Welcome to the next episode!! This is, as with the previous stories, based heavily on events and situations from the preceeding ones, which are available on my Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/coutuva As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Hell Hath No Fury - Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitomi just stared at the woman behind the till, blinking in disbelief. "What do you mean, canceled?" she finally asked, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's coming back as canceled by the company... There's no explanation given," the salesgirl stated, regarding her suspiciously. "Kuso... How much was it again?" she spat, angry at the embarrassment, and at the fact that it had only been a week since she'd paid off the card. "215.93, Ma'am," the girl replied, smugly. "Hai," she shot back, slapping the cash on the till. The salesgirl's eyebrows raised as she picked up the money and closed the sale, and as Hitomi gathered her bags to leave, she looked back and flashed a smile. "Don't worry... My dirty cash and I won't bother you ever again," she quipped, and sauntered out the door. On the street, Kikyo and Shampoo noticed immediately that she was not a happy camper. "Anata...? What happened? You look upset," Kikyo observed, moving beside her. She frowned. "I dunno... That 'woman' in there told me my credit card was canceled. I just paid it off last week! I still have the statement in my purse," she stated, incredulous. "And she treated me like a thief on top of it all!" "Well, we can call them tomorrow and find out what happened. Don't worry... It'll be fine," Kikyo soothed, patting her back. "Hai... I know. It's just embarrassing. And if they don't fix it, I'll sure tell them what they can do with it!" "I would too... That can ruin a reputation too quick," Shampoo agreed, nodding. "Well, let's just forget about it and go get a coffee, ne? My feet are killing me," Kikyo suggested, to the happy nods of the others. Inwardly, however, she had a sinking feeling of foreboding. The next week, as Hitomi opened the main doors of the Centre to begin the day, she was surprised to see a vehicle parked in the driveway. As soon as she opened the inner doors, two men in suits got out and started toward the entry, each carrying a clipboard. Hitomi could feel her hackles rise as they approached, but forced herself to calm down and be pleasant to greeted them. "Metro Department of Public Health, Ma'am. We're here to inspect your facility and speak to a miss Hitomi Seirei," the first man stated, as soon as he stepped in. "I am Hitomi Seirei. What can I do for you?" she asked, smiling innocently. "We've been alerted to a possible violation, and would like your permission to carry out our inspection. If you choose to refuse us, we can obtain a warrant," he responded, curtly. Hitomi's eyes widened, then narrowed. "There's no need to be rude..." she replied, locking his eyes. "Right this way," she added, gesturing them in. "Your cooperation is appreciated," the man responded, reading the look. Kikyo stood in the hall near the entry to the common room, watching Hitomi with the two suits. She could tell that they had said something to upset her, but decided to stay out of it until they had left, not wanting to interfere. A short time later, after the men had inspected every inch of the building and facilities, they escorted Hitomi back to her office, and quietly filled out the last of their reports. Just as Hitomi's patience was about to wear out, the taller of the two tore off a copy and handed it to her, all smiles. "Miss Seirei, it appears as though the information we received was erroneous. Your facility exceeds every applicable standard, and should be an example for all other private Daycares. Our congratulations, and we apologize for the inconvenience," he remarked, extending his hand after depositing the paper on her desk. "Thank you. I could have saved you the trouble if you had only asked. We had our regular inspection two months ago, and they said the same thing," she noted, almost too pleasantly. "Well, when we receive a complaint, we have to respond immediately. There are a number of these that we've had to close because of violations so flagrant that they were making people sick. We do have to follow up," the same man responded, his tone apologetic. His partner, the one who made the initial comment, remained silent. "Okay... Well, if that's it, then I must get back to my children... They're starting their break now. May I see you to the door?" "Yes, that's it. Thank you again, and we appreciate your cooperation," the tall one smiled again, and stepped back as Hitomi crossed in front of him to open the door. Upon watching the men get in their car and leave, her face darkened. As she turned to head back to her office, she came face to face with a worried Kikyo. "Anata.... What was that all about?" "They were from the Health Department. Somebody filed a complaint against us, and those... 