Here Are Other Links To Inform You On The Earth Conspiracy

IncuBLOGula News pages. Now you can get the news you need in this dimensional planeof existance.Conspiracies that are now Facts.

Rick Wiles web site: American Freedom News...Get the stories the Mainstream Media will not or can not report due to Elitist control.


The information contained here has the potential to "Shatter" all of your current "Belief Systems" so be prepared. Not ALL the information on this web site is "Absolutely True". The "Absolute Truth" is different to different people. It is up to you to do your own research and to "Stop Buying Into Belief Systems". All the information contained here does NOT necessarily reflect my personal "Belief Systems", although my own are made up of many of the "Truths" found here on this site.This is "", find info on the Elite system that we have been brought up to except as truth.

Top Secret Links from links to the New World Order scams and other earth conspiracies that need to be known to the general public.

If your in the military or just want to be informed of the conspriacies of the armed forces, then go here: Military Corruption "Fighting for the Truth....Exposing the Currupt" learn of the scams in the military you might not know is going on.

The Millennium Group is organized to create an unbiased outlet for scientific research and critical thinking. Our goal is Truth, however we do acknowledge the difficulties in attaining such a lofty destination. We respect tradition only as much as it assists us in our quest and does not hinder the journey toward our chosen goal. We believe that the right to curiosity and the knowledge it produces cannot be compromised by personal agendas or secret combinations. We stand for team work, honesty, integrity, critical review, and pure democratic convention. We place value in the information itself, not in the acclamations given to the source of such information. Finally, we believe in the power of open honest communication.

"Created by a former agent of LAPD narcotics, this site examines the double game of the U.S. government in its policy of a war on drugs and exposes, with the support of documents, the involvement of the CIA in the drug traffic�. You will find there a variety of files on various subjects consisting of analyses and reports, news stories, a list of publications and a monthly newsletter. " LMD Sept - Oct, 2000 Our stories have been picked up by the AP and our site has been visited more than once by the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Welcome! - Mike Ruppert

The Missing 13th Amendment "TITLES OF NOBILITY" AND "HONOR"

DEFRAUDING AMERICA:Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA, and Other Covert Agencies.

DRUGGING AMERICA:A Trojan Horse.The government's arrogant and sham war-on-drugs. People in key positions in all three branches of the federal government are implicated in the hoax inflicted upon the American people.

National Security Archives. . is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals.

Here a Web Page I came across:TOP SECRECT PROJECTS. Covers alot of different subjects

Welcome to Conspiracy Net... Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but we've both been a little busy, and unfortunately that seems to be the way it's gonna stay - but we will update when we can. In the meantime, keep the contributions coming in, along with any comment and suggestions. If you want your theory to be published immediately, put it on the Message Board, And for those of you who requested more well-researched, serious conspiracies, take a look at our new category, dedicated to articles by Barry Chamish on the situation in the Middle East. It's good stuff...

This is the Truth Behind our Modern day Technologies...Go here and Read the Origin of the TRANSISTOR, A Device that gave us Everything we have today...Is It An Alien Device From A Crashed Space or Dimensional Craft That Accured In 1947 outside of Roswell N.M.??

for the archives "Click Here"

Crystalinks: Conspiracies and Mystery Schools-Here you can find info on Chemtrails,MIBs,Area51,Black Helicopters,HAARP,Free Masons,Illuminatti,Golden Dawn, and more...

This web page gives info on the government Conspiracies with other countries

Walter Burien's Web site. Find out how the U.S. governments(Federal, State, and Local) have been skimming off Billions of our tax dollars in every city, every town down to the water treatment and street departments. Find out about CAFR's(Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports). Get informed, then take action.

Summary of many True Conspiracies on Money, One World Government, Education, Banks, Suppressed Inventions, Energy, Wars, Globalization, Free Trade, Privatization, the Illuminati, the Work Force & Much More "True"

This is Miriam Joan Hill and Robert Anton Wilson's Encyclopedia of Conspiracies Home Page.

Parascope conspiracy webpage.

Find expanded knowledge on conspiracy, patriotism, astronomy, the paranormal ,anti-gravity and over-unity related subjects here.

The Paradigm Web Planetary Paradigms, Paradigm Shifting and the Paradigm Conspiracy, and Why Our Social Systems Violate Human Potential and How We Can Change Them.

Above Top Secret "The truth starts here."


