Renewed Acquaintances - Part 4 Convergence ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biko stood staring into the sky at the little dot rapidly approaching her location. The airspace perimeter systems had detected it while it was still out over the ocean, and reported it cruising on a direct course for her home. So far, the system had been unable to identify the type of craft, which normally would have meant that the scrambled fighters would have shot it down. This time however, she had ordered them to maintain visual surveillance only. Something told her that this craft was not an unfriendly, and she wanted to see it before issuing any order to take it down. All the same, she did deploy the local ground-to-air defenses, which even now were rising out of their silos to ready position. As she watched, the craft, which Tactical had determined was no bigger than a large car, angled downward toward the helipad near the entry to the house. No communications had even been attempted by it, so she allowed the system to acquire a shooting solution, just in case. The craft slowed to a hover over the pad, and turned on the spot till its cabin faced the house. Slowly, it settled onto its extending landing gear, and shut down upon contact. She smiled as she regarded her visitor. Lifting her Cell to her face with a smirk, she paged Operations. "Stand down from Battle Stations. This vehicle is welcome. Repeat, Stand down from Battle Stations," she ordered, and shoved the unit back in its holster. She then walked over the small craft, which she had recognized as similar to ones she had seen many years earlier. It's design resembled a flattened spider, and it seemed only big enough to carry two people. As she approached it, the cockpit cowling began to lift, revealing a very familiar face. "Ohaio!" D called out, grinning. " she continued, with a quick bow. "D!" Biko smiled, despite herself. "To what do I owe this little surprise?" "" D replied, eyes downcast. She sighed. "So this isn't a social call. All right, I'll meet you in my office in ten minutes. The staff will show you in, and get you whatever you wish." "Arigato, Diatokuji-san," D replied, bowing. "" "You'd better," Biko muttered, turning and walking off toward the house. Lissa bore a serious frown as she walked into the Advisor's office, having just come from Shiko's quarters. "Has there been any change?" the Advisor asked, hopeful. "No, Ma'am. She tosses and mumbles things every so often, but she's still..." the girl began, only to be interrupted by the trill of the Advisor's phone. Noticing that it was the Queen's room calling, the Advisor snatched up the receiver. "Yes?" she asked, anxiously. "We'll be right there!" she blurted, hanging up. "Thank the Mother of us all, Lissa! She's awake!" she gushed, jumping from her chair and running for the door. Lissa gasped and followed close on her heels. Arriving at Shiko's bedside, the two women approached quietly. Shiko heard them, and turned slowly to face them. "Majesty? How do you feel?" Shiko smirked weakly for a second, then her face went hard. "How the hell do you think I feel?" she responded in a raspy, sarcastic whisper. "Your Majesty...!" the Advisor gasped, stunned by the ferocity of the response. "Leave me alone, Maaja... I don't want to be disturbed," she growled hoarsely, rolling her back to the two stunned women. "But, Your Majesty... I..." the Advisor stammered, until Shiko lifted her head slightly. "You are dismissed, Advisor," she snapped, pulling her blanket over her shoulders. "And get the rest of these people out of here, too." "Y... Yes, Your Majesty," the Advisor replied, stepping back from the bed, and motioning the medical staff out of the room. Once she was alone, Shiko drew her knees up and curled into a ball, the tears that had been denied her earlier starting to flow unabated. She felt discarded, unloved and unwanted, even more so than when Eiko thought she was in love with her inarticulate biker-boyfriend. Burying her face in her pillow, she cried for what felt like hours, trying to drown out the anguish in her heart. Finally, when she could cry no longer, she drifted into an exhausted sleep, her last thoughts of the love she feared she had lost forever. "You want me to WHAT?!" Biko exclaimed, jumping forward in her chair. "" D repeated, not surprised by her host's reaction. "" "Hah! I've had nothing to do with her for two years, and you want me to go looking for her? What possible reason would I have to do that?" Biko snorted indignantly. "I was glad she disappeared... Her interference in my life was becoming intolerable," she asserted, although somewhat unconvincingly. And when she saw the expression on D's face, she stood up and began walking about the room. D knew she had hit a nerve. "" Biko glanced back at D momentarily, then walked slowly toward the large window. Wordlessly, she touched the button to open the movable pane and leaned out it. After an eternally long moment, she sighed and turned back toward her guest. "I will help you. Not out of any concern for your "Queen", since she left without even saying goodbye, but because..." she broke off, sighing again. "Because it's the right thing to do," she continued quietly, lowering her head. D's jaw fell open. She hadn't expected to hear those words coming from Biko of all people. "" she finally said, standing up and bowing deeply. Biko meanwhile, despite her initial knee-jerk reaction, realized that finding Eiko might give her the chance to get her own life back in order, something she desperately needed to do. For the last while, she had been seriously worried about her current 'loss of momentum', and this situation had provided her with a way to solve her problem, and save face at the same time. She even found herself wondering if it was time to 'Bury the Hatchet', as it were. Their rivalry had fueled her life, but as she discovered, that fuel supply was not unlimited. She