Well, here goes the next Chapter of the series! This is based heavily on events and situations from the previous stories, and the previous Chapters, which are finally available on my Web Site. And for those of you who wondered, no, this is *not* going to be a fifty part series... fourty-eight maybe. *KIDDING!* As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. My thanks to Kunoichi, whose "Ranma Nibun no ichi" Lemon Series inspired my Ranma works. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Coutuva. Mysteries of the Mind - Part 9 Destiny Unfolds ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mu Lin glared angrily at the Amazon for few long, anxious seconds. Abruptly, she snatched the symbol from the air and held the energy in her hand. "Amazon... I see that in fact you do bear the honor of your ancestry. I withdraw my aspersion against you for any lack." Mu Lin indicated, eyes narrowing. "And because you acted based on your honor, and on your love... I shall let you live." Shampoo, eyes wide with surprise, breathed a quiet sigh of relief. "However, this does not change the fact you caused harm to the one that I love... and I cannot allow that to go unpunished!" she snarled, suddenly throwing the mass of chi energy directly at the stunned Amazon. The mass hit Shampoo square in the chest, throwing her several meters through the air. Her body hit the ground hard, ending up in a heap near the side of the building. "None shall ever harm you, little one. I have so pledged to the one known as Hitomi. As well, the Amazon will be useful to me... the fulfillment of my destiny requires that I return to my ancestral home, and the Amazon knows it's current form." The Princess explained, offering Kikyo her hand. "Be you well enough to stand?" "Hai... I think so." Kikyo replied, still somewhat stunned. Helping Kikyo to her feet, the Princess then smiled with relief. "I am pleased to see you are unharmed." "I`ll be okay... Now, tell me why you're doing all this... and why you're picking on Hitomi." Kikyo demanded, regarding the Princess levelly. "I shall reveal all, my child... only the place to do so is not this one. To that end, I put forth that we return to to your quarters, that we may converse in private." "I... don't know if I want you in my 'quarters'..." Kikyo responded, evenly. "You're not Hitomi anymore... in fact, you're the reason she's gone. I don't know what your 'destiny' is, but I do know that you took her away from me... and I'm not sure I can ever forgive that." she continued, voice cracking with emotion. Mu Lin lowered her eyes slowly, then raised them to meet Kikyo's level glare. "I can only ask for your indulgence and your forgiveness for my actions, as I do not seek to cause you undue pain. My Destiny has waited in excess of 1500 years to be met... It must be seen to conclusion." Mu Lin explained, carefully. "I would ask that you allow me the occasion to explain all... so that you may understand." she added, eyes becoming imploring. "That's fine for you... everything's going the way you want. I've been going through hell... watching Hitomi slowly disappear as you took her over. What gives you the right..." Kikyo protested bitterly, voice choking off as her emotions got the better of her. "I cannot explain here. While I understand your grief and confusion, there is much about the one known as Hitomi that you are not aware of." Mu Lin explained, placing a hand on Kikyo's shoulder. "And it may be difficult to fathom." Kikyo was about to snap an angry retort back at the Princess, but when she looked into her big, familiar blue eyes, she couldn't bring herself to do it. "Fine... We'll go back to the apartment. But, this better be good." she finally stated, bitterness still edging her voice. "Thank you, my child. I will explain all. But first, we must rouse the Amazon, and I must bid my friends farewell." Mu Lin replied, smiling with relief. Turning, she walked over to Shampoo's crumpled form and knelt beside her. "The Amazon is but stunned, and should recover shortly. I will propose my arrangement to her, and should she be willing to aid me in my quest, I shall be grateful. Should she decide against, she will be free to take her leave." she indicated, glancing back up at Kikyo. "I can look after her... give me a second." Kikyo replied, wiping the drying tears from her eyes. "I need to get something first." she