Conspiracy Nation

The A-Z of Conspiracy As everyone knows, we are never allowed to know who is really controlling our lives/the country/the world. But is this knowledge a dangerous thing? To clear up this question beyond reasonable doubt Life provides a comprehensive guide to the theoretical corridors and sinister back offices in which true power (and general paranoia) may (or may not) lie.

ALIENSHIFT web site--
World GOV Bases and Colonies on MARS Since 1962! See the 1 minute 20 second video of the first landing on Mars and the discovery of life there.
One thing we never thought that the atmosphere on MARS be exactly same as the earth.
Alternative 3 is about: Survival and migration of certain percentage of humans like the cream of the crop or corruption or may be both to MARS before the Pole Shift and the future Cataclysm on the Earth!
William Cooper continues with his report by stating: "...A symposium was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the great scientific minds then living. They reached the conclusion that by, or shortly after, the year 2000 the planet WOULD self-destruct due to increased population and man's exploitation of the environment WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM GOD OR THE ALIENS.

Alternative One:
Elimination of a huge portion of world population
. They are in the process of doing that. If they are not able to execute population thinning, it will be blamed on acts of terrorism.

Alternative Two:
To build many underground bunkers, as large as small towns, to protect the Shadow government in seclusion until the surface population thinning was finished.
They have built over 200 such "underground cities".

Alternative 3:
To build a "transfer station" on the backside of the Moon, build an underground base on Mars and remove a certain limited "Noah's Ark" cross section of Earth's population, artists, scientists, engineers, writers, etc., to Mars as a survival colony in the event of "catastrophy" on Earth.

Pictures of Vegetation and water on Mars. Yes... NASA's own pictures. You be the Judge of what you'er seeing.

Click Here To View Mars pictures of Life

A film produced by Anglia Television. Alternative 3: Here you can download the show in 4 parts. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD THESE REAL PLAYER FILES Of Alternative 3.

This Site "Mars-Earth" has info on the roots of the human race and other data of possible bio-engineering.

The Mars Records
Clearing sessions with a biofeedback meter where a man regained hidden memories of military service on Mars, Time travel, Killing with Remote Viewing, Mind control, and Military and Alien Abductions.
Then read Pat's Story. About How Pat's membership in a military cadet program led to Military Abductions and the suppressing of Psychic Abilities
1) the discovery that alters can be activated by breath and
(2) evidence that reptilians have a base, or a tunnel leading to a base, under more than 90% of hospitals and some morgues. They use this to gain access to the bodies in the hospital for the purpose of harvesting hormones.

A-albionic Research: Articles, Book/Back Issue Catalogs, Ruling Class/Conspiracy Research

Don't Believe the Hype Ben's Links to Alternative News and Political Resources

Lots of infomation on the chemical make-up of those chemtrails. Are they putting additives in the Jet Fuel that can cause sickness in the general population?"CHEMTRAIL CRIMES and COVER UP DOCUMENTED".

Muddle through Watcher's conspiracy overview .... then view the rest of our ufo alien / nephilim / angel conspiracy website.

This is not a conspiracy theory site. This site contains only conspiracy facts. RIE: Alternative Physics and Conspiracy.

On this page you will find where the government has failed. The indictments on this page are not against the American Government, they are against the individuals responsible for these abuses. Many times throughout our history we have had people elected or appointed over us which didn't even possess the basics of humanity. They often felt they were beyond the same laws we live by.

Biblical conspiraciest against the New World Order and the Illuminati. Tex Marrs's website.

The Constitution Society is a private non-profit organization dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government. It publishes documentation, engages in litigation, and organizes local citizens groups to work for reform. This is a solution website.

THIRD WORLD TRAVELER republishes magazine articles and book excerpts that offer an alternative view to the corporate media about the state of democracy in America, and about the impact of the policies of the United States' government, transnational corporations, international trade and financial institutions, and the corporate press, on democracy, human rights and social and economic justice,in the Third World, and in the United States.

The Planned One World Government: Conspiracy of the Illuminati

Virgin, Utah is a model community for large towns and big cities alike. The Virgin City Council and citizenry have made Virgin a friendly place to live for those who support the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Keep this Country Sovereign!..Join American Sovereign on shortwave and on the internet today..

Media Research: Bringing Political Balance and Responsiblity back to the Media. Go here and find the truth the Main Stream Media will not or can not say.

Here is website,which covers everything from Y2K1 preparedness,Micro-broadcasting,Government scams,to the lost of your personal freedoms."Harvest Trust"Visit today and get Informed

The John Birch Society-hold to values and beliefs that are generally shared by both moderate conservatives and far-right extremist--the Judeo-Christian sexual code,the theory of fair markets, and the special glory of the U.S. Constitution, etc.

