Reference Horses
On this page you will find pictures of horses that are found in our horses bloodlines.  If you have any questions or want more information, please send me an e-mail me at [email protected] .
Bey Shah Mishaah
This is a picture of Bey Shah.  I have several horses with him in their bloodlines including Rey Parisa Bey, and her son Bey Perfecshahn.
Mizan Taj Halim
This is National Champion Mishaah.  We are expecting a foal by Mishaah, and out of Rey Parisa Bey (double Bey Shah mare) in June of 2003.  The foal will be available for purchase.
The Minstril
World champion stallion Mizan Taj Halim.  He is our senior stallion's (GDE Tsyndari)  grandsire.
Shaikh Al Badi
This is the world famous stallion, The Minstril.  Our broodmare MB Sahera is sired by this stallion.
This is Shaikh Al Badi who is MB Sahera's grandsire through her dam line.
The grand old stallion Niga.  I founded my breeding program from Niga/*Witez lines.  My black Desperado V filly has 3 crosses to Niga.  Also, our stallion GDE Tsyndari has a cross to Niga through Gamaar.
Thee Desperado
The great stallion, *Padron.  This is Padrons Angel's sire, SAS Ronteza's grandsire, and also the grandsire of my daughter's 1/2 Arab/pony, DJ ILove Lucy.
This is the beautiful Straight Egyptian Stallion, Thee Desperado.  Our mare MB Sahera is in foal to him for July of 2003.
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