Well, here goes the next phase of the series! This is based heavily on events and situations from the previous stories, and the previous Chapters, which will soon be available on my Web Site. In the course of this story, events occur that bend RL... but, this *is* the Ranmaverse... As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Coutuva. Mysteries of the Mind - Part 7 Endings and Beginnings ------------------------------------------------------------- Hitomi sat quietly atop the stairshack on the roof of her downtown apartment building, the early evening breeze tossing her unfettered red locks freely about her. Her face bore no expression as she stared unseeing over the panorama below her, certain very serious thoughts occupying her mind. She had lived three of the most wonderful months a person could ask for, all because of a woman named Kikyo. A quiet, devoted, unassuming yet surprising woman that she had come to love deeply. Hitomi sighed longingly as she thought about her, and her heart grew heavy. She carried within her a secret, a secret which could spell an end to her idyllic world, but one she had to bring forth to clear her aching conscience. The only problem was that she just hadn't been able to find the strength. Sighing once more, she glanced up at the transitional sky, noting the appearance of the first night stars. Hearing something below her, she smiled gently then leapt off the shack, touching down with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. Directly in front of her stood Kikyo, holding a fresh cup of tea. "I thought you might be chilly up here." Kikyo smiled with a bow, offering the tea. "Arigato. I still say you're too good for me." Hitomi remarked with a smile, taking the cup and returning the bow.. "And I still say I'm perfect for you." Kikyo reiterated, winking. "Hai. That's exactly the problem." Hitomi mumbled, glumly. Kikyo blinked. "Anata?" she stammered, taken aback by Hitomi's quip. Hitomi lowered her eyes for a moment, then raised them to meet Kikyo's, fixing them in an emotion-charged hold. "Kiko-chan... we have to talk." Kasumi blinked in surprise at her youngest sister. "Are you sure that's the best thing to do, Akane? Those people make me nervous." "Hai. Kasumi, it's been almost four months, and there's been absolutely no word." Akane began, the tears that seemed so much a part of her life of late returning once again. "I can't give up... I *won't* give up! If this helps find him, then I'm willing to use it." Akane insisted, her eyes flaring with determination. "Well, I guess I don't see the harm in trying." Kasumi acquiesced, hesitantly. "You'll see oneechan... she was right about that wretched fossil Happosai, ne?" "I suppose..." "Greetings, everyone... she is ready." the usher called out to the gathered families, who had been sitting apprehensively in the waiting room. Akane cast a worried glance at her father, who responded by taking her hand in his and nodding gently. The families filed into the reading room to be greeted by a large wooden table, around which chairs had been meticulously arranged, each with a name tag. In the center of the table sat a large crystal ball, tarot cards, various paper wands and wards, and a collection of items that defied description. Everyone sat carefully in their assigned seats, all feeling quite spooked by the ambiance of the room. Most were afraid to even breathe, worried about angering some spirit or other. Behind the head of the table, a large, heavy curtain hung, inscribed with various arcane symbols and images of gods and spirits. Everyone's attention seemed to be drawn to it, until, to a person, they were all staring intently at it's detailed designs. Suddenly, the curtain parted slowly, and from a cloud of smoke stepped a dark-robed figure who then reached up and lifted back the flowing hood covering it's face. "I bid you Welcome, Family Tendou and Family Saotome." Miyo began, bowing slightly. "It's been a long time." she mentioned, casting her sloe-eyed glance over the nervous gathering. "Konnichiwa, Miyo." Akane ventured, her nervousness slowly giving way to excitement. "Do you think you can do it? Can you find him?" Miyo smiled confidently. "Saotome Ranma possesses two powerful chi... he should be easy to track. As well, the Spirit world has influence over his life as it does yours, Akane. And yours, Saotome Genma. Your Jusenkyo curses tie you to that world inexorably." she intoned, stepping to her seat. Akane and Genma gulped audibly, as everyone else shot suspicious glances at them. "Worry not. It is doubtful your curses will affect you in the manner which Ranma's does him. He, it seems, is a special case." "A 'Special Case'? What does that mean?" Akane blurted, blinking. Miyo laughed slightly, leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table, folded her hands together then set her chin on them. "His abilities, his curse and his birth sign combine to make him a very special individual... of great interest to the Spirit World." she winked, smiling knowingly. "We begin." she then announced, and rose to her full seated height. Raising her arms and shaking back her voluminous sleeves, she abruptly clapped twice and the lights dimmed instantly. "I don't believe this..." Nabiki droned, rolling her eyes. Miyo simply winked at her. As the families watched, Miyo waved her hands over the crystal ball, whispering incantations in some long-dead tongue. As she recited, the ball took on an eerie bluish glow, which Akane noted was the same as Ranma's Battle Aura. Miyo closed her eyes and leaned forward, abruptly extending a hand toward Akane. "Akane... take my hand and hold tight!" she instructed, voice strained. As soon as Akane had Miyo's hand, she felt a strange sensation wash over her... a draining feeling that seemed to be absorbing all of her energy. Within moments, she could feel another sensation... an incredibly familiar and pleasant sensation. "Ranma..." she breathed, the feeling becoming so intense it was as if he was standing beside her. She could sense her cheeks flushing as the feeling became... stimulating. "We have him..." Miyo indicated, voice relaxed. "He lives... >Unhh!