added, walking back to where she had fallen. Bending down, she picked up her .45 and wiped it off. "Hell of a way to treat a baby like this." she muttered, checking it over before sliding it back into her beltline. "Okay... now I'm ready. You go do whatever you're doing... I'd like to get out of here soon." she directed, waving the Princess away. "I shall. We will depart in but moments." Mu Lin responded, rising and heading into the Center. Mu Lin stepped through the rear doors and walked over to the largest gathering of children, who immediately stopped their play and turned to look at her. Despite her very different dress and slightly different carriage, they seemed not to notice any change in her. Instantly, they all smiled in unison and ran up to her, happily surrounding the now brightly smiling woman. Kneeling, Mu Lin chatted excitedly with the closest ones before rising to speak to the entire group. "My children... it is with a heavy heart that I tell you that I must go away for a time. Matters of urgency require that I return to my homeland to attend to them." she began, sadly. The children, shocked by the news, immediately began to protest, some even starting to cry. Minako, standing a few feet away, was also quite stunned. "Weep not for me, little ones... I will again return to watch over you, you have my word in bond." she continued, insistently. Kneeling before them once again, she looked deep into their eyes before finally speaking again. "Do I have your assurance that you will all be of good spirits and manner in my absence?" she asked, which resulted in a sea of nodding heads. "My faith is justified then, as I knew it would be. Fare you all well... I shall return as soon as I am able." she concluded with a smile, rising to her feet and bowing respectfully. The children all returned the bow, and didn't see the hastily wiped away tear. As Mu Lin turned to walk away, Minako caught up to her, gasping her arm to get her attention. "Is this true, Hitomi-Sensei? You are leaving?" she asked, worriedly. "It is true. Despite my overwhelming desire to remain, I must attend to this urgent matter. I will return when it is settled, you have my word." Mu Lin replied, sadly but firmly. "We will all miss you, Sensei." Minako responded, bowing sadly. "I wish you success in your efforts...so you will be back to us soon." "Nothing would satisfy me more, Minako-Sensei." Mu Lin smiled, returning the bow. A few moments later, Mu Lin returned to find Kikyo keeling beside a still-winded but conscious Shampoo. "You have recovered, Amazon... I am glad. I knew the effect of such a small attack would be minimal." "Why did you not... kill me?" Shampoo asked painfully, regarding the Princess questioningly. "It occurred to me that to fulfill my Destiny, I have need of one such as you. Someone who knows the lay of the land in what was once my home." "You mean... China?" "Yes. My quest begins there. I will say no more until we are once again in more suitable conditions." "What do you mean?" Shampoo asked, rising with difficulty to a sitting pose. "She wants to go back to my apartment." Kikyo droned, having already had this discussion. "She says that she wants to explain everything, but not here." Shampoo looked up at Kikyo, then glanced back at Mu Lin. "Agent-girl... I... want to know. Ranma is in there somewhere... and I want to know what happened to him." she indicated at length, her voice quiet. Kikyo glanced down at her for a moment, then sighed resignedly. "I already agreed. And you can call me Kikyo." "Arigato, Kikyo-san. I am Lin Shan Puu... everyone calls me 'Shampoo'. The Amazon smiled, sheepishly. "I am sorry about attacking you... I get that way around Ailen." she stated, lowering her eyes. "Can't fault you for that, I guess..." Kikyo replied, smiling weakly. "Okay, Mu Lin... We'll hear you out. But for now, that's all I'll promise." she stated, offering a hand to Shampoo. Mu Lin smiled politely, bowed quickly, then stepped forward to help Kikyo with Shampoo. The Amazon glared at her, and refused to accept her proffered hand. "Not until after you talk. Then I will decide about you." Shampoo stated, firmly. "I can accept that condition. Let us go." Mu Lin acquiesced, stepping back from the two women. Once back at the apartment, Kikyo sat Shampoo on the couch and went to make tea for all of them, while Mu Lin disappeared without a word into the