Well, here's the next episode!! This is, as with the previous stories, based heavily on events and situations from the preceeding ones, which are available on my Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/coutuva As always, C&C is anticipated, accepted, and appreciated. All original Ranma1/2 Characters and Backstory Copyright Rumiko Takahashi, and are used without permission. **Note: This story was actually written a while ago, but then rewritten just recently, which has left some of the event references dated.** Please Enjoy. Coutuva. As Long As You Love Me - Part 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- As she watched Hitomi and Kikyo leave for work, Shampoo's usual happy smile faded quickly, replaced by a dark, brooding frown. Now that she was alone, she allowed her heartache to express itself fully, which drew a heavy sigh from the depths of her depression. The news of Kikyo's pregnancy had hit her in exactly the place that hurt most. Its impact had been so incredible that it shattered all of the barriers that she had erected to keep herself from admitting the truth. Lin Shan Pu, Champion Warrior of the Northern Amazons, finally knew why her life had felt so empty, and why she tried so hard to find someone to love her. She wanted desperately to have a family... in particular, a baby of her own. She had realized with Kikyo's proud announcement that the one thing that she desired most, the one thing that had fueled her relentless pursuit of Ranma Saotome, and the one thing that she felt would make her truly happy was slipping further and further away. Long ago, she had given up on the idea of ever carrying her Ailen's child, consigning the thought to the realm of unfulfilled fantasy. That, however, didn't stop it from resurfacing when she met Hitomi. Now, she found herself increasingly jealous of Kikyo's gesture, feeling cheated and ignored yet again. Deep down in her pride, she was unable to get past the thought that *she* should be the one carrying this baby, not Kikyo. To Shampoo, it simply made more sense. She was a Champion Warrior; Kikyo was just a woman. She had known Ailen far longer than Kikyo had known Hitomi, meaning she had a better idea what Hitomi would likely want the child raised like, and she was also much better looking. On those points, Shampoo couldn't understand why someone who wanted a strong, healthy child would pick Kikyo over her. Making matters worse was the fact that she really did like Kikyo, their time together in battle having left her with great respect and admiration for the girl, and she truly considered her to be a sister. Slumping on the couch, Shampoo sighed again, lowering her purple-maned head sadly. Briefly, her thoughts drifted back to Mousse, and how despite his many attempts, he had not been able to get her pregnant. She knew the situation had nothing to do with her, as she had gone and had herself tested, worried that her 'physical' life had done some harm. Her face darkened as she recalled how, in the beginning, she had resigned herself to her fate, and tried to accept her inept but persistant suitor as her husband. She had consoled herself then that he could at least father her children, but, as per usual, he proved to be a disappointment. In accordance with the laws of her tribe, she no longer considered herself married to him, as he had shown himself unfit in every area that mattered. Shampoo also realized resignedly that time was rapidly catching up to her. She was over 30, alone and childless, which in her tribe usually meant a life of spinsterhood and scorn. That thought almost brought tears to her eyes again. Finally, forcing aside the sadness and jealousy threatening to bury her heart, she rose from the couch and moved to the windows that overlooked the river. Peeking out through the blinds, she was pleased to see a beautiful day, and decided to try taking a walk along the beach to forget her troubles. Once outside, she wandered aimlessly along the water's edge, flirting with her curse as she deftly avoided the low, lapping wavelets near her feet. The distraction helped her sagging spirits a bit, but as soon as her mind was not otherwise occupied, her troubles would again come to the forefront. Not helping matters was the proximity of several young families, each enjoying the magnificent day with their children. By the time Shampoo spotted the third group, she cursed to herself and strode purposefully and quickly up the beach, hoping to get as far away from the sounds of playing children as she could. Finally, she came to a stretch of beach punctuated by outcroppings of rock, and sighed with relief as she noticed that there wasn't another soul around. Walking toward the closest cluster of rocks, she climbed atop them and sat heavily, peering out over the waters of the river absently. She didn't