Here's Volume Two, Part Six! For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Secrets: Volume Two Part Six ------------------------------------------------------------------ Akane looked out the window she was leaning against, lowered her head, and sighed tiredly. "He left?" she asked, flatly. "Hai, Akane... You got your wish," Nodoka remarked, disapprovingly. "No, I didn't," she shot back, turning her head slightly to look at the woman. "I certainly did not get what I wished for," she added, her voice going quiet. "Well, judging by your last words..." "Nodoka... I'd really rather not get into this right now. I feel shitty enough," she moaned, sighing once more. "And besides... Kei has to get back home. I imagine he's getting hungry by now," she continued, picking up the already packed bag at her side. "You're going to have to 'get into it' sooner or later, Akane... Or today may well be the last time any of us sees her again," Nodoka stated, ominously. Akane smirked. "I think that's pretty much a given. And until 'certain things' change, that's the way I'm assuming it is," she remarked, emphatically. "Well, at least we agree on that much," Nodoka noted, dryly. "Kei is already in the waiting room, talking to that Shampoo girl. Are you ready?" she redirected, resigning herself to the state of affairs -- at least for the moment. "Hai. Let's get out of this joint. I need a smoke," she responded bitterly, heading for the door. When they finally returned to the Tendou home after dropping Nodoka off, Akane turned a surprisingly exuberant Kei loose on his toys while she walked to the kitchen to prepare supper. As she started to pull out her supplies, she noticed something strange in the yard outside her window. Walking to the side door, she slid it back and stepped out, only to gasp at the carpet of flowers adorning the yard, and the kanji laid out on the grass in rose petals. It read: "Best Wishes and Good Fortune -- Kuno Tatewaki." She continued to stare at the display for several minutes -- then smiled. It felt like the cone of silence. Nobody wanted to speak first, and the tension was so thick one could lean against it. Miyoko watched Yoriko carefully, reaching over and placing her hand on the girl's arm. Yoriko glanced back at her, flashing a nervous smile. "I'm... Glad you accepted my invitation," Eric finally ventured, looking like he had something on his mind. "Yori-chan wanted to show me something," Miyoko deflected, plaintively. "I see. You visited the 'Powder Room'. We're thinking of franchising that... It has proven to be very popular," he bantered back, the conversation loosening the tension slightly. "Hai. But I can't see you inviting us here to talk about business," Miyoko countered, proddingly. "You're right. I didn't. I wanted to talk to Christine," he began, leaning forward in his chair. Miyoko deliberately mirrored him. "I'm... Still not sure I want to talk to you," Yoriko piped up, edgily. "Just say the word, Yori-chan," Miyoko stated, squeezing her arm gently. Eric sighed resignedly. "I expected you to feel that way. I had hoped... We could settle things, but I'll be happy if you let me say my piece... And then I'll just leave it with you." Miyoko frowned, but glanced at Yoriko for her reaction before saying anything. She was a bit surprised by the thoughtful look on her girlfriend's face, and decided to hold her epithet until Yoriko spoke. "I'll listen... But no promises," she responded, quietly. Eric smiled slightly. Miyoko bristled. "Don't get too cocky," she warned, eyeing him levelly. Yoriko nodded her agreement. Eric straightened in his chair, then looked directly at Yoriko. "I came here to offer an olive branch. The surveillance was stopped the day we last spoke, and I am prepared to offer you your old life back, so to speak. Say the word, and in two weeks you'll be yourself again. I want to put this behind us, Christine... Start over... If that's possible," he stated, rather directly. Yoriko lowered her face, at the same time placing her hand overtop of Miyoko's. A moment later, she drew a breath and raised her gaze to him. "I... Don't want my old life," she stated, surprising the others. "I want this one," she continued, patting Miyoko's hand. Eric looked back at her numbly, then anger flashed across his face briefly. Miyoko set herself, but a second later his expression changed. "I... Understand -- I think," he acquiesced, disappointedly. Yoriko shook her head. "I