For this and any of my other works, visit my website at: Check out my Romanji Page! All those Japanese words defined! As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Goodbye Is Not Forever - Part Seven ------------------------------------------------------------------ The small beach was silent, except for the sound of approaching footfalls. Ranma blinked out of her mindless stare across the still water, and greeted Nabiki's hesitant approach with a frown. "You... Doing any better?" She huffed. "I dunno. I'm... Kinda numb," she confessed, her voice flat. "I was worried about you - especially after you got sick so many times. What the hell did they do to you, anyway?" "I... I can't talk about it," she bit off, even the thought reigniting her anger. "Nabs... Would you get Himiko to come over here, and then give us about two minutes? I gotta set something straight," she requested, lowering her eyes. Nabiki frowned. "Okay..." she finally sighed, then stepped up close. Ranma felt a hand land on her shoulder, and looked up to see Nabiki kneel down, her eyes soft, yet earnest. "I don't give a shit what happened to you -- it won't make me think any less of you," she assured, then leaned in and planted a kiss on her forehead. Ranma felt her chest tighten. "Thanks, Nabs. I guess... I needed to hear that." "Yeah, I know," the girl winked, then rose and sauntered away. Ranma watched her walk away, then smirked. "Where did you come from, lady?" she whispered, shaking her head slowly. "I want you to promise me something before we go any further," Ranma commanded, making certain her tone conveyed her seriousness. Himiko nodded. "What?" "Absolutely *nobody* is to know what happened to me. Not now, not ever. Not even in your time. I want you to swear it - on your honour." "Hai. I swear it," the woman responded, with no hesitation. "I don't have to guess why, though, do I? It... Must have been gruesome." Ranma shook her head. "Iya. Tell you the truth, I was expecting *what* happened - but no way was I expecting the *how*," she spat, her fist clenching. "And how did they keep me in my girl form so long?" "I... Don't know the details, but it was done with the implant. Somehow, they figured out a way to get them to override the curse." "Kuso - well, that don't matter anyway. It's what else they did with them that makes me so goddamned sick." "There was a twofold purpose for that. They were testing the first generation 'programming' implants, and..." "I don't give a shit. They destroyed my life, and they interfered with that Hadridge guy's life. Somebody bought themselves a ticket to the Dark Realm, and I'm gonna make sure it gets punched," she growled, her aura flaring. "Oh, it will. When I get back, they'll all be thrown in prison." "Not good enough. I figure they owe us exactly what they took from us -- even trade," she snarled back, her narrowed eyes meeting Himiko's directly. "And somebody is going to answer for taking my daughter from me - I swore that on my life, and I'm not going to rest until they do." "Hey, whoa there, Ranma... Do you realize what you're saying? To do that, you'd..." Himiko started to protest, only to be cut off by a panicked shout from Nabiki. "This thing's beeping again!" "Kuso! Your aura flare -- I'll bet that thing felt it!" Himiko blurted, jumping to her feet. "C'mon Ranma! We have to get out of here!" she urged, grabbing Ranma's arm. She yanked it back. "Iya. This ends now. I'm getting fed up with wasting all my time running -- I got more important things to do," she shot back, her face grim and hands already glowing. "But, Ranma..." "If you got one, get Nabs some kind of weapon. This chick's going down - and for once, she ain't getting back up. Go!" she commanded, rising to her feet and turning to face the approaching enemy. "A-ano... Maaa!" Himiko cursed, then turned and ran toward the car. Ranma looked up into the sky and set herself, focusing on the incoming force. As she gauged its building intensity, she realized she'd have to let her quarry step into the open again, or she'd be wasting what was going to be a one-shot effort. Back at the car, Himiko dove into the open cabin and powered it up. She then leaned out the door and tossed Nabiki her hand-held weapon. "Nabiki! Take this, and try to hit it in the head! Anything else won't stop it!" she shouted, above the increasing thunderous din. "If you say so!" Nabiki shouted back, scrambling to catch the wild toss. "There's only one button!" Himiko countered, then lifted the car off as its door hissed closed. "Sure," Nabiki responded, looking over the audio cassette sized device for the button in question. Ranma watched the luminescent ball sweep over the treeline and cross the surface of the lake, then correct and head directly toward her. She tensed as she waited for the inevitable blast, and picked her touchdown point. At the same time, she caught a glimpse of the car sideslipping out to her right, and attempting to line up its weapons. She allowed herself a thin smile. In front of her, the ball abruptly flared, and a solid shaft of energy tore away from it, headed directly toward her. She sprang to the side, but not far enough to avoid the 'wash'. Her descent thrown, she landed hard on her shoulder and rolled into the scrub. Springing back to her feet, she regained her focus just in time to see another burst coming, and took to the air again. She