This story is based heavily on events and situations from the preceeding ones, which are available on my Web Site: As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. Please Enjoy! Coutuva. Destiny, Truth and Fate - Part 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- With a painful moan, the young man finally awoke from his drug-induced sleep. He felt his head where the pain was, and discovered a large dressing. Attached to his arm was an I.V. line, and an oxygen line ran to his nose. Cursing, he tore off the oxygen, and considered pulling out the I.V. Looking around, he quickly confirmed he was in a real hospital, and was in a room by himself. Carefully, he plotted the room in his mind, making precise note of the locations of the furniture, windows, door, etc. It was when he tried to remember how he got there that he discovered something else was wrong; He had lost his memory, and with it, any clue about who he was, what had happened to him, or why this hospital looked so strange. Dragging himself into a sitting position, he took quick inventory to see if anything else was hurt, damaged or missing. Spotting a mirror on the bedside tray, he snatched it, and held it up before his face. A black-haired oriental guy looked back at him strangely, as if trying to figure out who was looking at him. He reached up and touched his face, feeling the growth of beard that covered it. He ran his hand back over his neck, and was surprised to discover a pigtail, about a foot long, hanging down his back. He thought to himself that whoever he was, he must be a real charmer, especially with a hairdo like this. As he looked himself over, he heard footsteps coming down the hall, getting steadily closer. Instinctively, he felt his muscles tense, and his senses sharpen. Turning to face the door, he never took his eyes off it. A moment later, a western-looking nurse barged through the door, carrying on the last of a conversation with someone outside the room. When she turned toward him, she jumped, clearly not expecting him to be awake, much less sitting up and staring at her. Unconsciously, he ran a quick mental checklist of the nurse, and felt himself relax a bit, something telling him that she was no threat. Still, he kept an eye on her. The nurse, meanwhile, chattering away in what sounded like pleasant conversation, walked to the foot of his bed and picked up a clipboard hanging there. Try as he might, he could not understand a word she said, and before he realized it, he responded in his language. "Nani?" he said, looking at the nurse curiously. The nurse looked at him like he was from another planet. Glancing back at the chart, she pointed to her head at about the spot where his injury was. Catching her drift, he nodded. Satisfied, the nurse moved in to take a closer look. She took his head in her hands, and moved it from side to side, looking over his dressing. She peeled back the tape slowly, bringing a grimace to his face, then he heard her make that "tsk-tsk" sound that women make when they figure a man has done something dumb. As she changed the dressing, he wondered what her problem was. When she finished, she turned wordlessly from him, picked up the phone beside the bed, and eventually said a few quick sentences into it. As she hung it up, she turned back to him, smiled, and stood waiting for something. Again, he heard the footsteps, two people this time, one much heavier than the other, probably male, and possibly one female. As before, he felt himself tense, and turned to stare at the door. Within a few seconds, an old doctor and another nurse burst in, again talking actively. It looked like they were greeting him, but he still ran the checklist on them both. This time, he stayed tense. The old doctor walked right up to him, and without warning, grabbed at his arm to take his pulse. He reacted with blinding speed, catching the doctor's arm and holding it fast. The doctor, stunned by the quick move, froze in his tracks, his breath caught in his throat. The first nurse moved quickly into his line of sight, and waved frantically to get him to release the doctor from his vise-like grip. He looked back at her, shot a warning look at the doctor, and released his hold. The doctor immediately stepped back, grimacing and holding his arm. The second nurse moved to aid the Doc, and the first one carefully approached him, arms spread and palms up and open. His eyes narrowed as he noted that the nurse knew the code, and would bear watching. As the nurse drew closer, she pointed to her arm, and then to his, and carefully reached for it again. This time, he offered it to her, nodding. He took hold of the I.V. and pulled at it, looking back at her. She nodded and stepped closer. Gently, she took his arm, quickly removed the I.V., and read his pulse. When she finished, she stepped back and reached into her pocket. His eyes followed her every move. When she