Well, here goes the next Chapter of the series! This is based heavily on events and situations from the previous stories, and the previous Chapters, most of which are finally available on my web site. As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. "Miyabi" and "Masao" appear courtesy of Kunoichi, whose "Ranma Nibun no ichi" Lemon Series inspired my Ranma works. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Coutuva. Mysteries of the Mind - Part 10 A Destiny Met -------------------------------------------------------------------- As they had arrived in China late at night, Mu Lin had decreed that they would wait until the next day to begin their 'mission'. Kikyo didn't mind all that much, as she was still fried from her early morning. Shampoo had no objections either, and after running through a rather unique Kata, she had caught a shower and was now parked in front of the room's TV. It turned out she was delighted to be able to watch TV in her native language. Kikyo had curled up in a large chair in the back corner of the room, and sat absently flipping a bullet through her fingers, lost in thought. Mu Lin meantime, had disappeared outside without a word, and stood alone on the deck. After several minutes, Kikyo noticed her missing, and decided to go and investigate. Stepping out onto the deck, she found Mu Lin standing at the rail, staring off into the sunset. Hesitant at first to interrupt what looked like some serious thought, Kikyo slowly wandered up beside the Princess and stood quietly. The Princess, almost as if to note Kikyo's presence, closed her eyes and sighed quietly. "This is a nice house..." she began, glancing at Mu Lin. "It is a country dwelling belonging to a descendant of my family... we are 'borrowing' it to prepare for that which comes tomorrow." Mu Lin replied absently. "We will leave no trace." she added, opening her eyes again. "It's a beautiful sunset, isn't it...?" Kikyo ventured, noticing an uncharacteristic softness in the Princess' features. "Indeed, my child. The beauty of this event compares to no other. I have missed it." Mu Lin replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "I would go to the balcony overlooking the gardens upon the eve, and enjoy it's serenity with great pleasure. It saddens me to think of how few I was able to enjoy." she continued, still watching the receding sun. "Oh? How old were you?" Kikyo inquired, absently. "I lived but fifteen summers... not enough to say I had even lived." she answered, quietly. "Long enough though to learn of the treachery against my family... I assume so that I would be able to set it right." she continued, her face growing hard once again. "Before that act was committed, I was but a child... and my only concerns were the other children that had been entrusted to my care. They were all orphans; left when their families were killed in the wars." "That's why Hitomi dreamed about the kids then, I guess..." Kikyo commented, thoughtfully. "Do you know the 'Ballad of Mulan'?" she abruptly asked, looking over at the Chinese girl expectantly. A thin, knowing smile spread across Mu Lin's face. "My child... I wrote the passage of which you speak. It is the story of my Mother." she stated, wistfully. "Your mother...?" "Yes... she died of the fever when I was very young, but my father and grandfather told me of her. I always wished to be the woman she was... but it was not to be. I wrote that passage to ensure she would be remembered... I am flattered that you know of it." "It's told today... My mother told it to me." Kikyo commented, struck by the irony of the moment. It was then that she noticed a strange look on Mu Lin's face... one she knew well from someone else. "Mu Lin? What...?" she began, but didn't get to finish as Mu Lin wrapped an emotional hug around her. "Hold me, little one... these words have stirred memories that bring great sadness to my heart." Mu Lin sniffed, burying her face in Kikyo's blouse. Kikyo was dumbstruck... breaking down in tears and asking to be held was the last thing she would have ever expected from Mu Lin. In fact, Kikyo's first impulse was to push her away, but as she looked down at the red-maned head and moist eyes, her heart began to melt. The Princess resembled Hitomi so much at that moment that Kikyo couldn't find the will to deny her. "This is the one that does not rest..." a shadowy figure observed, regarding a bluish, glowing ball in the chamber before it. "It is not at peace." the figure continued, reaching a voluminous sleeve toward the ball. After a moment, the figure turned to it's companion and sighed. "It will not rest. There is a part of it's former life that remains unresolved... and it is of such consuming concern that it may never rest." the figure indicated, emotionlessly. "Shall I alert the Fates?" a thin, creaky voice inquired from the second, smaller figure. "It would be expedient. Those with unresolved lives are never at peace... but this chi could disturb the rest of countless others. That cannot be allowed." "I will go. If they are willing, do you give your assent?" "I do. I sense within this chi a strong, righteous will. It will not go awry. Mention also that it cannot be allowed to remain as it is... they will do what is right." the larger figure stressed, turning and walking away slowly. As the sun slowly rose on a new day, Akane stretched her tired muscles and told herself she had to get up. Of late, greeting a new day always saddened her, given that the first thing she always saw was the empty space beside her. Sighing, she knew Miyabi would be