had to move on, and this seemed like a perfect way to start. "All right, D... What do you know about her whereabouts?" she abruptly asked, again taking on an authoritative manner. "" D replied, pointing to a spot on a map of Canada she withdrew from her voluminous pocket. Biko had to grin. "Canada... Interesting choice. What day of the week was it over there?" she asked, glancing at the map. "" "Okay. She should be within this area," she indicated, drawing out a circle on the well-worn map. "So we'll start here. If she's ever used her credit card or her bank card, we should be able to nail her within minutes," she continued, reaching for her desk phone. Lifting it, she waited for a response. "Get me Security... Priority One." Eiko lay on her back snoring in her hotel room, sprawled as usual right across the mattress. Abruptly, she was disturbed by the buzz of the clock radio, and rolled over to slap the snooze bar. The huge crash that resulted woke her instantly. Looking beside the bed, she blinked in disbelief at the pile of rubble that used to be the nightstand. Glancing at her arm, she gulped as she realized she didn't have her wristbands on. Scanning the room nervously, she spotted them on the dresser, exactly where she had placed them after her Jacuzzi. "Chikusho... Well, I'm awake now," she thought, sliding herself off the bed. Stretching, she cast a quick look at Kikuko, who still slumbered peacefully. "How did she sleep through that?" she wondered, turning to go to the bathroom. "She must sleep like her Mom," she thought, grinning. After dressing and calling down for breakfast, she woke Kikuko and chased her into the bathroom. Digging out some suitable clothes for their excursion to the park, she packed the ones they had worn yesterday to be sent for laundry. As she did so, she glanced out the window and smiled at the beautiful day. Had she still been at her house, she would have been sitting on her deck by now, soaking it all in. Kiko popped out of the bathroom and wasted no time in eating and getting dressed. When she finished, she virtually dragged her Mom to the elevator and down the street to the park. Once they'd arrived, Eiko found a bench, and Kiko ran off laughing, not caring that she didn't know anyone. There were monkey bars. She smiled at her daughter's youthful exuberance, and was inwardly glad that she let herself be talked into the little distraction. Kiko would burn off some of her seemingly limitless energy, making the day's driving a little easier. Looking at her watch, she noted the time, anticipating about an hour before they'd be on the road. She had decided to head North, and had booked an appointment to view a house in a town a couple hundred miles away. Opening her book, she began to read, keeping an ear open for Kiko all the while. Several minutes later, she glanced up as she turned a page, and saw a group of kids and her daughter playing ball. Smiling, she was about to start reading again when one of the children squealed. Their ball had rolled under a parked car, and none of them could reach it. Abruptly, Kiko came running up, calling for them to let her get it. Without a second thought, Kiko stopped beside the car, put her hand on the bumper and simply pushed the vehicle out of the way, tires dragging on the pavement. Retrieving the ball, she then pushed it right back again, as easily as if she had been moving a small toy. Eiko dropped her book. "Arigato. Keep me posted," Biko replied, hanging up the phone. "They've had one hit, but it's a day old. We just have to wait for her to use it again, and we'll have her pinned down," she continued, confident. D was beside herself. "" "True. But from what you say, she may still require some convincing. You got lucky last time... She let you off easy. She's become even more powerful as an adult, you know." "" D admitted, thoughtfully. Abruptly, she looked across the room at Biko again, her face curious. "." Biko had to sigh. "D, all I can tell you is that after her husband died, she quit her job and left Japan in a hurry. I've heard that she just burned out -- I've also heard that she was tired of being away from her family... The stories vary. I even thought for a while that I had intimidated her out of the country with my wealth and power, which was a natural assumption I might add." "" "Well, D... Perhaps we should ask her. I will be accompanying you on your return trip to Canada. Eiko and I have some unfinished business from a long time ago," she indicated, smirking. "That little spider of yours... It can carry two, I trust?" "" "I can deal with that," she replied with a smug grin. "I expect she has her daughter with her, which means she'll not be too likely to get really violent. We'll just have to be careful." Abruptly, the phone beside her began beeping. Snatching the receiver up, she listened quietly, and a large smile spread across her face. "Domo Arigato," she finally said, hanging up firmly. "" D queried, expectantly. "We have our target co-ordinates. She's right here, just booking out of her hotel, in fact. I already have a team in the country from another mission, and they're enroute. They should mark her within the hour," she explained, pointing to a spot on the map. "" "Hai. It's from one of *my* banks," she replied, winking. "D, meet me outside in two minutes... I have to change before we leave." "" the large woman blurted, turning and heading out the office doors. Once she had left, Biko pushed a button on the small panel in the surface of her desk, and a hidden door opened in the wall. Striding toward it, she had to grin mischievously at the contents of the concealed closet. "Well, Eiko... It's all up to you. This can be easy, or it can be hard. The ball will be in your court, but I'm going to be prepared," she thought to herself, taking the garment from its hooks and walking into the ensuite bath. Once there, she hung the garment on another hook, and reached