This is Leading Edge Research's top or index page. Here you can find tons of links to pages of information on lots of research on many subjects that relate to the phenomenal earth conspiracy.

If you liked the Montauk Project you'll love this website and story better.Ong's Hat, Yes you too can slide between worlds if you study the catalog and read the other documents..Excellent information on the new Physics and Quantum Reality.

Patriot Broadcasting Network: Read articles and listen to Patriot broadcasts by such names as Alex Jones, Yankee D, Sean Conover, The Midas Resources, Nancy Koernke, Mark Koernke, TACMARS, and GSA live on the internet or shortwave.

Give Me liberty organization ,Get a news print copy of the USA news ad placed in the Friday ,Sat,sunday issue on February 16,17,18 2001 Lets get rid of taxes once and for all.

THE DIXIELAND LAW JOURNAL:Many today observe that our governments wish to enslave and subject us to tyranny. However, it must also be observed that the character of Americans is far different from that of the people who established this nation and many today lack the ability to resist abusive government, a trait in common with the ordinary citizen living under tyranny. Obviously by your visit to this webpage, you are not among that class. The purpose of this web site is to assist those who seek legal tools for the battle to restore liberty and freedom to this country.

Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. We get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A dry and boring subject? Just wait! You'll be hooked in five minutes. Reads like a detective story � which it really is. But it's all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of all history. It's all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Creature from Jekyll Island is a "must read." Your world view will definitely change. You'll never trust a politician again � or a banker.

As part of the NFOIC's continued efforts to support citizen access to government information, the Freedom of Information Resource Web project provides a comprehensive guide to obtaining information guaranteed under state and federal open meetings and open records laws. Regularly updated and maintained, these pages contain descriptions and links for FOI publications, contacts, legislation and current events. Citizens interested in additional help are encouraged to contact the local individuals and organizations mentioned in these pages.

You'll notice that the name of this organization is Freedom Above Fortune, not Freedom Without Fortune or Freedom Instead of Fortune. Rather, Freedom Above Fortune is an organization dedicated to the concept that no amount of real or perceived economic prosperity or fortune is worth trading for your freedom. This is not to say that pursuing economic prosperity, in and of itself, is bad. Rather, it is to say that those who are willing to sell their freedom and their children's freedom for a few pieces of silver, as Judas did when he betrayed Jesus Christ, are shortsighted and foolish. If you are willing to sell your freedom for short term financial security, real or perceived, the willingness to sell your very soul can't be far behind.

Virtual World of Intelligence:Cantains....Anonymity,Canadian Intelligence, Censorship, Computer Security, Conspiracies, Counter Terrorism, Covert News, Drug Enforcement, Former Secrets, Gangland, Human Rights, Information Warfare,Intelligence, Internet Crime, Internet Privacy, Internet Security, Law Enforcement, Military, Missing Children, Most Wanted, Personal Security, PGP Encryption, Master Spies, Spy Shops, Terrorism, World Intelligence, Citizen Militias, Area51-UFO's,and 007-X-Files

Published Articles by: Beverlye Eakman
As soon as parents, the public, and thoughtful legislators recognize that education today is not about proficiency at anything, or literacy, or "basics"; that what education is about is "mental hygiene", then all the odd goings-on in the nation's classrooms start to make sense. Prospective educators are trained in colleges of education primarily to be mental health workers and social workers, not teachers as most individuals remember that term. Most of their course work, consists of "ed psych" -- behavioral sciences such as psychology, psychiatry, and sociology and not education of the child.

Gun Owners of America: learn how our socialist gun grabing government is at it again to pass Bills to remove private ownership of firearms so they can make this country into a Feudalist state of Totalitarianism.

American freedom news a source of independent news ..updated daily.real news Not the Fed's news

This is Alex Jones's newest web site:, Here you can see video clips and read infomation on The New World order, Police State in the making, children being brainwashed by government training centers(public schools) and much more.

--CATO Institute--24 Years of Promoting Public Policy Based on Individual Liberty, Limited Government, Free Markets and Peace.

Just exactly what is the mission of The Federal Observer? This question warrants a multi-part answer.As its name suggests, our mission is to keep watch over the continual indiscretions of our "beloved" Federal Government and to report wrongs against the Constitution - and America's people.

Welcome to one resource to the whole universe of conspiracy, mystery, scandal, intrigue, coverups, and the unexplained

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