don't think you ever could. And that's why I know I could never be 'Christine' again," she responded, reaching out to touch his arm. He reflexively yanked it back, then realized his mistake -- but it was too late. Yoriko had already proven her point. She looked back at him levelly. "Miyoko-chan -- please take me home," she stated, starting to rise. "Christine, no!" Eric abruptly gasped, reaching toward her arm. Miyoko instantly grabbed his arm and gave it a slight twist. "You're just determined to lose this, aren't you?" she growled, quietly. "No... Christine! Don't leave yet!" he begged, ignoring the pain and Miyoko's angry glare. "I don't want things to end like this!" he stated, urgently. Yoriko's eyes flashed. "I'm *not* Christine any more, remember? My name is Naganato Yoriko! That's who I am now... And from this moment on, that's who I'll always be!" she hissed, jumping to her feet in an uncharacteristic display of anger. "And you should have thought of that two years ago!" she snapped tearfully, grabbing her purse. Miyoko immediately rose with her, and quickly escourted her away from the table. Eric could only watch numbly as the two left the restaurant, neither one looking back. "Dammit!" He had hoped to be able to at least get on speaking terms with his daughter, knowing things would have been easier that way. He only had one ace left to play now, and knew that if he didn't use it, then time was going to run out for both him and his company. Sighing, he pulled out his cell phone. "It's me. Those operations we started? Hai, those. They're a go. As we discussed," he stated tersely, then closed the phone. Ryouga picked up the order sheets from the desk, and quickly flipped through them to see if he'd missed anything. Satisfied all was well, he rose to take them to the front and go over them with Ukyou. As he stepped around the desk, his gaze caught the Chisuiton as it sat on the shelf behind the desk. Smirking, he walked over to it and picked it up -- then gasped. Setting it down again, he repeated the act. The result was the same. He tried one more time, just to be sure. Again, the result was the same. When he had last touched it, its potent magic had made his hand tingle noticeably. This time, however, there had been no tingle. His face abruptly dropped as he realized what that could mean. As his mind dealt with the possibilities, Ukyou came into the office looking for him. Seeing him with his back to her, she walked up behind him and affectionately patted his rear. "Whatcha looking at, sugar? There a problem with the waybills?" she asked, draping over his shoulder. "Ano... No... Not with that. Uhm, Uuchan... Have you ever noticed a 'tingle' when you touched this thing?" he asked, a worried expression on his face. "Huh? Oh! You mean the kettle?" she blurted, shaking her head. "Iya. Never. Why?" she asked, blinking. "My hand always did -- every time I touched it that night. But I touched it a moment ago... Several times just to be sure... And no tingle. None," he explained, his face drained. "Ano... What are you saying?" she prodded, not sure what he was getting at. "I think... It may not work anymore," he stated, ominously. It took Ukyou a second to figure it out, but eventually, she caught on to what Ryouga was really saying. "Masaka... You mean that if someone's curse is locked... They can't *ever* unlock it now?" she gasped, covering her mouth. "Hai. If it is 'broken', he's a woman forever. Whether he likes it or not," he stated sadly, echoing Ukyou's unspoken thoughts. "We have to find out what happened to it after we left it in the kitchen. Maybe then we can 'undo' whatever it was," he continued, urgently. "Ano... I know! I still have the schedule from that day in the files. I can ask the girls that were on that morning if any of them remember it!" she exclaimed, heading for the filing cabinet. Half an hour and six calls later, Ukyou was on the phone with the girl who lost the draw and ended up on dishes. It turned out to be her lucky number. "You did? Then what happened to it? Hai... Hai... That's it, huh? Nothing else? Okay... Arigato, Nikki-chan. Ja," she concluded, frowning as she hung up the phone. "What happened?" Ryouga prodded, anxiously. "She washed it. In the potwasher. Heavy soap, and on High Temperature because she was doing the grease reservoirs, too. That thing hits around 200 degrees... D'ya think...?" Ryouga frowned deeply. "I dunno. Could be... The kettle's magic used