<" she blurted, suddenly reacting as if hit in the stomach. Akane winced as well, feeling the same surge of energy. No sooner did it pass than another surge hit, more powerful than the first, which elicited a yelp from both Miyo and Akane. "Ah... Akane...! Let go!" Miyo gasped, throwing Akane's hand from hers and clawing at the collection of artifacts before her. Upon finding the one she sought and raising it to her forehead, she immediately settled down. "There is a great turmoil within his Spirit and a great emptiness in his soul." she began slowly, then fell silent for a several moments. Her facial expression remained neutral for most of the time, then suddenly darkened. As it did, the crystal ball's bluish glow shimmered briefly, then slowly faded away. "Akane... The news is not good. In truth, for you... it is terrible. Are you *sure* you want to hear it?" Miyo asked, regarding Akane pitiably. "H... Hai, Miyo... I have to." she replied, apprehensively. Miyo smiled sadly and took Akane's hand in hers. "Ranma lives... but no longer as Ranma." she stated quickly, eliciting startled gasps from the assembled. "I sensed his life forces, but not his persona. Something drastic has occurred, which has erased almost his entire being, and a new one has begun to emerge." she began, eyes narrowing even more than usual. "I feel he may be lost to us." she asserted, lowering her face. Akane stared at Miyo with tear-brimmed eyes, shaking her head in denial. "No... NO! That can't be true! Ranma is always Ranma.. no matter what happens to him! He can't be lost! He just... can't...!" she cried, desperately searching Miyo's eyes for some hope to cling to. "Gomen nasai, Akane... it is true. Within his body reside two disparate souls... and currently, a turmoil exists as the two both seek control. Whatever happened to him upset the normal order, changing him... I suspect for the balance of his days." "Noooo...!" Akane wailed, head dropping to the table as she dissolved in tears. Soun, himself torn between sadness and anger, placed his hand on his youngest daughter's back supportively, feeling for her plight from his own experience. Genma, Nodoka, Nabiki and Kasumi simply stared wide-eyed at the downcast prognosticator. "Where is he?" Nabiki abruptly inserted, startling everyone. "I see him in a large urban center... near bodies of water. And I saw a tower... a very high one." "Gotcha... Don't worry, sis. I'll get him. One way or another." she added, face taking a determined set. "Don't be so sure... I sensed something even more disturbing about his aura." "Oh, goody... Well? What is it this time?" Nabiki responded, leaning forward. "There is only one thing that seems to be keeping his spiritual turmoil in check, as all his energies are being directed toward it... he is deeply in love with someone very near him." Miyo stated, quietly. Akane's anguished scream seemed to fill the building. "I beg your forgiveness for not having told you sooner, Kiko-chan... but I was afraid I'd lose you because of it... And I couldn't bear that." Hitomi concluded sadly, as she knelt before a perplexed Kikyo, head lowered and fingertips on the floor on front of her. Kikyo could only blink in response, her mind whirling as she assimilated this new information. Hitomi, upon hearing no reply, looked up hesitantly to see Kikyo staring off into space. "Chikusho... " she muttered, starting to cry. "Gomen nasai!" she blurted tearfully, then rose and ran for the bedroom. Hitomi's outburst snapped Kikyo back to reality just in time for her to see red hair disappearing down the hall. "Hito..." she called, but not fast enough, as she heard the bedroom door close. "Ano... " she mouthed uselessly, settling back heavily into the couch. The news that Hitomi had lost her memory, or at least a lot of it, had come as a bit of a shock to Kikyo. In the back of her mind, she had been concerned over many things, not the least of which was *why* Hitomi was here, and why she chose to live as a female. Her not knowing anything about her past answered that, however, much to Kikyo's relief. Despite being willing to overlook a lot of questions because of how she felt about Hitomi, Kikyo had still had them. Now, however, things were a lot clearer. When Hitomi was relating her sad tale about the accident, Elysse, her curse and her memory, Kikyo had studied her eyes... it was what she saw there that convinced her that it was all true. As Kikyo thought it through, she couldn't help but smile she could feel the relief within her, knowing now that Hitomi wasn't deliberately hiding anything from her. Just then, she could hear Hitomi sob in the bedroom, and her heart melted instantly. She rose quickly and headed for the room, worried about what Hitomi might be thinking. Opening the door slowly, all she could see in the darkened room was Hitomi's form on the bed, backlit by the light from the window. She could tell Hitomi had almost cried herself to sleep, as her occasional sobs were separated by soft, moaning cries. Each seemed to reach out and grab her by the heartstrings. "Hitomi-chan?" she ventured quietly, biting her lip. "H.. Hai?" came the wavering, tear-soaked response. "Can I talk to you?" she asked, tentatively stepping toward the bed. In the dim light, she could see that Hitomi's dress had twisted a bit, and the slit was now in a most interesting location. "Hai, Hai... I didn't think..." she began, sniffing. "Baka... diajobu desu. I'm happy you told me... it shows you trust me." Kikyo assured gently, sitting on the edge of the bed. Hitomi abruptly flipped over to face Kikyo, eyes wide. "You mean you still want me? Even with all that baggage?" she