up soon, and if she didn't have a breakfast ready, the child would make her own... and she dreaded that thought, as it was apparent that she had inherited her cooking skills from her mother. Throwing off her blankets, she rose from the bed slowly and went to her dresser to select her outfit for the day. Glancing at the mirror, she grimaced at her hair. Looking for a ribbon, she moved her head to the side slightly, and caught a glance of something black slightly above and behind her. Looking again, she saw that there was nothing there. Turning to look behind her, she confirmed that there was no black object. Shrugging, she finished tying back her hair and headed for the bath. Kikyo wandered slowly from the bathroom, still rubbing sleep from her eyes, until she heard what sounded like battle cries coming from the deck. Curious, she walked to the doors and pulled aside the blinds, only to see Shampoo working out with her swords. Immediately, she found herself hypnotized by the Amazon's fluid, artistic movements and catlike grace. As she watched, she noticed how every move seemed to flow into another, with no wasted effort... and how the large, seemingly ungainly swords flashed through the morning sun in perfectly choreographed harmony. Shampoo's arms, legs and hair were all in motion it seemed, each lending their own stylish flair to what looked more like a dance than a battle style. Kikyo also happened to notice that Shampoo wore a thin, greyish, body-hugging workout suit, now damp in certain places from the Amazon's exertion. Making matters worse was the fact that as far as Kikyo could tell, the Amazon wore no undergarments. Suddenly, it occurred to Kikyo that Shampoo was *kawaii*... and about as sexy as it was possible to be while wielding razor-sharp swords. She could see why Hitomi would have dated her. Kikyo continued to watch the 'stimulating' display before her until Shampoo finally finished her sequences. She then slid open the door and stepped out into the warm sun. "Ohaiyo, Lin-san." she greeted, cordially. "Ohiayo, Kikyo-san. You had better watch that no one sees you like that..." Shampoo indicated with a smirk, pointing one of her swords at Kikyo's fancy underwear. "Diajobu desu... I saw you out here practicing, and wanted to ask you about breakfast. There's no food in this house." Kikyo deflected, already having received the answer to her real question. "Hai... I noticed that too. Mu Lin said she would look after all, so I was waiting for her to get up." Shampoo replied, moving the swords behind her back. Kikyo erked when she brought her empty hands back into view... and the easily metre-long swords were nowhere to be found. "Ano... where did..." she began, only to be greeted with a bemused grin from Shampoo. "You knew Ailen and have never seen someone use HammerSpace?" Shampoo asked, raising an eyebrow. "No... what is that?" the shocked Kikyo replied, regarding Shampoo questioningly. "I don't really know how to say what it is in Japanese, but it works like this." she explained, reaching behind her back again and producing a bonbori. "I get things from there and can put them back, too. A few other people in Nerima can do it as well... especially Akane." she added, displaying the club before Kikyo's wide eyes. "It just... works." she continued, trading the bonbori for a sword. "Greetings of the day, little one... Amazon. I had wondered what became of you, only to find you out here." Mu Lin stated, interrupting Kikyo's next question. "Is not the sun wonderful this day?" she noted, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of the warmth on her face. "Come; our meal awaits." she beckoned, smiling. Kikyo and Shampoo simply looked at each other and shrugged, then followed the redhead back into the unit. After breakfast, Kikyo sat at the small table stripping and cleaning her array of weapons, while Shampoo looked on curiously. Shampoo was fascinated by Kikyo's ability to completely tear down a seemingly complex gun, and then reassemble it almost without thought. And despite having several weapons apart at once, she instinctively knew what parts went with which one. "Ano... You've been doing this for a while, it looks like." the Amazon commented, glancing at Kikyo's content face. "Hai... I have. Almost as long as I've have been able to hold one. Just like you and your swords." Kikyo indicated, smiling slightly. "I have trained since I was three years old. Amazons are warriors first. Are your people warriors?" "No... We were never warriors. I'm the only member that does this." Kikyo indicated, pointing to her weapons. "Why do you use them? If you knew Martial Arts, you would not need them." "Heh... I was never any good at that stuff. I tried it, but I'm not coordinated enough, I guess." Kikyo replied, sheepishly. "I tried a friend's gun one time when I was a kid, and that was it... I was hooked." she confessed, smirking. "It became my career for a while, too." "Aiyah... strange career." Shampoo commented, thoughtfully. "Later, could you show me how to use those? I've never tried." she asked a moment later, surprising Kikyo. "Sure... only I thought Martial Artists hated guns." "I would never use one... but I want to try it anyway." Shampoo stated, grinning cheekily. "Sure... I'd be delighted. Hitomi liked this one... you probably will too." Kikyo grinned, holding up the .45. "Ailen didn't like guns at all... this Hitomi must really be different." Shampoo observed, casually. "True...but I like her." Kikyo stated, her smile widening. "The time is upon us." Mu Lin announced, walking up to