even notice the serene beauty of the clear sky reflected in the slightly chopped surface, as her attention was still captivated by her thoughts. Picking a chunk of stone from the cracked surface of her seat, she tossed it into the river with a huff, struck by the similarity between the fate of the small fragment and her life. Abruptly, she found herself wishing she had never met Ailen. Sadly, she noted that perhaps she would have had a real husband and several strong children by now, instead of having wasted her life chasing a man that didn't want her. As that painful thought ran through her mind, she felt her large eyes begin to sting, and her chest tightening noticably. "NO! Stupid Shampoo! No cry! No more cry!!" she shouted at herself, her anguish causing her Japanese to slip. Abruptly, she relaxed the fists she had balled her hands into as a realization struck home. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped slightly. "Shampoo... *is* stupid. Stupid, stupid girl," she said aloud softly. Covering her eyes with her hands and fighting as hard as she could, the Amazon tried desperately not to start bawling, but was unable to keep her tears in check. Breaking down in a few powerful sobs, she knew that she wasn't going to win this battle, so she opted for the next best thing; escape. Wiping her tears to clear her eyes, she leapt down from the rocks and ran headlong into the water. Hitomi bit her lip and tried not to laugh as Kikyo deftly shaped her last toenail, readying it for polishing. She loved it when Kikyo took a notion to do her nails for her, but found the procedure almost torturous, owing to her very sensitive feet. As hard as she tried, she couldn't always keep still, and Kikyo, one to be meticulous and proud of her work, would often chide her for moving and messing things up. Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief as Kikyo put down the emery board and quickly wiped her nails off to check how they were coming. Hitomi, sitting on the couch with Kikyo before her on the floor, looked down at her feet and winked happily at the results. "So, what color this time, anata? You were red last time, so that's out," Kikyo indicated, looking over her array of polish bottles. "Hai. What do you have in a green? Something that would match most of my clothes," Hitomi responded, leaning forward to look at the bottles herself. "How's this?" Kikyo asked, holding up her selection. "Great! Go for it," Hitomi urged, happily. Kikyo smiled back and cracked open the bottle expertly, then lifted Hitomi's leg into her lap. Just as she began to paint, Hitomi bit her lip again, and glanced around for something that would distract her. Almost as if on cue, she noticed Shampoo coming down the hallway. "Lin-san... Where did you disappear to? I haven't seen you since I changed you back," she asked, hoping the Amazon would be talkative. "I went and laid down for a while... I have a headache today, and it won't go away. That's why I changed to a cat, but it didn't help," the purple-maned one sighed, holding her forehead for effect. "By the way, thank you for getting my dress, Hitomi-san." "It's okay. You know... Lots of the kids have been away over colds lately. You might be catching one -- want a Tylenol?" Hitomi responded, concerned. "I hope that is not true... I don't want to be sick," Shampoo stated, shaking her head. "Oh! You're getting your nails done -- I haven't done mine in a long time." "Hai! Kiko-chan is really good at it, but my feet are so ticklish." "Ano... So ticklish that I have to tie you down to do it properly," Kikyo chimed in, feigning disgust. Shampoo smirked at the comment as she stepped around the couch and sat beside Hitomi, watching the operation intently. "I should ask you to do me, too. I usually do it myself, but this looks like it is fun," Shampoo noted, nodding at Hitomi. Kikyo smirked up at the Amazon, who looked back at her innocently. "If my knees don't give out on me, I'll do yours too, Lin-san," Kikyo responded, shaking her head in in a great display of resignation. Shampoo brightened instantly. "Arigato, Kikyo-san," she chimed, smiling. Finally, as Hitomi sat still waiting for her feet to dry, Kikyo rose from the floor and headed for the kitchen, feeling very thirsty. Returning with a glass of water, she settled heavily into the wing chair opposite her girlfriend and sighed audibly. "Nee, Kiko-chan -- feeling tired?" Hitomi asked, concerned. She worried about her lover steadily these days, as she knew their child was Kikyo's first baby, and there were greater than normal risks attached to first pregnancies. "Hai... And a bit green, too. I think the polish did it," Kikyo answered, waving a hand before her face. "You should lay down. In my village, a new mother is excluded from any and all responsibility while she is with child, especially