withdrew her hand from the pocket, producing one of the devices used to check eyes and ears, he reached up and pointed to his ear, again nodding. This process was repeated for each stage of the examination, and finally, when the nurse closed the chart, she looked him right in the eyes. Slowly, and with greatly exaggerated movements, she said "O-kay!" That, he understood. "Okay!" he repeated, relieved. "Arigato!" he continued, bowing his head. After that initial session, the staff of the hospital stayed clear of his room, except for the one nurse that he had talked to. Other than that, he was left alone with his thoughts. He often sat at the edge of his bed, letting his mind wander to try to find out who he was. It was a frustrating process. He noticed some things that gave him hints, like the language barrier, for one. Also, he noticed that his memory loss seemed to be confined to details about himself and his immediate past. He knew he was in a hospital, he remembered the instruments used on him, he remembered what nurses and doctors were... but he had no clue who he was, or why he was here. Another thing that he knew, beyond a doubt, was that he was very far from his native Japan. Everything here seemed either wrong or backwards... telling him that he was really out of his element. By his third day, he felt well enough to move around his room, and he explored every inch of it. In a closet against the doorway, he found a pair of black pants with a drawstring waist, a red silk shirt, two black forearm bands, two soft black shoes and a gold ring. He assumed they were his, and slid into them. They fit perfectly, as somehow he knew they would. Looking himself over in the mirror on the back of the closet door, he seemed to remember the person he saw there... but, try as he might, he was unable to put a name to the face. Skritching his head and sighing heavily, he wandered back to his bed and sat down, resting his face in his hands. By the fifth day, he began to feel very anxious, akin to a caged animal. He felt good, his wound well healed, but he was still not allowed to leave. Awkwardly, his nurse had told him that he had to stay, but was unable to explain why. He got angry, and dismissed her with the toss of a pillow. Now, he lay on his back in the bed, staring at the ceiling. He still had not been able to put any of the pieces together about himself, and he began to wonder if he ever would. Eventually, he fell asleep, still flat on his back. As he slumbered, a young blonde-haired Health-Care Volunteer cautiously entered his room. She took a few quiet steps toward his bed, and watched him carefully for any signs of movement. She stood there for several minutes, looking him over intently. She then started to back away, still watching him carefully. Abruptly, he spoke, startling his guest. "Mattei... " he stated, rising to a sitting position and crossing his legs. He was pleased to note that not only had his visitor sounded Japanese, but she looked it as well. "Konnichiwa." the girl replied, bowing. "My name is Tsubara Akiko. I came to talk, and perhaps, help you." she continued, in perfect Japanese. When he recovered from his shock, he smiled happily for the first time since his mysterious arrival. "Finally, someone who can speak my language! I can't tell you how great this is! I would introduce myself, but I'm afraid... I... don't know who I am." he replied, bowing slightly. "So that's it... now I see why you've been giving the nurses such a hard time. Amnesia... it must be awful for you." "Sorta... I remember all kinds of stuff, but not who I am, or anything about my past... and I have no idea where I am, or even how I got here. I can't even remember how to get rid of this." he responded, his voice showing his frustration as he rubbed his stubbly face. "I can help a bit there... You're in St. Mary's Hospital, located in Ferndale, Ontario... Canada. You were found about 10 miles out of town at a nasty car crash. You had been thrown from the car, and were sitting in a field, confused and injured. The Police said you were muttering something they couldn't understand, and then you collapsed. They brought you here for treatment. Unfortunately, the woman in the car with you... died at the scene." "C... Canada? How did I get to Canada?? I'm from Japan!" he sputtered, the girl's words stunning him. "And... you said there was another person...? Who was it?" "Well, that's what the Police would like to know, too. All of your personal effects were burned in the wreck, and since they knew you were not from here, they had to wait until you recovered to ask you any questions. You can speak to them through me... if you're up to it." "Sure... why not? I don't think I'll be much help, though." he replied, sadly. "I can't remember anything about a crash, a woman, or even how I ended up in Canada... It's all... gone." he continued, resting his head in his hands. He