For this and any of my other works, visit my website at: Check out my Romanji Page! All those Japanese words defined! As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Goodbye Is Not Forever - Part One ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ranma groaned as a certain familiar and very uncomfortable sensation woke her from her content slumber, and crossed her legs in the hope of gaining a few more precious minutes. It proved to be a vain effort, as the urge only intensified. With a long sigh, she rose to a sit and broke into a yawn, then opened her eyes slowly. After giving them a second to focus, she located the door and got to her feet, wincing against the unusually strong ache in her tummy. When she'd finished in the bathroom and started to wash up, she happened to look at herself in the mirror, and grimaced at the sight of her hair. As she reached up and ran her fingers through the unruly tangle, she tsked at herself for not remembering to put in a ribbon. That was when it hit her. She'd been male when she went to bed. "Okay... Something's weird here," she stated out loud, a frown darkening her features. Just to be sure, she thought back over the events of the previous night, starting from the last fight she and her Pop had. She recalled how the old man had managed a lucky one, and sent her to the pond. She also remembered having to wait for Akane to finish before using the bath, which put her up long past her normal bedtime. She'd gone up to the room, and found her Pop already asleep. She even remembered opening the window to try to cool the room, and that she'd gone to bed without a shirt. Her eyes widened as she glanced down - and discovered that she was wearing a tank top. "Kuso..." she breathed, then her frown returned with a vengeance. "It's either Nabiki and her pictures or those damned Amazons messin' with my head," she spat, then glared into the mirror. "And I'm gonna find out which," she resolved, her sapphire blues narrowing as she turned on the hot water. He was still preoccupied with the mystery as he stepped back into his room, and almost missed seeing his father's attack. As he dove to the side, his eyes widened as he noticed something else. He was slow. Not only slow, but absolutely lethargic - his body felt like it was made of wet cement. A heartbeat later, he found himself airborne, having been caught looking by a beginner level throw. As she picked herself up out of the pond, she was so shocked that her father caught her looking again, and sent her sprawling across the yard. The impact on the grass snapped her out of it, however, and as her father dove toward her, she pulled her legs up and snapped them to try to get to her feet - and screamed. Intense, rupturing pain tore through her abdomen, taking all of the energy out of her move. She dropped hard to the ground, ending up curled in a shuddering, sweating ball, arms clamped over her stomach. "Ranma! What happened?" her father bellowed, as he touched down beside her. "Tore something - I think," she gasped, the pain making it difficult for her to even breathe. Her father scowled. "You're outta shape, boy. Looks like I haven't been working you hard enough." She shot him a look that said what she was too polite to say out loud. "You were right, Ranma. You did do some damage. Your lateral abdominal muscle has at least a three centimeter tear, and your left oblique has one about half of that," Dr. Tofuu confirmed, his face clinical. "But how doc?" he winced from the table, even the act of speaking bringing more pain. "I work out every day!" "I don't know, Ranma. Perhaps you've been working a little too hard, or not in the correct manner. I can recommend some strengthening kata for you, but it will have to wait until you heal. Working it now will only do more damage." He frowned. "So what are you sayin', Doc? I can't practice now?" "I'd go so far as to say you should have those repaired. They could cause hernias, or even get worse." "Yeah. Thanks, Doc. Is that it? I gotta get to school." "No, that's it. If you're not going to get those fixed, then there's no dressing needed, and unless you want pain control, there's nothing more I can do." He shot the smirking Doctor a look. "I thought so. Well, let's get you up and dressed, and I'll speak to Akane." "Great." After the initial furore over the news had passed, the rest of the day turned out to be fairly routine, except for the fact that his usual tormentors had mercy on him. Even Akane had been civil, but made up for it by delighting in the chance to 'make sure he didn't aggravate his injury'. The unofficial truce, while boring, provided him with an ideal opportunity for some none-too-subtle inquiries. Unfortunately, they only served to deepen the mystery. Nabiki had been away all night at a friend's house, even though he thought she'd spent it sealed in her room, and Shampoo had been stuck at the Nekohanten. Happosai, the only other person with any interest in his girl side, was still away on his 'journey'. By the time he headed for the bath to get the one he'd missed that morning, he was thoroughly confused. He'd already spoken to everyone in the house, and none of them had seen or heard anything. He was still no further ahead when he finally decided to get