GUEST STARS: Alan, Freddy Corven and Johny Bravo.
Copyright Freddy del Angel Guerrero 2001.

Quick Fade In: We see the front of Freddy Jone’s house; suddenly we hear a sneeze and then the camera ZOOMS-IN on the house until we can see the inside of Freddy Jone’s bedroom. We see Freddy Jones in his bed and the rest of the gang is around the bed in this order; First Daphne who is sitting at the side of Freddy Jones, Velma is in front of the bed and finally Shaggy and Scooby are at the side of Velma.

FREDDY JONES: (sneezes) It's no use, I can’t go with you guys to solve this mystery.

Daphne touches Freddy Jones forehead.

DAPHNE: Jeepers! you have a fever Fred!

VELMA: What are we going to do? We can’t leave the Sheriff and the
                  headless Horseman waiting, it's their turn to appear on the reruns.

FREDDY JONES: Well (sneezes) maybe you can go alone this time.


SHAGGY: Like without you, Fred? No way.

SCOOBY: Rharry ir right, re read rou Rred.

FREDDY JONES: I know, (sneezes) but I am too sick to go with you this time.

Freddy Jones looks very tired.

FREDDY JONES: Ah guys, I really need to rest now...

DAPHNE: Don't worry Freddy, we are going to find a way to complete these reruns.

VELMA: Yeah we have found our way out from worse situations.

FREDDY JONES: Thanks guys (covers himself with the sheets)
                                 I will see you all tomorrow.


All the gang leaves the room, except Freddy Jones. Out side of the room we see Freddy Corven and Alan from the Josie and the Pussy Cat Gang.

ALAN: How is he?

VELMA: Very sick, I don’t think that he’s going to be able
                  to be with us in the next 5 episodes.

FREDDY CORVEN: Gosh! What are you going to do now guys?

DAPHNE: We don’t know yet Mr. Corven; maybe we can find
                    some one to replace him while he recovers.

SHAGGY: But who?

SCOOBY: Reah rho?

VELMA: Shaggy and Scooby have a point guys, (Looks at Alan)
                 How about you Alan?

ALAN: I would love to Velma. But I already have a lot of Mysteries to solved with Josie
             And the Pussy Cats group.

DAPHNE: In that case we have a lot of searching to do.

-CUT SCENE: We begin to see the Gang talking to different characters of HANNA BARBERA that have the same style that Scooby Doo. First Speedy Buggy, then Magic Wheels, The 3 Robot Stooges, Captain Cave Man and the Teen Angels, Little Private Inspector, Johnny Quest, ect. They all shake their heads 'no'. And finally we see them with Johnny Bravo.

JOHNY BRAVO: ME! The leader of the Scooby Doo Gang? Wow!

Johnny Bravo goes to the side of Velma and Daphne and then he puts his arms around them.

JOHNY BRAVO: Are you going to use Bikinis and walk in slow motion like in Bay Watch?

Daphne and Velma looks angry, the camera goes to a view of the rest of the Gang and Freddy Corven looking toward the right side of the Screen and we hear noises of hitting and crushing off camera.


And finally we see Daphne throwing Johnny Bravo on the ground.

DAPHNE: (Turns to look at Velma) What do you say if we look for someone else Velma?

VELMA: I was just going to suggest the same thing, Daphne.

Daphne and Velma walk toward the left side of the Screen.


QUICK FADE OUT-FADE IN: We see the front of the Malt Shop for a few seconds, then the camera zooms-on the Malt Shop until we can see the in-side of the place. We see the Gang and Freddy Corven in one of the tables in this order; first Shaggy and Scooby, then Daphne, Velma and finally Freddy Corven. They are all drinking Malt Shakes and they all have very long faces.

DAPHNE: I still can’t believe it guys. We searched everywhere.

SHAGGY: Like yeah, except in the Flintstones and the Jetsons Cartoons.

SCOOBY: Reah...

We see Velma looking at a list.

VELMA: Now let’s see, who'd we forgot to visit?

DAPHNE: It's no use Velma, they are all too busy with their own adventures.

SHAGGY: Like How about Mike?

SCOOBY: Reah, re’s a rood retective roo.