warm water. Maybe all that heat 'burned it out'," he speculated, nervously. "Masaka... So... What do we do now?" "I wish I knew. We can't even test it without locking someone... Or telling Miyoko," he noted, shaking his head. "Well, he did decide to lock the curse... And didn't bring the kettle back. Maybe it won't matter," she proposed, thoughtfully. "Hm. Well, we can only hope. I know I'd be pretty upset if I couldn't get out of my cursed form," he stated, frowning again. Ukyou smirked. "It's a bit different in your case, baka. Tell you what. There's nothing we can do anyway, so let's just leave it as is. I don't figure Miyoko will ever want to see it again, especially after the last time she did." "Hai. You're probably right," he agreed, glancing back at it sadly. Shaking his head, he turned and walked away, collecting Ukyou as he went. Inwardly however, he said a silent prayer for his friend. Yoriko remained silent for the entire trip home, long lost in what seemed like very emotional thoughts. Miyoko felt for her, knowing exactly how she was feeling. She also noticed that even with her girlfriend's silence, she seemed to be handling the situation far better than she had the last time she faced her father, and that made Miyoko quite happy. Once they arrived in the apartment, Yoriko stepped out of her shoes, hung up her purse, slipped off her jacket -- and promptly hugged Miyoko. "I love you," she breathed, burying her face in Miyoko's shoulder. "Ano... I love you too, Yori-chan," she responded, despite her surprise at the act. "Now we can be together -- without worrying about him," she added softly, tightening her hug. "That's all I want. That's all I ever wanted," she continued, happily. "Hai... You made sure of that. I was proud of you in there," Miyoko indicated, leaning back a bit to look into Yoriko's eyes. "You're tougher than you think," she added, winking. "Ano... No I'm not. If you hadn't been there, I wouldn't have been either. I'm... A wimp," she admitted, sheepishly. "Coulda fooled me. You gave him both barrels, Especially at the end there." "I guess... It's just... When he said he wanted to start over -- I knew he was only covering himself. I really *don't* want to be 'Christine' any more. If I did, I know I would have lost everything -- everything that matters. He'd find a way to break us up -- try to get me to marry or something. I want to be Yoriko. I *like* her. Just like you, she can live the life she wants, Love who she wants -- and be happy about it," she explained, smiling. "Baka ne. Sounds like you're reading from *my* script," Miyoko smirked, tightening her hug a bit. Yoriko responded in kind, a content smile crossing her face. "Hai. I am." Miyoko sauntered toward work the next morning, actually singing to herself once again. Yoriko was feeling so much better she sanitized the apartment just for something to do, then the two of them did something they hadn't done in ages, namely catching a Sumo match downtown. Yoriko always seemed to get a major charge out of them, while Miyoko, despite liking the show, found them tame compared to her everyday life... Especially of late. When she eventually wandered through the doors, she was startled as Atsuko immediately rose and bowed to her. As she wondered what the girl was up to, she began to sense that something was very different... And frowned. Yoriko couldn't believe it. Her Shift Managers, co-workers and even the Day Manager all bowed respectfully to her as she walked to her locker. It was a creepy feeling. Everyone seemed nervous around her, and she couldn't understand why. She'd had a shower before coming in, and her hair was tied up properly. Not knowing what else to do, she went about her assigned duties as per usual, but the treatment continued, eventually getting on her nerves. Nobody talked to her like they used to, even those she counted as her friends. And when she would speak to someone, they acted as if they were being addressed by the Kami. By the time her first hour had passed, she was feeling like she wanted to scream. It was blatantly obvious something was going on, and she finally cornered one of her friends and buttonholed her. "Amii, why are you acting like this?" she blurted, exasperated at the girl's actions. "Ano... Am I doing something wrong? Please, Forgive me! I've never had to work beside the Owner before!" the girl panicked, bowing profusely. "What?" Miyoko blurted, making Atsuko cringe. "What the hell