bedroom. A few moments later, she appeared again, wearing a loose tank-t and a pair of denim cutoffs. Wordlessly, she went to the couch and perched cross-legged in the middle of it, then turned on the TV. Just then, Kikyo entered the livingroom, carrying a tray with a full tea service and some cookies. When she caught sight of Mu Lin, she froze in her tracks. "Ya... YA! You're not going to do this to me! You're not!" she blurted, tears suddenly rolling down her face. Both Mu Lin and Shampoo looked back at her, blinking in surprise. "What do you mean, little one?" Mu Lin asked, completely baffled. "Sitting there like that.. dressing like that... Hitomi-chan did those things... and you're not her!" Kikyo retorted angrily, her entire body shaking so much that the teacups rattled. "Forgive me, my child. I acted out of habit, not thought. This body has it's own practices, and I allowed it to do as it was accustomed. I will change the garments." Mu Lin explained, leaping from the couch. "I meant no disrespect." she added as she walked from the room. "You... really loved her, didn't you..." Shampoo observed, her voice almost a whisper. "Hai... I do. Seeing that... Princess in Hitomi's body is tearing me apart." Kikyo indicated, voice wavering. "You know her... doesn't it bother you?" she added, stepping forward and setting down the tray. "I'm used to it... When you've been around onna-Ranma as long as I have, nothing surprises you anymore." Shampoo smirked, sitting forward to get her tea. "Although, this 'Hitomi' is different a bit." she added, thoughtfully. "I can't get used to it... every time I see her, I see Hitomi. She's going to drive me crazy!" Kikyo sniffed, wiping her flushed cheeks. "Hai... I'd probably be the same if it were otoko-Ranma... I've loved him for 15 years." Shampoo indicated, wistfully. "I'd rather not know that..." Kikyo stated, looking at Shampoo almost pleadingly. "This is hard enough already." At that moment, Mu Lin returned from the bedroom, wearing only a short terry housecoat, and an apologetic look. "I was unable to find anything suitable... I felt they would all upset you, little one. I will wear this for the interim." she explained, quietly. "I have some clothes that might fit you... if I decide to help you." Shampoo chimed in, momentarily caught herself by the Princess's familiar appearance. Kikyo only nodded, not really caring to contribute. Taking a cup and pouring herself and Kikyo a tea, Mu Lin then moved back to the center of the couch and sat demurely, avoiding the cross-legged perch. Taking a sip of her tea, she glanced at the other two women, both of whom were regarding her expectantly. Smiling politely, she set down her cup and crossed her hands in her lap. "I see you wish me to relate my tale. Be forewarned, there are aspects of it that will upset you both." she advised, looking again at each woman. "I don't think I could be any more upset..." Kikyo intoned, levelly. "Very well then. Shall I begin?" "Hai." Both women responded in chorus, then looked at each other sheepishly. On the affirmative, Mu Lin lowered her head slightly and closed her eyes. "Fifteen Hundred years ago, when I still lived, I met a Spirit in a place called Jusenkyo. I had been captured by our enemies, and was to be used as bait to draw my father from his palace. This Spirit set me free, and I tried to return to warn my Father of the trap. I was seen again, and as I was wounded, tired and surrounded, and in order that I not be used as a means to harm my Father, I jumped from a cliff. I landed in a cursed pool, and my Spirit became trapped there... until I was released into the body of a young man... one Ranma Saotome. Once I was within him, I discovered it was in fact he who had come back through the ages as that Spirit, and given me the chance to protect my Father." she related, glancing up once more. The other two women simply stared in amazement, and then gestured for her to go on. "For that act, I owed him a debt... which is being paid as we speak. When the incident occurred that triggered my rebirth, my benefactor, Ranma Saotome... died. I was unable to prevent it as his journey home had begun before I was awakened by the rains." Shampoo reacted as if someone had slapped her. "No... Ailen... It can't be true..." she whispered, tears brimming in her large, horrified eyes. "Sadly, Amazon, I speak the truth. This is the reason that the one known as Hitomi has no memories of a former life... they died with Ranma." "NO! You lie! You have just taken him over... and now you don't want to give him back!" Shampoo yelled, jumping to her feet and glaring angrily at the Princess though ever increasing tears. "I do not lie. My time in this mortal shell is limited... I have nothing to gain by such an act. I will tell you but once more... the man known as Ranma Saotome is dead. His existence is ended." The Princess responded, eyeing Shampoo sternly. Shampoo continued to stare at the redhead, searching vainly for something to indicate that it wasn't true... but she could find nothing. Her bottom lip began to tremble as the reality hit home, and she began sobbing, then turned and ran wailing to the bathroom. The Princess's face softened in sympathy. "I shall give her time to mourn." she stated softly, then rose and walked from the room. Kikyo simply nodded and watched her go. Having heard the truth at last about the man known as Ranma, suddenly Hitomi's lack of a past, and lack of a desire to find it made perfect sense to Kikyo. It also explained why Hitomi was living as a female, and seemed so happy with life. Sighing, Kikyo rose from her chair and walked slowly to the hidden panel in her wall. Opening it, she reached in and carefully removed the dossier on Ranma. Flipping through the documents, she smirked to herself with a huff. Closing the file, she turned and walked toward her gas fireplace, lit it up, and after looking sadly at the picture of the smiling, black-haired man on the cover, tossed the file into the flames. A few hours later, the Princess again sat in the livingroom, regarding the other two women questioningly. "Are you certain you are ready to resume?" "Hai... we are. We want to know more." Kikyo indicated, insistently. Shampoo nodded her agreement. "Very well. To continue, through the grace of the Fates and the matter of my debt, Hitomi, as she is known, was created. She bears within her the love, honor, essence, skills and strength of Ranma, and also possesses the body that was once his cursed form. In that way, my debt to him is repaid... for it was once my body. I also bring to this sanctioned union my manner, life energy and the spell known as 'The Fire of the Dragon'. I also have at my command certain 'powers' granted me that I may complete my assigned task." the redhead explained, sipping her tea. "Once my Destiny is met I shall finally go to my Eternal Rest, and the one known as Hitomi will live out her natural life as she and the Fates see fit. For the present, she sleeps within me, and will have no knowledge of these events." the Princess continued, glancing at Kikyo for a reaction. Kikyo sank back into the couch, face paled and somewhat overwhelmed by what she had just heard. Shampoo meantime, wiped more tears from her reddened eyes, but didn't seem as shocked by Hitomi's true nature. "That's very nice, but it doesn't tell why you are here." Shampoo commented, sniffing and wiping her cheeks yet again. The Princess simply smiled and nodded. "Centuries agone, in the days before the great wars, an act of treachery and deceit forever tarnished my family's name. Writings exist of the plan for this act, and are in the hands of a descendant of the conspirators. I am to set right this great wrong against my family... not only to clear the names of our descendants, but to settle a long-raging war in the Spirit World that threatens to divide it irreparably. The souls of countless beings are in turmoil over this unrest, and it could create even more widespread strife." Mu Lin related, her eyes and voice serious. "Ranma's passing, while unfortunate, provided all of the necessary circumstances to permit me to meet my Destiny. I would have acted sooner, but the one called Hitomi possesses a strong will and character, and it was difficult for me to gain control of the body once she came to be." she continued, sighing heavily. "In fact, she was created in order for me to have a body in which to enact my charge. In a manner, by using the remnants of Ranma's essence as a part of her, the task of gaining control of the body created for me was made very difficult." she added, thoughtfully. "It was your trickery, Amazon, that finally upset the balance of power, enabling me to gain the control I required." she continued, stopping for another sip of her tea. "How? That