For this and any of my other works, visit my Web Site at: Check out my Romanji Page! All those Japanese words defined! As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Goodbye Is Not Forever - Part 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Why did this have to be the hottest day of the year?" Himiko groaned, as she slumped back against the car and wiped at her forehead. Nabiki lifted up from the service panel she was working in and slid her a look. "Let me guess - air-conditioned office, right?" Just as Himiko nodded mournfully, a strident strike cry echoed across the expansive, lush green yard. When they both turned toward the source, they saw Ranma just step back out of the move she was demonstrating. Himiko shook her head. "I don't know how they can keep that up. They've been out there all afternoon -- I'm surprised they're not prostrated by now." "You just don't know Ranma - and I imagine it doesn't bother Kayoko at all," Nabiki smiled, knowingly. "Well, I'm done under here - unless there's something else," she continued, hitting the release on the panel cover and letting it drop back into place. The act seemed to startle Himiko. "Ah - Iya. That should do it for the lateral arrays -- that 'workaround' Kayoko suggested worked great. Is there any water left?" "Hmmm... Just a minute... Iya. It's empty. I'm clear, so I can go get more - unless you want to get out of the heat," Nabiki offered, tossing aside the tools she'd been holding. "Tempting, but I think I'll stay here. I'm almost finished, and it's close to supper. I'd rather get it done so I can relax tonight," the girl indicated, grimacing as she repositioned her slung arm. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me," she noted, with a smirk. At the kitchen sinks a few minutes later, while she waited for the water to run good and cold, she watched Ranma lead Kayoko through yet another exercise. It looked a lot like a juggling lesson - except that they were using balls of Ki energy. A warm smile grew as she took in the show, able to almost feel the genuine joy on the fire-haired girl's face. It brought a similar one to her own, and certain thoughts back to her mind. Thoughts that until now had been no more than wishful dreams. Finally, she had to force herself back to the real world, and began to fill the jug. As she waited for it, her thoughts again drifted, this time to the odd sense of familiarty that she swore she felt around Himiko. The one that made absolutely no sense, but had only increased as they worked together. After a brief distraction to close up the thermal jug, she leaned closer to the window, looking for the subject of her consternation. She was surprised to find that the woman was now standing beside the nose of the car, intently watching Ranma. What struck her even more odd was the expression she could see on the woman's face. It was a picture of wistful affection. After a few seconds more, she decided that it was high time the two of them had a little chat. By the time supper was over with, Ranma wasn't surprised to see the group immediately break up. While Himiko made straight for the bath, Nabiki promptly disappeared into the 'electronics room'. That had left her with a perfect opportunity to adjourn to the plush chaises around the home's grotto-like onsen, her daughter in tow. The conversation that had ensued became so engrossing that until Nabiki came out, she hadn't even noticed that they'd been at it for four hours. "Kuso... I never talk that long," she gasped, bewildered at the thought. "It's okay, Mom... I'm starting to doze off, anyway. You two go ahead. I'm going to go have my bath, then try to get some sleep," Kayoko offered, as she broke into a yawn. "We've got another big day tomorrow," she added, with an affectionate smile. "Hai. We do," she smiled back, proudly. "I'm sorry I kept you up so long, Kay-chan -- especially since you probably need your rest." Kayoko shook her head as she sat up in her chaise, turned toward her and set a hand on her knee. "Don't be. I really wish I wasn't so tired - I'd love to talk more," she stated, her eyes misty as she got to her feet, then abruptly stopped. "Huh -- I'm only going to bed, and I'm starting to miss you," she blinked, with a wipe at her eyes. "I can't believe it..." Ranma felt her chest tighten. "I can..." she smiled, then stood up and took Kyoko's hands in hers. "But I don't want you to stay up any longer, Kay-chan... You need the sleep," she admonished, gently. "We'll be able to talk again when you get up." Kayoko returned a nod and a smile, despite her still-damp eyes. "I can't wait," she stated, then stepped back. "Oyasumi -- okaasan," she smiled, then reluctantly headed into the house. "Oyasumi nasai, Kay-chan..." Ranma reciprocated, trying not to look as sad as she suddenly felt. Nabiki