out of the bath and go find something to eat. As he carefully moved to the mirror to retie his still-damp hair, he happened to catch a glimpse of himself from the side. What he saw made him look again. His hair, which normally hung arrow straight and exactly the same length all around, had a slight but definite taper to it. Stunned, he looked closer, and found that the pattern continued up into the sides, and around to the edges of his bangs. And as he ran his fingers through it, he happened to expose his ear - and the tiny hole in its lobe. Horrified, he checked the other one - and found another hole. His angry scream brought the entire family running. "So what do you think it's all about, Ranma?" Akane asked, as she fanned his hair in her fingers. He looked at her in time to see her grimace again at the hole in his ear. "How the hell should I know? I'm just sure none of this was there when I went to bed last night - I woulda seen it!" "Maybe you're sleepwalking as a girl," Kasumi offered, settling beside Akane. "Boy, you're breaking your father's heart! It's no wonder you're so..." Genma began, but was silenced by a well-delivered chair. "Shut up, Pop!" he snarled, through his painful grimace. "I don't think so, neechan. These holes aren't fresh -- neither is this cut. See?" Akane noted, indicating the lock in her hand. "But it's really nice and even. Who's your stylist, Ranma?" "Ha, ha, Akane. If I knew, I'd kick his ass. I can't have my damned hair like this," he glowered, pulling some around so he could see it. "Guess I'll have to cut it off..." "Sure, Ranma. Then you might as well cut off your ears, too. Once the hair's gone, those holes will stand out even more," Nabiki smirked, as she looked on in what seemed her usual 'How can I make money off this?' manner. "Kuso... How long will it take to grow back?" "I'd say wait about a month, then get it trimmed. It's almost grown out now." He rolled his eyes. "Great. But I still don't get it. If that stuff ain't new, then how'd it happen?" "I don't know, but I think we'd better watch your room tonight, Ranma. Someone might be pulling something on you..." He huffed. "No kidding - and when I find out who, I'm gonna make 'em regret it." Once he'd managed to get to sleep, the night passed uneventfully. Nobody reported anything unusual, and he'd even woken up the same gender he'd gone to bed as. Unfortunately, all of the strange things he'd discovered were still the same, but with a little help from Akane and Kasumi, he soon found that they were not as bad as he'd first thought. When tied back in its usual pigtail, his hair didn't show the cut, and it kept his ears fairly well covered. Akane supplied some 'zit cover' for extra insurance, and Kasumi suggested he wear some sort of bright top to distract people's attention. After donning his yellow and black satin to replace his usual red, he suggested a reconnaissance trip to see if anyone had heard anything of any kind. He also hoped that being seen would help to flush out his tormentor. Akane at first disagreed, and tried to make him stay home, but once he told her he'd go alone if he had to, she relented and joined him. Their first stop, after along, slow walk, was the establishment of one Ukyou Kuonji. As far as Ranma was concerned, it couldn't have been a better choice. "Morning, Ranchan!" the cheery chef sang, a she slid a fresh pie under his nose. "You feeling any better today?" He nodded, his attention riveted on the food. Akane frowned. "Ukyou, you heard anything about anyone new looking for Ranma?" Ukyou blinked. "You mean like a challenge? No... Why?" "Somebody's been doing stuff to me... Weird stuff. Take a look at my hair," he grumbled, turning so the chef could reach it. "Huh? What do you mean?" she asked, as she reached out and touched his pigtail. "No... The sides and bangs." "Here?" she asked, leaning closer. "I don't see anything different." He rolled his eyes then pulled out his tie. "Take a good look." "Okay, but... Masaka! It's layered!" she exclaimed, running her fingers through it. "Yeah. But I didn't do it. It was like that when I woke up yesterday." "Maaa... You mean somebody cut your hair while you were sleeping?" she gasped, lifting a large lock in her hands and inspecting it. "That ain't the half of it..." he began, and by the time he'd finished, Ukyou was standing behind his stool, still 'inspecting' his hair - and Akane was in the midst of a slow burn. To her credit, she held her tongue - until Ukyou lifted a handful to her face and smelled it, then leaned back to reveal flushed cheeks. "Hey! He said *look* at it, not inhale it!" "I wasn't! I was just... Checking for the smell of chemicals," Ukyou flustered, as she dropped the hair and dashed behind her grill. "I'm sure..." Akane growled, then shot him a daggered glare. "I didn't do nothin'," he protested, at which she huffed and looked away. "Well anyway, sugar, it sure sounds like someone's out to get you, but I haven't heard a thing. Not even a rumour - and my customers are pretty much up on the latest," the chef redirected, as she stepped over to her sink. "Hm. Well, thanks, Uuchan... If you do hear anything, lemme know, okay?" he asked, then rose carefully from his stool. "Gotta go check a few more places." Ukyou