charm should have forced you out." Shampoo blinked, stunned that she was responsible for creating Mu Lin. "Simple, Amazon... your charm was intended to rid one of a possession, not a curse." Mu Lin replied, grinning smugly. Shampoo's face darkened at the comment, but to her credit, she held her tongue. "So... how say you, Amazon? Will you aid me in the completion of my deed, or do you wish to simply take your leave?" Mu Lin asked abruptly, leaning forward to regard Shampoo. Shampoo at first did not reply, but glanced for a moment at Kikyo, then turned her gaze to the floor. "I... cannot answer that yet. I must think it over." Shampoo replied, softly. "I will be in the bedroom." she abruptly indicated, and quickly exited the room. "Poor child... she still has not accepted that over which she has no control. I feel for her, but she must decide... My time is limited, and it runs away as we speak." "You're heartless! Can't you see how much she's suffering?!? This 'Ranma' was everything to her... and all you're worried about is your 'task'?" Kikyo abruptly growled, walking right up to the Princess's shocked face. "I cannot allow myself the luxury of such compassions, child. My 'task' as you call it, is of the utmost import to the Spirit World. Has it not occurred to you that exceptional things have been granted to ensure it's completion? In point of fact, had the need to resolve this conflict not existed, there would be no Hitomi... and you would never have known her! Is that how you would rather things be?" The Princess shot back, uncharacteristically angry at Kikyo. "You talk of my heartlessness... yet all you see is your own pain. What of the strife of countless millions of souls, supposedly gone to their final rest? I think it is you that shows the selfish traits, not I!" she continued, glaring hard at the now petrified Kikyo. Totally stunned at the outburst, Kikyo stepped backward away from the scowling Princess, afraid she had gone too far. Suddenly, the Princess's expression changed from one of anger to one of horror. "My Child... forgive me. I raised my voice in anger to you... please forgive my impertinence." she breathed, eyes wide and pleading. Kikyo's jaw dropped open. She couldn't believe that the woman she thought was about to blow her away was suddenly acting like a scolded puppy. "Ano... what do you mean?" was all Kikyo could manage as she stared at Mu Lin. "Forgive me, my Child... my passions got the better of my promise to Hitomi. It will never happen again." "Hai..." Kikyo breathed, glad she still could. "I thank you." Mu Lin replied, bowing slightly. After a few long, silent moments, Kikyo looked back at the Princess who sat demurely across from her, eyes lowered and patiently waiting to be spoken to. "Mu Lin... if I help you... will that bring Hitomi back sooner?" Kikyo responded, eyeing the Princess expectantly. "Yes, Child... If your assistance enables me to complete my task more quickly, then Hitomi will reawaken earlier. I would have you know that I wish to gain my Eternal Rest, and to that end also wish for an expedient completion." Mu Lin stated, nodding. "Then I'll help you. Anything to have her back. I don't care why or how she came to be... I love her... that's all that matters to me." Kikyo responded, eyes shimmering. Mu Lin smiled appreciatively. "She chose you well, little one. You are indeed a special person, albeit single-minded." she remarked, rising from her seat. Just as the redhead was about to speak again, Shampoo returned from the bedroom looking totally defeated, eyes puffy and moist. "I have thought it over…" she began quietly, voice wavering slightly. "With Ailen being... gone, my life no longer has a purpose... I have no reason to return to Japan to endure my sham marriage... and I will be banished from my tribe for my failure." she continued, raising her eyes to meet Mu-Lin's. "An Amazon is nothing without purpose, so I have decided to go with you... if you will have me." she concluded, tears again running down her reddened cheeks. "Amazon, I would welcome you with open arms. Knowing as I do the truth of the matter, your 'failure' is of little consequence." Mu Lin answered, smiling. "Thank you, Mu Lin. I will not forget this kindness." Shampoo stated, wiping her face. "At least… I have a purpose again." she added, trying to smile. "Our travels begin on the morrow. My time is limited, so we must