VELMA: Unfortunately he’s busy too; he’s helping Lori to solve the Mystery of the
                 Missing Japan’s Temple.

Suddenly we hear a cellular phone ring. Freddy Corven gets the cellular phone from his jacket and answers it.

FREDDY CORVEN: Yes? Oh hi Liz, no, I decided to stay for a few days.

While Freddy Corven talks in the phone we see Velma turning to look at him and then she makes a sign to Daphne and then Daphne turns to look at Shaggy and Scooby, and finally they all smile and they turn to look at Freddy Corven.

FREDDY CORVEN: See you later Liz and try not to get into trouble,
                                    O.k. O.k., Bye...

Freddy Corven turns the cellular phone of.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Smiles) That Liz. She...

Freddy Corven notice that the Gang is looking at him with big smiles on their faces.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks worried) Why are you looking at me like that?

They all continue looking at him.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks angry) Oh no! Absolutely not!

VELMA: Oh C'mon Mr. Corven, it will only be for a few days.

FREDDY CORVEN: Velma there’s no way that I can play the part of Freddy Jones.

SHAGGY: Like what are you talking about Man? You look perfect for the part.

DAPHNE: You even have the same name.

SCOOBY: Reah...

FREDDY CORVEN: Guys, but that is not my style, what are your
                                     fans going to say if the see me instead of Freddy
                                     Jones in the reruns?

VELMA: I am sure that they will understand, after all Fred is sick and
                 you are the only character available for the part.

FREDDY CORVEN: No, do you remember what happened when I try to be
                                    the Teen Angels Leader? It was a complete disaster.

SHAGGY: Like yeah, you were very funny (Laughs).

SCOOBY: Reah (Laughs).

DAPHNE: (Looks at Shaggy and Scooby with a very angry face) Shaggy you
                   Are not helping.

SHAGGY: (Stops laughing) Like sorry (Laughs).

Daphne turns to look at Freddy Corven.

DAPHNE: (Speaks in a slowly tone of voice) Please, say that you accept Mr.Corven.

THE REST OF THE GANG: Please, say yes.

Their voices being to get mixed.


The Gang stop talking and all the people from the other tables turn to look at them. Freddy Corven looks around and notice that all the people in the place is looking at them.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Turns to look at the Gang.) Hem, I accept... oh Man!


FREDDY CORVEN: With only one condition, we are going in my Ferrari.

ALL THE GANG AT THE SAME TIME: Oh C’mon, not in that.

FREDDY CORVEN: Guys I am not going to drive that Mystery Machine of yours, the
                                     last time Fred almost killed me just because I decided to drive it.

Velma looks like she’s thinking and then;

VELMA: Very well Mr. Corven we are going in your Ferrari, but only with one
                 Condition, you can’t use any of your gadgets in these 5 episodes.


VELMA: With those gadgets it's going to be too easy to solve our cases, so
                 whatever you do don't use them.  O.k.?

FREDDY CORVEN: I can't use them? Not even my gun?

VELMA: (Looks serious) Especially your gun.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks like he's thinking and then) O.k. I am not going
                                    to use my gadgets or my gun(Turns to look at the camera)
                                    Besides how hard can it be to defeat those clowns in Halloween

Quick Fade Out-Fade In: We are now in what it looks like a very dark and spooky road, surrounded by weird Trees and fog. Then we see Freddy Corven's Ferrari appear on the road, the camera zooms at it and we can see Freddy Corven in the Ferrari with the Gang. They are in this order; Freddy Corven and Daphne in the front and Velma, Shaggy and Scooby are in the back.

VELMA: O.k. Mr. Corven, now try to get us as lost as you can.

FREDDY C: As lost as I can? Velma I am already lost! I don’t know where we are!

VELMA: Perfect, you are doing a great job.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Puts a silly face) Uh?

Shaggy and Scooby are looking at a Map.

VELMA: (Looks at Freddy Corven) Mr. Corven?


VELMA: Your line.

FREDDY C: Oh! ...Are you sure this is the right road to the Sandra' s Hotel Shaggy?

SHAGGY: Like yeah I am sure this is the right one.

SCOOBY: Reah rhe are rure.

