Submitted by Jennifer Cone




Book 1, p. 217

Martin County, NC

In the Name of God Amen. February the first in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety five - - - - - - - -                                                                                       I William Cone of Martin County in the State of North Carolina being in a very Weak State and Low State of health but in perfect mind and memory Thanks be to god for the same. Knowing that it is appointed men Once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. In premise I recommend (I recommend, sic) my soul into the hands of Almighty God. That is my body to the Earth to be buried in A Christian Manner at the discretion            of my Executors whom I shall appoint and as touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose of the Same in the following manner and form. Item I lend to my Well beloved wife Cloanah Cone my manner plantation whereon I now live and all the land thereto belonging also a third part of all my Moveable property during her natural life or Widowhood also I give my Wife Cloanah Cone one feather Bed & furniture to be at her own disposal after her death. But after the death or marriage of my Wife I give my plantation and all my Land Household Goods and furniture Stocks (?) of Every Kind to be Equally divided between all my Sons & Daughters. My Will and desire is that at the Death of my Wife that my executors Sell my plantation and Land and that the money be Equally divided Amongst all my Sons & Daughters. Lastly I make ordain and appoint Jesse Cone and my Loving friends Joab Cherry & Jacob Morris to be hole Total (?) Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. Revoking and disannulling all other Wills by me before made. Ratifying and Confirming this & None Other to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand & Affirmed my Seal this first day of February Signed Sealed published and declared by the Testator to be his Last Will & Testament. In presence of us. Levi Cone, Jurat,                                                                   William Cone & Seal

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