the other two girls. "We leave within moments." she added, smiling wickedly. "All set here." Kikyo indicated, buttoning up her sleeve. "I am too." Shampoo chimed, rising from her seat. "Very good. I have been indeed fortunate, and located the person I seek... he is not nearby, but this presents no difficulty. I ask you both anew... there will be great danger to you if you accompany me, as the man I seek is a figure of dark repute. He deals in death and deception, and I am given to understand that he has ties to the World of the Dark. Do you both still wish to proceed?" "Hai. I do." Shampoo nodded, positively. "Me, too. I want to get this over with." Kikyo agreed, sliding her empty case under the table. "What are we waiting for?" she added, grinning wryly. "Nothing." Mu Lin replied, as the room around them disappeared into blackness. Akane watched Masao play happily on the floor beside the low table as she dusted around the room. Absently, she wondered what she would tell him when he asked the inevitable question. Working her way through the room, she eventually came to the hall closet, and noted that Miyabi had left it open again after digging out her frock. Shaking her head, she opened the door to check the condition of the contents before closing it up, and caught sight of the gi that Ranma had worn to visit Tofu the night of his "Time Travel". She had seen it there a hundred times since that day, but for some reason it caught her attention this time. Smiling a tiny smile, she lifted it from it's hook and gathered it in her arms to take back to the bedroom. As she turned to head toward the stairs, she noticed a familiar scent... the scent of her husband. Stopping in her tracks, she lifted the gi to her face and inhaled deeply, reveling in the smells. Ranma had shaved just before going out that night, and the scent of his aftershave was still in the fabric. Akane thanked herself for forgetting to wash it. A few minutes later, she hung the gi in her bedroom closet, fussing with the sleeves to make it look just right. Pausing for a second to just look at it, she was again compelled to smile briefly. Closing the door, she was about to walk away when a shiver ran down her back, causing her to shudder from head to toe. Looking quickly about the room, and seeing nothing unusual, she was about to dismiss it when she had a sudden realization. "Masao!" she blurted, and ran from the room. Sitting at her desk with her hands clasped together in front of her, Miyabi absently watched the teacher doodle on the blackboard. She was never impressed with trying to learn Kanji anyway, preferring to be on the playground sparring. Sighing, she stole a quick glance to her side, thinking she saw something move. When all she saw was an empty desk, she reverted her gaze forward, not wanting to get the chalk thrown at her again. The last time that had happened, she caught it before it hit her, only to end up in the hallway for her audacity. Suddenly, her head cocked to the side as if she was listening to something, and then a bright smile parted her lips. Soon after, the sparkle that once lit up her eyes returned with a vengeance. Immediately, her hand shot up, and she asked for permission to go to the bathroom. Once it was granted, she shot from the room and screeched to a halt just outside the door. Standing in the hallway with a radiant grin on her face, she turned around and glomped what seemed like thin air. "Papa!!" she squealed, hanging on for dear life. "Hai! It's me! How's my little tsunami?" Ranma asked her, trying to kneel down. "Oh, Papa... I missed you! Why did you go away for so long?" she asked, sounding a bit perturbed despite her smile. "Okaasan was worried about you." she added, somewhat more quietly. "It's a long story, Mi-chan... let's go home and tell okassan too, ne?" he suggested, finally prying himself from the glomp and kneeling to look her in the eye. "Hai, Papa... I'm so happy to see you!" she replied, glomping him around the neck. "Mi-chan, you have no *idea* how happy I am to see you again." Ranma replied, hugging his daughter tightly. With her head buried in his shoulder, she didn't see the single tear run down his cheek. Akane held Masao in her lap as she sat in the old wooden rocker, idly listening to it's well-aged joints creak as she rocked. She was still wondering what had caused the feeling she had, as when she came racing back into the room, Masao was playing happily where she had left him, and she actually startled him by her arrival. Just then, she heard what she swore was Miyabi's voice outside, and setting Masao on the floor, rose from her seat to investigate. She knew Miyabi still had several hours of school left... unless she had been in another fight. Of late, the little girl had been beating the tar out of anyone who said anything disparaging about her Dad's disappearance. Just as she was starting down the hall, Masao abruptly giggled. "Tousan! Tousan!" he giggled excitedly, clapping his pudgy little hands. Akane stopped in her tracks and stared at the child, who sat smiling happily, and looking toward the door. Shaking her head and telling herself she didn't hear what she thought she did, she turned and finally headed toward the entry. Arriving at the door, Akane was just about to open it when it slid aside. Before her, grinning happily and holding Miyabi's hand stood her husband, looking very much alive... and very male. Akane gasped aloud, then did the only thing she could when the sight sank in. With a silly giggle, she fainted. The three women found themselves standing in the