FREDDY C: Hmmm we have been in this road for hours and I haven’t
                      seen any hotel yet.

VELMA: Let me see that Map Shaggy.

Shaggy gives the Map to Velma.

VELMA: Here's the problem. You have it Upside down?

SHAGGY: Like silly me, (Laughs).

DAPHNE: Don’t laugh Shaggy, this is serious, we are lost.

SHAGGY: (Looks worried) Like Lost!


FREDDY CORVEN: Don't worry guys, all I have to do is...

He's about to push something on the car's panel.

FREDDY CORVEN: Check our location on my Satellite Map and…

VELMA: (Looks angry) Hem; Hem; Hem.

FREDDY CORVEN: I mean, nice work Shaggy now we are going to be in here for
                                     hours trying to find the Way out.

VELMA: Don't worry Fred. I am sure that we will find a way out.

Freddy Corven doesn't answer.

VELMA: Ah Mr. Corven, this is the part where the Mystery Machine has a
                 heating Problem and Freddy Jones needs some water to cool it down.

FREDDY C: Velma this car is electric, how is it going to have a heating problem?

DAPHNE: (Looks serious) Well think of something.

FREDDY C: Let me see, (Looks like he's thinking) I got it (Turns to look
                      at the cars Panel) I wooden be too sure about that Velma, the car's
                      main battery is very low, If we don't charge it now we are going to
                     stay in the middle of this spooky forest.

SHAGGY: Like Zoinks!

SCOOBY: Rikes!

Scooby Hugs Shaggy and they shake.

VELMA: (Whispers) That's a great idea Mr. Corven (Turns to look out-side of the
                 window and she talks in a normal tone of  voice) Maybe we can charge it in
                 that House over there, Fred (Points outside of the window).

We see an old haunted house in the distance. Freddy Corven turns to look at the haunted house.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks confused) Velma do you really thing that that
                                     old cavern has electricity?

VELMA: Well...maybe I...

All the lights from the old house turn on.

VELMA: (Turns to look at the camera and she smiles) Well I guess that
                 answers our question.

-CUT SCENE: We see Freddy Corven's Ferrari park in front of the Haunted House and we see the gang and Freddy C. standing at a side of the front door.

FREDDY CORVEN: O.k., let's see if Count Dracula is at home...

VELMA: (Looks angry) Mr. Corven!

FREDDY CORVEN: I am just kidding Velma.

Freddy C. looks like he's about to knock on the door and suddenly the door open and there's no one inside. Freddy Corven begins to look inside the house .

FREDDY CORVEN: Ah, Hello? Hello? Anybody home? There's no one in here.

The rest of the Gang begins to follow Freddy C. inside of the house. Suddenly the front door of the castle closes by itself and
we hear a creepy laugh coming from somewhere in the castle.



Scooby jumps on Shaggy's arms. Freddy Corven turns to look at them.

FREDDY CORVEN: Oh C'mon, it was probably just the wind.

Suddenly the door closes and we hear a spooky Laugh coming from some where in the house. All of them look surprised.

SHAGGY: (Looks scared) Like that's the first time that I heard the wind laugh.

SCOOBY: (Looks scared) Reah.

SHAGGY: Like I think is better if we go.

FREDDY CORVEN: I agree with you Shaggy, who knows what kind of nut lives in here.

Freddy Corven begins to walk toward the door and Velma stops him.

VELMA: (Looks at him with a very serious face) Mr. Corven!

FREDDY CORVEN: Oh all right don't get angry, No Shaggy there's a Mystery
                                     in here that must be solved. (Turns to look at Velma) Happy?

SHAGGY: Like I think I like your other option Mr. Corven.

SCOOBY: Reah re roo.

QUICK FADE OUT-FADE IN: We are in Freddy Jone's bedroom, we see Freddy Jones in his bed and he's sleeping. Suddenly we see Yabba-Doo (Scooby's brother) Entering the bedroom with a tray full of food and he's dressed like a Doctor.

YABBA-DOO: It is time to eat Fred (Laughs)

Freddy Jones wakes up.

FREDDY JONES: Hi Yabba-Doo, (sneezes) thanks but I am not hungry right now.