when it is her first," Shampoo noted, glancing at Hitomi for backup. "Hai, Kikyo. You probably should. Lin-san, could you make sure she gets there? I would, but I'm held prisoner by my own feet," she smirked, wiggling her cotton-stuffed toes. "Hai-hai! Come along, Kikyo-san. I will help you to bed. Even a short nap might help you feel better," Shampoo offered, rising and stepping toward her. "I'm okay. I can get up. I'm pregnant, not helpless." Kikyo stated, shaking her head at the other two. Shampoo escourted Kikyo into the room and pulled back the blankets on the bed, then stepped away while the Japanese woman settled in. Shampoo then tucked the blankets up around Kikyo's shoulders and turned to leave. "You rest now. We will be okay without you," she added, closing the door behind her. Kikyo frowned in response. For some reason, depite having entrusted the Amazon with her life to a degree, hearing that remark actually made her feel jealous. For a moment, she actually considered getting back out of bed, but stopped herself as she realized that she was being silly. She knew that if there was anyone she could trust, it was Hitomi. Rolling on her back, Kikyo sighed resignedly at her plight, not having expected to find herself needing naps already. She was only six weeks in, and was already dealing with mood swings and occasional dizzy spells. Her doctor had mentioned that first pregnancies are the worst for such problems, especially in the early going, but even that hadn't prepared her for how she sometimes felt. Out in the hallway, Shampoo smiled to herself at the unforseen but fortunate turn of events, thinking that now would be a good time to test the waters for her new plan. She had decided that all she had to do was convince Hitomi that she was a better choice for having a baby with than Kikyo, and the rest would follow. Her cheeks flushed slightly as she briefly thought of what that meant, but she stopped herself from exploring it further, not wanting to be distracted. The first thing she had to be sure of was whether or not she could count on Hitomi to react properly when the time came, or all her efforts would be for nothing. Once that hurdle was cleared, she could begin the hard part. Opening the top few buttons of her mini, she adjusted the bodice of her dress so that it would fall open easily. Drawing a deep breath to steel herself, she closed her eyes and prepared. She knew that once she started, there would be no turning back, and if she failed, there would be nothing left for her except to salvage what she could of her honor. She had thought long and hard about her choice, weighing her friendship with Kikyo against missing what she felt was her last chance to have her life's dream at least somewhat realized. For Shampoo, despite the eventual cost, there wasn't really even a choice. War always has it's casualties, she reasoned, and this was one battle that she intended to win. Walking back into the livingroom, she passed around in front of Hitomi and stopped beside Kikyo's array of manicure supplies. Tsking, she bent over and began to pick up the assorted bottles, scissors, emery boards et al, making sure she was well within Hitomi's line of sight. As Hitomi noticed what Shampoo was doing, she was about to voice an objection, having planned on doing her fingernails after she was able to move again. The words, however, stuck in her open mouth as she caught a great view of the Amazon's ample bosom. Cheeks flushing, Hitomi turned her head away for a moment, but couldn't resist glancing back one more time. Shampoo, listening intently to Hitomi's motions, had to supress a grin. As the Amazon finally gathered all she could carry in a single trip, she rose and carried the items to the dining table, then returned for another load. Hitomi tried not to look again, but the Amazon's chest was truly a marvel to behold. After filling her hands for the second time, Shampoo rose and smiled at Hitomi. "I want to do your hands for you... I will check your feet when I put these down," she announced, grinning. "Iya, Lin-san. You don't have to do that. I was going to fix them myself," Hitomi replied, thankful for the 'change of subject'. "No problem! I want to," Shampoo dismissed, walking back and stopping momentarily beside the redhead's feet. Hitomi shrugged and shook her head. "Hai. If you insist," she replied, smiling. Kneeling in front of Hitomi, Shampoo carefully tested the polish, then began to remove the batting between the redhead's toes. As she did so, she deliberately tickled the bottom of Hitomi's foot, which made the redhead jerk her leg. Hitomi gasped as the Amazon toppled onto her backside, which caused her legs to part awkwardly. Hitomi couldn't help but catch a good look as she stared flush-faced at the sprawled Shampoo. Realizing she was gawking, Hitomi snapped