smiled. "Sure, Ranchan... Talk to you later!" As he stepped through the shop curtain behind Akane, he knew by her demeanor that he was in deep. Exactly two seconds later, his guess was confirmed. "Did you enjoy that?" she asked hotly, her eyes flashing. "Akane..." "Forget it, Ranma! If you want me to help you, then you'd better stop flirting!" "I wasn't flirting! She just - Oww!" he grimaced, clutching at his gut. "Serves you right," she huffed, then turned and strode away. Suddenly, he knew it was going to be a long day. After a fruitless visit to the Nekohanten and an equally unproductive chance encounter with Ryouga, Ranma groaned unashamedly as he settled to his mat at the low table. He was sore, starving and absolutely no further ahead in his search for answers. As well, there was another issue that had begun to get under his skin. It came up as he had continued to mull over his lot, trying to put some sense to it. Since his curse, he'd had people trap him as a girl, separate him from his girl side, and nail him with weakness points. He'd even been turned into a 'traditional' girl, even though that hadn't been done by an enemy. But, never in any one of those situations had he ever gotten his ears pierced, or actually cut his hair. He'd never been tempted to, nor had anyone ever done such things to him. He could only guess that whoever was messing with him wanted his girl side for something, and that something required a change in 'her' appearance. The entire scenario creeped him out, but at the same time, had given him an idea. He reasoned that if he knew what his unknown assailants wanted his girl side to look like, then perhaps it might help explain their purpose. Abruptly, his thoughts were disturbed by Akane's voice. "Ranma? Something wrong?" He jumped, then looked over at her and sighed into a frown. "Akane - I need you to do me a favour." After supper, and joined by Kasumi, he and Akane were in Kasumi's room, him seated on the floor with a bucket at his side. In front of him were mirrors, arrays of brushes, combs and other styling tools, as well as a selection of earrings. He drew a long breath, then moved the bucket toward him. "Here goes... And remember - I don't want what you think looks 'cute'. I want what it looks like I was supposed to have, okay?" "We'll try, Ranma," Kasumi promised, to a nod from Akane. "Okay..." he sighed, and shoved his hand into the bucket. "Kuso, that's cold!" she gasped, as she yanked it back and clawed for the towel in her lap. Then, with the removal of her hair tie, the project began. An hour later, after a concentrated effort that even involved makeup, both Akane and Kasumi sat back, nodded at each other and smiled. Ranma looked up at them and sighed. "I hope this means you guys are done." "Almost. All we need is for you to pick out some earrings," Kasumi smiled, as she proffered a large selection. Ranma looked them over, and without hesitation, picked a small set of emerald florets. As Kasumi set down the tray, Ranma automatically pulled off the backs and dropped all of the parts into a prearranged alcohol bath. Kasumi and Akane exchanged gaping looks. After a moment of stirring them around, she fished out one floret and a back, raised it to her ear and popped it in, hitting the post the first try. And without breaking stride, she repeated the procedure for the second. "Okay. I guess I'm ready," she announced, with a tentative grin. "Uhm... Excuse me, Ranma, but who taught you how to do that? I've seen women still have trouble ten years after they were pierced," Kasumi asked, her face a picture of shock. Ranma blinked. "Nobody - I know how these things work." "Have you ever put them in before - even for someone else?" "No -- never even touched a pair before today. Why? I get 'em in backwards or something?" "Not at all. In fact, you put them in as if you've been doing it for years. And for another thing, I know that neither Akane or I told you what that alcohol was for," she responded, shaking her head slowly. "But you knew." She felt her face drain. "Yeah... I did," she confirmed, then looked at each of the others in turn. "But how?" "You... You might have seen me doing it," Akane supplied, trying to sound casual. "Hm - I guess..." she frowned, then shook her head. She had something else to worry about first. With a deep, fast sigh, she reached over and picked up a mirror. "Here goes," she stated, and held it up before her. As soon as she made eye contact, she shuddered. She'd *seen* that face before -- she knew it with every part of her being. And she also knew that it wasn't just because it was her reflection. "Uhm... Ranma?" She didn't respond. All she could do was stare at the image in silence, her mind numb and her stomach tightening. "Ooohhh! This is just too precious!" Nabiki's voice abruptly broke in, followed by a series of clicks, flashes and whirs. "Nabiii - kiii!" Akane growled, then leapt to her feet and lunged toward her gleefully snapping sister. The commotion jolted Ranma out of her trance, at which she dropped the mirror and started to yank out the earrings. "Get this crap offa me!" =================================================================== END - Goodbye Is Not Forever - Part 1 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!