YABBA-DOO: You have to eat Freddy if you want to get well.

Puts the tray with the food on a small table that is at a side of Freddy Jone's bed.

YABBA-DOO: Here let me help you with your pillow.

Yabba Doo gets the pillow from under Freddy Jones head making Freddy Jones fall on the bed.

YABBA-DOO: (Tries to fix the pillow) These things can get very, very
                          uncomfortable if you don't fix them.

We see feathers coming from the pillow; Fred begins to sit on the bed.

FREDDY JONES: Look, thanks for what you are doing Yabba-doo, but I just need to rest.

YABBA-DOO: That's why I am fixing your pillow Freddy, here.

Yabba-doo gives the pillow to Fred and is now as thin as a handkerchief and there's Feathers floating all over the place.

FREDDY JONES: (Looks at the pillow and then turns to look at Yabba-doo
                                 with a very serious face) Thanks (sneezes).

YABBA-DOO: Don't mention it Fred, now it's time to eat.

Yabba-Doo grabs the tray.

FREDDY JONES: (Looks surprised) No, that's O.k., I can grab the...

Yabba-Doo stumbles with something on the floor and falls throwing all the food at Freddy Jones.

FREDDY JONES: Tray (Puts he’s left hand on he’s face) I hope the guys are
                                doing better that me.

-CUT SCENE: We see the rest of the Scooby Doo Gang and Freddy Corven someplace inside the spooky mansion.

FREDDY CORVEN: O.k. guys we have to divide in two teams to cover more ground.


FREDDY CORVEN: I mean we have to split up.


FREDDY CORVEN: Shaggy, you and Daphne search upstairs while
                                    Velma, Scooby and I search down here for clues.

SHAGGY: Like Mr. Corven you got it wrong.

SCOOBY: Reah...

VELMA: Shaggy and Scooby always go together and Daphne
                 always go with Freddy Jones.

Daphne walks toward Freddy Corven with a smile on her face.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks at her and then turns to look at the rest of the Gang) Hem,
                                     yes like I was saying Shaggy, Scooby and Daphne will search up
                                     stairs while Velma and I search down here.

DAPHNE: (Looks angry) WHAT?

FREDDY CORVEN: Sorry Daphne, Freddy Jones is a very jealous person
                                    and I really don't want to have any problems with him
                                    O.k. let's split up guys I mean gang.

Freddy Jones and Velma walk toward the right side of the room and Shaggy and Scooby begin to walk toward the stairs of the mansion and Daphne doesn't move from her position. Shaggy and Scooby stop walking and they turn to look at Daphne.

SHAGGY: Like are you coming Daphne?

DAPHNE: (Looks angry) Yes I am coming, I just can't believe this guy rejecting me
                   like that.

SCOOBY: Rell re ras right arout rhe realous rart.

SHAGGY: Yeah Freddy can be very Jealous Man.

DAPHNE: Jealous about what? I am not interested in Mr. Corven.

Shaggy and Scooby laugh.

SHAGGY: Like sure, whatever you say (Laughs).

SCOOBY: Reah (Laughs).

-CUT SCENE: We see Freddy Corven and Velma looking in the big living room of the Mansion. Freddy Corven is looking at one of the walls.

VELMA: What are you looking for?

FREDDY CORVEN: A secret passage, if this is a haunted house in the style of
                                    Scooby Doo there has to be a passage somewhere.

VELMA: Mr. Corven we never look for the passages, they always find us.

FREDDY CORVEN: They find you? (Laughs) C'mon Velma that's.

Freddy Corven begins to walk toward Velma and suddenly a trap door opens under him.

FREDDY CORVEN: ...stupiiiiiiiiiiiid!

We hear a crashing sound. Velma bends down to look through the trap door.

VELMA: Mr. Corven are you O.k.?

FREDDY CORVEN´S VOICE OFF CAMERA: Yeah I am cool, but I think
                                                                                someone forgot to fix that floor.

VELMA: This trap door was for Daphne.

FREDDY CORVEN´S VOICE OF CAMERA: Don't tell me; just get me out of here!

VELMA: I can’t, that's the place where we should look for our next clue.

