Obsession Symptoms
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Do you have a suspicion that you're an After Earth addict? Are you concerned that you might be a chronic Cale-a-holic? Or do you tend to lean toward Akima as your object of affection? Well, here you can find out for sure if you are truly obsessed with all things Titan! Take it seriously or be amused - I prefer the latter - but either way, I'm sure you'll know by the end of the list if you should be qualified as "obsessed".

Do you have any symptoms you'd like to see posted? E-mail them to
me, and I'll add 'em to the list!
1. You've seen Titan A.E. more than five times.
2. You've seen Titan A.E. more than ten times.
3. You've lost count how many times you've seen it.
4. You saved all your ticket stubs and get all teary-eyed when you look at them.
5. You've stolen Titan promotional material from your local movie theater.
6. You've tried to steal your entire local movie theater.
7. You were kicked out of the theater for openly worshipping the Titan A.E. "Now Playing" movie poster.
You sued the theater, claiming they "discriminated against your religeon."
You can quote the entire film.
10. You can put on a one-person performance of Titan for friends and family.
11. You realized you contributed a good amount to the millions of $$ Titan made.
12. You're proud of it. :)
13. You plan on making June 16th (the day A.E. was released) into a national holiday.
14. You dressed up as one of the characters and went to work/school, proudly displaying your costume.
15. You cut your hair like Akima's, even dying your bangs purple.
16. You have Preed tattooed on your abdomen.
17. You realized that you can find Cale's wardrobe easily at Old Navy.
18. You tried it on.
19. You bought it.
20. You carry a water gun at all times, your "blaster", just in case you run into any trouble.
21. You refuse to leave the house without your "father's ring", even though you bought it last weekend from a vending machine at Toys r Us.
22. You always make sure that your food is dead before you eat it.
23. You have asked more than once for the local diner to serve ET meatballs.
24. When going on road trips, you draw the map onto your hand.
25. You've drawn a Qu'uchaa on your right arm.
26. You've bought a liftime supply of the mehndi body art temporary tattoo Qu'uchaas, which you always apply to your right arm.
27. You have a Qu'uchaa tattooed permanently to your right arm.
28. You know what a Qu'uchaa is.
29. You've taken up the last name of either Tucker or Korso.
30. Your friends call you Stith.
31. You lost all of your friends because you "never shut up about that movie."
32. You had to move to a larger home to accomidate the 40-foot promotional banner you bought for $200 on ebay.
33. You collected all of the action figures.
34. You play with them.
35. You talk to them.
36. They talk back to you.
37. You've locked yourself in your room with your Titan A.E. action figures, soundtrack, and novels, and you haven't been seen since.
38. You've rented There's Something About Mary over 200 times, but have never seen it once. You only watch the three minute trailer for Titan A.E. at the beginning of the video.
39. You often panic about going outside without your space suit on.
40. You were thrilled to see a flock of buzzards eating a roadkill cat because they reminded you so much of the Gaoul.
41. You never say "Of Course." Now you say "Of Korso."
42. As a tribute to your favorite mantrin, you walked like Stith for an entire month.
43.Don Bluth is your savior.
44. You nearly killed someone who casually mentioned they'd eaten the vegeteble Kale.
45. You buy American Eagle shirts because they have AE printed on them.
46. When you found out Akima was japanese for "empty room", you couldn't wait to get to the next vacant indoor area solely so you could point and say, "Akima! I've found you at last!"
47. You wrote an epic poem all about Gune's left eye.
48. If anyone ever calls you a goon, you always reply with an enthusiastic thank-you and plan to send that person flowers once you get home.
49. You refuse to accept Korso and Preed's deaths.
50. Your sole existance in life is to prove that Preed and Korso are innocent. "They dind't betray anybody! They were framed by the one-armed man!"
51. You know all the words to the songs.
52. You can play all the songs using the buttons on the telophone.
53. You own all of the alblums of every band who performed a song in Titan A.E.
54. You own at least one magazine that cost you over $5 that you only bought for the miniscule article about Titan A.E.
55. You own all of the magazines which mention Titan A.E.
56. You framed them.
57. You keep them in an air-tight, maximum-security safe.
58. When people walk into your room, they often mistake it as a Titan A.E. store.
59. You have a Titan-related T-shirt for every day of the week.
60. You never go anywhere without your lucky T.A.E. baseball cap.
61. You have various fake road signs hanging on your wall, including "Akrennian Crossing", "Slow, Titan Mission in Progress", and "Drej are strictly prohibited."
62. You think they are actual road signs and take them very seriously.
63. You hand out tickets to anyone who disregards them.
64. You were expelled from school for bringing a bazooka on campus for your holiday, "Act like Stith Day."
65. You bought Anastasia because you heard that Dimitri looked similar to Cale.
67. Your entire life before June 16, 2000, is a blur to you.
68. You are suspicious that Blue's Clues and The Smurfs are the evil creations of the Drej.
69. You've included the word "Fargh" into your vocabulary of swear words.
70. You've called someone a son of a drej in a moment of rage.
71. Whenever you see something Blue...like this text, for instance...you get an uncontrollable urge to either hide under your bed or beat it with a slegehammer.
72. You've "played Titan A.E." with the four year olds next door.
73. No matter how many times you've seen the movie, you always yell, "Cale! Look out!" and  "Run! Yeah, that's it, to the drej stinger!" during the scene after Cale gets out of the energy field cell and the drej keep popping up everywhere.
74. You still cry during the scene when Gune "dies".
75. You got in trouble for shouting "Who's your daddy?!" during church because you "had the urge to say it."
76. You often make things with buttons on them in your sleep.
77. One night, when your parents went to check on you, you were asleep and yelling "Oh, Cale! Mmmm, yes!" while you were dreaming.
78. Whenever you eat out, the highlight of the evening is when you get to ask the waitor "Got Ketchup?"
79. You quote the movie so much that your entire family knows the whole script when they've never even seen the film.
80. No matter what, you can always answer any question with a Titan quote.
81. You plan on naming your kids Cale, Akima, and Korso.
82. You truly beleive that Joseph Korso was the wife of Mary and the father of Jesus.
83. When you ever harm someone in any way, your excuse is that the person you harmed "always did talk to much."
84. You are so clueless about what's going on that you rent
Titanic because you think it has something to do with T.A.E.
85. All of your favorites/bookmarks that you have saved on your computer are Titan-related.
86. You are a registered member of all the well-known T.A.E. forums and post as often as possible.
87. You've skipped a class to post on a T.A.E. forum.
88. You have your own T.A.E. forum.
89. You know the sacred sinifigance of Pepsi and Klondike bars to the online fans of Titan A.E.
90. You were previously a Coke fan but now are a full-fledged Pepsi addict.
91. You have been hospitalized for Pepsi overdoses.
92. You spend 99.9% of your day doing something Titan-related, and the other 0.1% wishing you were doing something Titan-related.
93. You cry when you listen to "Not Quite Paradise" because it reminds you of when Titan A.E. ends.
94. You've gone through more than three soundtracks.
95. You pray every night that an alblum with the score on it will be released.
96. You write threatening letters to the movie critics who dissed "your movie."
97. You are planning to assassinate one of them.
98. You had to get therapy after Titan A.E. left theaters.
99. It didn't help.
100. You are looking over this list and are very scared because a good 98% of these symptoms apply to you.

