Website Idea - Connor's Business Ideas

Summary - I want a website where I can log different business ideas I have that I may not yet have the resources to create. This website will be the equivalent to a notebook or memo that someone has to write in when they have a good idea.

Content - The site will contain the business ideas I think of along with any comprable products or services that could be modified to meet the needs that I think consumers want. I want to include pictures along with text explaining where a products faults are and how he new product would fix that.

Competition - I can't find any real competition for this website. This falls more under the "blog" type of website because it is all my opinion and all competition is major media corporations with titles such as "The Best Businesses to Start in 2021". This is not my intention. I do not know if these businesses will even work and I am using this for more of a creative space. To document those small inconviences in life where you say "I wish it did this..."

Purpose - This site solely exists to provide inspiration. I believe this will be the equivalent to a Pintrest inspiration page, but it will provide evidence that something needs to change.

Desired Results - I want my users to be inspired to create something or innovate something. The goal is for people who have resources but no ideas to find something that they may be able to undertake and go from there.

Target Audience - My target audience is anyone with the desire to create. Gender, age, and economic status have no hold on the ability to be influenced to do something new. I want everyone to visit the sight at the least to get a laugh at some of the ridiculous ideas I think of.