ESPN Magazine Playing card decks

Issued in four(?) different color decks. Each deck contains images of the covers of the ESPN Magazine. The same photo is on each of the number's (i.e. all the Aces are the same photo).
Jokes are generic ESPN logos.
Black Deck (Issues 1-13):
A: Michael Jordan
2: Manning and Leaf
3: Deion Sanders
4: Phil Jackson (MJ in background)
5: Karl Malone
6: Ken Griffy Jr.
7: Terrell Davis
8: Mark McGuire
9: Kobe Bryant et al.
10: Michael Jordan
J: Shaquille O'neal
Q: Jason Kidd, (hockey player)
K: Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa

Red Deck:
White Deck:
Grey Deck: