Here we go... A Project A-Ko (non-crossover) fic! Haven't seen too many of these, so I thought I'd take a stab. This was the second Anime series I ever watched, and it helped make me the Anime-niac I am today. Please let me know what you think!! Part One of Six. If you haven't read the three Prequels to this series, you should do so before reading this one. They're all available with the rest of this Series on my website: Http:// Okay, legal stuff first: ****************************************** * Project A-ko and all original * * characters Copyrighted by * * Soeishinsa/Final Nishijima, * * Central Park Media Corp., and * * Island World Communications Ltd., * * and are used without permission, * * hopefully to entertain and promote * * this excellent animated series. * ****************************************** Nuff Sed... Let's get on with it! Coutuva. ++++++ **Author's Note! < > indicates someone speaking in other than their native, normal or usual language.** Renewed Acquaintances - Part 1 A Plan Conceived ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It was evening, and as Shiko watched the sun slowly dip closer to the horizon, she felt her heart sink right along with it. Since she had invited her new assistant over a few days earlier, and reveled in the memories that watching a young, red-haired girl in a pool stirred up, she had endured an ache in her soul that she couldn't dismiss. Sighing, she knew that she had to do something about it, or end up going crazy from the pain. An idea had come to her already, but she was still hesitant about acting on it. The last she'd heard, Eiko had vanished after her husband died, taking her young daughter and moving away from Japan. That told her that she probably didn't want to be disturbed, and that sending a ship to pick her up might not be well received. In her hand, she held her last picture of the woman she loved, and smiled wistfully at the happy expression on Eiko's youthful face. The shot had been taken as the two of them were about to spend a day off together, and as usual, she was hugging Eiko's arm and grinning excitedly. She missed that feeling, but despite how desperately she wanted it again, she was afraid of upsetting Eiko. Hugging the picture tight to her chest, she rose from her seat on the window alcove and slowly walked toward her massive bed. Rolling to her back in the middle of the soft, expansive mattress, she held the picture up before her for a few moments, then hugged it once again. "Dammit, Eiko... I miss you," she whispered, closing her eyes against the advance of her tears. The morning dawned with its usual clear, brilliant beauty, and as she gradually roused herself, she noticed something hard and uncomfortable under her chest. Pulling out the picture she had taken to bed with her, she had to grin at herself for finally sleeping with Eiko. Sighing, she slid the picture onto her nightstand, then kissed her fingertips and touched Eiko's face. "If only..." she thought to herself, then slid off the bed. As she walked past a large mirror on the wall, she glanced at herself and noticed a red mark across the top of her breasts. Looking closer, she discovered a pressure mark in the exact shape of the picture frame emblazoned across her entire chest. Starting to laugh, she chided herself for being so careless. Had it been a business day, she would have had a hard time explaining herself. After her shower and bath, she rang for her breakfast and awaited it patiently at the dining table. When the server arrived, she greeted her warmly, asking how the weather was shaping up outside. That started a merry discussion about outdoor activities and children, and eventually prompted her to invite the girl to join her for coffee. The girl gasped, flushed, then bowed deeply, at which Shiko sighed aloud and insisted she just sit down and forget the formalities. The girl blinked, then hesitantly moved to a chair. She had to stifle her chuckle. After what eventually became a pleasant, social visit, the server had to return to her duties, and she was left wondering what was on her day's schedule. Usually, she had some official function or other to attend, and anticipated that today would be no different. In her private office, she activated her PIM terminal and asked for her itinerary. Much to her surprise, it was completely clear. Frowning, she noticed that there had been events logged, but they had all been rescheduled to later dates. She was just wondering why when she heard the soft ping of the admit bell through the outer office. Opening the doors from her desk panel, she waited to see who her visitor was. Within a few moments, the Royal Advisor stepped in, and bowed respectfully. "Greetings, Majesty. May I request an audience?" the aged woman asked, politely. "Greetings, Maaja. It just so happens, my schedule is clear today," she replied, with the tiniest bit of sarcasm. "Yes, Ma'am. That was my doing. I apologize for not notifying you first, but I have a matter of some import to discuss with you," the Advisor responded, expression serious. "Very well, then. Please, be seated. What do you wish to discuss?" The Advisor wasted no time. "Majesty, since your return to our world, there has been one major concern that Council and the people have had..." "I know what you're asking, Maaja. They want an Heiress," she interrupted, sighing. "Yes, Majesty. The concern is that your childbearing years are waning. If you wait much longer, you may not be able to be impregnated. And ultimately, that could result in Civil War," the woman added, her tone serious. Shiko lowered her head and sighed again, then slowly rose from her desk. "You're right of course, Maaja. The people do need an Heiress. I guess I can't put it off any longer, can I?" she began, sitting on the corner of her desk. "I've tried to avoid it, but 'Duty before All', correct?" she concluded, with a half-hearted smile. The woman frowned. "Majesty? Why does continuing your lineage trouble you so? One