Stories About Bugz

This part of the website is about stories that I have about bugz. These stories are dramatized! I think that means that I have to make it good for TV. I don't know... All of these stories are dated, so you can know about how long ago some weird bug thing happened.


I don't really know this dog all that well, but shes pretty sweet. Her name is Bailey and my brother just adopted her. Her breath fucking STINKS. I don't really have a bug story about her, but I'm sure that shes gonna eat one eventually and I'm gonna see that happen. Dogs are fucking gross and eat their own doo doo. Of course Shes gonna eat a bug... Sick ass bitch.


So, this is not a picture that I took, despite the excellent quality that only someone like me could take. This is a picture that my girlfriend sent me to give context to this story (yeah I have a girlfriend ya fucking losers). Anyways. She told me that this little piece of shit was biting her in her sleep dreams. She felt it! she sait it hurt. Stag Beetles can not bite you, but I bet those horns would be pretty uncomfortable if they got ya in the right spot! She said that when she woke up, she still kinda felt it and was super itchy!! That's so weird. I had sleep paralysis for awhile where a ghost lady was coming after me.
she would press me in to the bed
she would tell me that i was meant for more
she would hold me down until i would have to litteraly shake myself free
Shes gone now though! I don't know where the heck she went. Anyways, thats such a weird dream that my girlfriend had...


This pretty girl is Sugg... Or Shugg.. I don't fucking know how my friends spell her name. She's a fuckinging weirdo, but I've never seen her eat any bugz. Ses a good girl, but shes still really nasty because she puts her butt in my face all the time like a weirdo. Shes nice, unlike her sister, Sushi Cat. She's a dick and doesn't like to be touched mostly unless shes in a special mood.

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