sat silently for a few minutes, trying vainly to gather his thoughts. It was a futile effort. No matter how hard he tried, none of what this Akiko was saying made sense. Shaking his head, he looked over at the girl again, and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry... I can't remember anything. There's just a big... blank." he stated, quietly. "You're going to have some tests after I tell them about all this, so please let them. They might be able to help you remember, and then we can speak to the Police." "Hai. I will." he nodded, absently. Turning, he regarded the girl intently for a moment, then his eyebrow raised. "Akiko? Can I ask you something?" he said, now regarding her questioningly. "What ever you wish." "Please forgive my curiosity, but... you're a Westerner, even though you look a little Japanese... We're in the west... How are you able to speak Japanese so well?" "I was born in Tokyo. My father, who is Japanese, married a Canadian woman he met here during one of his many transfers. I was born in Japan, and lived there till I was 17. I've only been in Canada for a year, myself." she replied, smiling. "Thank your father for me, will you? You're the best thing that's happened to me since I woke up here." he stated, smiling back at her. "Thank you... for the kind words." she stammered, her face flushing. She had not expected that to happen, and quickly changed the subject. "Oh, please forgive me for entering while you slept. This is my first day working here, and when they found out I could speak Japanese, they sent me in here to see if I could talk to you. I was told you were very mean and angry, so I tried to be very quiet. I did not mean to disturb you." she abruptly implored, lowering her head and clapping her palms together in the air. "No need for that... I *was* mean and angry. It's no picnic being locked up like a dog in a place where nobody can talk to you, and being left alone for days on end. Especially when you have no clue who you are. I guess... it got to me." he replied, lowering his gaze. "Could you express my sincerest regrets and apologies for me? I... seem to have a little trouble communicating." he asked, sheepishly. "I will. I must go now, my shift starts in a few minutes. I am really glad we talked, and I'll try to visit you again later. Ja!" she assured, bowing deeply then walking back into the hall. "Ja Ne, Akiko-chan!" he called after her. Once behind the closed door, Akiko had to stop and catch her breath. Not only was he genuinely nice and heart-stoppingly handsome, but she could sense his powerful aura from across the room. It had washed over her like a wave, leaving her awed with it's strength. And, on top of all that, he had called her 'Akiko-chan'... She had always gotten upset in the past when pushy suitors called her that, but this time she felt a little thrill run up her spine as she thought about it. This surprised her, and even scared her a little, since she was not in the habit of getting excited about men... in fact, she never ever had. As he watched Akiko leave his room, he sat back and counted his lucky stars. She was... really *cute*. And best of all, she was actually from Japan. He found himself looking forward to her next visit already, even though she was just gone. The only thing that he found he would have to get used to was the blonde hair on a Japanese-looking girl. But, he figured he could live with it. Now, at least, he felt could deal with this new world around him, no matter how odd it seemed. Suddenly, his situation didn't look so bad. Akiko lived up to her word, visiting him every chance she could. The two became fast friends, and spent every spare moment together. She translated for him during the myriad of tests and intense physiotherapy that he had to undergo, when he finally talked to the Police, and when he apologized to the Doctor he had grabbed. He, meantime, was becoming more relaxed and comfortable in his new setting, and was starting to look forward to being released from the hospital. One particularly rough moment came when he was asked to try to identify the body of the woman that was in the car with him. In the cold, stainless steel starkness of the morgue, he was escorted to a small door, behind which was a drawer with a plastic bag on it. When the bag was opened, he looked fearfully at the black-haired Japanese woman inside it. Her face was unmarred, as was her left hand which lay across her chest, plainly displaying a wedding ring. A long pony-tail lay over her shoulder, a few streaks of gray showing in the fluorescent lighting. He gasped as he felt a strong pang of familiarity, but he sadly was unable to identify her. He had absolutely no memory of the woman, but he still felt an overwhelming sadness and sense of loss. He spent the rest of that day alone in his room, often crying inexplicably. Finally, after more tests and therapy, the doctors at