FREDDY CORVEN: In that case can you come down here?

VELMA: Yes I am coming with you.

Velma begins to put in to position to get inside the trap door. -CUT SCENE: We see Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby in a hallway somewhere in the house, there are doors in both sides of the Hallway.

SHAGGY: Like let's try one of these doors.

Shaggy tries one of the doors and there's nothing inside.

SHAGGY: Like nothing here.

Daphne tries with another one of the doors.

DAPHNE: Nothing in here.

And finally Scooby opens another one of the doors and there we see the Headless Horseman.

SCOOBY: Rorhing rere.

Scooby closes the door and then he turns to look at the camera, turns to look at the door again and opens it, the Headless Horseman is still in there.

HEADLES HORSEMAN: (Laughs) I am going to get you kids.

Scooby closes the door and runs toward Shaggy.

SHAGGY: Like what the?

Scooby crushes with Shaggy and they both disappear from the camera's view, then we see Shaggy on the floor and Scooby is above him.

SHAGGY: Like what's wrong Scoob?

SCOOBY: (Points toward the right side of the Screen) Rhe rhost, I raw ir, rhe rhost!!!!

DAPHNE: You saw a ghost (Points toward the door that Scooby Open) in that door?

SCOOBY: Reah a rhost, a rhost.

DAPHNE: Let me see.

Daphne walks toward the door.

SHAGGY: Like no Daphne! maybe the ghost wants to be alone!

SCOOBY: Reah arone.

Daphne opens the door and there's nothing in there.

DAPHNE: I don't see any ghost.

SHAGGY: (Looks angry) Like that's not funny Scooby stop playing, we have work to do.

SCOOBY: (Looks scared) Rut it ras ir rhere.

DAPHNE: Yeah sure.

Scooby walks towards the same door and opens it; the Headless Horseman is in there again.

HEADLES HORSEMAN: I am warning you, leave now or you will pay.

Scooby closes the door and runs again toward Shaggy.


DAPHNE: Not again.

SCOOBY: Ro I raw it!

SHAGGY: Like O.k. I am going to look again.

Shaggy opens the door and again there's nothing behind it.

SHAGGY: See? there's nothing in here.


DAPHNE: I'll tell you what; you search on that other side of the Hallway
                   while we search on your side.


DAPHNE: (Turns to look at Shaggy) Lets see if he tries that trick again.

SHAGGY: (Giggles) Like yeah.

Scooby opens another door in the other side of the Hallway and there's the Headless Horseman again.



SHAGGY: Like not again.

Shaggy and Scooby turn to look at Scooby.


The Headless Horse Man is now outside of the door.

HEADLES HORSEMAN: Now I am really going to get you Kids (Laughs).



Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby run and the Headless Horse Man begins to follow them. -CUT SCENE: We are back with Freddy Jones in his bedroom. Freddy Jones is asleep. We see Yabba-Doo entering the bedroom again.

YABBA-DOO: (Whispers) Oh he's already sleeping, (A light bulb appears above his Head) I know.

Walks toward a Record Player that Freddy Jones has in front of the bed.

YABBA-DOO: (Whispers) Nothing helps me to have the best dreams that to play soft Music while I sleep.

Yabba-Doo puts a record in the record player and turns it on. Suddenly we hear Rock'N'Roll Music with a very high volume. Freddy Jones wakes up.


YABBA-DOO: I am putting music on to help you sleep better.


Yabba-Doo begins to push buttons and move dials in the Record Player and now it sounds like it's in fast motion.

YABBA-DOO: This thing is too complicated.

The sound of the Music is now Mix with a Radio Station.


FREDDY JONES: (He's covering his ears) YABBA-DOO (sneezes) TURN IT OFF!

YABBA-DOO: I almost got it.

The Record Player finally turns of and the Record that was being played jumps from the record player. Yabba-Doo tries to grab it but it falls from its hands, the record breaks on the ground.



YABBA-DOO: But Fred.


Yabba-Doo runs and gets out from Freddy Jones room.

FREDDY JONES: I don't care if I am sick, I can't stand this any longer.

Begins to stand up from the bed.

FREDDY JONES: I am going to help the guys (sneezes).