shadow of a huge old house that sat by itself atop a large hill. From their vantage, they could see that the structure was heavilly guarded and well secured against intruders. "Aiyah... It looks like they are prepared for war!" Shampoo noted, shaking her head at the startling display of firepower before them. "Hai... the outer ring has Uzi's and dogs, and the inner ring has assault rifles; Full auto, no doubt, and it looks like they have custom clips, too. There's a 20MM Anti-Tank in that shed over there, and the 'doormen' have 9 mils and what looks like Uzi's too. Like walking into a swiss-cheese factory." Kikyo commented, squinting to see the layout. "And that's not all... see that box on the northeast corner of the house? That's a special kind of radar... it's used to track a target that's moving, which probably means there's a mini-gun connected to it." Kikyo added, plaintively. "Aiyah... I'm glad you're on our side..." Shampoo indicated, wide-eyed. "You can see all of that from here?" "Just have to know what to look for, Lin-san." Kikyo winked, not moving her gaze. "I warned you of the dangers present, my friends... This will be your last opportunity to reconsider participating in this act." "Are you serious? This is the good stuff!" Kikyo smirked, pulling out a machine-pistol and snapping open the collapsible stock. "Let's go play." she added, yanking back the cocking lever with a definitive clack. "Like I said..." Shampoo bigsweated, staring at the Japanese woman. Sighing, she reached behind her back and produced her swords. "I am also ready." "Amazon... Little one... It begins." Mu Lin stated, and the air again went black. When it cleared, the trio stood in a hallway inside the house. Kikyo immediately scanned the area, and suddenly shouted at Shampoo, who stood directly in front of her. "Down, Amazon!" she yelled, and as soon as Shampoo dropped, she got off two rounds, one into a security camera, and the other into a very shocked guard. "Okay, Mu Lin! We have to move! Where to?" "Our quarry lies ahead... and up the stairs." the Princess indicated, starting to head away. "Okay, let's go.. this place is gonna get hot real fast!" Kikyo urged, helping Shampoo to her feet and into a run. As they raced down the hall, a guard made the unfortunate mistake of sticking his head out of a room as Shampoo ran by... he didn't have it long enough to see what hit him. Kikyo dropped to the floor and took out several more that appeared from an adjoining hallway, while the Princess reached the end of the hall and searched for the stairs. "They lie this way..." Mu Lin indicated, bolting off toward them. As Kikyo and Shampoo cleared the corner, Kikyo flattened against the wall and emptied a clip into the gang of guards that was following them up the hall. As their return fire peppered the walls and floor around her, she yanked the empty clip out, flipped it over so that the full one taped to it was lined up, jammed it back in and mowed down the rest of them. Smirking, she took off to catch up to the other two. Rounding the next corner and heading toward the stairs, she was almost tripped by the body rolling down the staircase toward her. Looking up, she saw a grinning Shampoo brandishing her bonbori, taking down two more guards with ease. Kikyo had to smile at the Amazon's moves, as despite the cramped quarters she still moved with incredible grace and agility. As she watched, she flipped the gun in her hand upside-down and fired a short burst behind herself, the exclamation of pain from the same area telling her she hit her mark. Smirking again, she took the stairs two at a time, hopping over the remains of Shampoo's opponents. Catching up to the Amazon at the top, the two women raced after Mu Lin, who had encountered more resistance ahead of them. Just as they arrived, Mu Lin unleashed a blast of Chi energy that plowed into the advancing men like a tidal wave, sweeping them before it and blowing them through the wall. Winking at her companions, she waved them onward toward a large door at the end of the last hall. As they approached it, Kikyo checked the clip in her pistol, and noting it was almost done, put it away and pulled out her .45, slamming the slide back. As they got closer to the door, Kikyo spotted a camera above it, and took it out with one shot. "They already know we're here, but let's keep 'em guessing about what we're doing." she commented, answering Shampoo's questioning gaze. "Our quarry awaits within... I will face him alone. You may engage any others, but the owner of the house... the keeper of the writings that will clear my family's name is mine alone." Mu Lin instructed, holding her hands bfore her a few inches apart. As the other two watched, a yellowish glow appeared between Mu Lin's palms, which she then lined up with the massive handles of the doors. Seperating her hands, the glow seemed to attach itself to the handles, at which time Mu Lin stepped back and motioned her companions to do the same. A few seconds later, the doors flew open, revealing a long, darkened room. With no hesitation, Mu Lin stepped forward, only to stop short in her tracks. "I should have expected as much... there is a barrier." she indicated disgustedly. "Barrier? Where?" Kikyo asked, glancing around quickly. "It is a barrier against those of my World, child... you may pass though unmolested, but it will not allow my passing." "Uh-oh... does this mean were sitting ducks?" "Hardly, my child. This barrier presents no opposition to me... merely an inconvenience." Mu Lin replied, smiling confidently. "Stand aside