also watched the departure, then turned toward her and shook her head. "She's a beautiful young lady, Ranma. Must have come from her father's side." "Must have," she smirked, then sighed. "She's everything I hoped she'd be, Nabs... Except older. I feel like I've missed so damned much." "That's probably why she turned out so good." "Thanks. You're a lot of help." "I know -- it's in my nature. But you're right though. She's pretty, she's smart - and I can sure tell she's a Saotome. Got the same tenacity, and even the same appetite." Ranma smiled. "She sure does," she sighed, wistfully. "I just wish I hadn't lost out on so much of her life... Hell, she's sixteen years old and I barely know her," she continued, her smile falling away. "It hurts, Nabs -- it hurts a lot." Nabiki went quiet. "I know," she noted, her face saddening as she averted her eyes. At first, Ranma was baffled by the act, but when she finally put it together, she bit her lip. "Kuso... Gomen, Nabs... I'll shut up now." "Iya -- no big deal. It's not like she died yesterday," she dismissed, then turned back, only to end up in the hug Ranma had open for her. As she closed it around the still surprised Nabiki, she rested her head against the girl's chest and sighed. "Until today, I would have believed that." "Damn you, Saotome," Nabiki whispered hoarsely, even as Ranma felt arms closing over her shoulders. Ranma smiled as she worked her way through her routine, still pleased that the living room had proven big enough - even with all the fancy furniture. The situation meant she'd been able to go right into her workout, without even bothering to get dressed. And since she'd not had to go back into the bedroom, she'd been able to avoid disturbing Nabiki -- who she figured just might need a little extra sleep. She'd no sooner completed the thought, however, when she sensed a certain powerful presence - a presence she was thrilled to feel. A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed that it was Kayoko, standing at the end of the hallway with her jaw dropped in awe. Her smile widening, she cut short her workout and stepped into her cooldowns, to the evident delight of her 'audience'. "Wow, Mom! That was so beautiful," Kayoko breathed, her cheeks flushing. "I wish I could move like that." "Feh... You're doing great for a whole one day's experience. I know people that couldn't get what you have if they'd been doing it for years," she stated, as she shook down her nightshirt and stepped closer. "Iya... I feel like a sumo compared to that -- how long have you been doing it?" She had to think about that. "Uhmm... I guess about 17 years - depending how you look at it. Started when I was about three," she responded, with a show of looking thoughtful. "I could tell," Kayoko smiled, then her smile merged into a wry smirk. "Oh -- and if you're going to do that again - you probably should put on underwear." "Hm. I thought I felt a draft," she chuckled, with a comic shrug. "I'm sure. You have breakfast yet?" "Iya -- workout first, food later. How about you?" "Nope. I just got up," she responded, starting toward the bath. "Is your girlfriend up yet?" "Iya. She'll probably sleep..." she began, then realized what her daughter had said. "Huh?" "Don't look so surprised -- I figured it out yesterday," she grinned, 'gotcha' written all over her face. "I assume she knows you're really a guy?" "Hai..." "I'm glad. I can't imagine trying to live with a secret like that." She blinked. "Yeah... Well, Nabs is pretty cool about it..." "Well, in case you're wondering, I think it's great," the girl smiled, slipping back a wink. "I like her, and you two look really happy," she added, her eyes conveying just how much that observation meant to her. That was when the conversation truly sank in. With everything else that was going on, she hadn't taken the time to give her 'relationship' any thought. But, now that she had, it occurred to her that there was a reason why. There had been no need. She was actually happy - despite how the situation had come about. And having her daughter's approval made it even better. "Thanks, Kay-chan. I love you," she smiled, opening her arms for a hug - which Kayoko was all too willing to return. "I love you too, Mom, and I'm just so happy... That I can finally tell you that," the girl sniffed, then slipped her a kiss on the forehead. "Hey, cut that out - you're gonna ruin my tough-guy image," she sniffed back, as she wiped at her own eyes. Kayoko looked back at her for a moment - then the both of them broke out laughing. Four women. Same bathroom - same time. Even to someone with Ranma's math skills, that added up to pandemonium. The prospect made her decide to just step from the shower, pull her still-damp hair into a pony and beat a hasty retreat. The rest could wait. Nabiki, however, had