This story is based heavily on events and situations from the preceeding ones, which are available on my Web Site: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Destiny, Truth and Fate - Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Akiko woke slowly the next morning, her mind still troubled by the events of the previous day. In the air hung the smell of miso soup, and she could hear noises coming from the kitchen downstairs. Realizing what that meant, she smiled happily and shook her head, wondering what would prompt him to do such a thing. Sliding off the bed, she opened her wardrobe and reached for her housecoat, as per usual. Abruptly, she stopped, noticing her collection of kimonos at the far end of the unit. Smiling, she picked one out and slipped it on. As she stood before the full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door, she wondered what he would think when he saw her in this. She hadn't worn one since she last lived in Japan, and it felt good to be in it again. Taking one last look to be sure everything was in place and proper, she happily headed down to the kitchen. Natako worked intently, preparing a very special breakfast for Akiko. He chose a traditional Japanese fare, hoping that it would impress her, and help her to forgive him for what had happened the day before. In the process, he found that he really liked cooking, and discovered that he could do some pretty fancy knife work to top it all off. As if to prove it to himself, he rinsed a fresh tomato, and tossed it into the air. Spinning the knife like a drumstick between his fingers, he swung in on it, slicing it into neat wedges, each landing in a perfect circle on the previously prepared bed of lettuce. Next, he sliced a carrot into perfectly even medallions with ease, and flipped them up into the wok with a sweep of the knife blade. Behind him, Akiko appeared in the doorway, and stood quietly watching the show. "Ohaio, Akiko-chan" Natako greeted, without turning around. "Ohaio, Natako-kun. This looks great, and smells even better. Nice work." she observed, happily. "Domo. I thought I owed it to you, especially after yesterday." he replied, turning to face her. As soon as he saw her standing demurely in the doorway, dressed in her kimono, he felt his knees go. "You look... beautiful." he breathed, totally in awe of the vision before him. His heart felt like it was going to jump right out of his chest, and the knife he held slipped slowly from his hand, embedding itself in the floor inches from his foot. She was absolutely gorgeous, and he couldn't stop staring at her. Akiko had to giggle in response. "What's wrong?" she asked cheerily. "Not a thing... in fact, things couldn't be better. You look fantastic, Akiko-chan… what's the occasion?" he asked, trying to regain his composure. This was not what he expected at all, and it had really thrown him. "I smelled the miso from upstairs, and thought that I should follow suit. Do you like it?" "I love it." he responded, smiling warmly. Reaching for her hand, he took it gently, and walked her to her seat. Once he had her seated, he turned back to his cooking, quickly finishing the last details, then joining Akiko at the table. He watched nervously as she tried the soup, hoping that he got it right. Her satisfied smile told him he had. "You have quite a talent for this. I'm not near this good." Akiko stated, taking another sip. "I don't know why... I just did it, not really sure if I could. But, after yesterday, I wanted to do something nice for you. This seemed the perfect idea." "After yesterday? If you mean what happened outside the store, don't worry. You did nothing wrong. It was me. I wasn't expecting it, and it caught me off guard." she explained, hoping that he wouldn't push the issue. She wasn't yet ready to bare her soul, thinking that she had to be more certain of her own feelings. "And I have to apologize for being so rude last night. I went upstairs to calm down, and fell asleep. I never meant to leave you alone in a strange house." she continued, bowing her head slightly. Relief washed over Natako like a flood, and he sighed audibly. "You're not mad at me? I was sure I had ruined..." he stopped abruptly, realizing what he was about to say. "...our friendship." he continued, haltingly. "Hm?" Akiko replied, catching the slip despite his efforts. "No need to worry. I have a feeling we'll always be... friends." she stated, looking him in the eyes. "Uhn." Natako agreed, picking up his soup and drawing a big sip. Later, Natako sat alone on the roof of the deck overlooking the back yard of Akiko's house. His mind was awash in thought as he tried to sort out what had happened that morning. He had expected that Akiko would be upset, but she instead dropped a strong hint that her interest in him was becoming more than friendly. Now, he was really confused. His