would think it would be of prime interest." "It's simple, really..." she stated, turning to regard the Advisor resignedly. "I don't know how to raise a child, Maaja. I'm deathly afraid of it," she admitted, lowering her face. "And yet, I could not condone a child of mine being raised by nurses and tutors, either. Can you understand my dilemma?" "Indeed I can, Majesty. I raised three daughters -- it's not a task to be taken lightly. But, I'm sure we can provide assistance for you with anything you desire." Shiko's eyes opened wide. "Provide assistance..." she echoed, her voice trailing off. After a few seconds, she smiled, then dashed back behind her desk. The Advisor gasped. "What is it, Majesty? Do you need something?" "No, Maaja... In fact, you can arrange for my conception as soon as possible. Today, even. I've just thought of someone who can help me though this," she responded giddily, scribing out a note on her PIM tablet. The Advisor sat in silence for a moment, mouth slowly dropping open. "By the Holy Mother..." she finally breathed, a smile of pure joy parting her aged visage. "Are you quite sure, Majesty? Today?" She looked up and smiled. "Yes, Maaja... Today will be fine. Make the arrangements, and I will be ready." The older woman's face beamed. "Thank the Mother of us All... Your Highness, you have done your people and your World a great service this day. Allow me to be the first to thank you, and the first to wish for a strong Heiress," she continued, rising from her seat to bow deeply. "Thank you, Maaja. I will do my best. But you'd better make the preparations before I change my mind again," she intoned, winking. The Advisor reacted as if she had been slapped. "Yes, Majesty. Immediately!" she sputtered, slightly panicked. Bowing again, she took a quick leave. Shiko snickered to herself as she shook her head, then returned to the message. "That certainly made her day..." she thought, smiling. "Well, it'll all be worth it if this works. I just hope Eiko takes the 'bait'," she continued, giggling aloud at the prospect. Finishing her message, she sent it out and leaned back in her chair, still smiling. She briefly tried to visualize what motherhood would be like, and kept remembering how much of a brat she used to be. She certainly hoped her daughter would not behave like she had... That would be enough to test anyone's resolve. Rising from her seat, she walked back into her private chambers, there to open up one of her wardrobes. In the back corner, still wrapped in its protective covering, was the ceremonial conception gown she had been presented when she took the Throne. Removing it from its neglected corner, she held it up before her and looked it over. "Humph. Never thought I'd be doing this willingly," she observed aloud, smirking to herself. Removing the covering from the garment, she walked back to the large mirror on the wall and held the gown beneath her chin. She was startled to discover that it was not just a fancier version of an earth-style hospital gown, but a well-tailored flowing garment, meticulously hand-decorated. The rich pastel colors of the material made it seem so soft and delicate, yet she could feel the superior quality of the material. It was such a beautiful gown that she hated to hang it up, but she knew it would have to be altered, so she couldn't wear it quite yet. Picking up the house phone, she asked that a seamstress be summoned to fit her as soon as possible, and when she told the girl what she was having fitted, the scream that erupted from the handset almost straightened her hair. Wiggling a finger in her ear as she set the receiver down, she began to get a sense of how important an Heiress was to her people. Even so, she couldn't help but feel sad about what her daughter would inherit. A crown that weighed a ton, and a life that wasn't her own. Just as she puffed out another sigh, she heard the trilling of her phone and quickly picked it up. Listening to the voice of her Advisor, she smiled. The Advisor, still excited herself, informed her that her wishes had been carried out, and the staff would be along very soon to prepare her for the ceremony. The great event was set for the early afternoon, so she would have time to rest prior to announcing the successful conception of a new Heiress. Upon hanging up, she walked back over to the edge of her bed and picked up the picture she had slept with. "I hope you appreciate what I'm going through for you," she admonished, smiling. "And I hope you'll come and stay with me..." The former Eiko Magami sat in her lounge chair as per usual, enjoying the sun, her daughter, and a good cup of tea. She had just returned from shopping, and decided to take a little breather before starting supper. Her daughter Kikuko was playing with her friend Sarah in the yard nearby, and she couldn't help smiling at the show. Setting her teacup down, she picked up the day's paper and scanned it quickly, not noticing anything in particular -- until she came to the business section. There, a small headline grabbed her attention. Not so much for what it said, but who it mentioned. The headline read "Daitokuji Head takes Hiatus.". Eiko frowned at the name, still feeling the old emotions that it invoked. If there was one person she definitely didn't miss, it was Biko Daitokuji. Inwardly, she still blamed Biko for the loss of her teenage years to their constant fighting over Shiko. Especially when, once Shiko had left, Biko confessed that the only reason she wanted Shiko in the first place was because she was Eiko's friend. Eiko's frown deepened as she recalled those days, leading her to again praise her decision to leave the craziness behind. Folding up the paper, she picked up her cup of tea and finished the last few sips. In the yard, the girls sat across from one another, acting as if they were Princesses preparing to go out on the town. Eiko listened to their conversations, and suddenly found herself thinking about Shiko again. It had been just over ten years since she had last seen her little blonde friend, and even now, still missed her. They had been inseparable all through their public school years, to the point where she suspected that Shiko had actually been in love with her. That suspicion had only been strengthened during their time in high school, as Shiko came right out and told her -- several times -- that she loved her, but always in ways that kept her guessing. She had to smile as she thought happily of all the hugs, glomps and snuggles they had shared. After a few minutes however, she had to shake her head to snap herself out of her reverie -- before her face got any hotter. As she wiped her perspiring forehead, she heard her favorite voice call out from across the yard. "Mommy! Mommy! Can Sarah stay for supper, Mom?" Kikuko asked, her eyes sparkling in anticipation. "Has she asked her Mom yet? She has to get permission first, you know," she responded, smiling and wagging a finger at them. "Can she use our phone?" came the instant response. "Hai, Kiko-chan. Haiyaku," she allowed, immediately chiding herself for speaking Japanese. She hated it when she slipped, since she didn't want to attract any undue attention. She considered herself fortunate that she didn't look Japanese, which made the task a little easier. Glancing at her watch, she sighed and gathered up her teacup and paper, then got to her feet. She had company for supper. Shiko had sat patiently through all the hair styling, makeup and dressing for the ceremony, but as the fateful hour approached, she was beginning to get anxious. Sighing, she stood up out of her makeup chair and walked to the window, followed by a halo of assistants. Gazing off into the bright afternoon sky, she immediately thought of her message, and of its recipient. She knew it could be a few weeks before she'd hear anything back from the request, but she couldn't quell her excitement. A tug on her gown brought her back to the moment, just in time to hear a sputtered apology from the staffer that had disturbed her. She just smiled in response, and turned back toward the window. Before she could get lost in her thoughts again however, the word came through indicating it was time to start the ceremony. With all due ceremony, she was escorted to the outer chamber of her quarters, and helped aboard a specially prepared sedan chair. From there, she was carried past the cheering household staff, down the main hall, and directly to the house Clinic entrance. She was then helped from the chair and offered an exotic drink, designed to ease her anxiety and promote fertility. Accepting the large flagon, she drank it dry in her nervousness. The leader of her people's religion then stepped forward and offered a blessing of health and vigor, and silently prayed for her conception to be blessed. Shiko bowed in respect, and was then led through the doors of the Clinic, leaving all but the clinic staff behind. She was then laid on a lavishly appointed ceremonial bed, her legs apart and knees up. The drink she had consumed was starting to make her feel somewhat sleepy, but her nervousness overrode the effect. However, as if on cue, a very pleasant young nurse walked up beside her and held her hand, speaking in soothing tones of how short and utterly painless the procedure was. Shiko smiled up at her, grateful for her presence. Queen or not, she felt very intimidated by what was about to happen to her. The Doctor that headed the team then appeared at the foot of her bed, greeted her with a cordial bow, and advised her that they were about to begin. Motioning to someone Shiko couldn't see, the Doctor called for a monitoring device to be brought in and placed in position over her lower abdomen. It resembled a flat screen held out on a boom, and was ringed with pads and controls. Once it was positioned, the Doctor activated it and looked up at her. With a nod to the nurse, the Doctor then gently lifted the hem of the Gown over her knees. At that same moment, the nurse began to speak again, asking her how she felt, and then commenting about how thrilled she and all her friends had been to hear the news. Despite listening intently to the nurse, Shiko could feel the cold instruments invade her privacy, and she gasped out loud at their icy caress. The Doctor immediately apologized, but continued none the less. After a moment, the Doctor looked up over her mask and nodded. The nurse explained that the Doctor had determined she was ovulating, and chances were very good for a successful conception. As Shiko accepted the congratulations of the surrounding staff, the Doctor resumed work, and again she winced as she felt another incursion, only this time much deeper. The nurse noticed her discomfort and squeezed her hand supportively, explaining that the sensations she was experiencing were due to the instruments having to enter her womb. That understanding did nothing to help her discomfort, but as she had an image to maintain, she kept a brave face. Much to her relief, the instruments were all withdrawn a few moments later, and the Doctor commented that she had handled herself and the procedure very well. She smiled in response, and asked the Doctor to make sure she still had her watch. As she lay in her own bed once more, she breathed a deep sigh of relief. Her tummy was a bit sore, and overall, she felt good but tired. Closing her eyes, she smiled to herself, a bit excited at the prospect of having a child. Rolling on her back, she gently placed a hand on her tummy and closed her eyes again, trying to picture herself as a Mommy. As the images began to play through her thoughts, the excitement and the experience finally caught up with her. With a loud yawn, she rolled to her side, hugged her pillow, and drifted off with a smile gracing her peaceful visage. ========================================================================= END - Renewed Acquaintances - Part 1 A FanFic by Coutuva. Comments Welcomed - Flames Extinquished!