-CUT SCENE: We see Velma and Freddy Corven getting out from the Trap door.

FREDDY CORVEN: Finally, I thought that we were never going to get out.

VELMA: Yeah.

Suddenly we see Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby running down the stairs, the ghost is still following them. Then we see them enter the big living room where Freddy C. and Velma are and finally we see Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby crash with Freddy C. and Velma making them fall through the trap door again.

FREDDY CORVEN´S VOICE OFF CAMERA: You know guys...we really have to stop
                                                                                 meeting like this.

SHAGGY´S VOICE OFF CAMERA: (Laughs) Like yeah.

We see the Headless Horseman walking towards the Trap door.

HEADLES HORSEMAN: Now I've got you...

The Headless Horseman closes the trap door.

HEADLES HORSEMAN: You are going to stay in there forever (Laughs).

-CUT SCENE: We are now in the room that is under the trap door, everything is in complete darkness and we can only see the Gang and Freddy Coven's eyes.

SHAGGY’S VOICE IN THE DARK: Like this is sure creepy...

SCOOBY’S VOICE IN THE DARK: Reah really creapy.

FREDDY CORVEN’S VOICE IN THE DARK: Man! I can't see a thing!, it's
                                                                                 hard to walk in here...


Suddenly a bright light illuminates all the room, the light is coming from a ring that Freddy C. has on one of his fingers.

SHAGGY: Like good thinking Mr.Corven, I mean Fred...

SCOOBY: Reah ir ras roo rark...

VELMA: (Looks serious) Mr.Corven. I said no gadgets...

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks at Velma) There you go again. Velma this is not a
                                     gadget, it's a flashlight ring...

VELMA: Well turn it of; we don't have flashlights rings in here...


VELMA: Very well, you can use it Mr. Corven...

FREDDY CORVEN: Thank you, now the first thing that we should
                                    do its find a way to get out of here...

VELMA: Am afraid the only exit that we have is up there (Points toward the ceiling).

DAPHNE: The trap door?


DAPHNE: Oh great...

FREDDY C: I don't think that's a problem, that door is only 4 meters up.

SHAGGY: Like but how are we going to reach it?

SCOOBY: Reah, re ront rave a rader.


Freddy Corven begins to light everything around them.  We see a lot of boxes and weird machines.

FREDDY CORVEN: We can use those boxes or those machines over there to reach it.



Freddy Corven walks toward one of the machines and begins to look at them.

FREDDY CORVEN: Wait a minute. If this is what I think it is we are just about
                                     to end this case.

DAPHNE: That is if we can get out of here.

FREDDY CORVEN: Don't worry Daphne, if I am right we will find an exit very soon.

SHAGGY: Like anyone understand what he's talking about?


VELMA: (Turns to look at Shaggy) Oh Shaggy, it's simple. Mr. Corven
                 is solving the case, (Turns to look at Freddy Corven) here let me help
                you Mr. Corven.

FREDDY CORVEN: Thanks Velma.

Velma and Freddy C. begin to move one of the machines, the machines look like big generators and behind it they find an exit.

SHAGGY: Like Oh, now I get it.

Scooby rolls his eyes.

DAPHNE: Great, now we can get out of here...

They all get out from the Trap door room and outside, there’s a tunnel.

FREDDY CORVEN: Like Jones says, this mystery is beginning to get clearer.

VELMA: Yeah those tunnels and that truck are the last clues that we need....

Suddenly the headless horseman appears behind them.

HEADLES HORSEMAN: (Creepy laugh) So you got out, but now you
                                              are not going to be that lucky (Creepy laugh).



FREDDY CORVEN: I am not that impressed.

The Headless horseman begins to laugh and Freddy C. walks toward him and puts in a fighting position.

FREDDY CORVEN: Let's see if he's a real ghost....


The Headless Horseman continues laughing. Freddy Corven tries to hit him with karate and ninja kicks. His arms and legs go right through the Headless Horseman's body.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks surprise) Is a real ghost!

All the gang and Freddy C. react and they begin to run, the Headless Horseman begins to chase them.

VELMA: (Turns to look at Freddy C.) I told you not to break the rules, now this Rerun has changed...