reverie was interrupted abruptly by the sound of his new name being called urgently from below. Leaning forward a bit, he peered over the edge of the roof to see Akiko standing in the yard below, looking up at him curiously. "Natako-kun... what are you doing up there? I thought you had left." she asked, obvious relief in her voice. "Just taking a moment to think... you know, shake out the cobwebs." he replied, leaping off the roof and landing gently beside her. "You had me worried... I really thought you had left the house, and I was..." she began, stopping short when he looked at her with his eyebrows raised. "You were what?" he prodded, suddenly very curious to hear the answer. She felt her cheeks going again as she desperately searched for a response. "...worried about you." she added, slowly. "Oh." he answered, giving her an 'it was more than that, wasn't it?' look. Akiko chose to let it slide, not wanting to expand any further than she already had. In the back of her mind, she had been deathly afraid that he had taken off after she dropped her hint at breakfast. That thought had scared her so much that she was literally panicking, and was now having a hard time covering it. Gathering her wits as best she could, she tried to change the subject. "I was going to go for a walk to the store... do you want to come?" "Hai... sounds good. I could use the exercise. I can feel a lot of stiffness from spending so much time in the hospital." he answered, wondering privately just what she was so upset about. "Okay... let me change, and we can head out." she responded, happily. Turning, she headed back into the house, with Natako trailing close behind. As Akiko headed up the stairs, he went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk, and was amazed to see that any and all evidence of his little gesture was gone from the room. In fact, the room literally sparkled. He had to admit, it was impressive how she had done it in the few minutes he had been on the roof. As he stood admiring her work, he heard her coming down the stairs, and turned to meet her. "Ready, Akiko-chan?" he asked, setting his glass down. She looked at him with a frown. "Please put that in the sink... it will leave a ring." she stated, pointing at the glass. "Oops... Should have known. Sorry Akiko. I'll watch it from now on." he responded sheepishly, placing the glass in the sink, and wiping the wet ring up. "It's okay... I just can't stand a messy, cluttered kitchen." she explained, in an almost conciliatory tone. "But, enough of that. We're wasting a great day." she smiled, gesturing toward the door. Natako, all too willing to get out of his current situation, dashed to the door and graciously held it open, a silly grin on his face. Giggling, Akiko strode out it. The two walked back to the downtown, mainly since it was only a few blocks from her house, and began to window-shop in earnest. Natako was thoroughly enjoying touring the grocery stores, almost as if he had never experienced such a great display of goods. Akiko, meanwhile, picked out the few things she wanted, and was ready to head back toward home. Finally, after a little polite convincing, Natako gave in. As they began the walk home, Natako suggested they detour by way of the beach, since he wasn't quite ready to go back. Akiko agreed, just glad to finally be out of the stores. Akiko pointed out a shortcut to the park just ahead of them, and they cut down the narrow street as soon as they got to it. About half a block down, Natako spotted a weathered signboard hanging from a nondescript old building. It read 'Kenemaki Dojo'. "Akiko! A Dojo! Just what I needed right now!" Natako exclaimed, leaping into the air. His trajectory carried him to a small car, which he bounced from, and ended up landing right in front of the Dojo's door. Akiko just stared, totally shocked by what she had just witnessed. He had covered a distance equivalent to two city blocks in two leaps... and hadn't broken a sweat. "Akiko-chan! C'mon! I have to check this place out!" Natako yelled, snapping her out of her trance. "H-Hai!" she stammered, running over to him. "Looks like nobody's used it for a while..." Natako observed, looking the building over. "I used it for a few months just after we arrived here." Akiko stated, breathless. "I had to stop when school started up again." "D'ya think anyone's here?" "No idea... " "Well, I guess there's only one way..." Natako stated, pushing the old door open. It moved heavily, it's hinges groaning in complaint. "Wow... " Natako exclaimed, stepping into the dark structure. "I guess this town ain't into Martial Arts. This mat has an inch of dust on it." "Sad... This was a nice facility once." Akiko added, looking around. Suddenly, Akiko felt a ripple in the back of her mind. Natako noticed something as well, jumping in front of her and setting himself