exclaimed, eyes shimmering hopefully. Kikyo smiled the most beautiful smile Hitomi had ever seen. "Hai. Suki da yo, Hitomi-chan." she answered, happily. Hitomi smiled broadly, tears of relief and pure joy running down her cheeks. "Suki da yo, Kiko-chan." she breathed, leaning up and pulling Kikyo down into a passionate, thankful embrace. "Kiko-chan... I was so afraid..." Hitomi sniffed upon breaking the hug. "Ya... don't be. I couldn't live without you, either." Kikyo assured, her voice husky. "Ano... you should have taken that dress off. You'll stain it or wrinkle it... and it's far too pretty for that." Kikyo abruptly admonished, shooting Hitomi a look. Hitomi grinned mischievously. "Well then, feel like helping me take it off?" she suggested, sitting up. "I thought you'd never ask." Kikyo groaned, jumping up quickly and reaching for Hitomi's buttons. Nabiki sat behind her desk in her office, tapping her pen impatiently as she waited for her call to ring through. In her mind, the scene at the Dojo remained, imprinted as the focus of her determination to find Ranma at any cost. Akane, upon being reawakened at home, had promptly zoned out. Pulling out her hammer, she nearly destroyed the Dojo itself, so far gone was she with blind rage and anguish that she had lashed out at anything in sight. Finally, Tofu had managed to get in close enough to pressure-point her unconscious, and she now lay in a drug-sustained sleep. Something snapped in Nabiki's head during that scene, and she became single-minded of purpose. Inwardly, she couldn't stand to see her sister's heart torn out a second time... especially in such a cruel manner. Abruptly, the sound of her call being answered interrupted her thoughts. "Hi... yeah, it's me. I have some new orders for you. Remember that target you couldn't find? Well, we have reason to believe it's in Toronto, Ontario. Hai. I want *everyone* on this. Spread the word... 5000 US Dollars to the operative who finds it first. You heard right. Yeah, I know... but this is personal. Also, make sure they don't attempt an apprehension on their own... doing something that stupid could get them killed. Right; observation *only*. I'll look after the rest in person. Hai. I'll be in touch." She smiled to herself confidently as she closed the phone, knowing there was no better incentive than money to get results. Reaching for her little black electronic organizer, she scanned through the list to find the number of the one person she felt could help her nab Ranma with no resistance. Upon finding it, she grinned as she dialed it in. "Konnichiwa! Hai! It's me! Yeah, I know... it's been *such* a long time." she began, cheerfully. "Say, I know this is kind of short notice, but how would you like to go to Canada? On me." she continued, eyes narrowing wickedly. Hitomi sat cross-legged on the coffee table, eyes closed and head tilted back slightly, moaning contentedly as Kikyo, behind her on the couch, happily brushed out her long red hair. When she finished, she carefully weaved it into an intricate french braid. "There! All done." Kikyo announced, tying the ribbons in. "Mmm... felt great, Kiko-chan. Okay... My turn!" Hitomi grinned, hopping from the table and gesturing for Kikyo to take her place. Kikyo smiled happily and rose from the couch, taking her spot on the table as Hitomi sat behind her. Taking a large lock of Kikyo's shimmering black hair in her hands, Hitomi ran it through her fingers, enjoying the sensation. "I love your hair, Kiko-chan... I wish I could get mine to shine like this." she commented wistfully, bringing the lock up and starting to brush it. Kikyo had to snicker at that remark. "Hitomi, you say that every time you brush me... " she laughed, closing her eyes. "Hai.. but I can't help it..." Hitomi pouted, sheepishly. "It even feels nicer." Kikyo blushed slightly. "Thanks... I'm glad you notice. I like to look nice for you." she responded, quietly. Hitomi smiled to herself, the thought giving her an even warmer feeling than the one she already had. Meantime, in the bedroom and buried under a disheveled pile of pillows and blankets, Kikyo's cell phone rang insistently, unheard by either woman. The next morning, Hitomi wandered out of the bathroom to find Kikyo already dressed, and standing before a large black briefcase that sat open on the table. On the briefcase was a small label, which Hitomi could barely make out. "Business Papers?" she asked, walking to the coffee maker. Kikyo grinned knowingly. "Ohaiyo, Hitomi-chan." she began, brightly. "Want to have a look?" she invited, stepping back and gesturing toward the case. "Ohaiyo, Kiko-chan..." Hitomi returned, kissing Kikyo`s cheek affectionately and patting her backside as she went by. When she stepped around the table, Hitomi erked at the sight of the case's contents. Within it were five handguns, several boxes of ammunition and two pairs of yellow safety glasses. "Those are your 'Business Papers'?? Feh... I should have known." she noted, smirking. "Hai! I'm going to the practice range today... I would be most honored if you were to come with me." "Ano... why not? I've never seen one of those..." Hitomi replied, thoughtfully. Kikyo's eyes lit up instantly. "Arigato, anata..." she began, bowing. "I would really like to show you around." she added, happily closing the case. "Okay... let me get dressed and we're outta here." Hitomi smiled, happy to be invited to something that was so exciting to her girlfriend. Hitomi stood off to the back of the concrete walkway, holding the ear defenders tight to her head. A few feet in front of her, Kikyo was lining up on her new target. Within a few seconds, Kikyo emptied her clip into the target, scoring yet another impressive grouping. As she lowered her gun and slipped the clip out, she grinned happily. "Nice work, Harry." Hitomi drawled, walking up behind her. "Well, I could have tightened it a bit... My hand wiggled