and well back." she warned, setting her feet in a familiar stance. "Oh, shit...!" Kikyo blurted, and grabbing a surprised Shampoo's arm, ran down the hall to the nearest room, dragging the hapless Amazon behind her. Taking several deep breaths, Mu Lin then raised her arm and began to trace out the image of the dragon's head. Concentrating all of her thoughts on the barrier, she encircled the image with her hands and shouted the casting phrase with emphasis. "Dragon Fire!" she yelled, upon which a powerful blast of energy exploded from her hands, obliterating the barrier in a deafening blast of light and color. Relaxing her stance, Mu Lin looked back at the dumbfounded women and smiled. "The way is clear." she announced, then entered the passage and strode purposefully up the center of the room. Kikyo and Shampoo followed, splitting to each side to watch for ambushes. At the far end of the room, a large desk was backlit by a wall full of windows, and behind the desk, a solitary figure sat patiently. As Mu Lin approached, the figure sat back in his seat and sighed. "So you have come at last. I didn't think it would take long." an aged male voice stated in Chinese. "I know you were aware of my presence... and my purpose. I had hoped such knowledge would convince you to surrender that which I seek willingly." Mu Lin replied, levelly. Kikyo meantime, moved in behind Shampoo, her face perplexed. "What are they saying?" she asked, only to be shushed by the Amazon. "He said he knew she was coming... and she's not surprised. I wonder what else she hasn't told us...?" Shampoo indicated, glancing back at Kikyo. "I will not give you anything willingly, Spirit. I have no interest in helping you." the old man snarled bitterly as he stepped from behind the desk. Mu Lin's eyes narrowed as she regarded the old man. "I care not for your preferences, human... the writings you possess hold the key to my family's exoneration... I will have them if it costs you your life. And I promise you... If I must take them by force, then your soul will be condemned to the hell it deserves." she continued, her voice indicating her anger. "And why should I care about your family? Your predecessors sought to obliterate mine... I'm all that remains, thanks to your bloodthirsty father." The old man croaked in reply, not impressed by Mu Lin's threats. "Enough!" Mu Lin shrieked, unleashing a bolt of energy directly at the old man, who deflected it with a wave of his hand. "You will surrender to me the evidence... and I may let you live." she ordered, seemingly not surprised by the actions of her opponent. Kikyo and Shampoo looked on from their vantage, unsure of what to do. Kikyo looked at Shampoo for some hint, but Shampoo could only shrug, remembering Mu Lin's words from earlier. "You do not intimidate me, Spirit... as long as I hold that which you seek, the oppressors of my ancestors suffer the fate they deserve. I will not be the cause of their release. I would rather die!" the old man replied to Mu Lin's renewed threat, his grey eyes flashing. "Human, your wish is about to be granted." Mu Lin responded, voice even and edged with what sounded like satisfaction. Abruptly, she fired another burst at the old man, who again deftly deflected it, only this time she fired a second, different burst that caught him looking. The bolt struck him in the side, staggering him back. As he reacted, he called out a Chinese name, and from somwhere in the shadows, a burst of energy erupted, narrowly missing Mu Lin. "Hah... I expected as much, human. You men can never fight your own battles." Mu Lin snarled, firing a burst in the direction of the one that almost hit her. From the darkness came a shriek followed by a flying body somersaulting in between Mu Lin and the old man. As the new combattant entered, it unleashed a fistful of Shuriken, which Mu Lin waved off effortlessly. "Is this your support, human? I am not impressed." Mu Lin smirked, warming up another Chi blast in her palm. "I am not here to fight you, Spirit..." a decidedly nasty female voice indictated. "I'm here to convince you." she continued, abruptly leaping into the air toward Kikyo and Shampoo. Mu Lin released the Chi blast, but too late to hit the intended target. She was about to warm up another attempt when the woman touched down and attacked the others. Shampoo leapt toward her, but the woman dodged the mighty sword swing, heading straight for Kikyo. Kikyo brought up her .45, but the attacker kicked it from her hand and pounced on her, wrapping her in a strangle hold with a dagger poised at her throat. "You see? I don't have to fight to win, do I?" she cackled, pulling the knife against Kikyo's windpipe. Shampoo growled at her and took a step forward, her large eyes seething with rage. "Hold, Amazon. This wench is not honorable... she is a hired assassin." Mu Lin indicated, levelly. "A base deception by one equally as honorless." "Honor doesn't matter when you hold all the cards, Spirit. And now, either you leave, or your friend here dies no matter what else happens. You see, I know all about your pact... and I know you have no choice but to honor it. My contacts with the Spirit World are as strong as yours." the old man stated, grinning confidently. "I should have expected such from one of your lineage... your kind knows no other way to win." Mu Lin responded, angrily. "Mu Lin... No!" Kikyo gasped, struggling against her captor's grip. "I have sworn that no harm shall come to you, little one... I cannot break that promise." Mu Lin replied, lowering her eyes. "Screw that!" Kikyo