are you talking about, Atsuko-chan?" "Ano... Mr. Kanzayaki came in late yesterday and announced that you bought the School, and that he was retiring to USA Florida," the girl explained, nervously. Miyoko was stunned. "Masaka... That sonova...!" she growled, storming back to the office area. Sure enough, her name was emblazoned on the office normally occupied by the owner. Cursing under her breath, she stepped into it and gasped. It was completely remodeled, including her favorite Chinese decor. Just as she was about to scream, the phone on her new desk started to ring. Picking it up, she wondered who would be calling her, then she gasped as it occurred to her who it might be -- and why. "Takara Miyoko desu," she stated, then frowned as she heard a familiar but panicked voice. "Ano... Hai, Yori-chan. He did the same thing to me. I don't know. Everyone here thinks it was just me. Hai... He covered his tracks well. C'mon over here... Hai. I'll be waiting," she soothed, Yoriko's obvious panic worrying her. Miyoko walked back out to the reception area and waited for Yoriko, expecting her to take a cab and arrive in a breathless panic. As she peered out looking for her, a silver-gray 340ZX pulled up to the curb and stopped, and Miyoko gasped as she saw Yoriko step out and dash for the door. "Miyoko-chan!" Yoriko blurted, seeing the redhead standing by the windows. "Ano... What's that?" Miyoko asked flatly, pointing to the car. "It was in the parking lot. It's mine from when I used to live at home. The keys... Were in my new office," she responded, her voice trailing off as she began to cry. Miyoko frowned, then took Yoriko in her arms and quickly walked her back to the office. Once inside, she hugged the shocked girl tightly. "It's okay, Yori-chan. We'll just call him and tell him what he can do with his damned 'bribes'!" she snarled, angrily. "Ano... No, Miyoko-chan. That's what he wants us to do! Then he'll just try something else... It's never going to end!" Yoriko sobbed, clutching at Miyoko's back. "Then... What are we gonna do? We can't just accept this crap. It'll look like we're giving in!" Miyoko protested, incredulously. "I don't know... I don't know... Kuso, Miyoko-chan -- why won't he leave us ALONE?" Yoriko wailed, dissolving in tears. Miyoko couldn't answer her, and could tell it didn't matter anyway. Yoriko was stressing out, the situation threatening to destroy what little strength she had left. Miyoko simply held the shaking girl to her, certain that if things weren't put to rest soon, Yoriko was likely going to have a nervous breakdown. Abruptly, her face darkened. The thought struck her that Yoriko's father was trying to get her to buckle by pushing her until she couldn't fight any longer. The entire idea was so sick it literally enraged her to the core of her being -- and made up her mind. Kuno looked over his day's work distantly, his mind elsewhere. It had been almost 24 hours since he had left his calling card for his dearest Akane, and he felt that the time was perhaps right to follow up. He hadn't been the recipient of any nasty phone calls, nor had it been reported to him that she had thrown a fit on discovering his 'gift'. These circumstances led him to conclude that perhaps, the way was at last clear. It was Sasuke's reports on the activity at the hospital that had prompted his actions, having been pleased beyond description with what seemed to be the death throes of any feelings between Akane and the 'former' fiend Saotome. In fact, it appeared as though it was Akane's wish that there be no further contact. A thin smile crossed his face. How sweet he felt it would be, to at last have the hand of Tendou Akane, even though it meant giving deference to Saotome for having stolen her virtue. That however, was a small price to pay, if it brought him the honest affections of the woman he had been enamored of since the day they first met. Turning his plush chair, he gazed upon the visage he so admired, the only one remaining on his 'Wall of Honour'. Beside it was a faded spot, no longer covered by a picture. Again, he smiled, his mind briefly toying with images of a life with the object of his gaze. Reaching into his drawer, he picked up his private line. "Sasuke... I am ready to advance the campaign. Is she at home? I see... To be expected, one would surmise. What time does the lad finish his day? Hmm. I will be meeting her at the School, then. Return at once and have the convertible