'Guys' were ready to shut us down," she growled, eyes flashing. "Kuso... You're kidding!" Kikyo breathed, covering her gaping mouth. "Iie -- they were serious. Tried to bully me with a warrant, too... Like they were actually expecting to find something," she added, her voice controlled but still angry. "Ano... What was the complaint? Nobody has ever said anything..." "They didn't say. All I know is what they told me, and that wasn't much. By the way, they didn't find anything wrong... in fact, they even said we exceeded the standards," she added, grinning. Kikyo smiled. "I knew we would. With the way you run things, there was no doubt," she winked, relieved at the outcome. "Come back to the kitchen, Anata... I'll buy you a coffee," she invited, hoping to distract her for a little while. "Hai... Sounds good. After that little episode, I could really use one," she agreed, sighing. Later, as Hitomi read to a group of fascinated children, Kikyo sat nearby watching the show, and thinking about all that had happened. She had the gnawing feeling that none of it was coincidental, especially given that it was all happening to Hitomi. She knew for a fact that she was utterly efficient and conscientious about everything she did, particularly if it involved the Centre. Hitomi viewed its operation as a sacred trust, and wasn't about to let sloppy operations or substandard care endanger that trust. As she pondered those thoughts, she heard the familiar clank of the mailbox lid, and rose to go check what had come. She groaned quietly as she stood up, her now fairly large tummy making such simple tasks a major chore. Waving at the mailman as he rounded the corner, she dug into the mailbox and pulled out the usual assortment of bills, Thank-You cards and junk mail, as well as one distinctly different looking envelope. Sorting the delicate pink colored item out from the rest, she noticed immediately that it was gently scented with fine perfume, and the paper was a high-quality combed bond, like that used by some calligraphy artists. Her face darkened as she thought of who might send such a letter, especially after she turned it over and found out that it was addressed to her. Glancing up quickly, she noted that Hitomi was still involved in her story, and wasn't looking her way. Shoving the envelope into her frock pocket, she pasted a smile on her face and walked past the story gathering, as if she was just taking the mail to the office. Once safely in the office, she tore open the envelope and was at once impressed by the elegant, artistic Kanji. But her mood quickly changed as she read it to herself. "Dearest Kikyo-chan: I know you have said that you were already seeing someone, but I still can not stop thinking about you. You are in my thoughts every day, and in my sweet dreams each night. I wish I could see you - just once. Long enough to tell you how I feel, and show you that I am the only one worthy of your attentions. Please call me - soon. I miss you. Love, Anita." Kikyo sighed aloud, actually feeling sorry for the woman. She recognized the desperate plea hidden in the words, but was unmoved by the attempt. She knew that if she called or spoke to her now, then she would never give it up, and that could mean trouble. Crumpling up the letter and envelope, she tossed it in the wastebasket and left the office, shaking her head at the woman's persistence. Kikyo looked at the others with her mouth gaping. "Are you serious? They seized your account?" she echoed, covering her mouth. "Hai! She tried to use her debit thing and the machine took it! When she called the bank, they said there was a seize," Shampoo responded, shrugging. "But why...? There was lots in it, ne?" "I dunno... I don't get it. It's like the world is out to get me all of a sudden..." Hitomi remarked, slumping into the booth. "That credit-card outfit won't talk to me, the Bank hung up in my ear... " she added, her voice drifting off. "I don't understand..." she sniffed, wiping her face with her hand and trying to compose herself. "Anata... I'm sure it's all just a mix-up. We can call the Credit Bureau tomorrow and find out what happened. I can pay for