too much. I'm still getting used to this one." Kikyo replied, holding the weapon up. "I just had it built about six months ago, and haven't put that much time in on it. Hitomi shook her head. "You had that built for you? It looks way too big." Kikyo grinned knowingly. "Think so? Here." she asked, handing the weapon to Hitomi. "Are you sure about this? I don't know anything about these..." she indicated, gingerly taking the butt of the gun. "Daijobu desu... it's empty, see? The clip is here, and if you look there, you can see that there's nothing in the chamber. Point it downrange, just like I did, and tell me how it feels to you." she invited, stepping around behind Hitomi. "Like this?" she asked, raising the weapon and pointing it in the general direction of the target. "Hai. Now, feel the weight in your hand. Remember it. Got it?" Kikyo asked, becoming more excited by the minute. Hitomi, still nervous despite the assurances, nodded quickly. "Okay. Now, I'm going to take that one, and give you an ordinary .357 Magnum." she indicated, reaching over and lifting the gun from Hitomi's hands, and replacing it with another. "Okay... what do you notice?" she queried, regarding Hitomi expectantly. "Sugoi... it's more than twice as heavy." Hitomi commented, incredulously. "Hai! All right... brace yourself, and get a good grip. Then, when you're ready, squeeze the trigger gently." "Hey! You never told me this thing was *loaded*!" Hitomi protested, shocked. "Daijobu, Diajobu! This is a target range... you can't hurt anything here. Go ahead... I'll fix these for you." Kikyo assured, adjusting Hitomi's ear defenders. "Kuso... Dirty trick, Kiko-chan." she responded, shooting Kikyo a look. "Hai, but it worked, didn't it?" Kikyo replied, winking. Hitomi smirked in response, then turned her attention to the gun in her hands. Setting her feet, she drew a deep breath, pointed the weapon at the target dangling off in the distance, and squeezed the trigger. The powerful gun erupted in her hands, jumping upwards suddenly. To her credit, Hitomi was not budged, despite not being prepared for the substantial kick. "Hooo...! the redhead exclaimed, impressed with the power of the gun. "I can see why you like these things..." she breathed, turning toward Kikyo with wide eyes as she flipped off the defenders. Kikyo looked back at her happily, eyes shimmering with excitement. "Okay... now, try this one." she urged, snapping a round into the clip and then slapping the clip itself home. Stepping around beside Hitomi, she switched the guns back, and then stepped behind her again. "Take a shot." she prodded, grinning as she covered Hitomi's ears. Again, Hitomi set her feet, took a breath and squeezed. The weapon went off, but much to her surprise, didn't have nearly as much of a kick. "What do you think?" Kikyo yelled, grinning. "I hardly felt that!" Hitomi responded, perplexed. Flipping the defenders off, she regarded Kikyo questioningly. "Hai! That one's more powerful, too. It's specially built to be lighter and better balanced than most. My cousin Rally in Chicago built it for me, and it cost me a fortune. It's fully automatic, too. Just squeeze and hold, it'll empty itself in a heartbeat." she explained. proudly. "You're dangerous, lady..." Hitomi bigsweated, handing the weapon back to her. "Unlike you, I need a little help." she grinned, holding the weapon up again. Hitomi simply grinned cheesily in response, stepping back out of the booth to let Kikyo in. "So, tell me how a Daycare worker gets involved with things like this." she asked, leaning back against the wall. "I used to be in the Military..." Kikyo sighed, dropping the clip out of her .45. "I was part of an Elite team of Sharpshooters for several years... we won competitions all over Canada and the US." she explained, cheeks flushing. "Sugoi... You must have really enjoyed that... how did you end up here?" "I... made a mistake. I was about to sign for another tour, but something happened, and I had to retire." she continued, eyes downcast and voice softening. Hitomi, noticing the change in Kikyo's demeanor, stepped up and touched her shoulder. "Gomen, Kiko-chan... You don't have to say anything else... I'll understand it if it's too painful." she assured, gently. "Ya... I want to tell you. I... had a girlfriend in the Corps. We were almost as close as you and I. We... got careless one night, and someone saw us together. Since there was a Policy about same-sex relationships, we could have both ended up with Dishonorable Discharges. The girl that discovered us didn't like me very much, but had no problem with my girlfriend, so I made a deal. I would retire if she swore to keep quiet, so that my friend could finish the tour she had just started." "Kiko-chan... " Hitomi breathed, stepping forward and hugging her gently. "Gomen nasai... I didn't mean to make you so upset." she continued, apologetically. "Daijobu... I wanted to tell you anyway. That was almost two years ago, Hitomi-chan... and my friend never spoke to me again. I think that part hurts more than leaving the Corps." Kikyo indicated, sniffing. "Kiko-chan, all that means is that she didn't see in you what I do... and this might sound funny, but I'm actually glad. If she had, she would never have let you get away... and then I wouldn't have met you." Hitomi explained, smiling. Kikyo blinked back at Hitomi for a moment, then smiled brightly. "Anata... how do you always seem to know what I need to hear?" she asked, reaching out to hug the redhead tightly. "Because I love you, Baka..." Hitomi replied, softly. After dropping by the apartment to freshen up and change, the two women headed out for some power-shopping and eventually supper, Hitomi feeling like she should get Kikyo out for a while, mainly to shake off the rather emotional past couple of days they'd endured. Upon enjoying their supper, Hitomi suggested that they catch "Men in Black", which