herself out of it and immediately leaned toward Shampoo, extending her hand. "Gomen, Gomen!" she blurted, not entirely sure which situation she was apologising for. "Daijobu! It was my fault. I tickled you by accident," Shampoo immediately interjected, looking up at Hitomi sheepishly. "Ano -- even so, I shouldn't have knocked you down. Are you okay?" Hitomi countered, forcing her gaze to the Amazon's face. "Hai. I am fine. I will get the rest of these and we can do your fingers, ne?" Shampoo smiled, trying to look unconcerned. "H-hai..." Hitomi answered, nervously. Shampoo waved off the proffered hand, swung her legs under herself and resumed the task of removing the batting. Hitomi, meanwhile, was glad Kikyo was in bed, feeling more than just a little embarrassed about her reaction to the Amazon's charms. Had Kikyo seen her cheeks flush the way they did, Hitomi was sure her girlfriend would have been upset, especially with her unstable moods of late. Hitomi had always thought the Amazon was more than a little attractive, and she was also aware that Kikyo knew that. The problem was that the Amazon also had a latent sensuality about her that was hard to ignore, and right at the moment she was having an especially hard time trying. Shampoo, meanwhile, smiled inwardly, quite pleased that what she had guessed about Hitomi was indeed true. She was just like Ailen. A few minutes later, Hitomi sat beside Shampoo at the table, watching as the Amazon prepared for the manicure. Looking up at Hitomi and grinning, Shampoo reached for the redhead's hand and took it into her own. The Amazon had to steel herself against the feelings that touching Hitomi brought out in her, knowing they could make her unable to carry her plan through to fruition. "I'll get this off first," Shampoo began, tipping the remover bottle over the cloth and starting to wipe the existing color from Hitomi's nails. "Then I can see if you need the touch-up," she continued, trying to keep her voice steady and pleasant. Hitomi nodded in reply, noting curiously the odd feeling she was getting from touching Shampoo's hand. The Amazon's skin was soft, despite her constant training, and very warm to the touch. The contact was definitely pleasant, but there was something about it that didn't seem to fit the occasion. About half an hour later, Shampoo sat smiling proudly as Hitomi happily examined her perfect manicure, holding her hands up and watching the light reflect from the shine. "Arigato, Lin-san. They look beautiful." "Glad you like it. I enjoy doing this, but it's been a long time. My younger twin sisters, Ling Ling and Lung Lung and myself would all take turns when we went into the city," Shampoo indicated, wistfully. "You have sisters? You've never told me about them before," Hitomi blinked, waving her hands in the air. "Hai. They are Tribe Sisters. All the women in my Tribe are sisters," the Amazon replied, nodding. "Ano -- big family," Hitomi quipped, shaking her head. "Well, I think I'll move to the couch and watch TV till these dry, then I want to see how Kiko-chan is doing," she added, carefully moving her chair back. "I will help," Shampoo immediately stated, jumping up and helping Hitomi with the chair. "I'm okay, Lin-san. Don't worry about it. I usually end up smudging before it's dry, anyway," Hitomi countered, resignedly. Shampoo simply smiled and ignored the comment, moving the chair anyway. While Hitomi settled on the couch, Shampoo packed up the supplies and cleaned off the table, making sure it was perfect as always. Once she was satisfied, she wandered back into the livingroom and demurely perched on the couch beside Hitomi. "What are you watching?" she asked, noting Hitomi was completely engrossed in the TV. After a few seconds of silence, she reached over and tapped the redhead's shoulder. "Hitomi-san?" she repeated, amazed at the lack of response. "E.R. It's a good show," the redhead finally replied, absently. "Oh," Shampoo breathed, as she leaned back into the cushions. She was hoping to be able to talk to Hitomi further, but it certainly didn't seem as if that was going to be possible. Finally, she sighed and rose to her feet, then walked in front of Hitomi and bowed deeply. "I'm tired, Hitomi-san. I think I will go to bed. See you in the morning, ne?" she smiled, noting that Hitomi's cheeks were reddening again. "Ah... Sure, Lin-san. I might as well go, too -- after this show. Have a good sleep, ne?" Hitomi responded, upon gathering her wits. Shampoo nodded and stepped away, happy with her results. Now that she knew her charms still worked as she had expected them to, tomorrow was going to be a big day. ==================================================================== END As Long As You Love Me - Part 1 A Ranma1/2 FanFic By Coutuva Comments Welcomed, Flames Extinguished! coutuva@gmail.com