act with all haste. We depart at first light." she instructed, turning to leave the room. "Ano... In order to get to China, we have to get packed, book a plane, get a hotel..." Kikyo interjected, shaking her head. "Could be a week or more before we get a flight to wherever we have to be." Mu Lin smiled knowingly at the two women. "We depart at first light." she repeated, then disappeared into the bathroom. Kikyo and Shampoo simply blinked at each other, both at a loss for words. The next morning, Kikyo wandered sleepily from the bathroom to see Shampoo and Mu Lin sitting in the living room, chatting away to one another in Chinese. For a moment, she let herself think that it was Hitomi sitting there, and smiled slightly despite her rough night. Mu Lin had slept in Hitomi's spot on the bed, and had curled up in exactly the same way. The only difference was that the Princess slept nude, which predictably resulted in a sleepless night for Kikyo. Kikyo had not wanted Mu Lin to sleep in her bed, but the Princess had slipped in and fallen asleep before an alternate location could be prepared. Resignedly, Kikyo had just decided to let well enough alone, but was now regretting that decision. "Greetings of the day, little one. I hope you slept well." the Princess wished, noticing Kikyo in the hallway. "Actually, I didn't... but that's another story." she replied, yawning. Just at that moment, a familiar scent wafted past her nose. "MMM... Coffee. Just what I needed. Who made it?" Kikyo asked, surprised. "I made the coffee... I owned a restaurant in Japan, so I'm used to it." Shampoo indicated, smiling happily. "Breakfast is on the table." "Sugoi... what time is it?" Kikyo blinked, noting the microwave's clock. "Ho.. it's only six o'clock!" she observed, stunned. "We are already behind schedule, little one... please make haste." the Princess commented, a hint of urgency to her tone. "Hai... I will. Let me get some coffee, and I'll be ready soon. You two seem to be getting along better... did I miss something?" Kikyo noted, regarding the other women questioningly. She wasn't sure why, but seeing the two of them getting along so well bothered her slightly. "We have talked, and found some common ground. We understand one another now." Mu Lin said, smiling. "I wish I could..." Kikyo grumbled under her breath as she nodded her acknowledgment. Within a few minutes, Kikyo had gathered certain of her 'Business Papers' and some other necessities for the trip, and stood ready beside the other two women. "You will have need of naught but your weapons, child. I will provide for all else. Amazon... are all your effects here now?" "Hai. They are. I gave up my room already." Shampoo replied, nodding. "Have you any weapons? They will be needed." "I do... I always have bonbori and sword handy. I should be okay." Shampoo winked, grinning. "Very good. Little one, have you all you need?" Mu lin asked, turning to Kikyo expectantly. "Hai. I do." "Then let us away." Mu Lin stated, raising her hands to her forehead. "Are you two coming?" Kikyo asked abruptly, holding open the apartment door. Mu Lin lowered her arms and smiled reprovingly. "My child, the first thing you must learn is to stop thinking as a mortal... our chances of success will be lessened if you restrict yourself in such a way. Close and lock the door, and come stand by us." she beckoned, still smiling. "Okay..." Kikyo replied, walking over to them. "Just stand still..." Mu Lin instructed, then raised her arms to her forehead again and closed her eyes. Abruptly, the room disappeared in a flood of blackness, to be suddenly replaced by another. Only this new room bore a distinctly Chinese decor. "Sugoi...!" Kikyo breathed, unable to accept what her eyes were telling her. She and Shampoo turned and looked at each other in disbelief, then both turned to stare at Mu Lin. "We have arrived. Before us now lies the difficult part of my task... erasing the blight that has soiled my family's name for nigh on two millennia." the Princess stated, smiling wickedly. "And I hope there is *much* resistance." she added, eyes narrowing. Kikyo and Shampoo looked back at each other and bigsweated in unison. ========================================================================== END - Mysteries of the Mind - Part 9 A Ranma1/2 FanFic by V. Coutu Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished! coutuva@vecdev.com