Cognitive Development in Young Adults

    There are several theories outlining the changes in the structure of thought during early adulthood.

Post formal thought- Thought after Piaget’s formal operational stage. The normal adult usually has an awareness of multiple truths and the ability to associate reality and logic.

Perry’s theory- Involves the movement from dualistic to relativistic thinking. Adults now have an awareness of multiple truths where before they just divided information right or wrong.

Schaie’s theory- In early adulthood, individuals are in the achieving stage. They adapt their cognitive skills to situations that have implications for achieving long-term goals. They focus less on acquiring knowledge and more on applying it to life.

Labouvie-Vief’s theory- In early adulthood, adults move to pragmatic thought, which is using logic to solve problems.

Some studies show that there is a peak in intelligence around 35 years old, while others show an age related increase. Creativity increases in the twenties, and peaks in the thirties.

Individuals in early adulthood are faced with either choosing to go on to college or go to work. Young adults are in the realistic period of vocational choice. They first choose a job category, then find a specific career.

Young Adulthood


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