FREDDY C: Oh boy!

Suddenly we begin to hear this Rock'N'Roll Song that only says: "Na na na na na".

FREDDY C: Where is that annoying Music Coming from?

DAPHNE: Who knows, we always hear it when someone is chasing us...

FREDDY C: (Looks up) Hey to whoever is playing that, can you put on something else?

The Music stops and then another Song begins to play, this one sounds like it came from the 1980´s.

SONG: When the moon is bright and you and I....

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks up) Thanks...

They continue running from the ghost and the song continues.

SONG: Monsters and Ghost...give us a break...

Suddenly Freddy C. sees a stairs and he stops.

FREDDY CORVEN: Hey wait guys I have an idea...

All the Gang stops running. Then we see the ghost stopping in the same place where the Gang stop running, all the gang is dancing, the Ghost looks confused. Daphne is dancing with Freddy C., Velma is dancing with Shaggy and Scooby is dancing alone.

SHAGGY: Like hey, look who came to join us in the party...

DAPHNE: C'mon don't just stand their join us in the dance...

HEADLES HORSEMAN: I can't dance....

SHAGGY: Like sure you can, Scooby will show you how.

Scooby begins to dance in front of the ghost, the ghost looks at him and the ghost tries to imitate all his movements.

FREDDY CORVEN: Very good dude...

All the Gang stop dancing to look at the house and the ghost is now dancing.

DAPHNE: Yes you are doing it great...

HEADLESS HORSEMAN: Yes; I can do it!

FREDDY CORVEN: Sure you can...

Freddy Corven makes a sign to the rest of the gang and they all run and they leave the ghost dancing alone.


Suddenly the ghost notices that the gang is not longer with him.


His voice makes echos in the walls and the Gang that is now very close to the front door of the house can hear his voice.

                                                                                          MY HANDS ON YOU!




FREDDY CORVEN: Don't worry guys; we are almost there...

Suddenly the front door begins to open.

VELMA: Great the door is opening!

FREDDY CORVEN: Let's run more faster before it closes again...

They all run faster, they reach the door that now is open and we hear a crash sound of camera. Then we see all the gang, Freddy Corven and Freddy Jones on the floor.

FREDDY CORVEN: Oh Man! now what?, (Stands up from the floor and turns to look
                                     At Freddy Jones) Fred?

DAPHNE: Freddy!

SHAGGY: Like we are glad to see you Man.


VELMA: Fred you should be resting.

FREDDY JONES: I know Velma, but I can't stand another moment
                                with Yabba-Doo nurse, so I decided to come in
                                here and help you guys....

FREDDY CORVEN: But Fred you don't look so good...

FREDDY JONES: I know Mr. Corven (Sneezes) and I don't feel good.  
                                But the guys need me...

VELMA: Do we ever...

FREDDY JONES: (sneezes) How is the case going?

FREDDY CORVEN: Well not so good Fred, you see we changed it a
                                     little and now it's ruined...

FREDDY JONES: (Looks angry) What? (Sneezes)...

VELMA: It was an accident Freddy, Mr. Corven was trying to help us finish this rerun...

FREDDY JONES: (Looks worried) You have to do something guys (Sneezes and
                                looks at he’s watch) the 30 minutes of this Episode are almost over...

DAPHNE: But what can we do Fred?

Suddenly we see a Police Car arriving on the Scene, the Police Car parks in front of the Scooby Doo gang.

POLICE OFFICER: Are you all right kids?

FREDDY JONES: Yes we are O.k. Officer....

The Police Officer gets out from the Police Car.

POLICE OFFICER: We received a phone call that something has
                                    been going on in this old mansion...

VELMA: Yes Officer....

POLICE OFFICER: Don't worry kids, what ever is happening in here
                                   we will take care of it. You better leave.


POLICE OFFICERS: No kids, this is a job for the police. I am going to call
                                     for some back up and you better leave before the back up
                                     gets here.

DAPHNE: (Looks serious) How rude...

The police officer enters in to the police car to call for back up and suddenly Freddy C. notice something in the police officer's hands. The Police Officer calls for back up and then he gets out from the police car again.

POLICE OFFICER: The back up is coming, leave this mansion kids...

