Physical Development in Middle Adulthood

    The declines in system and organ functioning that began in early adulthood continue. Vision is affected, and cataracts and glaucoma may develop. Skin also changes—wrinkles, age spots, and loose skin. Bone density declines, women are more affected. Height may drop as much as one inch.

Sexual and Hormonal Effects:

    Estrogen production drops in women over a 10-year period called the climacteric. The result is menopause. Menopause is the time at "mid-life" when a woman has her last period. It happens when the ovaries stop releasing eggs - usually a gradual process. Sometimes it happens all at once. Some symptoms of menopause include achy joins, hot flashes, insomnia, and changes in sexual desire. This usually occurs between ages 50 and 55. Men also go through a climacteric, but the quantity of semen declines but does not end.

Deterioration of Health

    Heart attack and stroke become the leading cause of death in the middle years. Lung cancer, breast cancer, and cirrhosis of the liver are among the top five causes of mortality in middle adulthood.
Contributing Factors:

Middle Adulthood





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