Submitted by Anya!!:

101. When people pass your room they mistakingly think that you'er having a yard sale from all the toys.
102. You pick up your blaster to defend yourself when this occurs.
103. You went to the AMC24 on a Saturday Night with 3 friends, each dressed up as a character, and sang every word to every song, and at the end of the movie ran to the front of the entire packed stadium and pointed out your shirts to match the cast list.
104. You did this four times.
105. In order to make the last two possible, you spent an entire week of your summer vacation painting the shirts and *personalizing* them.
106. You've declared June 16 "Bow Down to Don and Gary Day", and hang your Titan A.E. banner on your flagpole.
107. You have the buttons covering your bookbag so that over 300 people have asked "What's That?" and you spend half a class lecturing them.
108. You are determined to skip school on Halloween to pick up the very first copy of the movie at Blockbuster.
109. You have asked over five questions relating to Cale and the movie at donbluth.com.
110. You blew kisses at Cale during the movie.
111. You were the only person in the theater who cheered *loudly* during the niiiiiice butt shot. *evil grin*
112. You blew Don and Gary kisses and cheered *maybe even louder* "I LOVE YOU!" whenever their names appeared on screen.

Submitted by Sherrie':

. Your room is wallpapered in Titan A.E. Posters.
4. You made a webpage solely dedicated to Cale.
. You stick those glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling so you can imagine you're in space...with Cale.
. You have this building jealousy towards Akima.
7. You buy emerald green contacts.
. You find yourself constantly watching the sky for Drej stingers.
. You always wear a wrist communicator and "talk" to Cale, Akima, Korso, Preed, and Stith on a regular basis.
. You play with a Drej yo-yo in class.
. You threaten to kill your teacher with a "blaster" if she tries to take it away from you.
. You have this urge to play with joysticks and Wake Angels.
. You LOVE wearing your Cale shirt, because when you do, you feel that Cale is *really* on your chest.
. Your parents want to know why your so rebellous.
. You play with chainsaws and scooters...at the same time.
. You have mastered the art of building and creating "floater toys".
. You play with your floater toys at the local stream or river.
. You get really mad when you purposely break them.
. You wear goggles on your head alot, making sure to push back your hair wildly.
. For some reason, you always seem to argue with guys named Joseph.
. You are attempting to build a spaceship named "Escape."
2. You have a sign out in your front yard that says "Beware of the Mantrin" instead of "Beware of the Dog".
3. You press every button you see (like in elevators, cars...) just to see what really happens.
4. You wish Don would make Cale's Story and Akima's Story into prequel movies.
. You cry when you go into your room - because one side is dedicated to Cale and the other to Dimitri, and you just can't decide which one you love best.
. You actually bought a Drej statue for $100 on ebay.
. It sits on your front lawn and scares the neighbors.
8. You don't care - you hate your neighbors anyways and inwardly believe that they are conspiring with the Drej in secret.
9. You write the Secretary of Defense and insist that the Planetary Defense System be created immediately.
. You bought the soundtrack the second you left the theater for the first time.
. You had to buy another one after your second veiwing.
. You wrote a nasty letter to K-Mart because they didn't carry the Titan A.E. toys.
143. You like getting hit in the head with soccer balls.
144. When you hear "crackling noises" you get really nervous and grab anything that's bolted to the floor.
145. You have bizzare, unhealthy urges to kill any cricket you see.
146. You write the government, asking them to blow up the moon, so it can be "broken".
145. You feel that if it were broken, you'd be able to find the Titan.
146. You've turned down dates simply because the guy didn't look like Dimitri or Cale.
147. You've called your boyfriend Cale, and you didn't care.
148. You don't even know your boyfriend's real name.
149. Your boyfriend answers to "Cale".
150. You have these nightmares that the Drej are breaking into your room to kill you.
151. You tell everyone that you meet that you're "humanity's last great hope."

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