to defend. "All right! Show yourself!" Natako ordered, staring into the darkness. "You need not fear me, Warrior. Nor you, Spiritualist. I come to greet you with open arms." a very senior voice soothed from the darkness. "Spiritualist?" Natako repeated, casting a querying glance at Akiko. "I'll explain later.." she responded, sounding angry. "Greetings. I am Master Kenemaki… this is my Dojo." an aged Japanese man stated happily, as he stepped from the dark. "Sensei!" Akiko blurted, stepping up to him with a deep bow. Natako lowered his guard, and followed suit. "How are you my child... I see the year has done you well. Do you continue your studies?" "Hai, Sensei. I am nearly done." Akiko responded, proudly. "Ah! I see you have a friend." the old man continued, stepping up to Natako. Without warning, a staff swung out from under his robes, straight for Natako's head. Natako dodged it easily. "Hey! Is this the way you greet a guest?" Natako snarled, jumping back to a set position. Akiko gasped, stunned by the attack. "You have done well, my child. He is a great warrior. So, tell me, Warrior. Why do you come here?" the old man asked, totally unflapped. "I came hoping to train. I didn't expect to be attacked!" Natako shot back, angrily. "Then train you shall. If you wish, we can begin now." The old man answered, flinging a brace of shuriken straight at Natako. Natako caught every one and fired them right back. The Master deflected them easily with his staff. After his throw, Natako leapt into the air, heading right at the Master. After deflecting the stars, the Master brought his staff across to block Natako's attack, but Natako was ready for him. Catching the staff in mid swing, he used it to lever himself around, and deliver a two-footed hammer to the old Master's chest, sending him crashing through the back wall of the hall. Natako landed gracefully, staff in hand, and spun it into a ready position. Patiently, he waited, staring at the new passage to the back office. "Natako!" Akiko shouted, finally regaining her voice. "Stay back!" Natako ordered. "This ain't over yet!" As he predicted, the old Master flew from the hole, diving straight at Natako. Natako dropped, raised the staff in a faked block, and once the old man had hold of it, he hooked the staff around, using the Master's inertia to drive him into the floormat. Leaping to his feet, he regarded the prostrate old man cautiously. "Sloppy, old man. I expected better." he remarked, still watching his opponent carefully. "I concede." the old man muttered from the floor. "You have defeated me." he continued, rising to a sitting position. "Just what exactly was that all about, anyway?" Natako demanded, angrily. "I sensed you were a great warrior when you first came in. Your Chi is extremely powerful... It emanates from you like the waves of tsunami. I was obligated to challenge you... you know the code." the old man responded, breathlessly. "Yes... I do." Natako replied, his demeanor changing completely. As he spoke, he sat across from the old Master. "So tell me... why is this place empty?" "There are no more who seek the grand Arts. We have not had any students for many months. I fear that I have outlived my purpose." the old man continued, sadly. Akiko, face a mask of fear and worry, had moved hurriedly to Natako's side, and quickly checked him for injury. Finding none, she sighed audibly and sat very close to him. Natako looked over at her, and nodded his okay. "I can identify... right now, I don't have a clue what my purpose is." Natako replied to the old man, shrugging. "I thought I sensed a deep trouble within you... you do not have peace. However, your choice of companion should aid you in that quest." the old man observed, smiling weakly. "Akiko? Yeah, come to mention it, you called her 'Spiritualist', didn't you?" Natako recalled, casting a questioning glance at her. "It's true." Akiko sighed, turning to him. "I have been involved in the Spiritual Arts since I was a little girl. My grandmother sensed it in me, and guided me through the study. I... was afraid to tell you because I didn't want to scare you off." she continued, sheepishly. "Scare me off? No way! I think it's great that you have that skill. Real Spiritualists are rare, especially today, since nobody cares about the rituals of the past anymore." Natako responded, excitedly. "You... like it??" Akiko sputtered in disbelief. "Hai! I even want you to have a look at me... find out whatever you can about me." "You mean it?" she asked, her eyes starting to shimmer. Privately, she felt like jumping for joy. "Absolutely. I like this stuff." Natako stated, turning to face Akiko. "Go for it!" he encouraged, smiling. "Hai. I will try." Akiko answered, reaching into her purse. From it, she withdrew a small, ornately carved dagger with a green stone blade. She also produced a necklace with