she thought Kikyo would get a charge out of. It turned out that she was indeed correct, as Kikyo didn't stop laughing all the way through it. In fact, when the 'Neuralizer' made it's appearance, the two women looked at each other and started to laugh uncontrollably. Inwardly, Hitomi was thoroughly pleased that her friend enjoyed it so much, still feeling badly over dredging up her unpleasant memory. Later, as they strolled home along the darkened streets, Kikyo took Hitomi's hand and rested her head on the redhead's shoulder. "Arigato, Hitomi-chan... I'm so glad you talked me into this." she stated, happily. "I just thought we needed a break..." Hitomi smiled, feeling quite happy herself. As they continued along the street, a large orange and white cat stepped from between two parked cars and turned toward the two women. Kikyo noticed it first, and her breath caught in her throat. Before she could react however, Hitomi spotted the animal approaching them. Then, she did something that made Kikyo face-fault. "Kawaii...!" she said, then kneeled down, called the cat over and began to pet it as it mewed happily. Stunned, Kikyo recalled the note hand-written on Hitomi's dossier... simply sighting a cat would send her running off screaming, while contact with one would have catastrophic results. "Ano... Hitomi... that's a cat." Kikyo stammered, still shocked. "Hai... and she's pretty kitty, too, ne? What's the matter, sweetie? You lost or just looking for attention?" she replied, more to the cat than to Kikyo. "Chikusho... she really must have no idea about her past..." Kikyo thought, watching Hitomi play with the cat contentedly. Kikyo was given to understand that the 'cat thing' was worse than a phobia for Hitomi, but what she saw before her totally belied it. Finally, the cat circled Hitomi's legs once more, then strutted off down the street, purring softly. Hitomi stood back up grinning, then noticed the expression on her girlfriend's face. "Ne, Kikyo... something wrong?" "Ya... I just didn't know you liked cats..." she replied, mentally shaking herself back to reality. "Well, I didn't know either... I just saw her and felt like petting her. I must have had a thing for cats once..." she observed, thoughtfully. "You could say that..." Kikyo thought to herself, wryly. "Ready to head home? I'm getting tired." Hitomi abruptly suggested, winking at her girlfriend. "Hai, hai... more than ready." Kikyo agreed, taking Hitomi's arm again as they resumed their stroll home. "She really said that?!?" Ukyou blinked, almost dropping her teacup. "No wonder Akane won't come out of her room." she added, shaking her head. "Fortune-girl isn't usually wrong, you know..." Shampoo added, sadly. "I went to her about my future too, and she said I would marry the man I was destined to... and when you think about it, I did." she continued, thoughtfully. "I still can't believe it... Ranma may not be the most perfect guy around, but even he wouldn't just turn his back on his family. He has too much honor for that. There must be something seriously wrong." Ryouga commented, to an agreeing nod from Ukyou. "She seemed pretty sure... and she's one of Akane's old friends... I don't think she'd make it up." Kasumi commented, eyeing the group around the table. "How is Akane? I heard she went ballistic when you came home." "Yes, I'm afraid she did... the poor girl thinks she's lost him forever. The shock was just too much for her to handle. Tofu says she should be left alone for a few days, and then allowed to wake up to see how she's doing. I'm worried about her though... when her mother died, she stayed in her room for two weeks... and barely talked for a long time after that." "Akane's tough... she'll come through this okay. We just have to be ready to help her out." Ryouga commented, nodding. "Kasumi, where's Nabiki? I notice she's not here, and usually she's always around." Shampoo asked, glancing about the room for signs of her presence. "I don't know, Shampoo... she's been missing since the day of the reading. She said something about getting Ranma to come back, but didn't explain how." "I have a feeling she'll get to the bottom of this... she doesn't take failure too well, and she missed once already." Ukyou observed, glancing at Kasumi. "I hope so... If *she* can't find him and bring him home, he's probably not coming back." Ryouga added, lowering his eyes. Shampoo, lost in thought for a moment, wiped the wry grin off her face and nodded her agreement as well. The next day, a flight from Japan arrived uneventfully at Pearson International Airport, and upon deplaning, the passengers went through the regular ritual at Canadian Customs. "And how long will you and your... 'daughter' be staying in Canada, Ma'am?" the Customs Agent asked the Japanese woman standing before him. "Only a few days... this hopefully won't take long." she replied with a pleasant smile. "Business or pleasure?" "Oh, we mean business." she remarked, smirking. The girl beside her simply giggled. Hitomi looked up from the group of attentive children sitting around her with a mischievous grin, looking for Kikyo. She was about to read a story to the children, but at the last second, decided on a change of plan. When she finally spotted Kikyo, she smiled innocently and gestured her over to the group. When Kikyo arrived and sat beside her, Hitomi almost blackmailed her into reading the story to the children while she stood up to act it out. Before long, the audience grew from the original ten children to almost the entire enrollment, as they laughed and commented on Hitomi's antics. Even Kikyo broke out laughing at times, making it tricky for Hitomi to keep the story going. The owner, Minako, came to her office door to see what the excitement was all about, and eventually went over and sat with the children, enjoying the show immensely. When it was all over, Hitomi was summarily mobbed by the