I wrote this on Wednesday, September 2nd 1998 after a very unusaul day at school.

The Chalenges of Life

Today, my entire life changed just from giving one single oral report. It was a scary situation, to say the least, but I made it trough a stronger person. I could have dwelled on how bad it was and been miserable, but instead I overcame it and made it a positive experience.

We all face challenges in our lives every day (many of them are MUCH greater than an oral report). When something tragic or scary happens, we can dwell on it and even let it take us away from our lives and other people, or we can find the courage inside us to overcome it and become a stronger person. Bad things happen, but not without purpose. All things, no matter how bad, can work out for the good. It is our choice. We can choose to dwell on the negative or find the positive and, in focusing on that, help people.

One woman lost her child to a drunk driver, so she formed M.A.D.D. She could have done nothing and just dwelled on the pain, but instead she moved forward and helped countless people. She realized that if she let herself die, in the sense that she fell away from the entire world, that her son would have died in vain. So, she chose to help others, even total strangers. She made a positive difference in the world by simply choosing to live and help people. You need only believe, and all things become possible.

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