Mary Johnson - Page Three

From: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Get in touch.
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 01:20:32 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Ima,

Grettings to you!got your email and all you said was noted.I will like to let you know that I have even gone to the security company`s office to lay this complain and they said that they can not allow that. [Umm, you're in Nigeria and they are in Holland - how the fuck did you manage that, superman! I'm going to call you up on that, when it is advantageous to do so.]

Please I will like you to follow their instructions so that you can meet with them by tomorrow since you have booked your flight to holland.

I am really pleading with you so that they can meet with you at the air port with a sign board with your name boldly written on it.

Please I will like you to get back to me regarding this issue so that I will know if you are still going tomorrow or not.

Thank you for all your understanding.


Barrister Charles.

From: "Ima Choad"
To: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Get in touch.
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 06:06:30 -0700 (PDT)

Here's the bottom line, Charles:

If I get in any way nervous about the situation at the airport, I will run straight back and get on the next flight home!

I do not like this at all...� Never in my entire professional career (spanning several decades, now) have I ever seen such a circus with respect to getting some indication of competentancy from a so-called security agency.

If they had simply done what I had simply requested, then I would not be worried about carrying so much cash on my person.

Quite frankly, I do not think you have done your job effectively, Charles, you should have demanded that they follow the simple request.� After all, what is Mary paying you for?

It is not too late for them to send that photo, I will have�wireless email access at the airport, as well as the new strapless internet protocol that my laptop computer�can do�(which�gives me up-lifting support�in-flight for short durations).� A simple photograph of the person meeting me, holding the exact, same board with my full name on it, just like they promise to hold up at the airport - this would alleviate all fears that I have of finding them quickly enough.

Their job si to provide security, not conciously put their clientelle through traumatic situations, just because they could not be bothered to be helpful and want to make up vague, insipid rules to cover their ineptitude. [I am positive that words like insipid and ineptitude go over this fool's head - like pearls before swine...]


From: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: All is well.
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 05:33:59 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Ima, Got your email and all you said was noted.I am writing to let you know that I discussed all this issue with Mrs.Mary and she is really pleading with you to please coperate with the security company so that you can tarvel to holland to clear this consignments containing the funds from them so that it will not accomulate more demurrage cost.

I have told you earlier on that Mr.Roland is a very nice erson that you will even learn to like when you see him.He is going to be of great help to you when you arrive holland.

All you need do now is just to email him and make him know when you will be arriving holland so that he will meet with you at the airport to pick you up.He even made me to understand that they have been picking up their client through this medium and nothing happens to them that they are suprise that you are afraid.Most of their client comes with as much as $30,000. [Yeah, right, when the limit is carrying $10K in cash - I can't wait to use that as an excuse...]

I will like you to do all this so that we can finanlise everything about this transaction as soon as possible.

I hope to hear from you as soon as you have emailed them on your arrival date.

Best regards,

Barrister charles.

From: "Ima Choad"
To: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: All is well.
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 06:54:12 -0700 (PDT)

All is not well, Charles: [Damn right, the hubris of the man trying to convince me with a trite statement like that!]

Roland is not a nice man because if he truly were, he would have the common decency to spend two minutes taking a photo and sending it to me so that I would not be so scared.

I have travelled enough to know that Amsterdam is one of the most dangerous airports in the Western world; I re-iterate that the first sign of danger and I am out of there.

I cannot stress strongly enough that it is not too late for one of his staff to do the right thing and send me that photoraph.� I do not care if other people have gone there with $30,000 without any sense of security - I am just a small, middle-aged woman and would not stand a chance against some "ruffian".� If it were any more cash than what I am already taking, then I would not do it, Mary or no Mary.


From: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Reply [Is this a statement or a request?]
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 06:12:35 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Ima,

Got your email.Please I will like to know what is on your mind regarding this transaction so that i will know what to do.If you are no more intersted I will like you to send to me a letter of disclaimer so that we will look for another beneficiary.


Barrister charles.

From: "Ima Choad"
To: "Customerservice" <[email protected]>
Subject: I am still coming on Wednesday, Roland
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 07:09:59 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Roland:

As I have stressed to Mr Charles, in Africa, several times now, at the first sign of danger at the airport, I am fleeing for my life.