supper... It's time I did anyway," Kikyo soothed, gently stroking the hurting girl's head. "Kikyo... I'm worried. The mortgage comes out of that account, and if it doesn't get paid..." she gasped, eyes widening. "Aiyah... Your beautiful house..." Shampoo breathed, shaking her head. "I'll call them too, Anata... I can cover it until we get this fixed. I figure there must be a problem with their computers somehow. You know how they're all linked together nowadays." "Hai... Okay -- I guess," she finally resigned, trying to compose herself. "Kiko-chan, take me home... Please?" she added, clasping Kikyo's hand and leaning on her shoulder. Over the next few days, Hitomi fretted incessantly about the Bank problems, and making matters worse, the Bank itself had refused to offer any explanation. The Credit Bureau could only tell her that her credit was gone, and that they had no further information. Kikyo feared for Hitomi, afraid that the blows to her honor and flawless reputation would create lasting scars. Another thing that worried her was that the sparkle normally present in her girlfriend's big blue eyes was becoming less obvious. In fact, there were times when she swore that it was missing entirely, which unsettled her more than the reasons for it. She tried her best to keep her spirits up, but she began to fear it was a losing battle. As Kikyo watched her girlfriend cross the common room in a daze, her attention was distracted by the appearance in the entry of three men, again dressed in dark suits and reeking of trouble. Hitomi was nearby, and Kikyo could see her face fall as she spotted them herself. Biting her lip, she quickly headed toward them. The men looked both women over carefully before uttering a word. Finally, one of them spoke, gruffly and to the point. "Is there a Lin Shan Pu working here?" he said, regarding both of them suspiciously over his wire-framed glasses. "Hai. Do you wish to speak to her?" Hitomi asked, surprised at the question. "Where would I find her?" he responded, as the other two fanned out behind him. "Ano... In the kitchen, preparing the afternoon snack," Hitomi answered, gesturing in the direction of the room. Instantly, the other two men raced off toward it, and Hitomi and Kikyo both gasped as they heard Shampoo cry out her indignance. At that moment, the remaining man reached into his pocket and produced an ID wallet, flipping it open to display his credentials. "Department of Immigration, Ma'am. We have reason to believe that one Lin Shan Pu is in this country under false pretenses, and is now under arrest for being an illegal alien." Before the now stunned Hitomi could respond, the other two men almost dragged a surprisingly subdued Shampoo out of the kitchen, dangled between them like a mannequin. Her arms were behind her back, firmly clamped in handcuffs. Hitomi's eyes flared, and Kikyo swore she could see a faint aura build around her body. "Is this sort of brutality necessary? She's only visiting us for a few months... Not living here!" the redhead snarled, glaring at the badge-holding agent. "Policy, Ma'am... You can file an affidavit with the bureau if you wish. And by the way... What is your name?" "Hitomi Seirei... Your wor..." she began, building up a ball of energy in the hand she held out of sight. "Anata!" Kikyo interrupted, stepping up beside her and grabbing her arm. "We'll do that," she stated with a sheepish smile, all the while squeezing Hitomi's arm. Hitomi shot her an angry glance, then abruptly relaxed... a bit. "Hai. Count on it," she growled, then turned to Shampoo. "Hang in there, Lin-san... We'll try to get this ironed out," she assured, stepping up and hugging the Amazon. Shampoo only smiled weakly. "Not to worry, Hitomi-san... I'll be back soon. I've done nothing wrong," she noted, her face showing her defiance. "We'll see about that. Take her out. Miss Seirei, don't leave town... We'll be in touch," the agent smirked, and turned to join his fellows. Watching the car depart, Hitomi could see Shampoo's large eyes looking back at her sadly. Once the car was out of sight, she crumpled to her knees and stared numbly at the doors. Slowly turning back toward Kikyo, she stared at her for a few long seconds, then dissolved in painful tears. In the car, Shampoo sat quietly between the two large men, deliberately maintaining a frightened puppy look. Behind her back, she slowly worked her hands until the cuffs slipped off, and immediately smirked to herself. The handcuffs were similar to the ones her Great Grandmother used to train her with, and just as she figured, they