SAS Ronteza
Ronteza is a beautiful chestnut mare.  She was foal on July 20, 1994.  She was bred by the late Ed Strand of Strands Arabian Stables.  Ronteza has had over 120 days of professional training on her.  She has been trail ridden and ridden around traffic safely.  She is very intelligent and sweet.  She stands about 14.3, maybe 15 hands.  She is currently in foal to GDE Tsyndari for a June of 2003 foal.  Baby should be outstanding!  Ronteza is priced at $3500.
SAS Ronteza SAS Ronteza
Ronteza is a really nice bodied mare, with straight legs, nice neck, and pretty face. She is a nice moving mare as well. 
SAS Ronteza
SAS Ronteza
Another picture of Ronteza in full winter coat. 
This is a picture taken in March of 2003.  She is in a winter coat, and in foal to GDE Tsyndari. 
Delmarel Patriot
This is a picture of Ronteza's sire, Delmarel Patriot by *Padron. 
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