I am terribly upset that you do not have the common decency to alleviate the fears of a small, defenceless, middle-aged lady.� I am only going ahead with this for the sake of a negative terminally ill woman.

Remember, it is not too late for you to do the right thing and send a photograph of the person who will be collecting me.� That person should hold up the sign with my full (Ima Choad) name on it so that I can commit it to memory and find them in an instant.

I do not believe that there is any harm to your company by doing so and feel that you are simply a lazy, arrogant man who just could not be bothered to make sure that a visitor from another land (carrying a large amount of cash) will be safe.� You are simply not doing your job; you are supposed to be a security company so why not ensure that I will be secure by expediting my ability to find your staff member as quickly as possible.� I think seeing your member would be advantageous.� If I know what your staff looks like in advance, I will be able to get a better grip!

Amsterdam in one of the most dangerous airports in the Western world, how the heck do you think I can feel safe when I will not be able to instantaneously spot your upright, at attention, fellow?� Just do the right thing and send me that photo and I will finally feel safe and would get an urge to bolt at the first indication of a hazard...

Ima Choad.

PS: The flight itinerary still stands; I don't have the details at hand but you can look it up (ask the deacon, if in doubt, he has the details as well). [I'll be buggered if I am going to waste any of my precious time doing stuff to help you.]

From: "Ima Choad"
To: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 14:11:30 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Charles:

For a barrister, you are not the brightest bulb in the XMas decoration, are you?� I have said multiple times now that I am going (actually on my way as we speak) BUT at the first sign of a mugger, or the like, I am high-tailing it back to the States.

Roland should have supplied a photo so I would not be so jittery...


From: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 05:40:52 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Ima,

Since you said that you are no more interested I will like you to send to me a letter of disclaimer so that I will know that you are no more the beneficiary.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you,

Barrister Charles.

[Well, I believe that the time for my going to Amsterdam has come and gone.]

From: "Ima Choad"
To: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 07:11:57 -0700 (PDT)


What the hell are you on?� Did you not read my last THREE emails?� I went to Amsterdam!

That inept excuse for a consignment security official, Roland, did not turn up (or, if he did, then he was late...)

I waited and looked around but there was noone with a sign with my name on it.� Then some smelly old hobo on a red and black striped (hole ridden and somewhat charred?) sweater comes up to me and says his name is Mr Kreuger and would I like him to be the man of my dreams.� Well, as you can expect, I paniced and got on the very next plane home.� I had to pay for 1st class, rather than business class because I was in such a hurry.

I have travelled all over the world and there has only been one time that I have been that scared - I was in Rome and some late middle-aged man (quite well dressed and respectable looking but with a strange, if not evil, glint in his eye) came up to me in the main piazza and asked if he could have me for dinner.� I was, I admit, a touch curious and flattered but the way he kept muttering about lima beans and chianti put the fear of the ever-after in me so I ran away.

Now, you and that clown in Holland have some explaining to do!� Is this some joke that you play on unsuspecting American women?� If so, how dare you?� I wasted�precious time and good money on booking a flight and accomodation I never needed.

Why do you keep on harping about not following through?� I said time and time again that I was scared but still going and then nobody had even the common courtesy to try to allay my fears or come and collect me...

Furthermore, what is this rot about a letter of disclaimer?� By *your* insistence, we have both kept this hush-hush and told noone; there is *no* paperwork so why would I have to write some stupid letter?� Do you even know what you are doing?

If, by some remote control chance, that you are actually serious about this and it was not merely some inane prank, I will still go back to Holland.� I am only doing this for Mary as I have no regards for the likes of either you or this arrogant Roland fellow.� Neither of you has given me the time of day.

BUT, this time we do it completely on *my* terms!� I demand a photograph of whoever will pick me up from the airport.� In the photo, they will hold up the sign with my full name on it, Ima Choad.� When I have a clear photo of this, then I will book another flight back to Amsterdam.

I am sick of talking to that loser Roland; you relay this information to him [Read that I am too lazy to repeat myself.] (after all, you are getting paid big money and do nothing to actually earn it).� He also owes me an apology and you are lucky that I am good-hearted enough not to keep the $1000 to help pay for my wasted trip, when Western Union refund me.