a similar stone on it, and two wide metal rings that she slid on to the first and second fingers of her right hand. Taking the knife up in her hands again, she closed her eyes and began to chant quietly. As she waved the knife before her in a careful pattern, Natako could feel the air begin to crackle around him. Without warning, Akiko shouted three words he had never heard before in any language, and jammed the knife into the floor between his knees. Raising her hands together, and forming a loose circle with them, she opened her eyes and stared through the opening directly into Natako's eyes. The circle began to fill with an eerie greenish glow that eventually expanded to almost four feet across. As Natako watched wide eyed, an image began to form in the glow, taking shape quickly. It was Natako himself, standing alone. However, from within his image, a second image took shape, that of a short, attractive red-haired Chinese girl. Natako erked, wanting to hide from the image. Akiko noticed his reaction, and quickly motioned the images way. "What does that mean?" he asked breathlessly of Akiko. Akiko sighed, looking sadly at him. "You would have found out sooner or later." she began, slowly and evenly. "That girl is a second Chi that shares your body. Through a curse, she inhabits you, lending you her strength, life energy and even... her body." she continued, looking him in the eye. "I actually felt her presence yesterday, but until now, I didn't know the truth. You have been cursed by Jusenkyo; the Pools of Sorrow." "Cursed...? What do you mean?" Natako repeated, stunned. "I will show you." Akiko replied, rising and heading for the back of the hall. As Natako watched curiously, she returned with a glass of water. Standing before him, she took a quick sip. "Prepare yourself for a major shock." she warned, firmly. Natako gulped, set himself, and nodded. With a flick of her wrist, Akiko tossed the water on him, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw, sitting where Natako had been the moment before, the Red-Haired Chinese girl from the images. Even though she knew it was going to happen, she was still shocked. Onna-Natako sat in stunned silence, except for her heavy breathing through tightly clenched teeth. The water had shocked her, but the transformation had shocked her even more. She could tell she was smaller, and could see that her hands were very feminine looking. Gulping, she reached for the front of her shirt and ripped it open, revealing a very healthy set of breasts. Her shocked scream echoed through the empty dojo for several seconds. "I'm a girl!!" onna-Natako exclaimed, eyes wild with panic. "Akiko! What the hell did you do to me??" "No! You are not a girl! I have only called forth the other Chi. You're still a man, but now have the body of a girl." Akiko explained, quickly. "This is not permanent... all you need is to be splashed by warm water, and you will change back. That is the curse of Jusenkyo." "Curse... of Jusenkyo? How ..?" she asked, eyes welling with tears. "I suspect you went there to train. The curse affects those who fall in the pools... they take on the body and Chi of whoever or whatever drowned in that pool." the old man asserted, levelly. "I also know of this place... I almost trained there myself." Onna-Natako's eyes widened, and she started to shake from head to toe. Snapping her head up, she stared imploringly at Akiko with wet eyes. "Akiko... Akiko-chan... Help me..." she begged, dissolving into a mass of tears. Akiko, without a moment's hesitation, dropped beside the wet, sobbing Chinese girl, and hugged her tenderly. "It'll be fine, Natako-kun... You'll see." she soothed, quietly. Onna-Natako buried her face in Akiko's chest in response, unable to stem the tide of tears. Everything just seemed to catch up to her at once... the memory loss, the disorientation of being in a strange land, and now the curse... All the pent-up emotion that Natako had repressed was now flowing out freely in onna-Natako's tears. Several minutes later, Akiko stood alone, worriedly watching onna-Natako look herself over in the dusty remains of a wall mirror. She jumped when onna-Natako suddenly punched the mirror, breaking off yet another large section. Onna-Natako continued to stand before the now smaller mirror, soon directing another punch at the wall beside it. The dry old wood splintered amid a cloud of dust, and she smiled briefly. Abruptly, she leapt up, rolling backwards through the air, landing beside a practice dummy. With a vengeance born of total anger, she landed a barrage of kicks and punches on it until it was splintered to it's last twig. Breathing heavily, but smiling with satisfaction, she stepped back from the shattered dummy, and took off the remaining portion with a roundhouse kick. "Feel better now?" Akiko asked, walking tentatively up behind