children, all wanting her to do another story. Laughing, she explained that once was enough for now, wanting to get on with the rest of her duties. The children, not to be denied, made her promise that she would give them another story before they let her off the hook. Once the crowd cleared, Kikyo walked up to her, a smirk firmly in place on her face. "What'd I do?" Hitomi asked, noting the expression. "Sensei, you are one hundred percent ham, aren't you?" Kikyo grinned, winking. Hitomi grinned back, setting her arms on her hips. "Yeah, maybe... but I noticed you thought it was pretty funny, didn't you?" the Chinese girl responded, smirking happily. "I thought it was great... I've never seen someone who truly enjoys children like you do. That must be why you're so good with them." "It's a gift. For someone to have that much concern for others... to care that much; It is undeniably a gift. The Kamis have blessed you, Hitomi-Sensei." Minako chimed in, bowing respectfully. "Ano... you're embarrassing me, Minako-san." Hitomi replied, flushing brightly. Minako only smiled politely, then looked at Kikyo. "Kikyo-san, would you look after things for a moment? I would speak to Hitomi-Sensei in my office." she asked, winking. Kikyo's face immediately lit up. "Hai, Minako-Sensei." she agreed, bowing. "Uh-oh... what are you two planning, here?" Hitomi asked, eyeing the two suspiciously. "Come. You shall see." Minako indicated, starting to walk back toward the office. Hitomi glanced at Kikyo, who only smiled happily. Shaking her head, she finally trotted off after Minako. Several minutes later, the calm outside the office was disrupted by a startled exclamation from inside it's walls. "Nani?!" Hitomi's voice echoed, at which Kikyo smiled happily once again. Finally, Hitomi walked from the office, her face a mask of stunned disbelief. Kikyo jumped to her feet and dashed to Hitomi's side, excitement making her almost giddy. "Well? What happened?" she prodded, although she already knew exactly what had transpired. "Ano... Minako-Sensei wants to retire... she offered me the Center." Hitomi breathed, still totally overwhelmed. "And... what did you say? Are you going to take it?" Kikyo prodded, fingers crossed. Abruptly, the entire room seemed to stop breathing in anticipation of the answer. "I... said I would be honored." she almost whispered, then turned to look at Kikyo. Kikyo smiled excitedly, then turned to the children. "Minna, Minna; Hai!" she announced, to which the children all rose politely and in chorus stated: "Arigato, Hitomi-Sensei!" and began cheering. Kikyo immediately hugged the still reeling redhead, and gushed her congratulations. Hitomi, finally recovering from her shock, hugged her back ecstatically. "Kiko-chan... I can't believe it... she trusts me enough to run the Center for her... Isn't it wonderful?" she finally gushed, still completely overwhelmed. "Anata... I think she couldn't have found anyone better. You're absolutely perfect for this." "Minako said the same... she thinks that I'm some kind of one in a million person when it comes to children." she remarked, sheepishly. As she spoke, the children moved in around her, all chattering happily about her new position. Immediately, Hitomi knelt down to acknowledge them excitedly. Kikyo smiled appreciatively. "You're a one in a million person, period... Anata." she indicated, winking. On the heels of such wonderful news, Kikyo insisted on taking Hitomi out for supper, in order to properly celebrate the occasion. As they sat in the posh, expensive restaurant awaiting their meal, Hitomi asked the question that had been sitting in the back of her mind since before the announcement was made. "Kiko-chan, you two had me set up today, didn't you?" she slipped in as she sipped her tea. "Hai. Minako-Sensei asked me a few days ago what I thought of you with the children, and then asked if I thought you would want to take over the Center. I wasn't sure what to say about the second part, but I know how much you love the children... and how much they love you." she replied, her eyes sparkling. "I still can't believe she asked me... I've only been there for four months, and now she wants me to take it over. It's an honor to be so highly thought of, but it happened so fast..." "Hitomi-chan... it's your destiny." Kikyo inserted, looking across the table at Hitomi's now wide blue eyes. "Nani? Destiny...?" How do you figure that?" she asked, blinking. "What else could it be? Look at it... Your accident, going to the Center, meeting me... saving the children... now taking over the Center; It must be destiny." Kikyo grinned, winking. "I dunno... that mystical stuff's okay, but I don't run my life by it. You make your own destiny as far as I'm concerned." she remarked, sipping her tea again. "Although, I like the way it's been going so far." "Hai... so do I!" Kikyo added, laughing. Across the restaurant, two people sat quietly in their seats, staring at the redhead and her companion. The older one was very surprised to have seen the two of them walk in, given the odds of such a thing occurring. In fact, she had to look several times just to be sure it was actually who she thought it was. Once she was sure, she couldn't believe her luck. She almost didn't recognize the redhead, owing to her longer, braided hair and considerably different manner. She immediately noticed her more feminine carriage, and how she seemed completely at home as a woman. As well, the attractive Japanese woman at her side also threw her off a bit. She swore she recognized the woman from somewhere, but was unable to pin it down. Another thing that bothered her was that it seemed as if the two were quite attached to each other. That observation was confirmed a few moments later, as she almost face faulted when she watched the redhead lean across the table and kiss the brunette affectionately. "Gad, this is too much, even for