FREDDY CORVEN: Say Officer, who made that phone call?

POLICE OFFICER: We don't know. It was anonymous.

Freddy Corven begins to walk toward the police officer.

FREDDY CORVEN: Anonymous uh? When exactly did you receive
                                     this phone call Officer?

All the gang looks confuse and nerves.

POLICE OFFICER: 10 minutes ago...

FREDDY CORVEN: You know, I really don't believe you, the closest Police
                                     station is at least an hour from here...

VELMA: (Looks worried) Mr. Corven what are you doing?

FREDDY CORVEN: Uncovering the Imposter...

Freddy Corven grabs the police Officer by his face.


Freddy Corven unmasks the Police Officer.

FREDDY CORVEN: You see? he's not a police officer...

All the gang looks surprise.


VELMA: The Chameleon of all burglars!

Ziggy begins to run.

SHAGGY: Like he's getting away Man!


FREDDY CORVEN: I don't think so...

Freddy C. takes one of the covers from one of the tires of the police car. Throws it at Ziggy, the tire cover hits Ziggy in the legs and makes him fall to the ground.



SHAGGY: (Turns to look at Scooby) Like well at least this time we were not used as Bait, Huh Scoob...

SCOOBY: Reah (Giggles).

DAPHNE: (Smiles) No Shaggy, we still need someone that
                   can take care Ziggy while we call the Chief....

SHAGGY: Like here we go again Men.

SCOOBY: (Covers his face) Reah rere re arain.

We hear the laughs of the rest of the gang off camera. -CUT SCENE: We see the front of the Malt Shop, the Mystery Machine and Freddy Coven's Ferrari are parked outside. The camera ZOOMS IN at the Malt Shop until we can see inside of the Malt Shop. We see them at a table in this order; first Shaggy and Scooby, Freddy Corven, Velma, Daphne and finally Fred. Shaggy and Scooby are eating sandwiches and the rest of the Gang and Freddy Corven are drinking Malt Shakes.

VELMA: How did you know that the Police Officer was a fake?

FREDDY JONES: Yeah neither of us noticed it, except you...

FREDDY CORVEN: It's very simple guys, when the police officer called....

While Freddy C. talks Scooby puts a drinking straw in Freddy Coven's glass that has chocolate malt shake.

FREDDY CORVEN: ...for back up I notice that he had illuminate paint in his hands...

VELMA: Which means that he can be the ghost...


Scooby has almost finished Freddy Coven's malt shake.

FREDDY CORVEN: But not only that, when I saw his badge I notice
                                     that the Numbers were wrong, the police serial
                                     numbers never start with zero.

SHAGGY: (Talks with some food in his mouth) Like very clever Man,
                   (Passes the Food that he has in his mouth) there's one thing that
                   I still don't understand.

VELMA: What Shaggy?

SHAGGY: Like what was Ziggy doing with that Ghost Cover?

FREDDY CORVEN: Ziggy was falsificating money. That was the reason
                                    for those weird machines that we saw in that room
                                    under the trap door.

SHAGGY: Like Oh.

We see Scooby drinking the last drop of Chocolate in Freddy Corven's glass.

SCOOBY: Rum, Rum. (Sounds like he has hiccups)...

FREDDY JONES: (Blows his nose) I have to admit it, you make a
                                very good leader Mr. Corven, I think you can be
                                perfect to replace me in the next 5 episodes....

FREDDY CORVEN: Thanks Fred, but I ...

Freddy C. is just about to drink from his glass and it is empty.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Looks angry) Hey! Who took my beer?


Suddenly Scooby's hiccups get worse and he has a very funny look on his face.

FREDDY CORVEN: (Turns to look at Scooby with a surprised face) Scooby!

DAPHNE: Jeepers!


SHAGGY: (Looks at Scooby) Like now I have seen everything Man...

SCOOBY: (Laughs and turns to look at the camera) Scooby, Hicc Dooby
                   Hicc Hicc Doooooooo Hicc. (Smiles).


The Scene begins to Fade Out in the view of Scooby Doo smiling at the Camera. The original Scooby Doo song starts with the original Titles from the 1960's series but with some takes out of this Story.


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