
Things To Do When You're Bored
  1. Paint your dog.
  2. Name all of your socks.
  3. Tell your old neighbor how much grey hair they have.
  4. Sneak out at night at capture your neighhbors garbage!
  5. Mail it back to them in 1,000 different envelopes.
  6. Write a song...every other word being "spot"
  7. Go to a gourmet restraunt and act stoned.
  8. Call McDonald's and try to make a reservation.
  9. Hack into Wal-Mart.
  10. Vacuum the grass.
  11. Take your skateboard and ollie off the sidewalk in front of the police station.
  12. Put on a dress and go buy condoms.[this is for guys]
  13. Feed your fish some pizza...
  14. Have a burial at sea for the poor fish and invite all your friends.
  15. Go to a Sears, find a mic, and tell everyone the store is closing
  16. Act like a dog for a day
  17. Recite lame commercials.
  18. Two words: Couch fishing.
  19. Swat flies and save them...
  20. Try to sell them at your next yard sale.
  21. Watch all the Disney movies you can...
  22. Try to recover.
  23. Spit off the 2nd floor in the mall!
  24. Play frisbee with a crappy CD.
  25. Cut out some useful words in the dictionary.
  26. Dress like a freak and go scare old people.
  27. Runaway...NAH! Just kidding!
  28. Have a competion about not having a competion.
  29. Find out who Bill Clinton is sleeping with *today*
  30. Send Bill a mail bomb :)
  31. Get one of your friends and act gay.
  32. Flash your bird.
  33. Wash a tree.
  34. Spray purfume on your tv so it can smell pretty.
  35. Ride a chair.
  36. Deep-sea dive in your bath-tub.
  37. Mow your name in your neighbors lawn.
  38. Talk like a redneck for a day.
  39. Bark at a snake.
  40. Try to confuse a Magic-8 ball.
  41. Fry something under a magnifing glass.
  42. Offer to cook dinner...
  43. Cook worms for the main meal :)
  44. Put dog poop in a Zip-Lock bag and hide it some place unexpected.
  45. Oh what the heck, freeze some dog poop!
  46. Try to freeze your dog, hehe.
  47. Paint yourself pyschadelic colors...
  48. And dance around outside while singing "It's A Sunshine Day."
  49. Read a little of the dictionary and use big words to confuse people all day.
  50. Call up your radio station and ask them to play Marilyn Manson.
  51. Or call them up and tell them they SU�K!
  52. Plaster your walls with pictures of presidents (if you're so inclined).
  53. Record yourself going to the bathroom and use it when you prank call someone.
  54. Drink Kool-Aid with tons of sugar and bug your neighbors til the buzz wears off.
  55. Ask your parents for Grey Poupon.
  56. Ask your neighbors for toilet paper.
  57. T.P. their house after they go to sleep.
  58. Try not to think about bunnies, I dare you!
  59. Swallow your tongue.
  60. Do the classic water-in-hand, sneeze, throw water on back of someone's neck joke.
  61. Go to church.
  62. Crawl under the pews all the way to the front (and don't get caught).
  63. In the car, put Barbie out the window and make her dance for cars passing by.
  64. At a stop light, eye the person in the car next to you and blow kisses.
  65. Sit on your lawn and wave at people.
  66. Throw spam at them if they don't wave back.
  67. Wear your pajama's to the mall or school (i do this often)
  68. Grab all the coins you can out of the fountain at the mall.
  69. Write questions on the toilet paper.
  70. Make Jell-O in the toilet.
  71. Give dad a mohawk!
  72. Make modem and fax noises.
  73. Spray paint your old neighbors car hot magenta and put shroom decals on it.
  74. Listen to the floor.
  75. Have a conversation with the floor.
  76. Talk behind the floor's back.
  77. Find out if the floor has a back, hmm.
  78. Read poetry to the remote.
  79. Flush the remote.
  80. Flush your dog.
  81. Plant a June-bug.
  82. Flush a June-bug.
  83. Get in a fight with yourself.
  84. Then kiss and make up.
  85. Play N64 with your toes (I did that once).
  86. Suffocate self with marshmellows.
  87. Kill Kenny!!!
  88. Clean yourself in the washing machine.
  89. Send your gerbil to obedience school.
  90. Come up with bigger list of things to do when you're bored

Last updated: December 12th 2005

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