him." she droned, regarding her own companion questioningly. "You're right, Nabiki-san. He does need some discipline, doesn't he?" the girl indicated, regarding the scene with great disdain. "I was hoping you'd say that." Nabiki replied, smiling wickedly. "Ranma, your sweet little vacation is about to end." she added, winking at her associate. After enjoying a totally wonderful meal, Hitomi and Kikyo tried to figure out what to do next, a topic of no small discussion it turned out, since Hitomi didn't want to be fussed over. However, despite her protestations, Kikyo was insistent on showing her a good time. Finally, they agreed to at least go for a walk, and see where it took them. Leaving the restaurant, Kikyo took Hitomi's hand and leaned her head on the redhead's shoulder happily, still euphoric over the news of the day. "I can't say it enough, Hitomi-chan... I'm so proud of you. You deserved this honor." she commented, smiling. "Kiko-chan... You're going to turn my face as red as this mop on top of it." Hitomi blushed again, smiling down at Kikyo. "I'm really excited about it, though... now that it's finally sunk in. It's a really wonderful opportunity to work with the kids... do more than just baby-sit them." "You never "baby-sat" them, Hitomi-chan... you always had something to show them or to teach them... that's why Minako thought you were a perfect choice." "Ano... I just pray I do a good job. They're depending on me." "They couldn't be in better hands, Anata." Kikyo replied, squeezing her hand a bit tighter. "Oh, I agree... but there are other children whom you have a responsibility to as well... Ranma." a voice from behind them stated, dryly. "Nani?!?" Hitomi blurted, shocked to hear that name again. Spinning to face the voice, her eyes narrowed. "Who are you, and how do you know that name?" she hissed, angrily. Quickly, she assessed the Japanese woman standing before her as being no threat, noting in her a distinct lack of Martial Arts skills. But, for some reason, the approximately twelve year old girl beside her grinning innocently made Hitomi very wary. "That's nothing you need to be concerned with right now, Ranma. I'm just here to tell you that playtime's over. Time to come home and be a man again." Kuno Nabiki stated, eyeing the Chinese girl levelly. "Like hell... I'm not going anywhere with you." Hitomi snarled, taking a stance. At the same second, a metallic clack could be heard beside Hitomi, as Kikyo dropped to a crouch, .45 leveled on the other woman's forehead. "...And if I were you, I'd believe it." Kikyo added, flatly. She had recognized the voice of her employer instantly, and couldn't believe that she was actually here. Her heart had almost stopped from the shock, but once she snapped out of it, she realized that one wrong statement could ruin everything, and there was no way she was about let that happen. "Do I know you?" Nabiki asked, squinting in the dim light to get a better look at Kikyo. "I'm sure I..." "Hey! Your fight's with me! Leave her out of it!" Hitomi interrupted, angrily. "Well, If you insist, Ranma. We didn't have to do this the hard way, but I can certainly accommodate you. Hinako?" Nabiki drawled, turning to her associate. The young girl grinned wickedly and reached into her pocket, withdrawing a shiny coin. Placing it between her first two fingers, she held it up before her and narrowed her eyes. "Happo five-yen Setsu!" she yelled, and a wave of light erupted from the coin, headed straight for the two startled women. "Hitomi, move!" Kikyo screamed, diving sideways into Hitomi, knocking her off her feet. Just as she landed and raised her gun again, the wave of light hit her full on, and she groaned as all of her energy was sucked away, leaving her to crumple uselessly on the pavement. Hitomi, recovering from the unexpected shove, dashed to her stricken girlfriend's side. "Kikyo!" she shouted, lifting the near-lifeless woman into her lap. "Hitomi-chan... get away... you... can't fight this..." she breathed, each word a supreme effort. "Good advice, Ranma... so unless you want some of the same, I'd suggest you come quietly." Nabiki added, smugly. Hitomi glared back at the pair, and gently lifted Kikyo from her lap. Then, she rose to her feet, her face fixed in rage. "I'd like to see you try it..." she snarled, eyes flashing with pure hate. Suddenly, she leapt into the air, headed straight for the adult woman that used to be the little girl. "Happo five-yen Setsu Return!" Hinako yelled, a blast of energy erupting from the circle she had made with her hands, striking Hitomi squarely in the chest. The impact threw her back across the sidewalk, slamming her into the side of a building. As she dropped to the sidewalk in a heap, Kikyo gasped in fear, certain Hitomi was gravely injured. Summoning what little energy she had left, she tried to drag her .45 back toward her, but didn't have the strength to even budge it. Nabiki, in the meantime, tsked a few times and shrugged resignedly at the whole scene. "Well, it didn't have to come to this, but she called it." she remarked, flippantly. Turning, she glanced over at Kikyo and narrowed her eyes. "Oh, and by the way... You're fired." she snapped, icily. Kikyo didn't respond. Grinning smugly, Nabiki then turned back to her diminutive companion. "Okay, Hinako... drain her so we can get her back home without any more trouble." she instructed, casually. "My pleasure... it seems as if he needs a good disciplining, especially after how much of a delinquent he's been." the little girl responded wryly. Reaching into her pocket, she again produced the coin and aimed it at Hitomi... or at least, at where the Chinese girl had been. "Huh?" she blinked, looking back at the other woman in surprise. "She's gone...!" Hinako blinked, confused. "I am here, whelp." an eerie, cold, angry voice stated from behind Hinako. Turning quickly, Hinako gasped as she saw Hitomi standing