I actually lost well over $3500 with wasted airfare and accomodation - and this does not include money lost from not working for my charity whilst I wasted time on your fool's errand!

You better make this up to me,

From: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 11:34:19 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Ima,

Got your mail and all you said was noted.I will like to make you know that you caused everything that did not make this transaction materialised. [You rude bastard!] You were making things difficult for both myself and Mr.Roland in Holland.

Well if you said you went to holland and went back it is only God that knows all.If you are insisting that they send you their picture that means you are not willing to do this transaction anymore so just let me know once and for all.

Hope to hear from you soon

Barrister Charles.

From: "Ima Choad"
To: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 16:00:14 -0700 (PDT)

How dare you, you rude little man! [You tell him, Ima!]

I still believe that this is all merely a joke to you and that Roland character...

After all, there was *noone* to meet me and all I have has met with resistance when asking for a simple photo to ease my worry about carrying so much cash.� Put yourself in my place for one second you arrogant cretin; I am a small, middle-aged lady in a strange foreign place which is universally known for its criminal element.� If you were me, you would want a photo to ensure that everything when smoothly, also.

I simply ran for my life!� It is Roland (and to a lesser extent you) that interferred by not facilitating a safe passage for me.� I always try to ensure that all of my passages remain safe and that I always use protection.

Let me make this clear to you ONE MORE TIME, as it does not seem to be sinking into your feeble excuse of a brain.� I STILL WANT TO HELP MARY but now insist on that photo for the sake of my security.� IF A PHOTO WITH MY FULL NAME IS NOT PROVIDED, then that is simply proof that you and Rollie-Pollie sitting in his Dutch oven are THE ONES WHO ARE NOT SERIOUS.

Do *not* even try to dare to put this back on me; after all, I am the one who is out of pocket by many thousands of dollars.� What have either of you done?� Absolutely nothing...� No please get your cummulative acts together, act like real men, and do the right thing so that WE CAN FINISH THIS TRANSACTION!

Now please excuse me as I have to remove all of this negative energy and angry hostility from my body with my internal tantric massage techniques and phallus exercises.

Yours in resuscitation,

From: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 02:03:57 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Ima,

Got your mail.It is like you do not understand what I am saying to you.I want you to understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE for Mr.Roland to send the photograph of his worker to you.He made me to understand that if you want to come to holland that you should make them know so that they will pick you up at the airport.

You have been travelling before and at the air port you see people holding board with names on it locating who they want to pick from the airport,will your own case be a different one?ypu look at it yourself.

If you are still willing to help mary as you have said I will like you to do as the have said so that you can go back to holland to clear this consignments from them by next week.

You should also know that we are not joking.We are talkng about $10million USD. [Funny, it was $20M in the original letter.] I will like to hear from you so that I will know what next to do.

Thank You,

Barrister Charles.

From: "Ima Choad"
To: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 05:54:29 -0700 (PDT)

Charlie, you are a buffoon... [Yep, time to get tough, I reckon.]

You just don't get it, do you?� I tried it their way and it did not work.� There was NO ONE there with my name on a placard.

I just don't understand why this securty agency is so "magical" that it cannot simply take a photo of a staff member, holding up the same sign they are supposed to already have, and send it to me.� What, they don't trust me?� I am the one taking a risk with many thousands on my bodily possession, not them!

Now, listen and listen good, Chuck.� I call the shots as I am the one taking the risk - no more Miss Nice Buddhist.� You get your proverbial finger out and organise this.� You get paid a significant salary to sort stuff like this out and all you do is run around like a tow-bit hussy when the sailors come to town.� Why not actually attempt to earn your keep by getting this Roland fool's boss on the phone and talk some sense into them?

Never use the word impossible - nothing is impossible (not even David Hasselhofff being a singig star in Germany or Jerry Lewis considered funny in France).� Bottom line is that there is no legitimate reason for them not to provide me that photograph.

Hey, I already wasted a trip; if this is so important to you, why not get on a plane yourself and personally meet me at Amsterdam?� Just don't forget that if you do, I need you to provide the photo of yourself, holding "Ima Choad" on a sign as I no longer remember what you look like.