prepared. I will also require tickets for three to the motion picture 'Ants', and reservations for the same number at my usual dining establishment. Hai. I am aware of his condition, Sasuke. I appreciate the concern, but it is unwarranted. You forget Mother... Begin the preparations," he concluded, hanging up the phone. Kicking back in his chair, he smiled in anticipation of the evening, or at least of how he hoped it would go. He was not vain enough to assume she would simply melt into his arms, so he knew he must allow her to make the decision on her own. Her life had been not unlike his own in many ways, full of trials and tribulations -- and meddling parents. She would be offended, if not enraged if he presumed more than his place, he knew, so his plan was simple. If she accepted his humble invitation, she would be treated to a night of utter indulgence; no less than she deserved. If she declined, he would simply extend the invitation to a more convenient time -- and hope it eventually came. Sighing, he rose from his chair and walked toward the rear entry, knowing he was not about to get any further work done this day. He simply had not the concentration. She hated to have done it, but there was simply no other way. Yoriko had been so distraught and upset that she couldn't stop crying, and had been clinging to Miyoko for dear life. Miyoko sighed sadly as she looked down her now sleeping girlfriend's form, having instructed the staff physician at the School to slip her a gentle 'Mickey'. She remained at her side in the infirmary until she fell asleep, holding her hand tightly. The poor girl's nerves were completely shot, and Miyoko knew that if anything else was to happen, she'd likely end up in hospital -- and there was no way she was going to let that happen. Her only problem was figuring out just exactly how she was going to do it. Her opponent couldn't be reasoned with, either with words or brute force. He seemed to specialize in using people against themselves, a technique Miyoko wasn't the most familiar with. As well, he had the resources available to do pretty much as he pleased, which made him extremely dangerous. Extricating herself carefully from Yoriko's iron-like grip, she leaned over and kissed the sleeping girl's forehead gently. Quietly, she rose and left the room, leaving instructions that Yoriko was to be watched carefully. She then headed to the locker room, changed, and made her way to the only empty classroom. When it came to having to think, she knew there was nothing better than a good kata. Finishing her stretches, she began her routine with a vengeance, her frustration and anger manifesting itself in a desire to push her body as hard as she could. For the first few sets, that was her overriding desire, but as the forms progressed, she felt her rhythm come in -- and her mind clear. The Art could always be counted on. She began to run over some possible responses to the threat facing her loved one, but none seemed to have the appropriate amount of impact. She needed something that would either utterly convince him to leave Yoriko alone, or scare the hell out of him -- the latter preferred. Miyoko knew from experience how powerful a motivator fear could be, and it was far and away her favorite method of dissuading a tenacious enemy. A smirk abruptly crossed her face as she considered bringing a cat and going to visit him, but, as much as the thought appealed to her, she knew Yoriko wouldn't be happy if she killed him. She found herself wishing she knew more about her opponent, thinking that if he had any phobias or such, she could use them to her advantage. The only thing she knew of was his obvious homophobia, but she was having trouble trying to come up with a practical way to use it. As she mused over that and a variety of other equally fantastic ideas, she almost gasped as a stray memory crept into her thoughts. It was just a simple conversation that she and Yoriko had only a few days ago, but it gave her just the weapon she needed. Smiling wickedly, she shortcutted to the finish of her kata, bowed to the motto, and almost ran off the mats. She needed a phone. Akane waved at the Sensei as she and Kei left the school, heading out to the street for the regular walk home. Taking Kei's hand in hers, she looked down at him and smiled. "Ano... So how was it having your Mom in class with you?" she teased, happily. "You don't fit in my class. You're too big for the desks!" Kei