the hospital all met with their mystery patient, and conveyed their findings. Physically, he was back in shape, and he had re-learned all the necessary skills to become independent, but as to his memory... the news was not so promising. They described the condition as a combination of the damage to his brain from the head injury, and an occurrence similar to post-traumatic stress syndrome. His brain literally wanted to forget anything related to the accident, and unfortunately, that seemed to include his identity, that of his passenger, and anything even remotely related to the entire incident. The news stunned him, but it wasn't over yet. The long-range prognosis was not encouraging either, as none of the doctors felt that he would ever recover his memory or identity. Adding to that was the fact that the Police had so far had no luck in their attempts to identify either himself or his passenger. At that point, he found himself in adifficult position. All they could offer him was to be released and try to start a new life, or stay on and work with them to try to recover some of his past life. However, when they told him that there were no guarantees that he would remember even with the therapy, he decided that he wanted out of the hospital to try it on his own. Akiko offered to assist in any way possible, which only served to entrench his decision. When the day finally came, Akiko arrived in his room dressed in a frilly sundress and sandals, complete with a jaunty beach hat. He had to comment that she looked like a gift from the gods, since he had only ever seen her in uniform or in jeans and a sweatshirt. Embarrassed by the comment, Akiko said that she thought his release from the hospital was an important event, and wanted to dress for the occasion. He smiled warmly at that, looking forward to it. Finally, she escorted him out of the building, and he had to squint when the sunlight hit his eyes. It was a perfect Saturday, and he breathed in deeply, enjoying every last molecule of the fresh, clean air. Akiko motioned down the street, and the two of them started walking, even though he had no idea where they were headed. "It's a beautiful day, ne Akiko-chan?" he commented, regarding her expectantly. "Hai... it is. Ano, I hope you don't find this too forward..." she began, nervously. "But I would like to take you for a coffee or tea at my favorite cafe... it's not too far from here, and they make great teas." "Domo. I would be honored." he replied happily, quite flattered that she asked. Akiko smiled at his response, and quickly turned to hide her flushed cheeks. As they rounded a corner and began to walk alongside a park, he noticed a chain-link fence that started a few feet further ahead. When they approached it, he immediately jumped up the eight feet onto it, and continued walking as if he was on the sidewalk. Akiko stared wide-eyed at him, wondering what he was up to. "What's that all about?" she finally asked, as he nonchalantly sauntered along, hands clasped behind his head. "Hm? Oh, you mean this... I dunno, really. I think it might be an old habit. I just saw the fence, and had to do it." "That's good... things like that are indications that your memory could come back." "I hope so..." he replied, looking skyward. "This is so damned frustrating... not knowing exactly who I am. It's almost like only parts of my memory are missing... and that makes me mad." "Yeah... must be hard on you. I know how it felt when we got transferred here... I didn't know anyone, knew nothing about this country's customs... it took me a while to get used to it." Akiko sighed, remembering her difficulties and frustrations. "At least you had all your marbles... I feel like someone stole a bunch of mine." "Hm...Interesting description… Well, there's a possibility you'll get them back." "Hrmph.. According to those Doctors, there ain't a big chance of that." he stated, frowning. "There's our destination." Akiko broke in, pointing to a small shop about a block and a half away. He jumped down off of the fence, landing so lightly beside Akiko that one would never guess he had jumped from such a height. Akiko noted that fact, but didn't comment. As they approached the shop, a merchant from one of the stores nearby stepped out into the street with a garden hose, and began to water down the sidewalk a few feet in front of them. Instantly, his eyes went wide, and he grabbed Akiko by the waist and sprang into the air, carrying her with him. They landed almost on the opposite side of the street, where he set her down gently beside him. "Whew... that was too close!" he gasped, breathing heavily. "What.. Why did you do that?" Akiko blurted, still shaken. "Oh.. sorry, Akiko-chan." he replied, bowing to her. "I just had to get away from that cold water... for some reason, my whole body freaked out when I saw it." Akiko, despite recovering from the shock, could see in his eyes that