I can hear it already - "I am too busy", moans Mr Big-Shot barrista.� Well then why not send one of your lackeys in your stead? [Covers the situation of "Charlie" being the lackey in the photo he sent.]

Repugnantly, [I have been using weird words to sign off for ages now; doesn't this fellow have any modicum of curiosity and use an on-line dictionary?]

From: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 11:43:17 -0700 (PDT)

Please do not email me again. [Ooh, poory bubby is going to sulk now...]

From: "COQUE"
To: "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Reply
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 16:44:33 -0700 (PDT)

Listen Charlie Brown: [I figure that scamming this scammer has pretty much come to an end, so I may as well get my digs in while I still can.]

I just knew you were not serious and that this was all merely a joke to you.

Imagine, a lawyer who just sits around and does nothing - name one thing you actually did to futher this, so-called, transaction.� I did all of the leg work whilst you simply sat on your fat, pimply arse and scratched your scrote.

You were supposed to be a liaison; the only thing you liaised was your genitals with your hand.� I have a good mind to get you dis-barred.� I know you love sitting there playing with your bar so taking it away from you would be the greatest punishment.

BTW, when you said not to mail your any more, am I to take it that you no longer care for the $1000?� I will now give it to my favourite charity (Wild Boys Afloat [Wild Boys Afloat, as you can well imagine, is a harbour cruise venture where men take their clothes off.] - which looks afer orphaned children from shipwrecks).

Look, I am a forgiving person so if you get your act together and keep this transaction alive, I will still go on.


[I decide to step this up a notch and contact the original Mary persona.]

From: "COQUE"
To: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 16:49:02 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Mary, you still kicking?: [How delightfully insensitive this is...]

That lawyer you employed is nothing but a shyster and is not taking this seriously. Drop him like a bad case of crabs and go find yourself a real man who does not just sit in his office and play with himself, all day.

I have always treated your situation as my #1 priority but Charles is simply farting around like an excited old gay man with no anal retentiveness left.

When you either slap that mofo in line or get a better legal representative, get back to me...

Ima Choad.

[Just to add salt to the wound, I also contact the Roland persona again. If this goes badly, I will tell Roland that the cargo is worth $20M and he should keep it himself, just for a laugh. This means I have now sent three emails to what is, most likely, the same mugu - all from different perspectives. I wonder if he will be able to keep everything straight in his head?]

From: "COQUE"
To: "Customerservice" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Collection of consignment.
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 17:04:54 -0700 (PDT)

Yo, Wacko Jacko:

Are Chuckie-poo and you bum buddies, or something?� Do you guys visit each other, sit around and circle jerk instead of getting your work done, perhaps...

Anyway, I don't care about your torrid love affair (live and let live, I always say).� BUT... how about you two let go of each other and get serious now?

This is an infirm, dying woman in Africa who wants her keepsakes and momentos back; [You notice how Charles originally said he told Roland it was a single gold bar, or some shit, and nobody ever corrects me when I go from saying kitchen utensils to books, etc?] your nonsense is stopping that from happening.� I have relied on Charles to to contact you about this but maybe he is at fault and just skinning his salami too much, instead.

That Nwafe character loves spanking the monkey too much, I fear.� So I would not put it past him that this is all of his fault and not your doing, anyway.

To recap: I went to Amsterdam and nobody was there.� I will give you the benefit of the doubt and presume that your rep either get mislaid or was simply tardy.� I laid a miss once, but that story is for another time...� Anyhow, I was nearly accosted by some smell, strange man so fled back to the US - this is exactly what I feared would happen.

This is why I now insist on getting the photo first before I book another flight, etc (I lost a lot of money wasting time and accomodation last time but it is not the money that matters to me, simply the fact that I was scared out of my wits).

I feel that this mercy mission is too important to let slide.� In short, there is no reason not to send me that photo (don't forget to have them hold up the sign with my full, Ima Choad, name in it so that I can find them straight away.� Should be no problem as that sign already exists from the last time someone tried to pick me up, right?� Keep the photographic image large and clear so I can be sure of the detail and finding the right man).

