Monkeys Across America is the brain-child of Cosmic Amanda, who obviously has way too much free time on her hands.

One day while at work, spending your hard-earned federal tax dollars, Cosmic Amanda began drawing little monkeys on cardboard to give to devotees of her online diary. As requests poured in from across the country she wondered, "What if I could get one of my little monkeys in every state in the United States?"

Her friend Justin promptly smacked her in the back of her head for wondering out loud again.

So here's the deal: check out the
list of available states. If your state is available, and you would like to participate, email Cosmic Amanda. She will mail you a monkey of your very own, but in return, you must provide a photograph of the monkey in front of any type of local landmark. Have fun, be creative, and Viva la Monkey!
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