for the phone above the vanity. "I might as well hedge my bets while I have the chance," she thought, as she waited for the call to ring through. Eiko had been in thoughtful silence since booking out of the hotel. Despite expecting it, seeing Kikuko shove a car around like a small toy had stunned her, and she was having a hard time shaking the effects off. "Mommy... Are you mad at me?" a small, hesitant voice suddenly asked. "Wha... No, Kiko-chan. I'm not. I'm just... Thinking, that's all," she covered, not wanting to scare the little one before she had a chance to explain things. "What about?" "Things, Kiko... Like what happened today in the park," she continued, realizing that she wasn't going to get off all that easily. "The park?" "No, honey... Not the park, but what happened there. Just a minute," she sighed, pulling the car to the shoulder and shutting it off. "Why did we stop, Mommy? Are we here?" Kiko asked, lifting her head to see out over the door. "Kiko-chan, in the park today, you moved a car to get your friend's ball. Have you ever done anything like that before?" "Lots of times!" she smiled, proudly. "I even moved a big truck!" Eiko's mouth dropped open in shock. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this? I've been waiting for it to happen to you," she asked, staring at the little girl in disbelief. Kiko gasped. "What, Mommy? Is it bad?" "Well, it depends on your outlook, I suppose... Kiko, haven't you wondered why you could do that, and your friends couldn't?" Her response was wary. "No..." "Okay. Kiko-chan, you have inherited something from me... Besides how you sleep. You have a gift... The gift of immense strength. You haven't really even used it yet, but I can tell you that it's scary how strong you are," she began, regarding Kiko seriously. "I know because I have the same gift. I inherited it from my Daddy and Mommy, and the first time I used it, it scared me." "It scared you? Why, Mom?" "It surprised me... And I broke part of my Dad's garage because of it. Anyway, little one, when I told my Mom, she gave me these," she continued, rolling up her sleeve to show her wristband. "These are not just wrist bands... They're power restrictors to keep me from destroying things by accident. In the event that I get mad, they control how much power I can use. You'll have to wear a set of them now, too," she sighed, looking at her band. Kikuko looked back at her Mom for several quiet seconds, as if thinking over what she had just been told. Abruptly, she smiled. "This is cool, Mommy! I'm super-kid!" Eiko bigsweated, afraid she'd just created a monster. "No honey, you're not super-kid. You're a normal girl that has a special gift... But it's one that can ruin your life if you use it wrong." Kiko blinked. "Why? It's neat to be strong, Mom," she commented, insistently. "Honey, you know why we moved away... And why we're moving now, right? Well, it's all because of my gift. People want me to fight their fights, win their wars, wipe out their enemies... All because of this gift. If I didn't have it, we'd have a normal life! Please, Kiko... Understand that when people find out about you, they won't ever leave you alone," she continued, voice one level below a shout. Kiko's eyes widened at the outburst, then she turned away and lowered her head. Eiko bit her lip. "Kiko... Honey... I'm sorry. This gift is like a sword with no handle if you don't use it right... It will hurt you, too. I just... Want you to appreciate that," she soothed, gently brushing her daughter's hair away from her face. Kiko turned to face her, tears streaming down her face. Sniffing, she wiped her cheeks and cleared her throat. "Mom... I don't want to be strong anymore," she sobbed, hugging Eiko's arm. "Oh, Kiko-chan... It's okay... I didn't mean to scare you, but I want you to understand that you have a great responsibility now. It's not a game, and it will never go away," she explained, voice tender. "C'mere, Honey... I owe you a kiss and a hug for being so scary," she continued, picking Kiko up and kissing her forehead. "Forgive me?" "Yes, Mommy... I forgive you. Mommy... I promise I won't be super kid, okay?" she stated, still sniffing back tears. "Grandpa would have loved to hear you say that, Kiko-chan," she smiled, lifting the little girl into a hug. Approximately a quarter-mile away, a blue Chevy van also sat on the side of the road, the driver staring through a pair of binoculars. "Well? Is it them?" "Yes, I have confirmation on the license plate. Green Mercedes 380 SL Convertible, two occupants. That's them, all right. Contact base and let them know." "I'm on it. Have they moved yet?" "They are now!" the driver replied, tossing aside her binoculars. "Inform Base that they're continuing North on 17, and we're with them." "Done. Is it true she dyed her hair?" "Hai... Black. Actually looks good on her, too. And her daughter is as cute as a button." "Who would have thought, ne? Chasing her... And her *daughter* across Canada." "Beats following her around on foot with a video camera!" came a voice from the back of the van. "D - My team has sighted them, and they're with them on the same highway," Biko relayed, listening to the radio. "How long till we make landfall?" "" she began, pausing to check the telemetry on her screen, "" "Very good. We should have all this resolved shortly, then." D nodded her agreement, all the while feeling her stomach tighten. She had fought with Eiko hand to hand once before, and ended up in the infirmary... The thought of her being even more powerful now made D shudder involuntarily. Deep inside, she hoped the situation could still be resolved peacefully. She didn't feel like fighting a war, and it was looking more and more like one was about to start. ========================================================================= END - Renewed Acquaintances - Part 4 A Project: Ako FanFic By Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!