a few feet away, eyes glazed and her body bathed in a bluish glow. "Happo five-yen Setsu!" she yelled, and the waves of light erupted once again, headed for Hitomi. That which was Hitomi only glared angrily and swung a backhand through the air, as if swatting at a fly. Hinako's attack vanished in a ball of brilliant light, and Hinako herself was thrown several feet away, coming to rest in a smoking heap. "Uh-oh... this does *not* look good." Nabiki breathed, worriedly. "Such is the fate of those who would dare harm the one that I love." Hitomi stated, her voice seeming to fill the air. Abruptly, she turned and stared hard at Nabiki. "I know of you, and I know from whence you come. It is because your reason for this is somewhat honorable that you yet live." she began, regarding Nabiki disdainfully. "The one you seek no longer exists, yet a part of him lives on within me. I instruct you to abandon your quest... or you shall suffer the same fate as all those who would interfere." Hitomi stated, walking slowly toward her. "Who.. or what... are you?" she stammered, hoping to come away with at least some useable information. Hitomi grinned. "To use your words, it matters not at this time. Gather the whelp with you and leave... and never return. You have had your one chance, and my patience grows thin." she commanded, eyes narrowing. "But, if... Erk!" she never got the chance to complete the sentence. Hitomi reached up and caught Nabiki's forehead in her hand, then drew her face close and angrily stared deep into her eyes. "Leave this place, never to return. That which you seek is lost. Now sleep, foolish one... and disturb us no more." Hitomi instructed, as Nabiki's eyes closed and she slowly collapsed to the ground. Satisfied all was well, Hitomi walked back over to the fallen Kikyo and knelt beside her, gently touching her face. "Hitomi-chan... " Kikyo breathed, still barely able to speak. "Hush, child... I shall restore your strength." Hitomi smiled, and placed her hand on Kikyo's forehead. Kikyo felt her forehead become warm, and her strength beginning to flow back. Finally, after only a few minutes, she felt as if nothing had happened to her, and immediately sat upright. Hitomi smiled lovingly at her and took her hand. "How fare you, my precious one?" she asked, tenderly. "Ano... I feel great! How about... you?" "Good. It is ended, then. Good Journeys, child." Hitomi smiled, then promptly collapsed in Kikyo's arms. An hour later, Hitomi awoke to see Kikyo standing over her, looking worried, then relieved as she looked up at her. "Hitomi-chan! I was so worried about you...! Kikyo gushed, dropping a hug on the groggy woman. "Ano... what happened to me? I remember this woman blasting me... then... it was like a weird dream. Am I okay?" she asked, checking herself over. "You seem fine... Kuso, I was so scared for you..." Kikyo added, wiping her eyes. "And I am so sorry I couldn't protect you." she whispered, bowing deeply. Hitomi smiled weakly, and winked at her girlfriend. "Daijobu, Kiko-chan." she responded, voice a whisper. "Ya... you rest... I'll take care of you." Kikyo produced a damp cloth from a bowl on the floor beside her, and gently wiped down Hitomi's face, checking carefully for signs of injury. She still thought that the impact with the wall should have hospitalized the Chinese girl, but there was no sign it had ever happened. Abruptly, Hitomi opened her eyes wide and sought out her girlfriend's face, her own visage displaying grave concern. Kikyo gasped at the sudden move, thinking she'd hit a sore spot. "Hitomi..?" "Kikyo... did something weird happen out there? I remember seeing that nasty little kid flying through the air... but it seems almost like remembering a dream..." she breathed, staring hard into Kikyo's eyes. "Hitomi-chan..." Kikyo began, lowering her eyes. "You changed again... into that same strange state you went into at the Center. But, it was still you, because you knew me... and said you loved me. You had the same blue aura, and your eyes looked empty... I was scared at first, but when it was all over, you were so sweet to me... and you gave me back my strength." Kikyo described, eyes shimmering with tears. "Chikusho... and I *do* remember some of it..." Hitomi noted, a sudden shudder running down her back. "Kikyo... what the hell is going on?!? Am I going insane?!?" she blurted, shooting a terrified glance at her girlfriend. "Ano... I don't think so, Hitomi-chan... but I think there's much more to it than that..." she responded, taking Hitomi's hand as she regarded her worriedly. "There it is... she failed." Miyo announced, leaning back from her now-quiet crystal ball. "The disappearance of that flame means she's unconscious... or dead." she continued, shaking her head sadly. "I could have told her that would happen... she was dealing with forces she couldn't possibly understand." "Is there any way to get him back?" the figure at the opposite end of the small table asked, listening intently. "I am no stranger to the mystic ways." she continued, confidently. "It's doubtful... the chances of his original persona coming back are not worth mentioning, even if one could interrupt the changes taking place within his Spirit." "But if one could...?" "He'd likely end up back in the state he was after the trauma that started all of this... a blank slate... possibly." Miyo noted, thoughtfully. "But the chance of that happening..." "Is worth exploring. I thank you... please no mention of my visit... or what we discussed... to anyone. Not even Akane." the figure insisted, tossing a pile of yen on the table as she rose from her seat. "We will talk more later." "You have my word..." Miyo replied, smiling. ========================================================================= END - Mysteries of the Mind - Part 7 A Ranma 1/2 FanFic by V.Coutu Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished coutuva@vecdev.com