Natako. "Hai.. I actually do... Mass destruction does wonders for depression." she replied, grinning wryly. Abruptly, her expression changed to one of mild distaste. "Oohh... I have a weird voice now." she commented, holding her throat and looking to Akiko for a reaction. "It's not so bad. Natako... Let's go home. I've had enough excitement for one day." "Uhn. Good idea. Akiko-chan... I'm sorry about all this." Natako stated, bowing deeply. "I... had no idea I was a freak of nature. I would... understand if you would rather that I ..." Akiko jumped in immediately. "You don't have to leave! It doesn't bother me at all. Remember, I knew of this the first day we were out together!" she blurted, anxiously. "You mean.. you really don't mind being near someone as strange as me?" Natako stammered, disbelief edging her voice. "Baka... You're not strange at all... Just unique." she countered, smiling. Natako's face softened, and her head lowered. "Arigato, Akiko-chan. I... really need a... friend right now." Akiko stepped up and placed her hands on the small girl's shoulders. "I told you... I know we'll always be friends. And, by the way... better close up your shirt." she advised, winking. Back at the house, onna-Natako was still fuming over a gang of boys that had whistled at her when she walked home with Akiko. She had almost attacked them, in fact, but Akiko intervened, convincing her it would have done no good. "Well, you are cute." Akiko jibed, returning from the kitchen with two cups of tea. "Funny." onna-Natako snarled, staring into space. "I think I'm going to have a bath... I want to be myself again." "Hai. I'll keep your tea. Use the Master Bath... it has a tub." Akiko called after him. As Natako disappeared up the stairs, Akiko sighed wistfully. She was actually glad all the cards were on the table now, and there was no more worry. She had been surprised by Natako's response to her being a Spiritualist, and was relieved that he was okay with it. With Japanese being so superstitious, she was sure he would have been disturbed by someone who regularly battled with shinma, and used the powers of the Spirit World to aid her in her struggles. But, she reasoned that he was an exceptional individual, and could handle almost anything. The events of the day had certainly proven that. Just then, Natako wandered into the room, now back in male form. He stood quietly before Akiko, looking as if something was on his mind. She returned his gaze, wondering what he wanted. He finally broke the silence with a resigned sigh. "I must have changed myself back and forth ten times up there. I couldn't feel a thing. About all I really noticed was that my girl-form isn't quite the same person I am... some of her personality must come through, too." he stated thoughtfully, moving to sit beside Akiko. "You know, this hit me today like a ton of bricks... Me, mister 'great warrior', turning into a girl when I get splashed with cold water. I thought my life was over... again. But now, I assume because whoever I was knew about this, I'm actually okay with it. " Akiko nodded, taking his hand in hers. "It is said that those who get cursed at Juenkyo are chosen by the Fates to be so cursed. That makes you very special." "I dunno... right now, I don't feel too special." he replied, sadly. "These things have a way of sorting themselves out... Just give it time. Don't worry." Akiko assured, smiling sweetly. Natako looked her in the eyes for a moment, then nodded his agreement. "I hope so." he finally said, optimistically. "Good. I am going to make supper, so you just relax here for a while. It won't take long." "Hm. Want some help?" "Nope! My turn. You stay here." she admonished, tapping his nose as she rose from the couch. "Hai. You talked me into it." he assured, rubbing his nose comically. After supper, Natako found his Japanese channels again, and spent the evening flipping through them. He couldn't help but notice that Akiko, despite fretting over the house, seemed to be staying very close to him, a situation which he certainly didn't mind. As he thought about her, and how much she had come to mean to him, he actually found himself thinking that she was the kind of girl he'd like to have for a wife eventually, whenever his life settled back down. She was already proving to be exceptional, in that she took everything that had happened lately in stride, even his 'curse'. It seemed as if she was in total command of her life, and he was almost envious, since he respected that in a person, male or female. Not only was she exceptional as a person, but she was a very good-looking girl, too. The blonde hair was unusual, but her physique, demure manner, and lovely face more than balanced it out. She was a caring, happy, intelligent person, and always managed to make him feel great just by being around. Natako sighed quietly, wishing he had