Trying to get picked up by the right man has been the story of my extensive life, so trust me that I know what I am talking about...� There is too much at stake here for mistrust, I will return the photo when I am collected and I am the one demonstrating so much trust by carrying so much cash.

Respectfully full of it,
Ima Choad.

From: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>
Subject: greeting to you /get back to me
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 10:42:39 +0100 (BST)

greeting to you ima choad,
i am sorry that i reply back to you lately i am so sorry for that is due to my health attention.
BARRISTER CHARLES NWAFE get back to me and told me that is you that dont want to corportae or follow thw proceedure choad,
i want you to know some thing that i have a limit time and i am praying to God for more life.
he told me that you have at the first place to send $1000 dollars to him that you are not serious with it� that you play him on that and secondly that you travel to holland with out is been inform and said you get there and see nobody and get back.
Dear choad,i want you to know that if BARRISTER CHARLES any thing from my instruction i will l put the consequences on him. [Ooh, maybe some evil voodoo black magic?]
i ant you to get back to him and follow the proceedure and i will assure� you that every thing is going to be alright now ok and i want you to please used this money for the reaching out to the less priveledge so that i can have the reward in heaven i beg you for this in the name of God and at the same time every stempo going on you will be reaching me back and from him also i will be informed .
thanks my Dear.
mary johnson

From: "COQUE"
To: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: greeting to you /get back to me
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 03:57:02 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Mary, peas be with you...

How have you bean?� I should tell you direct from the whores's mouth what has happened.

Barrister Charles is a fool.� I tried to send him $1000 and, through no fault of my own, got duped by a criminal elvis impersonator at the local LA branch of Western Union. [In hindsight, I regret not thinking of making that Onion.]� WU is currently investigating the case and as soon as they find something out, they will tell me and I shall forward that info on to him.� I am sure that I will get the money refunded and then I can try to send it to Mr Nwafe again.

I tried to organise the trip to Amsterdam to collect the consignment, as requested.� Now, I told both Charlie and that dingus colleague of his, Jackson Roland, at the Holland security agency my itinerary both neither seemed to pay any attention.

Furthermore, I repeatedly requested that Rollie, or his representative, forward on a photo of themself (holding the sign of my full name, Ima Choad, that they should have) so that I will immediately recognise them at the aerodrome.� Now, as a fellow woman, I am sure you know how intimidating and scary foreign places can be - especially when requested to carry a large amount of cash.� All that I wanted was a sense of security that I would be able to find out the person picking me up in no time flat.

All I received were excuses.� Frankly, I don't know what you are paying that Mwafe mook but it is too much!� He did not lift a finger to do anything and simply sucked up to his pal Jacko on the whole thing rather than admit to the sense that I was talking.

Anyway, I forged on,�for your sake,�and went to Holland and there was nobody to greet me; a stranger tried to accost me and I got scared and run all the way back home (wouldn't you?)� I wasted airfare and booked accomodation.� Whilst I threatened that I should keep the money originally intended for Charles as partial payment and retribution for not helping, I repeatedly said that I would forward on the payment when the dust of WU saga had settled.

Finally, I stated categorically to both shyster Nwafe and his poo-pal Jackson that I would go back to Amsterdam immediately but AFTER I RECEIVED A LARGE, CLEAR PHOTO OF THE PERSON WHO WOULD MEET ME AT THE AIRPORT GATE, HOLDING THE SIGN OF MY FULL NAME (IMA CHOAD).

I sincerely hope this letter clears the air between us,

PS: Don't believe that lying snake in the ass, Nwafe as I have all of the emails between Charles, Roland and I�since the time we originally began to organise the trip; they prove without even a remote shadow of a doubt that I did everything I said�I would and that those two clowns simply did nothing at all to help and/or alleviate the reasonable and rational rose of fears blossoming in my mind about my personal safety.

[I shall now wait a few days and then tell Roland Jackson that Mary said to release the photo - after all, he will find it hard to deny that she said it, won't he?]

[How about we poke a not-so gentle stick into the mugu cage?]

From: "COQUE"
To: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>, "Charles Nwafe" <[email protected]> [Two birds, one stone...]
Subject: Still waiting for your reply...
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 20:32:36 -0700 (PDT)

Do you guys still want my help or not?� I have not seen any action on this issue for several weeks, now...