shouted, winking at Shampoo. Shampoo nodded imperceptibly, then launched a bonbori at the assassin. In the split-second that it took the woman to react, Kikyo shook her arm, releasing a .25 calibre semi-automatic pistol attached to a slide. The weapon slid into her hand, ready to fire. Jerking her arm down, she fired three shots into the assassin's foot, making her scream and release her hold. Unfortunately for Kikyo, as the assassin moved, the dagger raked along the side of her neck, opening a large gash. Grabbing at her throat, Kikyo slumped to the floor bleeding heaviliy. Mu Lin meantime, turned and fired a powerful chi blast point-blank at the old man, slamming him up against the wall. She watched with satisfaction as his unconscious from crumpled to the floor. Shampoo had followed her first bonbori with a second, ricocheting it off of the assassin's head. The woman ended up sprawled across the floor, completely out cold. Then, having seen Kikyo drop after her injury, Shampoo leapt to her friend's side. "Kikyo-san! Are you still awake?" she asked, voice cracking in fear as she spotted the large wound. "Hai... feel very cold, though..." Kikyo whispered, trying to smile slightly. "Did you get her?" she asked, raising a bloodied hand to the Amazon's shoulder. "Thanks to your crazy move, I did." Shampoo replied, trying to stop the heavy bleeding. "Good... I thought you might." Kikyo stated, then her eyes abruptly went wide. "Lin-san! Down!" she shouted, bringing her gun up and pointing it at Shampoo's head. Shampoo erked and dropped, just as Kikyo emptied the small gun's clip into the chest of the knife- brandishing assassin. As Kikyo's arm dropped, the assassin fell backward heavily, and Shampoo carefully raised her head. Glancing at the body behind her, she smirked. "I don't think she'll get up this time." she indicated, winking at Kikyo who could only smile weakly. "My child... you are injured." Mu Lin observed, kneeling beside the Japanese woman worriedly. "Big scratch... that's all..." Kikyo whispered, winking. "You are truly brave, little one. You would sacrifice all to aid others... few would behave so unselfishly." the Princess stated, running her fingers through Kikyo's now matted hair. "It is no surprise that the one known as Hitomi loves you as she does... and to that end, I shall ensure that you are able to receive that love." she continued, smiling gently. Abruptly, Shampoo gasped as she looked back at Kikyo's now ashen face. "Kikyo-san...?" she began, but the words choked in her throat. "So... cold..." Kikyo breathed, her eyes closing as her head rolled to the side. Akane awoke to find a blinking Miyabi looking down at her, and a damp cloth on her forehead. "She's awake, otousan!" the little girl called happily, helping her Mom to a sitting pose. "O..otousan?" Akane echoed, stunned to hear that word from Miyabi too. "Hai. Otousan. You know, the guy you married?" A very familiar voice stated, edged with mock sarcasm. "R.. RANMA?!?" Akane blurted, jumping back in shock as she caught sight of him. "But.. I.. I thought..." she continued, her voice failing her. "Akane-chan... it's... a long story." Seemingly unconcerned by Kikyo's loss of consciousness, the Princess calmly called forth a reddish-tinted glow that sat in her upturned palm. Mu Lin then reached over and turned Kikyo's head back toward herself, and moved her palm over the large, gushing wound. As Shampoo watched in disbelief, the wound began to close slowly, the blood almost seeming to run back into it. After several eternally long minutes, the wound was completely closed, and Mu Lin then moved her glowing hand over Kikyo's chest. A second later, Kikyo's chest suddenly heaved, drawing in a huge breath. "You live, my child. Wait a few moments for your body to recover from the shock, and you will be as new." Mu Lin stated, happily. "In the interim, I have some unfinished business to attend." she continued, nodding at Shampoo. Striding back toward the crumpled body of the old man, Mu Lin reached down and touched his head, then closed her eyes for a few moments. As smile parted her face as she stood back up, then walked toward a large picture on the wall. With a sweep of her arm, the picture flew off the wall, revealing a large safe door in the wall itself. Smirking, Mu Lin pointed a finger at it and sent a burst of energy through the large lock mechanism, disintegrating it in a heartbeat. The door then swung open, revealing a large glass case, several bundles of papers, safe boxes and other items. Mu Lin walked up and removed the glass case, hugging it to her bosom. "At last, the proof of my family's innocence. On these documents is the plan for the assassination of the Khan, and the plot to fix the blame upon my uncle. Once this is presented to those that chronicle history, my family's name shall be cleared, and the War will be averted. This is truly a joyous day." Mu Lin exclaimed, turning to face Shampoo and the groggy Kikyo with tears in her eyes. "Does this mean... it's over?" Kikyo croaked, still shaking off the effects of her trauma. "Almost, little one. Here, one task remains." Mu Lin indicated, walking the case over to Shampoo. "Take this... I must address this task before we may depart." Turning, Mu Lin walked back toward the old man, stopping a few meters from where he lay. Raising her arm, she opened her hand, then closed it again, encasing the man in a field of energy. As she began to raise him from the floor, he regained consciousness and snarled at his confinement. "Human... I have that which I came seeking. I will give