shaking their heads. "Do you believe her?" the one at the microphone asked, turning to another seated beside him. "It's possible, but I want to make sure before we turn her loose. She spent far too much time digging for my liking," he replied, flipping through his reports. "She could be a mole..." "There is a family agreement to wed the children, but one of the parents has passed away now. And observations have indicated nothing but animosity and anger between the principals. That was the core of the situation that resulted in his leaving," a third, female observer indicated, flipping through pages on her palmtop. "Hm. Okay, continue the session in the morning, and keep the heat on. She may crack then. We'll decide based on what happens," the first one stated, rising from his chair. "Pack it up for tonight, we'll meet here tomorrow at six am. I have to submit a progress report now, so I will see you then," he continued, opening the door at the rear of the room. Quietly, the others followed, except for the one female observer. Taking a last look at Nabiki cradling her head in her hands, she shook her head sadly. "Stupid girl," she whispered, then turned and left the room. Miyoko paced a long loop along the edge of the roof, trying desperately to sort out her thoughts. Yoriko, worried as she was, could only watch her helplessly. Meantime, the appearance of both her son *and* her mother had thrown Miyoko completely. It had washed away her anger at Nabiki, only to replace it with fear. She could still feel how her heart had leapt when she'd spotted that small head of unruly black hair, which told her she'd be a sitting duck. Sighing heavily as she paced, she shook her head. It was going to take every bit of strength she possessed not to crumble the second she made eye contact, and if the boy knew her... It was going to be almost impossible. She knew there was a simple way around it, that being to just go back home and pretend she hadn't seen him. Unfortunately, the tightness in her chest wouldn't let her get away with that, and neither would Yoriko. Sighing again, she realized she had no choice. She had to face them, and face them now. The problem was that she simply didn't know how. Yoriko, now sitting on the side of a large vent cover, was dealing with an argument of her own. She could see plainly how much the situation was bothering Miyoko, and realized that she was partly to blame. As well, her old fears about their relationship had resurfaced, making her wish she didn't have such a guilty conscience. Abruptly, she frowned. She couldn't believe she was doing it again. Inwardly, she chided herself for putting her selfish interests ahead of those of Miyoko's son, and vowed that she would help Miyoko, no matter the cost. Even so, those last words still sent a shudder through her. "Shimata!" Miyoko suddenly gasped, pointing to a large, slanted panel a few feet away. "Miyoko? What?" Yoriko sputtered, caught off-guard by the hushed outburst. "A skylight! If they're not too far away..." she trailed off, springing over to the unit suddenly. Yoriko rose and walked quickly over to join her, still wondering what her girlfriend was up to. "All right! They're right near us!" Miyoko noted, excitedly. Gently, she wedged her fingers under the lip of the glass panel and tried to lift it up. It moved about an eighth of an inch, then stopped against a lock. "Kuso. See if any of the panes are loose!" she instructed quietly, looking the panel over. "Hai! This one, Miyoko-chan!" Yoriko indicated, pointing to one with most of its glazing missing. "Great! Now, if I can just get it out," Miyoko grinned, starting to pick at the glazing. Suddenly, as she was about to try lifting the pane, the entire skylight began to open slowly. "Ack...!" she yelped, then looked around for who was responsible. Off to the side, near the entry to the kitchen, she spotted Ryouga turning the crank carefully and winking up at them. Miyoko smirked and signed an 'ok' back to him, followed by a thankful smile. As the panel finally rose enough that Miyoko could hear the conversation, she sat near the skylight and listened intently. "Miyoko-chan, what are you doing?" Yoriko finally asked, settling beside her quietly. "I want to see what they're up to. It'll be easier to deal with if I know what to expect," she whispered, leaning closer to the opening. "Hai... I guess so," Yoriko agreed, looking down at the laughing little boy below them. Miyoko was right... He was a beautiful child, and he had Miyoko's eyes. Her heart sank. "What is it, Miyoko-chan?" Yoriko prodded gently, as they sat together on the same vent she herself had been on earlier. "Ano... I'm not sure, Yoriko-chan. Everything I heard... sounded like it was coming from different people," she observed, patting the cover beside her. "What do you mean?" "I expected to hear them plotting some kind of trap for me... You know. Instead... I hear a little boy talking about this incredible father... Whom he's never met. I hear Akane with more love in her voice than I knew she had the capacity for... Except