also noted that her opponent was still airborne out over the water. "Musta figured it out," she thought, just as the burst seared the air a few yards behind her. The concussion sent her out into the water, and as she splashed down, the ball shot toward her. Two thin red beams hit the water between them, blasting a huge wave over both Ranma and the approaching ball. The ball blew through it effortlessly, but Ranma chose to dive under it, and then use it to propel herself toward shore. As she scrambled up to the beach, her adversary spotted her, and unleashed another blast. Just as she dove aside, Ranma saw the ball flicker after the shot. She smiled - but not for long. The ball cut loose another blast, this time following it with a close second. She almost twisted herself into a pretzel to avoid falling into the second shot, which felt more than twice as strong as the first. The concussion still knocked her aside, and she landed harder than she wanted to amoung a stand of trees. A stand of trees that quickly became a memory as another shot tore through the debris-filled air. She launched herself straight up and rolled back toward the center of the beach, this time riding the concussion. Just as she touched down, another red beam sliced the air from behind her, and punched into the ball near the girl's shoulder. Even as the girl reacted to the near miss, two more punched through, and the ball itself began to flicker violently. A third attempt, which narrowly missed the top of the girl's head, seemed to make the ball dim - then falter. "Yesss!" Ranma exulted, and planted her feet. She closed her eyes and pulled up everything she could muster, the act making her skin start to tingle. Her teeth grit, she swung her arms into position and met the heels of her hands. "This... Is for all the marbles," she grimaced, and drew a long, deep breath. Her eyes snapped open to mark her target, then narrowed as she found its center. "MOUKO... TAKA... BISHA... ICHIDAN!!" The horrific blast exploded away from her hands in silence, followed a heartbeat later by a thundering boom. It shot across the water and collided head-on with the faltering ball, and they both disappeared in a blinding flash. Then the shockwave hit. Ranma, already on her butt several meters back from her launch point, was blown rolling by the wall of compressed air, debris and water. Nabiki was thrown to the ground, and Himiko just barely managed to outrun it. The ball, meantime, had disappeared. Debris raining to the ground around her, Nabiki picked herself up amid a painful groan, and looked around for Ranma. What she found elicited a shocked gasp. She broke into an open run to the partially buried, splayed form that lay unmoving on the ground. She dug through the mess in a panic, then gasped again as she discovered Ranma's male form among the remains. Frantic, she checked for obvious injuries and pulled him to a clearer spot, then listened for a heartbeat. She sank back to her knees when she heard a strong, steady rhythm. "Is he okay?" Himiko called out, as the car settled to a hover a few feet away. "Hai... I think so. She's probably just wiped out," Nabiki responded, at which Himiko puffed a sigh of relief. "Any sign of our friend?" Himiko didn't answer. "Hey! Snap out of it! Did you see what happened to that 'thing?" Himiko jolted out of her mindless gape, her cheeks lit. "Ahhh... Haven't looked yet. Here, take these blankets so he can cover up -- I'll go have a look," she flustered, as she tossed the bundle. "Sure..." Nabiki responded, a frown growing on her face. "Uhhhnnnn...." Ranma chimed in, the conversation finally dragging him out of his daze. "Kuso... That *hurt*," he groaned, trying to raise an arm. "I'm not surprised -- you took the brunt of it. Not a smart move, Saotome," she chided, opening a blanket out over him. "It's not like I had a choice," he grumbled, then his eyes widened. "Am I a guy?" "Hai. And you look real sweet in what's left of my dress." "Thanks, Nabs. Anyway, did we get her?" he huffed back, gingerly pushing himself up. "Don't know. Himiko's checking right now, and..." she began, but didn't get to finish. A shocked shriek startled them both into looking down toward the car, which was hovering at an angle about six meters out into the lake. Himiko was leaned out the open door, one hand over her mouth and the other pointing down at the water. Ranma exchanged a blink with Nabiki, then tried to get up. When he found out he was too weak, Nabiki gave him a lift and helped him hobble to the water's edge. Unable to see anything, they started into the water, plowing through the layer of debris. Nabiki smiled. "At least you're lighter this way," she quipped, then glanced over the rest of her. "And much better dressed, too." Ranma rolled her eyes, then redirected her attention to the car. "What is it, Himiko-san?" she called out, startling the woman. "Ah -- uhm... I found her..." she babbled, at which Ranma frowned. She didn't like the way she'd said it. A few moments of laborious sloshing later, she found out why. A couple of meters away but still unmistakable, she saw a female form face up in the water. As the silent body swung around in the gentle breeze, she got an even better look - and felt her heart stop. All she could do was kneel beside the stilled form, her hand automatically combing out the girl's matted red hair. The turbulent state