responded, emphatically. "Iya... The desks are too small for me. I'll just have to ask Sensei for a bigger one," she responded thoughtfully, knowing she was getting on his case. "Iya, iya... I'm okay, Mom. You don't have to baby-sit me," he objected, frowning at the thought. "Yes I do. Until your Sensei takes the course, I have to be there. Just to make sure you'll be okay. Nobody else knows how to help you," Akane reiterated, feeling like she was repeating her morning speech. "But... That Doctor said if I take my med-sin, I'll be okay. Why do you have to be there if I'm okay?" he countered, his eyes widening. Akane almost faltered, catching what he was really asking. "Medications always take time to get into your system, Kei-chan. It'll be a while before there's enough there to keep you controlled," she recovered cleanly, and smiled as she noticed Kei's expression calming. "Ano... Okay, Mom... You can come to School with me," he sighed resignedly, a rather affected pout appearing on his face. "Only don't keep telling the girls about me, 'K?" he pleaded, causing Akane to stifle a laugh. "Deal, Kei-chan," she announced firmly, despite her smile. "So, what will we have for supper?" she redirected, trying to give herself time to regain her composure. "I thought I may be of some assistance in that regard, if you would permit," a smooth, familiar voice suddenly indicated. "Ano... Kuno-san?" Akane blurted, surprised to see him out of his Estate, especially alone. "Hai, fair one. I thought, in view of the tumultuous few days you have endured, that it would behoove me to offer you an evening of relaxation. I seek no recompense save your company, and that of your most handsome son," he smiled, remaining at a respectable distance. "I... I don't know, Kuno-san," she stammered, torn between the thought of an evening out and telling him to take a hike. "I had planned only a simple evening of entertainment. A dinner followed by our attendance at the cinema, to partake of a performance of the film known ignobly as 'Antz'. Surely, it would do you no harm to allow me to treat you to that which you most richly deserve," he insisted, gently. Kei's response was instant. "Mom... Did he say we can go see 'Antz'?" he gushed, grabbing her arm. "Ano... Hai. He said..." she stammered again, but Kei had heard enough. "Yattai! Let's go, Mom! That's my favorite movie!" he squealed, excitedly. Akane flushed embarrasedly, not quite sure what to say. "A-Ano... I'm... Not dressed..." she finally babbled, but Kuno was not to be dissuaded. "If you wish, I shall conduct you to your residence where you may attire yourself suitably. However, I should point out that as you are is more than acceptable. What is your wish?" he asked, regarding her expectantly. Akane didn't know what to think. She loved the thought of an evening out, but couldn't help but be suspicious of Kuno. She knew him all to well from his antics of several years ago, and was hesitant to trust him. Finally, as her son tugged at her arm, she came to a decision. "Okay, Kuno-san. That sounds very nice. We'll go, but only on the condition that you behave. And it's strictly platonic, got it?" she stated, eyeing him levelly. Kuno broke into a genuine smile. "You have done me a great honour, Tendou Akane. You have my word that the evening shall be without incident. I seek only to give you respite from your trials," he responded, bowing deeply. "For your sake, I hope so," she affirmed, looking him in the eye. "The proof is in the act. I do, however, expect you to allow yourself to enjoy the evening. That is, after all, the purpose," he stated, gesturing for her to precede him. "My car awaits yonder," he smiled, pleasantly. "Are we going, Mom? Are we?" Kei asked insistently, unable to make any sense of Kuno's words. "Hai. But you have to behave yourself, young man," she winked, smiling at him. "All right!" he cheered, hugging his mother's leg. Rising, he turned to Kuno and smiled. "Arigato gozaimashite, Mr. Kuno!" he bowed, happily. "You are quite welcome, young Squire," he responded, bowing. "A polite young man. Speaks well of his upbringing," he noted, nodding approvingly. "Then we are away," he added, repeating his gesture to Akane and smiling. "I guess we are," Akane remarked, wondering about her sanity. ==================================================================== END - Secrets V2P6 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed - Flames Extinguished!