when she's talking about me. I heard my mother speaking with remorse... Something I didn't think she ever did," she explained, looking slightly flabbergasted. "Ano... I don't understand, Miyoko-chan. Is that good... or bad?" she asked carefully, placing her hand on Miyoko's knee and looking at her searchingly. Miyoko smiled and shook her head. "Neither... But I think it's given me a way to sort all this out, Yori-chan. And if it works, nobody ends up getting hurt," she indicated, happily. "No, it's getting late, Ukyou. And a certain young man can't miss his beauty sleep," Akane waved off with a quick smile, adjusting Kei's bangs. "Is it time for Sailor Moon?" he brightened, looking up from the coloring book Ukyou had supplied earlier. "If we get home in the next half-hour, maybe." "Let's go, Mom! You said I could watch this one!" he reminded, insistently. "How about you, Nodoka-sama? Would you like another?" Ukyou offered, lifting the pot toward her. "Oh, my no. I'll be up all night as it is now. Thank you anyway," Nodoka deflected, smiling. "Do you want to leave now, Akane-chan?" she asked, noting Akane gathering Kei's crayons. "Nani? If you guys leave now, you'll miss all the fun!" a familiar voice exclaimed, turning every head at the table. "Konbanwa! Auntie Miyoko's here!" she smiled, walking right up to Kei. "You must be Ranma's boy -- I can tell because you look just like him," she grinned, kneeling beside his chair. "You even have the same hair." Kei's eyes just about fell out of his head, along with Akane's and Nodoka's. "You know my Dad?" he gasped, jaw dropping open. Akane opened her mouth to register an objection to what was happening, but Nodoka reached over and touched her shoulder, flashing her a look. "Hai... I do so. I just saw him a few days ago," Miyoko nodded, looking down at his doodles. "Is he coming?" Kei continued, still wide-eyed. "Ano... I don't know, little guy. A lot depends on what happens over the next little while," she replied, casting a glance at Nodoka and Akane. "Besides, he's no fun anyway. All he talks about is Martial Arts and stuff," she remarked, affecting a grimace. "Hai!! I know! He's a great Marsh Artist! Mom told me how he flushed an entire tower down the drain to save her from seven luckies!" Kei gushed, causing Miyoko to have to turn away to avoid breaking out laughing. "He did, did he? What else did he do?" she prompted, needing some time to compose herself. Fifteen minutes later, she was more than convinced her idea was correct. "Tell you what, Kei-chan... I have to talk to your Mom and Baachan for a few minutes. Can I borrow them?" she asked, sweetly. "Hai! But not too long. I want to watch Sailor Moon!" Kei insisted, seriously. Miyoko nodded and smiled brightly, then reached over and touched his cheek gently. "Gad, you are an incredible kid. I'm glad I met you," she breathed, then stood up and looked over at Akane. "Shall we?" she asked, gesturing toward the door. "Damn straight," Akane responded, long tired of holding her tongue. Outside, Yoriko waited none too patiently, dreading what was about to happen. As she heard everyone approaching, she moved back slightly, setting up to meet Miyoko as pre-arranged. "Okay, 'Auntie'. Would you mind explaining yourself... Like right now?" Akane snapped, her cheeks already reddening. "In a minute. Move back away from the door, first," Miyoko deflected, urgingly. Once everyone was out of earshot, and Yoriko had moved in beside her, Miyoko cleared her throat. She didn't notice Akane's eyebrow twitch as the woman caught sight of Yoriko, but Yoriko noticed it immediately. "First things first. Mom, I would like you to meet someone. This is Naganato Yoriko... And we are in love," she stated, emphatically. "In fact, we live together here in Kyoto," she announced, stepping aside to gesture to Yoriko. "Hajimemashite, Saotome-sama," Yoriko bowed with a polite smile, then stepped back and stood quietly, eyes lowered. "Ano... I am... Pleased to meet you too, Naganato-san," she replied weakly, still trying to assimilate what the girl meant. Miyoko had to smirk. "Well?" Akane reiterated, setting her hands on her hips. "Well nothing. I have a proposal for you, Akane... One that I think will make everyone happy," Miyoko replied, eyeing the woman levelly. "And I want you to just listen to it. Then, think it over and tell me your opinion. What happens after that will depend on your response," she instructed, firmly. "Hey... You're in no position to be making demands, Ranma," Akane growled, taking a step forward. "Akane-chan... Let him, er, her speak. It can't hurt to do that," Nodoka intervened, surprising Miyoko considerably. "Arigato, Kaasan," she stated, smiling at her slightly. "Fine... Speak your piece, Ranma. But don't get your hopes up," she glowered, crossing her arms. Miyoko only smirked again. "Let's go over to that bench. You two might want to sit down," she indicated, ominously. =================================================================== END - Secrets V1P6 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!