Cassandra´s Roland sword

Gold version
The immortal Cassandra used the bronze version of the Marto Roland sword. Roland´s memory has been kept in the memory of History and Epic, thanks to the Roncesvalles battle (August 15th 778). The Charlemange´s troops, coming back from the siege of Sagagossa, sufered in the pirenaic pass of Roncevalles an attack from the vascue tribes helped by moors. The narrownes of the pass and the weight of their weapons favoured the succes of this attack on the carolingian rearguard.
In this tragic event Roland died, but legend took him to the memory of literatue (Chanson de Roland, Roldanstat, Orlando Furioso etc.) as the hero who faced 100000 saracens with his magic sword Durendal, a personal present from his lord Charlemange, and with his horn "Oliphant".
Legends say that with a blow of Durendal, he opened a pass on the Pireness, known today as "Bréche de Roland".
In the series the sword appeared to be silver (the Ivanhoe sword appears also to be silver but it is also bronze) but it is bronze. The sword is made by Marto out of 420c stainless steel. There is also a gold and an aged version of this sword avaiable.

Cassandra with her bronze Roland sword

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