the nerve to ask her on a real date. However, he figured that she'd never agree anyway, and it would probably just screw up what he already had. Akiko, meantime, noticed him following her with his eyes, and saw the silly look on his face. "What are you looking at?" she teased, flashing him an accusing stare. "Huh... Nothing!" Natako blurted, caught with his guard down. "Kuso... you startled me." he spat, holding his chest. "I see that... what were you thinking about so hard? Must have been something quite interesting." she intoned, shooting him a knowing look. Natako grinned widely. "Hai, it was." he implied, looking Akiko directly in the eyes. She was taken aback by that response, not knowing what to say. "Gotcha!" Natako quipped, mocking a gun with his fingers and pretending to shoot her. An angry look flashed across her face, and she threw the dustrag she carried directly at him. He caught it and tossed it back, landing it on her shoulder as she strode for the kitchen. She went to reach for it, then broke out laughing. "You're impossible!" she blurted, between laughs. "So, are you going to put that away and come join me, or do housework all night?" Akiko seemed stunned for a moment, then grabbed the cloth, tossed it off her shoulder, and headed for the livingroom. The two of them ended up watching a few more shows together, then finally Natako announced he was ready to call it a night. Rising, he bade Akiko good night, and after a long stretch, headed up the stairs. Akiko watched him go, missing him already. In her mind, she ran over the events of the day, her heart aching for Natako who had endured so much. She could not help but admire his strength, since even in the face of so much chaos, he was still such a wonderful person. After shutting down the house, she made her way up to her bedroom, and stood regarding herself in the mirror. Almost as if he was actually there, she could see Natako standing at her side, his arm about her slim waist. Closing her eyes, she pictured them standing together, his strong arms holding her to him. It felt wonderful. Opening her eyes, she looked to the mirror again, saw the flush on her cheeks and the emotion in her eyes, and made up her mind. Undoing the buttons on her blouse, she slid out of it and carefully hung it up. Stepping out of her skirt, she neatly folded it on her dresser. Next, she removed her necklace and bangles, and finally her earrings. Sitting on her bed, she removed her ankle socks, again folding them neatly, and placing them near the skirt. She did the same with her panties, then walked back over to the mirror. She looked her nude form over carefully, inspecting it for any flaws. Her chest passed, still firm and perky despite no bra all day. Her tummy looked good, and turning, she checked her tight, perfect backside to see that it still was. Next, she checked the meticulously coifed delta of blondish hair at the top of her thighs, ensuring that it was still neat and even. Finally, she reached up and untied her hair, which had been rolled up to keep under control. It flowed down her smooth back, the ends just tickling the tops of her cheeks. Satisfied, she stepped into the ensuite bathroom and had a quick shower. After drying, she walked to her closet and removed a housecoat to wear, choosing one that hid her virtues well. With a last quick glance at herself in the mirror, she left the room. Natako was now flat on his back and sound asleep, his big day having tired him out completely. He didn't hear the bedroom door open slowly, nor did he hear the soft gasp that escaped Akiko's lips as she saw his bare chest and arms. She covered her mouth quickly, not wanting to give herself away. Standing beside the bed, she slipped the housecoat off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Lifting the blanket off of Natako, she almost gasped again as she discovered that he slept nude. A rush of desire flew through her, and she felt her knees go weak. Quickly, she slipped her diminutive frame in beside him, snuggling up to his warm, naked form. Resting her head on his powerful chest like a pillow, she smiled contentedly. "Akiko..." Natako breathed, bringing his arm down over her back, resting his hand on her shoulder. "Never go to bed without me again, Natako-kun." she whispered, kissing his chest. The rising sun washed in the window of Natako's room, bathing it in an almost surreal brilliance. Slowly, he roused from his deep sleep, feeling far more rested than he had in a long time. As he moved to get up, he felt Akiko's weight on his chest and froze in his place. Looking down at her in shock, his face began to flush as he realized that the slight warm itch on the outside of his thigh indicated that she was totally nude. Swallowing hard, he gently tried to slip out from under Akiko without disturbing her. She moaned softly and a slight smile