were equally easy to get out of. She was glad they hadn't used leg shackles as well, since they took a bit longer. Silently, and with barely perceptible movements, she worked her arms above and behind the men on either side of her. When they were in position, she coughed nervously and uncrossed her legs, then slowly re-crossed them. Both men, predictably, glanced down at her thighs, and as they did, she drove her thumbs into certain pressure points on the backs of their necks, and they both slumped forward. Moving her arms behind her back again, she changed her expression to one of shock, and called out to the driver. "Ano... Something wrong your friends..." she exclaimed in fractured English, threading concern through her voice. "What?" the driver blurted, glancing in his mirror and seeing the two collapsed figures. "What the hell...?" he added, pulling the car over. Once stopped, he stepped out and opened the rear door, glancing at her as if to verify she was secured. Satisfied, he leaned in to check on the first man. She simply smiled wickedly. Kikyo frowned deeply as she walked to the bathroom to rinse Hitomi's compress. She too was in a state of shock, unable to believe that she had just watched Shampoo dragged away in handcuffs. Hitomi was completely numb after her long, wrenching cry, and had been hugging Kikyo for all she was worth. Kikyo bit her lip as she recalled the defeated look on her girlfriend's face. She was in fact worried sick, having never seen the normally happy, carefree redhead so depressed and angry. As well, she still couldn't believe the run of bad luck they were having. She compared it to having an oni loose in the building, even though she knew that wasn't possible. Suddenly, a thought struck her like a slap in the face. Gasping, she ran into the main office, and dug the letter from a few days ago of the wastebasket. Wide eyed, she reread it, looking for a certain phrase. Her jaw dropped when she found it. "... and show you that I am the only one worthy of your attentions," she repeated to herself, the true meaning of the line finally becoming clear. "You miserable bitch...! she snarled, shredding the letter and firing the pieces back into the can. "It's been you all along!" she spat, then turned and stormed out the door. Arriving in the kitchen, she quickly rinsed the cloth, intent on getting back to Hitomi and telling her what she'd discovered. She felt a sudden twitch in her tummy, then winced from a painful cramp. Ignoring it, she wrung the cloth and turned to head back, only to manage two steps before getting hit with another cramp, easily twice as powerful as the first. The pain forced a cry from her lips, despite her best efforts to hide it. As she tried to calm herself to continue, she was hit again, only this time the pain doubled her over, sending her to the floor. Hitomi, having heard her first cry, suddenly appeared in the doorway, eyes panicked. "Kiko-chan... !" she cried out, dropping to her knees to lift Kikyo's head to her lap. Her heart pounded as she saw the perspiration on Kikyo's forehead, her ashen skin and her rapid, shallow breathing. "Gomen... ne... Hitomi-chan," Kikyo grimaced, clutching at her tummy. "I think I need to go to the hospital..." she gasped, voice shuddering. "Shhhh... Kiko-chan... I'll get you there. You'll be fine," Hitomi soothed, flashing a reassuring smile. Reaching for the cloth Kikyo still held tight in her shaking hands, she wiped her stricken girlfriend's forehead. Inwardly, however, she felt as though she'd swallowed broken glass, and prayed with all her heart that Kikyo's pain didn't mean what she feared it did. Two hours later, she sat quietly in the hospital room beside a sleeping Kikyo, who had been carefully sedated. As she watched the love of her life sleeping peacefully, she sighed sadly to herself. She reasoned that somehow, she must be attracting bad luck to the two of them, as it seemed that anything and everything connected to her was falling apart or being destroyed. For the first time in her brief existence, she was truly, deeply and profoundly scared. Scared for Kikyo, scared for Shampoo, and most of all, scared for their unborn child. Sniffing, she reached over, took Kikyo's hand and kissed it gently. "Gomen nasai, Kiko-chan," she whispered, laying her face against the union, closing her eyes tight against her tears. ==================================================================== END - Hell Hath No Fury - Part 3 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Appreciated, Flames Extinguished! coutuva@gmail.com