other plans. As soon as she was finished in the bath, she collected both Ranma and Kayoko, and escourted them into Himiko's bedroom. There, she opened the closet wide, stood back -- and grinned. The closet was jammed full of fancy clothes, which Nabiki confessed she'd gone hunting for. It also included a built-in dresser, which contained everything from underwear to jewelry. Nabiki was in her glory -- but not for long. In a turn of events that even surprised her, Ranma ended up with the last laugh. Her final attire was a conservative, off the knee olive slit skirt, and an ivory Chinese-cut blouse. It was her choice out of what little that fit, owing to her smaller stature and apparently more curvaceous figure. Kayoko also had a tough time finding something because of her taller frame, and the fact that she found most of the tops a bit 'snug'. Nabiki's only commentary was a dry remark about heredity. With everyone dressed, the next item on the agenda was breakfast. Nabiki once again exercised her considerable talent, and Himiko revealed that she was far from a slouch. Ranma was starting to feel spoiled. Afterwards, she collected Kayoko and escourted her out into the yard, intent on continuing her 'training'. The girl had made incredible progress already, but Ranma knew she still had a long way to go, and was determined to help her get there. Kayoko, however, seemed to have different ideas. "Mom... What... What was Dad like?" she asked, the question almost flooring Ranma. "Uhm... Your father?" she stammered, totally unprepared for the topic. "What... What made you think of that?" she continued, trying to buy herself enough time to compose herself. Kayoko smiled weakly. "I... I've been thinking about him since we talked last night. The... The files had no information on him beyond a picture, and a list of his 'criteria'. And... And there was nothing at all about the time you two spent together - at least nothing... That would tell me what kind of person he was," she responded quietly, apparently aware of the delicacy of the subject. Ranma looked back at her in silence, shaken at the prospect of raking up the painful memories. However, as soon as she saw the look in her daughter's eyes, her resistance melted. "Lets... Let's go for a walk, Kay-chan," she half-smiled, taking her daughter's hand. Kayoko's smile was worth far more than what she was about to inflict on herself. When they stepped through the tree line a few moments later, she drew a long breath - and began her tale. "Your father... Was a big guy. He was something like 190cm tall, with the waviest brown hair I've ever seen. Really handsome face, too," she began, the words still feeling funny despite the shocking ease with which she had said them. She glanced at Kayoko's face, expecting to see a grimace, but instead, she saw something she'd noticed earlier. "You... Actually look a little like him," she stated, at which Kayoko's smile brightened. The sight lifted her heart, and seemed to wash away the last of her discomfort. "He was pretty well built, for someone that didn't exercise... And he looked really good in a suit," she continued, the memory bringing a small smile. "I... I don't know what he was like before all this crap, but during it... He was the kind of guy everyone respected. Friendly, open - sweet even, but he seemed to know who he was, what he wanted, and how to get it. Kind of ironic to say that now, I guess, but at the time, I didn't know any better," she continued, drawing a sigh. "He sounds wonderful," Kayoko commented, her own voice wistful. "Hm. He was... He was the most wonderful person I've ever known. I used to get weak when he'd touch me," she huffed, her face heating embarrassedly at the thought. "He... He had a really dry sense of humour, but behind it, he was a kind, thoughtful guy. He never once treated me like a wife -- he took care of me. Used to open doors, help me in and out of chairs, make all the decisions - and he was... Always very gentle," she trailed off, her stomach tightening briefly. "Even though he was so big. He towered over me, and he had these huge hands... I felt like a little kid when he'd hold mine, and when he'd hug me - I disappeared," she chuckled, the memory warming her heart. "I... I always felt so safe -- and so... Needed," she sighed, her eyes unfocusing briefly. Her daughter sighed, the sound bringing her back from where her memories had taken her. "It was really bad when I was carrying you -- he worried like a mother hen. I couldn't do anything! He was just so thrilled - so excited about being a father. His eyes sparkled, and he had this smile tattooed on his face all damned day. I could understand that part, though... I wasn't any different," she added with a quick wink, then fell silent as another thought struck her. "Mom...? You