crossed her slumbering face, as she reacted to his delicate movements. He finally succeeded in getting out of the bed, and stood beside it breathing heavily for several minutes, trying to figure out why she was there. Only yesterday, he had fantasized about this sort of thing between them, but having it happen like this was a bit of a shock. As he stared at her naked form only barely covered by the top sheet, he noticed that she was indeed a very sexy woman, and could feel his own interest rising. Panicking, he grabbed a housecoat from the closet and beat a hasty retreat to the bathroom before he changed his mind. Sipping thoughtfully at a glass of milk, he sat quietly in the livingroom, fingering the ring he had found in his room at the hospital. He had stuck it on his finger where he had noticed a pressure mark, assuming that it was his. The mark was on the second-last finger of his left hand, and he remembered quite well what that usually meant. As well, it might explain the familiarity he noticed about that woman he had to identify, especially since she had one on, too. Sighing, he wished once again that he knew the rest of the story, particularly since he knew he was falling in love with the woman who had been his reason for fighting back to health. Akiko's little surprise only served to heighten his anxiety, not to mention the effect it had on his feelings for her. Sighing again, he slid the ring off his finger and looked at it sadly. He wished it could tell him it's story, so he would know what he was supposed to do next. Abruptly, the ringing of the phone intruded on his musings, and he turned to listen for Akiko to answer it. It took a few rings, but she finally picked it up. He could hear the muffled conversation plainly, but since it was in English he couldn't tell what was being said. As the dialogue continued, he suddenly got the feeling that the news was not good. A few moments later, Akiko hung up, and came down the stairs looking for Natako. Spotting him on the couch, she walked up to him with a worried look on her face. "Ohaio, Akiko-chan... what's wrong? You look upset." Natako observed, regarding her questioningly. Looking him in the eyes, she took a deep breath and set herself. Natako's chest tightened as he heard the crack of emotion in her breathing. "Natako... That was the Police. They've identified the woman who was in the car with you." she began, levelly. Natako could feel his heart sink as he anticipated her next statement. "She was a Japanese tourist named Saotome Akane, arrived from Japan in Toronto about two months ago. She was also..." Akiko continued, her eyes closing as a single tear made it's way down her cheek. "... your wife, Saotome Ranma." The words hit him like a bolt of lightning... too stunned to even react, all he could do was stare at Akiko in utter bewilderment. Akiko returned his stare for a few moments, then sniffing, moved to the couch beside him. He continued to stare into space, unable to think. Akiko rested her head on his shoulder and held his hand, attempting to comfort him even though she was not sure what he was feeling. They stayed like that for quite a while, neither moving or speaking... until suddenly Ranma broke the uneasy silence. "H... Have they contacted the family yet?" he asked, flatly. Akiko, surprised by his speaking, had to think about the answer before replying. "Ano.. Hai. Last night. They're on their way to claim her." she replied, wiping her eyes. "What do they know about me?" "I don't know... they didn't tell me that. I assume they told them everything, since they called here to inform me. "Is there any way we can find out? I have to know." he replied, his eyes narrowing. Akiko was a bit taken aback by that statement, but thought it over anyway. After a few moments, she came up with an idea. "I'll call the Police back, and see if they know where you are... As I recall, they didn't ask for you or about you, they just called me to tell me that they traced the identity of the people in the car through the rental agency. They had me listed as a concerned party." Akiko related, sitting forward on the couch. "Okay... let me know what they say... I'm going to get dressed." he stated, his tone still serious. Akiko started to worry about what he was thinking, being so unaccustomed to seeing him like this. It was as if he had turned all emotion off... reminding her of a Martial Artist preparing for an assassination. Her heart skipped a beat at that thought. For her part, Akiko became afraid that now that he knew his name and that he had been married, he would decide to return to Japan with his family and try to pick up his life. If he did that, she felt that her life would essentially end with his departure. She had let him into her heart, her soul, and the very core of her being, and could not bear the thought of him walking out of her