he wasn't kidding. He seemed to be terrified of cold water... almost to the point of being phobic about it. She also couldn't help but notice that he had picked up her 125 lb body and jumped through the air with it like it was nothing. She was impressed. After he had made several more sheepish apologies, the two of them continued to the coffee shop, and finally sat together at one of the small tables. They had a thoroughly enjoyable chat, discussing the little town, it's people, the country and a little bit of everything else. "You're a nice guy..." Akiko stated, smiling contentedly. "And you are the best thing that could have happened to me, Akiko-chan. I don't know where I would be right now if you hadn't come along. I owe you more than I could ever repay." Akiko flushed again, flattered by his comment. "You owe me nothing. I enjoy having someone around who's Japanese... I miss my old home sometimes, and you remind me of it." she admitted, quietly. "Well, I'll promise you this. If I can ever make it possible, I'll take you back there someday. You can bet on it." he stated, looking her straight in the eye. Akiko sighed, momentarily fantasizing about being back in her native country, with him at her side. Her face softened with a wistful smile, and he could tell that she was suddenly a million miles away. After a second, she came back to earth and looked back at her companion. "I wish I knew what your name was... this is so awkward." she observed, quietly. "You and me both. All I found in my room was this ring. I must travel light." he remarked, grinning. As they continud to make small talk, a loud gang of teens abruptly burst through the shop's doors, disrupting everyone in it. Instantly, his eyes were on them, assessing each in turn for threat potential. His face darkened, and he could feel himself tensing up from head to toe. Akiko saw them as well, and bit her lip with concern. The gang spilled down the main section of the shop, laughing and yelling and bumping into people and tables along the way. There were five of them, four males and one rough-looking female. When the female spotted Akiko sitting in the back corner, she pointed her out to the rest of the gang. "Look, guys... little miss china has a boyfriend." she remarked, tauntingly. The gang 'ooohhh-ed' in chorus, and began to laugh obnoxiously. "We should go..." Akiko whispered, and moved to rise. He reached out and caught her hand, shaking his head. Akiko opened her mouth to respond, but when she saw his face, she changed her mind. The gang had now moved around the table where he and Akiko sat, and were making a great production out of looking him over. "Figures, eh? She found herself a chink boy-toy. Bet he can't even talk English." The tallest gang member remarked. He didn't understand the words, but their tone of voice told him everything he needed to know. "And look at this... a pony-tail... must be a fairy nice fellow." Another teased, reaching for his pigtail. That was all it took. In a flash, he was in the air and over their heads, somersaulting out of the encirclement. As he began to descend, he landed a spinning kick to the head of the tallest one. In the follow-through, he drove an open hand into the chest of the next biggest, sprawling him out on the floor. Touching down in front of the third, he shot his elbow back into the guy's ribs, and brought his fist up, catching him square in the face. A quick half-spin followed, and he took out the last with a roundhouse kick to the face. He then landed in front of the now horrified girl, and with his finger, jabbed her sternum. She collapsed, gasping for air. Satisfied, he turned to Akiko, who still sat in her chair, mouth dropped. "Gomen... did I scare you?" he asked tenderly, darting to her and taking her hand. "No... I'm just a bit... surprised is all." she whispered, looking over the carnage. "You *are* a Martial Artist, aren't you?" she finally asked, looking up at him questioningly. "Honestly, I don't know... but now that you mention it, it does make sense, ne?" he said, looking skyward and skritching his head. "Well, let's get out of here... it's a little too messy for me." he advised, offering Akiko his hand with a smirk. Leaving the shop, they walked back over to the park, and spent a few quiet minutes walking the narrow beach, well back from the water's edge. Akiko was silent at first, still recovering from the scene in the coffee shop. Eventually, they ended up sitting on a bench, watching the water gently ripple in the slight breeze. He was the first to speak after they sat, recalling their interrupted conversation from earlier. "Akiko-chan... you said earlier that you wished you knew my name... Well, since even I don't know that right now, I'd be honored to have you give me one." he said earnestly, still facing the water. "Me?" she responded, swallowing hard. "Why?" "Because it feels... right" he replied, turning