you one chance to save your miserable life. Speak to those who have written of our history, and confess your family's wrongs." Mu Lin commanded, eyes narrowing as she glared at the struggling man. "Never! I would rather die than see your murderous family released. They deserve their fate!" he spat, glaring right back at Mu Lin. "So be it. You will die a traitor's death, as is fitting for one of your ilk." Mu Lin growled, her eyes flaring. "You speak of my family's wrongs... yet it was yours that slaughtered entire villages of innocents to make good their escape from the justice that pursued them. It was your family that commanded the soldiers that took me from my home and cost me my mortal life. And it was your family that drove the country to ruin in the wake of the wars... You have no redemption, human!" Mu Lin continued, her voice rising with her anger. "Yes, my family did indeed pursue yours... but in order to force them to confess their conspiracy. In the end, your family won out, as their treachery succeeded and destroyed our name. Because of this, it is my destiny that I make you pay for your family's evil with your life... and your eternal soul. Prepare to meet your fate, mortal... and beg forgiveness from whatever God will listen!" Mu Lin shouted, setting herself. Raising her arm, she traced out the image of the Dragon's Head once more. Kikyo gasped quietly as she realized that the image was larger than the one Mu Lin had used to blow up the barrier. Bracing herself for the blast, Mu Lin encircled the image with her hands. "I give you one last chance, human... confession or death." Mu Lin stated, regarding the man angrily through the image. "I've already told you, wench... never!" he snapped, his voice now wavering with fear. Again, he struggled against his invisible bonds, albeit uselessly. "Then I shall indeed grant you your wish." Mu Lin replied, an evil grin parting her lips. "Grandpa!" a female voice shrieked from the far end of the room. The old man's face dropped in shock. "Xia! Leave here immediately! It's too dangerous!" he shouted, but the young girl paid him no heed. Mu Lin snatched the image from the air, and immediately dissapated it, watching bemusedly as the teary-eyed girl ran up and hugged the old man. "Last of your line, human? It would appear that you forgot someone..." Mu Lin observed, wryly. "Leave her alone! This is not her fight!" The man demanded, struggling harder against his bonds. "Grandpa... what do you mean?" the girl asked, regarding Mu Lin fearfully. "He means he has refused to set right a great wrong, child... although you may be able to help convince him." Mu Lin indicated holding out her hand and calling up a ball of energy, then rolling it about her fingers. The old man's eyes widened in panic. "No! You can't!" He shouted, picking up on Mu Lin's hint. "I ask you again human... you know the question." "No! I refuse!" the man responded, glaring back at Mu Lin. "So be it. Child, be advised that your grandfather's actions have determined your fate. It is with the greatest of sorrows that I do what I must." Mu Lin stated, voice gentle and face remorseful. "An innocent such as yourself would normally join the side of Light..." she continued, walking up and kneeling before the frightened girl. "But the actions of your grandfather force me to send you to the Dark. He knows of this place... and knows what it means to join it." she added, rising to her feet. "Please accept my regrets, Child." she concluded, suddenly flicking the ball of light at the girl. As it struck her, she screamed then fell back against the old man's legs, coming to rest in a heap at his feet. "No... Xia... What have you done to her...?" the old man gasped, staring down at the child's body. "It is as I said... she joins the Dark." Mu Lin replied, evenly. "And it is you who have condemned her so. Prepare to join her, and perhaps you can bargain for her soul." "Xia... My princess..." the old man breathed, tears forming in his aged eyes. "You... killed her." he added, his voice rising in anger. "No, human... you did. By refusing to set right the course of history, you sealed her fate long ago. I simply sent her to her preordained destiny... and you know this to be true." The old man continued to glare at Mu Lin for several long, silent seconds. Abruptly, his face dropped and his head lowered slowly. "Spirit... if I... confess, can you... bring her back? I don't give a damn about my life... I'm old. But she..." he began, starting to sob. "Human... It is my wish to see no innocent ever harmed. I shall grant your request." "All right... you win. I will speak out. Not because I accept any responsibility, but for the sake of the girl." he stated, summoning his remaining indignance. "Perhaps there is some redemption within you yet..." Mu Lin observed, smiling half-heartedly. "Have I your word then?" she asked, regarding the man levelly. "You have it, curse you." he replied, and groaned as the energy that held him faded away. "Very good, human. Wake the girl, and we will depart now for the place of the historians... before you change your mind." "What?!? You mean she's...?" the old man gasped, scooping the child in his arms. "Yes... she simply sleeps. I have not harmed her." Mu Lin replied, winking. A short while later, a sensation was caused at an impromtu press conference, held at a prestigious Chinese University. An old man, a woman dressed as an ancient Chinese Princess, an Amazon and a Japanese woman revealed a document that would change the modern view of Ancient China's politics. The documents, later