life... ever. She possessed the means to prevent that from happening, but she cared too much about him to ever use it. Inwardly, she knew that he had a right to reclaim his life if he so chose, regardless of the effect it would have on hers. And she also knew that his family would never accept her usurping his deceased wife's position, especially under these circumstances. Lowering her head, Akiko began to cry, already missing him. A while later, Akiko sat before the phone in her room, trying to talk herself into making the call. She didn't know what he was going to do with the results, and that uncertainty made her extremely hesitant to pick up the phone. Finally, upon summoning a supreme effort of will, she snatched the receiver off it's hook and quickly dialed the number. When the police answered, she asked for the woman she had spoken to earlier, and was duly transferred to her office. Swallowing, she wrung up the strength to ask if they knew the whereabouts of the other person in the car. The woman replied that they had no idea where he was. He had been released from the hospital, and had left no contact information. The family had also asked, she mentioned, and were extremely upset that he was missing. Not sure what to think of this revelation, Akiko thanked the policewoman and hung up slowly. Akiko tossed this tidbit around in her mind as she dressed, wondering what 'Ranma's' reaction would be. Unable to predict his response, she eventually resigned herself to the fact that she would have to just tell him, and find out then. Steeling herself, she strode out of her room and straight down to the livingroom. Ranma sat on the couch, his face a little less emotionless than it was earlier, but he was still solemnly quiet, and still staring into space. At that moment, Akiko would have given all her powers to know what he was thinking. As she approached him, she took another deep breath, then knelt in front of him to tell him her news. "Ranma... I called the police… they have no idea where you are. They know you're alive, but that's it." she stated, watching his face nervously for a reaction. His eyes closed slowly, and she could see what looked like the old softness washing over his visage. Slowly, he drew a deep breath and let it go, his shoulders relaxing in time with it. His eyes opened, then he turned and looked Akiko directly in the face, smiling happily. "Perfect!" he responded with a quick sigh of relief, completely confusing Akiko. "Nani?" she sputtered, totally thrown off. "Akiko… I don't know what you'll think of this, but... I *don't* want to meet those people. I don't remember anything about them, or even about that poor woman I was married to. I feel that I knew her, but I… don't remember any of it." he began, regarding Akiko sadly. "I've been thinking about a lot of things in the last few minutes… including some things that I didn't think I'd have to worry about this soon. The problem I have is that I've only just started putting my life back together... and if I meet them, they'll want me to leave with them. The thought of doing that seems so wrong it almost makes me panic. I want to stay here… and make a new life... with you, Akiko-chan." he stated tenderly, reaching for Akiko's hand and holding it gently. "If you'll have me." he continued, smiling weakly. Akiko's mouth dropped open. She had assumed that he would want to rejoin his family, and had prepared herself to deal with that very unpleasant possibility. But when the words finally sank in and she saw the sincerity in his eyes, her heart felt like it wanted to explode with joy. Her body trembled as tears began to roll down her cheeks, but she still smiled widely. "Natako... Ranma... I love you!" she exclaimed, jumping into his arms and hugging him passionately. Ranma hugged her back with all the emotion he felt, and found tears welling in his eyes as well. At last, he felt free to say the words that he so desperately wanted to say. "Akiko-chan... I know now that love you, too." he whispered, starting to cry. At the local airport two days later, Ranma and Akiko watched from behind a partition as a Japanese family oversaw the loading of a casket into a plane. Ranma felt a deep sadness wash over him as he saw the family members crying, but it was not enough to make him alter his decision. Akiko could feel his sadness, and slipped her arms around him to lend him strength. As the casket rolled into the plane, he and Akiko both offered a silent prayer for the woman within it and to the grieving family. Ranma then turned to Akiko and smiled weakly, motioning toward the exit. Nodding, she joined him in taking one last look at the plane, then together, they turned and slowly headed out of the terminal. ================================================================= END - Part 2 of 2 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!