to look deep into her eyes. Akiko felt her heart skip a beat as his gaze penetrated right to her soul, and had to avert her eyes to hide her flushing cheeks. "You ask... so much." she whispered, quietly. "I wouldn't ask it of anyone else." he said levelly. She glanced back at him wordlessly and bit her lip, her mind reeling with this new development. She had already been through a lot today, and this topped everything. She was actually quite flattered by his request, but realized that it meant more than just a name. This also showed her that she was far more taken with him than she at first thought, and she worried that things might be happening too fast. She had never been interested in a serious relationship, or any for that matter. But, for some reason, this 'mystery man' was changing all of that. He, meanwhile, was not sure what to make of her silence. He thought she would be happy to name him, if for nothing more than convenience, but he was having second thoughts. He knew he liked her even more now than he did when he first met her, and this was his way of showing it. He just hoped he hadn't monkey-wrenched everything. For several long minutes, neither of them made a sound. She, lost in her thoughts, and he worrying. Just as he was about to withdraw his request and apologize for being so presumptuous, Akiko spoke. "Natako." she said, firmly. "Nani?" he responded, caught off-guard. "I'll call you Natako. It's a name I have liked for a long time... it would have been my first male child's name." she explained softly, looking over at him for a reaction. "Natako... Hm. I like it. Seems to fit, somehow. Arigato, Akiko-chan." he announced, smiling. "I'm glad. This will make things much easier... Natako-kun." she continued, smiling happily. Natako, as he was now known, smiled even more widely when he heard her say his name... especially like that. "Well, now that we have that decided, I could really use something to eat, Akiko-chan." he suggested, reaching into his pocket. In it, there were a few 5000 yen notes, and some dirt. "Kuso... I don't suppose this is any good to me here, is it?" he grumbled, crumpling the bills. "Not a problem. I have some money, and we can take those to a bank later to exchange for Canadian. What do you feel like eating?" "I don't figure there's a good ramen stand around here, is there?" he asked, hopefully. Akiko had to grin at that. Plus, she found it amusing since she had also missed the take-out ramen when she first came to Canada. "No, they don't. About the best you get here is either homemade, or packaged." "I thought not. So, you're the expert... what's good?" "Ever had a Happy Meal?" she asked, wryly. "Happy Meal? What is that?" he retorted, confused. "C'mon.. you'll find out." she answered, rising from the bench, and inviting him to follow. An hour and three happy meals later, Natako felt fat and happy. Akiko was still stunned at how much and how fast he ate, giving her cause to wonder how long it had been. "Those things are great! I could eat them all day!" Natako exclaimed, rubbing his tummy. "I see that. I've never seen someone eat that fast in my life." Natako thought for a second, then turned to Akiko again. "I know there's a reason I do that... but I can't bring it back... has something to do with a panda, I think." Akiko burst out laughing at that statement. "A panda?!?" she blurted, incredulously. "I can't wait till you remember the story behind that!" she continued, still laughing. Natako then realized just what he had said, and started to laugh himself. It really did sound silly. After leaving the restaurant, Akiko suggested they walk downtown and go shopping for some clothes for him. She pointed out that the clothes he had looked almost Chinese, based on what she had seen during a few summers spent there. Reluctantly, Natako agreed, thinking as long as he had to be here, he might as well blend in a bit better. Akiko took him through every clothing store in the city, trying on everything from jeans to two piece suits. He noticed that she seemed to be taking positive delight in fussing over him, which both pleased and surprised him. He was deeply grateful for her help, knowing he would have been nowhere without it. Again, he counted his blessings... something was going right. As Natako stood before yet another mirror, modeling more clothes for Akiko's approval, he caught sight of a flash of red from behind him. Turning, he froze in his place as he spotted a five foot tall girl with flame-red hair a few racks away from him. For some reason, seeing her sent a chill down his back, and pain through his head. Akiko noticed immediately that something was wrong, and was at his side instantly. "What is it? The pain coming back?" she asked worriedly. "No... that girl. Who is she?" he breathed, pointing to the redhead. "That's a friend of mine, Ronnie Cole. Why?" "Something about her... or some other short, red-haired