okay?" Kayoko asked, stepping around in front of her. Ranma looked back at her through blurred eyes. "Gomen ne... I-I was just thinking... How good a father he would've been - and of how proud he'd have been - of you," she sniffed, her heart wrenching in her chest as she cupped her daughter's cheek. "And I know... I know how much he would have loved you." Without a word, Kayoko reached out and wrapped her in a comforting hug. She didn't resist. "I wish... I wish I could have known him," the girl finally whispered, followed by a sniff of her own. "I... I miss him even more now." Ranma raised her arms around her daughter's back, closed her eyes - and let herself weep. "I... I do too." "What happened to you two?" Nabiki teased, as she stepped out onto the side deck. "We... Kinda went for a walk," Ranma smiled back, after exchanging a wink with Kayoko. "Ah. Well, we were wondering when you disappeared for over an hour," Nabiki chided back, looking affectedly concerned. "Gomen - we didn't mean to be that long. Anyway, Nabs - is the car really all ready to go?" Nabiki blinked at the redirect. "Uhmm... Far as I know. Planning on going somewhere?" She nodded, with a glance at her daughter. "Hai - and as soon as we can arrange it." "And where would that be?" "Canada." The girl nearly face-faulted. "Canada? Why... Where?" She returned a sheepish grin. "That's what I need you to find out." Ranma watched with a thoughtful frown as Nabiki shook her head and walked back into the house. Kayoko, meantime, stepped up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Think she'll be able to get it, Mom?" She nodded. "If anyone can..." she stated, then turned to the girl and slid her a telling grin. "Should give us enough time to get in at least some work, though." Kayoko gaped affectedly. "Maaaa... What a slavedriver!" Ranma shook her head solemnly. "Oh, no -- we're nowhere near that part of it -- yet," she quipped, with her best 'sensei' face. "Come, student... We must resume your training," she continued, taking her chuckling daughter's hand and starting out into the yard. They hadn't managed a half-dozen steps, however, before a startled exclamation stopped them in their tracks. Ranma turned to see Akane, standing frozen just at the corner of the building. Her hands were over her gaping mouth, her eyes were wide -- and her face was white. Silence ensued -- until Akane's face literally flashed to her namesake colour. "I *knew* it! You bastard! You *did* come up here to hide your dirty little secret!" she shreiked, as she stormed toward them. Ranma took a stance. "What the hell are you talking about, Akane?" "You! You and your little girlfriend here! I *thought* you were hiding out here with Nabiki -- that would have been bad enough! But no -- not you! You have to go one better, and get some brand-new hussy involved!" she snarled back, extending an arm toward the stunned Kayoko. "Does she know? Does she know you're really a guy, Ranma? Does she even have a clue how much of a *pervert* she's involved with?" Ranma fought down the charge already building in her hands. "Akane -- you better calm down. You've already said way too much..." she began through clenched teeth, but Akane didn't let her finish. "No way, Ranma! I haven't even *started*! And I've got lots to say to your equally sick little plaything!" Ranma felt something snap in her head. "Akane, for once in your damned life, SHUT THE HELL UP!" she shouted, rocking the girl back on her heels. However, it only took a heartbeat for her to recover. "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed, arms already rearing back. The next thing Ranma knew, Akane was holding a charred stick, and her face was a mask of wide-eyed shock. "Don't even *think* about hurting my Mother," Kayoko hissed, her extended finger still alive with writhing bolts of energy. Ranma immediately put a hand on her daughter's arm and urged her to lower it. Kayoko returned a questioning look, at which Ranma nodded assuringly. When she turned back to Akane, she saw the girl's eyes darting back and forth between herself and her daughter. They repeated the process a few more times, then the girl shuddered. "Muh-Mother?" The stick fell to the ground. Ranma nodded solemnly. "Tendou Akane -- I'd like you to meet my daughter, Hadridge Kayoko," she roted out, still in her stance. "Hajimemashite, Tendou-san," Kayoko bowed quickly, her eyes never leaving Akane. "Daughter..." Akane echoed, the colour again draining from her face. A moment later, her eyes rolled up and she sank to the ground. Ranma huffed, then brought her hand up to knead the bridge of her nose. "Kuso..." ==================================================================== END - Goodbye Is Not Forever - Part 11 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed - Flames Extinguished!