I'm sure time is fast running out, here, so why not get this thing wrapped up ASAP?

Kind regards,

From: "COQUE"
To: "Customerservice" <[email protected]>
Subject: Still waiting for your reply...
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 20:39:16 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Roland:

Mary (the poor, dying woman we are do this for, remember?) siad that you should just send me that photo so we can get this over and done with, before the poor lass buys the farm.

Her acute camel toe is highly infectious now so I don't think she has long to go, at all.


From: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>
Subject: follow the proceedure of my lawyer and the security company
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 17:00:12 +0100 (BST)

Dear ima,
i too fortunate for mew to check my mail and discover you have sent me an email,
i am sorry for the delay in reply back to you i must tell you i have been from� the start and gettting to the vuttom the only way i can see that you can make this thing round up is that you have to follow the proceedure of the security company demand and request from you� and i must tell you you are helping me to get this money from the security compnay is not for my uses this moneys is mine and i want you to use nthis money for the less priveldge there next to you so that i can gain more mercy from God in heaven what can i do with the money i cant tell right now the money is not usefull to me but to help people i want you to get back to my lawyer and tell him� that you are ready to take on the proceedure from the security company and also travel to holland to claim this consignment and you must let them know your movement before you travel to holland not the act of last time you travel with out there notice.
i will like to hear from you again .
God bless you. amen
mary johnson

From: "COQUE"
To: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: follow the proceedure of my lawyer and the security company
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 09:18:13 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Mary:

You must understand that I went to great expense to fly to Holland before and Roland from the security company was either not there to meet me or I could not find him.� This time around, I want that photo before I go so that I will at least have a chance of locating him when I get to Amsterdam (again).

I have tried so hard to be helpful to you but, unfortunately, your barista and the security fellow have not really tried at all.� I was nearly mugged at the airport last time I tried to go and those fellows don't even seem to care.

I am sorry but I think I shall have to rely upon you to talk some sense into those two...� I have tried and tried and only ended up with a sore head from hitting it against their continual stone-walling.

Thanks in advance,

From: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>
Subject: follow the proceedure of my lawyer and the security company [Don't ask me why they removed the Re:, but they did.]
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 12:46:02 +0100 (BST)

dear ima,
am very sorry about all that happen to you last time at the amsterdam airport.i� tried my best to let follow your instruction but they keep on telling is due to there own security that they never do so thing out of there proceedure that they work on proceedure .
i was told by my lawyer that all they can do is that notify whyen you will land at the amsterdam airport and one of there staff will hold a sign board in his hand with your name wirtting on it boldly for your identificatiin and security .
ima i want you to follow this proceedure and i know after it every thing will work out good is my joy to hear from them and you that you have the consignment i will be the� happiest person on heart atleast to have a know this for good that i am in good position to help even at this stage of mine so i want you to mailmy lawyer and tell� him that you asre reay to go to holland this time with notification from the security company.
ima i must tell you it is my joy to hear you have the consignmnet and do all i have instructed you to do with the money becsaue right now there were lot of delay now that i may wanted to change my mind for another person of you dont follow this proceedure because right now i dont there is nothing i can do to make tyhem to change there mind not to follow there proceedure as a company.
God bless you ima
mary johnson

[Christ, what will it take for it to sink in that I am not going without another piccie?]

From: "COQUE"
To: "mary johnson" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: follow the proceedure of my lawyer and the security company
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 08:18:14 -0700 (PDT)


I am telling you that I was nearly accosted and most likely would have lost my life if�I had not been quick thinking last time I was at the airport.

Quite frankly, if it were not an important cause and if it were not for helping you, there is no way in the wide, screaming�hell of lower abdominal pain that I would even step foot back in that horrible country!

There is no reason for the security company to have their policy - no other place makes up BS rules like that, so I don't accept that they should be able to...� The best bet may be to get them to ship it to another consignment agency who will act sensibly and consider their clients.� I will pay for the transfer; the new consignment mob can "buy out" the previous one and simply add it to the bill.

As soon as�some cosnignment agency starts making sense and shows some due diligence for its customers, then I will drop everything and be on the very next plane back for you.



Last Update: 04/07/2004

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