Physical Development in Young Adults

    Biological aging (or senescence) begins in the twenties. Organs and systems in the body begin to decline in their ability to function. The changes are gradual in early adulthood. The immune system declines after 20 years old.

However, some skills are at their best in early adulthood. Athletic skills that require strength and speed are at their best in the early twenties. Skills requiring endurance are best in late twenties to early thirties.

Sexuality activity increases between the ages of 20-30, but declines from 30-40.  The ability to reproduce declines. It declines after 35 in women and 40 years old in men.

Weight gain is normal in early adulthood. Many American adults gain about 20 pounds between the ages of 25 and 55. However, there is a risk when an adult gains more than ten pounds after age 18. Weight gain surpassing ten pounds increases the risk for diabetes and heart disease.

Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption are the two most common substance disorders. Smoking is linked to a greater risk of stroke, cancer, heart attacks, and early death. Alcohol abuse is linked to liver and cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

Young Adulthood


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