proven to be genuine, implicated an entirely different family in the slaying of a Khan, which in turn explained several mysteries... the University staff were thrilled to have such evidence delivered to them. Kikyo and Shampoo waited patiently for Mu Lin to complete her presentation, each wearing wide grins of satisfaction. "Well, she did it..." Kikyo observed happily, leaning toward Shampoo so she would be heard over the applause. "She did... and we helped. Perhaps this honor will allow me back to my homeland." "I think so... after it hits the papers, your people will know how you helped set history right... that should be worth something." Kikyo indicated, smiling. "I can hope." Shampoo replied with a small smile. "You'll do fine." Kikyo assured, hugging the suprisingly receptive Amazon. Just then, Mu Lin stepped down from the podium, also smiling with great satisfaction. Walking up to the two women, she stretched out her arms and hugged them both. "Your contribution to righting this great wrong and preventing a war in the Spirit World will not be forgotten. Both of you are assured a place of station within it." she announced proudly. "I am honored to have had you both as compatriots." she added, stepping back and bowing deeply. "Arigato, Mu Lin... I'm just glad it's finally over." Kikyo commented, smiling as Shampoo nodded her agreement. "No, little one... it is not quite over. I have a debt to repay, and the process is already underway." Mu Lin stated, face becoming serious. "Okay.. hold it, Princess." Kikyo blurted, angrily. "I'm getting really tired of being told 'One task remains.' every damned time we finish something. You told me that when your destiny was done, then I would get Hitomi back... and every time there seems to be another reason to put it off. How much longer is this game going to go on?" she continued, becoming increasingly upset. Mu Lin's face dropped as she took in Kikyo's outburst, then closed her eyes and lowered her head. "It is true that I have kept from you the details of my quest. It is only because I wished to keep it's true seriousness and complexity from intimidating you that I have done so." she explained, quietly. "Sure... you can say that now... so, how many more 'not yets' are there?" Kikyo demanded, staring hard at Mu Lin. "Once my debt is entirely absolved, then Hitomi shall return, and I will go to my final rest." "That doesn't tell me anything! How long? I want a time frame, here!" Kikyo pressed, snarling. "And besides... didn't you say that you already repaid your debt by giving Hitomi life in the first place?" Mu Lin only smiled in response. "That was but part of it. Be patient my child... The rest awaits us in Japan." she winked, motioning the others toward the wings of the stage. "Japan...?" Kikyo echoed, her face suddenly draining as she stopped in her tracks. "No... I... can't go to Japan... ever." she added, fearfully. Akane sat staring straight ahead, eyes somewhat vacant. Throughout Ranma's desperate attempt to explain himself, she had simply sat quietly, eyes fixed, breathing steady, and not moving or even trying to think. The shock of seeing her husband, and then being told by *him* that he was dead had almost short-circuited her already tourtured mind. Finally, a few minutes of numb silence later, she turned and looked at him questioningly. "You're a... Spirit?" she repeated, softly. "Hai, Akane-chan. Like I told you, I died in that bus crash... but my body was resurrected. Only it's my female side come to life. It was all done to prevent a major war in the Spirit World." Ranma explained again, still unconvinced that the stunned Akane actually understood. "Sugoi, Papa! Does that mean you can fly and stuff?" Miyabi chimed in excitedly. "It means just you, Masao and your Mom can see me, so you can't tell anyone about me... they'll think you're Baka." Ranma replied, seriously. Then, glancing quickly from side to side, he leaned forward and whispered in the little girl's ear. "Hai. I can fly too." he stated, grinning. "Cool!" Miyabi breathed, awestruck. "Ranma... if... if you're dead, why are you here? Did you come back to haunt us?" Akane asked, wide eyed. Ranma stared back at her incredulously, then broke out laughing. "Baka ne... I came back because the Fates knew I wouldn't rest until I knew my family had closure. They gave me this chance to come back to tell you what happened." he explained, shaking his head. "In fact, unless I miss my guess, the "other me" should be here soon... with company. Part of this arrangement still has to be wrapped up." "Ano... wrapped up? What do you mean?" Akane stammered, afraid of what that could lead to. "You'll see..." Ranma smiled assuringly, reaching to touch Akane's shoulder. As soon as his hand touched her, her logic evaporated and she lost what little self-control she had left. Leaping to her feet, she wrapped the startled Spirit in a passionate hug and immediately burst into tears. "Ranma..." she sputtered between sobs, "I missed you so much... I thought you had left us... I thought you didn't love us anymore... and I was going crazy!" she babbled, hugging him even tighter. "Akane-chan... I love you all so much I came back from the other side to tell you so." he responded softly, closing his ethereal arms around her slim waist. "And I always will." he added, squeezing his sobbing wife a little tighter. ====================================================================== END - Mysteries of the Mind - Part 10 A Fanfic By V. Coutu Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished! coutuva@vecdev.com