girl... is giving me a headache. It's something serious, too... it's affecting me right to the soul." he explained, his body shuddering. "Please.. get me out of here." he begged, leaning on Akiko's shoulder. Quickly, while he was still standing, she told him to change, and then walked him out of the building. Once outside, and far out of sight of the girl, he began to feel better. "That was scary..." he commented, still holding his aching head. "It was... you looked like you'd seen a ghost!" Akiko added, nodding. "I think I did. There's something about a red-haired girl that whoever I am is deeply disturbed by. And somehow, I get the impression that it's not like a girlfriend type issue, either. There's a lot more to it than that. I just wish I could remember...!" he growled, pounding his leg. Akiko knelt beside him, trying to comfort. "Don't worry... You'll remember someday.. and I'll be here to help you whatever way I can." she assured, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. He could feel his anguish melting away at her touch. "Thanks, Akiko-chan... I'm sorry about all this." he said, quietly. "Natako no baka. Don't apologize... it's not necessary." she admonished, brushing some stray hairs away from his eyes. Abruptly, he grabbed Akiko's shoulders and jumped to his feet, pulling her up with him. "No Baka!" Someone I know used to say that to me all the time... I remember that! Only, it was usually a lot louder." Akiko, stunned by his sudden move, didn't know what to say. Natako looked her in the eyes again, his face lit with excitement. "This is great - more stuff is coming back!!" he exclaimed, and before either of them realized it, wrapped the poor girl in a crushing hug, lifting her off the ground. Akiko was at first too shocked to react, but gradually, as she realized what had happened, relaxed and enjoyed the closeness. She even hugged him back. Suddenly, as Akiko's arms closed around him, Natako came back to earth. He looked down sheepishly at Akiko's totally flushed face, perplexed for the moment by her expression. Immediately, he set her down, and stepped back from her. "I... I mean... Akiko, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to..." he stammered, not knowing what to expect from her. Akiko stood wordlessly, head down, her body shaking. She couldn't believe how his hug, even though it was for something else entirely, had made her feel. It completely surrounded her, and at the same time filled her with a euphoria that she had never experienced before. She felt his strength, his energy, his affection, and something... 'shocking' in the brief moments of contact, and it had left her totally shaken. Unsteadily, she stepped toward the street bench a few feet from her. She suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to sit down... before she fell down. Natako was at her side in a heartbeat, and helped her to the bench. She sat wordless for several minutes, before finally sighing loudly. Natako, crouched in front of her the whole time, breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry, Natako... I didn't mean to freak out on you." she began, slowly. "No.. Akiko-chan.. it was my fault. I shouldn't have grabbed you like that. I thought I hurt you." "No... I was just a little stunned there, that's all. You see... I've never... been touched by a man. There's never been one that I would allow to touch me. But you... you can touch me as you please, and I can't..." her voice trailed off into a sniffle. "Akiko... where do you live from here? I think I should take you home." Natako inserted, starting to feel very uncomfortable with this conversation. "Two blocks - that way. It's my parent's house." she responded, absently waving her hand. "C'mon... I'll get the bags... can you walk?" "Yes. I'm okay now. I feel baka... very baka." "You're not baka... probably just tired." Natako replied, helping her to her feet. "After all, we've been going all day." Akiko nodded, and started toward her house. Natako followed, carrying the bags, silently cursing his impulsive nature. He was really impressed with Akiko, and he was sure he had just lost her for good. He could tell, despite her outgoing nature, that she was a very shy girl inside, and he had just trampled all over her. He glanced over at her as they walked wordlessly, and he noticed that she seemed to be a million miles away again. Returning his gaze forward, he sighed heavily. When they arrived at her house, she let them in, and he dutifully deposited the bags where she indicated. As he turned to go, she abruptly caught his shoulder. "Where are you going? You have no place to stay." she blurted, blinking. "I was gonna sleep in the park. I've done it before... I remember that, too." he winked, flashing a small grin. "You'll... stay here tonight. This is a four bedroom house, and I'm alone in it so there's plenty of room. Just pick one of the other