of her heart, mind and emotions had her so completely paralyzed, she couldn't even think. "She's... Only unconscious, Ranma. She's still dangerous." "I don't think she heard you," Nabiki commented, sadly. "Kuso, I can't even imagine what she must be going through." "Hai... I'm shocked, too. I had no idea that it was her daughter all along," Himiko puffed, her head slowly shaking. "Now I'm glad I'm such a lousy shot." "Yeah. Me, too. I'd never have been able to live that down," Nabiki seconded, settling heavily to the sand. "I still can't believe it, though. I was certain they'd sent a clone. Killing off the original just doesn't make any sense." Nabiki sputtered. "A -- A clone? You mean they can do that?" "Hai. They can, but it's illegal. So illegal that it's the only other capitol crime still on the books - not that such a thing would matter to them." "Why? I'd have thought they'd try to patent the process." Himiko huffed. "They did. It set off a huge debate, and hundreds of lawsuits. As it stands now, clones aren't considered to be real people, just copies of an original. You can probably guess what that means." "Huhn. Well, I got the impression they were pretty damned callous. This doesn't surprise me at all - it's a great way to tie up all the loose ends," Nabiki huffed, disgustedly. "Huh. That's true. Cold, calculated, but true. Kuso, I'm going to shred their damned files when I get back. If there's one piece of solid evidence left, I'm going to priority email it to every human rights group, judge, lawyer and reporter I can find," Himiko glowered, her fist clenching in her lap. "Have fun. I'd love to be there to see it," Nabiki smirked, as her gaze returned to Ranma. After a contemplative moment, she rose from her cross-legged seat and stepped over to the still catatonic redhead. "Ranma? Hey, Ranma... We have to deal with some things, here," she attempted, then huffed at the lack of any response. Himiko could only shrug. She looked back at Ranma, then puffed a heavy sigh. "I hate to do this, but..." she resigned, then hauled off and delivered a roundhouse slap to the redhead's face. "Hey! Whadja do that for?" Ranma snapped, shooting back an angry glare. "Sorry, Ranma... But we still have a problem here. She's only unconscious, and if she wakes up..." Ranma opened her mouth to object, but clamped it shut again. "Hai..." she finally acquiesced, with a sad look down at her mirror image. Abruptly, an idea struck her. "Himiko-san -- would that 'cap' thing work on her?" Himiko blinked, then shook her head. "Iya... It's only meant to interfere with the type you have - I don't know for sure what type she has, but I know it's much different." "Kuso... Is there anything we can do?" she huffed, her hand seeking her daughter's. "The only thing that would be guaranteed is to have it removed and totally destroyed. As long as it functions, it could still control her." "Oh yeah?" Nabiki broke in, a smirk growing on her face. "Nabs?" "Let's bring her to Tofuu. If it's not in too deep, he should be able to pull it out." "But he's not that kind of Doctor - what happens if he screws it up?" "Have you ever known him to? He's more careful than Kasumi," Nabiki dismissed, returning a knowing wink. "Yeah... I guess he's about our only chance." "Hey, you two -- you realize who you're talking about, here? This girl is packing enough power to flatten half of Tokyo! And you want to bring her into town?" "I don't care!" Ranma snapped, her heart starting to pound in her chest as she glared at Himiko. "She's my daughter, dammit! I just found her, and I'm not going to leave her like this! And I'm sure as hell not going to let you or anyone else kill her!" she yelled, her aura shimmering. In her anger, she didn't notice her daughter's face twitch. Himiko, meantime, panicked. "Iya, Ranma! I don't want to kill her! I didn't know who she was until the same time you did! I'm just afraid that if she regains consciousness, she'll try to kill you again!" Ranma didn't get the chance to respond. Suddenly, a brilliant flare erupted beside her, the force throwing herself, Himiko and Nabiki aside like so much flotsam. Before she could even pick herself up out of the dirt, the flare formed into the familiar ball and shot off into the sky. Ranma felt her heart land in the pit of her stomach. "Chikusho... We were so close!" she cursed, driving her fist into the earth. "Ranma!" Nabiki shouted, redirecting her skyward stare. "What?" "We've got a big problem!" Nabiki answered, her voice fearful. That was when Ranma noticed that she was kneeling beside Himiko - who wasn't moving. "Kuso," she spat, then leapt to the scene. "What happened?" "Not sure. Looks like a dislocated shoulder - probably from getting thrown. And she took a hell of a crack on the noggin, too," she explained, pointing to a large abraded bruise purpling on the woman's temple. "Maaa! Well, I can fix the shoulder, but I don't like her being knocked out. She breathing okay?" she asked, leaning in to listen. "As far as I can tell. So what do we do?" Ranma frowned. "Give her a few minutes - no more. If she doesn't wake up, you're gonna have to try flying us back to town so we can get help." "M-Me?" "You." "Oh, joy." ==================================================================== END - Goodbye Is Not Forever - Part 7 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed - Flames Extinguished!