three, and I'll make it up for you." Natako was floored by the offer, especially after the previous scene, but accepted happily. Anything was better than the park. Inwardly, he thanked whatever God was listening for his second chance. Natako selected a room immediately, and within minutes, Akiko had it ready. She then politely excused herself and went upstairs. He carried the bags of clothes she had bought into the room, intending to check them over later. From there, like anyone would at the end of an exciting day, he found the TV set in the family room, and tried to watch it. Since it was all in English, he didn't find much to watch at first, but it wasn't long before he discovered the satellite, and found some Japanese Shows. It was then that he noticed that Akiko had not come back. He figured she was still mad at him, a thought which bitterly disappointed him. He had grown to very much like the demure, attractive girl, and it hurt to think that she was upset with him. As he thought about her though, he noticed that just that made him feel better. He deliberately recalled how she felt so warm and perfect in his arms earlier, almost as if she was made to fit. He envisioned her smile, her face, her sexy little body... and caught himself fantasizing about her, which brought a sly grin to his face. He also remembered how she kept blushing all day, and hoped it was for the right reasons. Sighing wistfully, he wished she was with him right now, so he could apologize to her, and somehow try to stay in her good graces. Listening carefully, he tried to hear whether or not she was moving somewhere in the house. When nothing but silence greeted his ears, he assumed that she had already gone to bed. Given that, he decided to catch a bath and head for bed, telling himself he could try again in the morning; if it wasn't already too late. It happened that there was a bathroom in his chosen bedroom, so he opted to just use it, instead of taking a chance on the main bathroom. It would be just his luck to walk in on Akiko, and end up in the park anyway. Once in his room, he opened up the bathroom and looked it over, and was dismayed to see that it only had a shower stall. He preferred baths because he could sit and soak in them. Shrugging, he peeled off his shirt and pants, and slid off his arm bands and shoes. Leaning carefully into the shower, he turned on the hot water first, and then brought up the cold very slowly until the temperature was good. Stepping in, he luxuriated in the hot water, letting it run down his back and over his face in turn. He reached up and undid his pigtail, letting his rich black hair free to cascade over his shoulders. This shower felt so good after the hospital showers, which seemed to have no cold water and kept sputtering in his face. Finally, he decided to get out, now so relaxed he could hardly stand up. Feeling too lazy to re-tie his pigtail, he simply dried his hair and left it. Then, stepping out, he quickly dried the rest of his body, shut off the light and crawled into the bed. Akiko had left Natako's room and gone directly back to her own, where she collapsed heavily on her bed and began crying. What had occurred when Natako hugged her had far more reaching effects than she had let on. Akiko had not yet told him that she was a Spiritualist, one who studied and used the influences of the Spirit World for what she hoped was the greater good. Long ago, when she studied as a girl in China, she had been told by her Sensei that she would be "made complete only by a warrior with parallel strengths who would fulfill not only her life, but her destiny". At the time, she thought that meant that she would end up dying unwed, alone, and unfulfilled as a practitioner of the Spiritual Arts. Now, suddenly, her entire life had just been turned upside-down. Not only had she been emotionally overwhelmed by his act, but she swore she had detected a second "Chi" or life energy within him. If this were true, it would explain why he, unlike any deliberate suitors she had put up with over her young life, didn't even have to try to gain her affections. In reality, it seemed as if her very soul was being called to by his. This Natako, as she had named him, had already succeeded where so many before him had failed. She fussed over him, worried about him, was both intimidated and impressed by him, and even... aroused by him. He brought out feelings she never knew she had, and she was discovering, much to her shock, that she liked them; in fact, she craved them. The more she thought about it, the more she became convinced of the truth. Not only did he seem to be the one fortold of so many years ago, but she was now quite sure that she was falling in love with him. =================================================================== END - Destiny, Truth and Fate Part 1 A Ranma1/2 Fanfic by Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished!