Contributed by Jeff Johnson, Courtesy of TreeSong

Will of John Cone of Halifax Co., NC

In the name of God Amen I John Cone of Halifax County and Province of N.Carolina being sick & weak but in perfect since and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same & calling to mind the uncertainty of this frail state & that it is appointed for man once to __ ___ prepare make & declare this to be my Last will & testament in Manner & person following & first ___ I resign and Recommend my Inmortal Soul into the Hands of my Mediation & Redeemer Christ Jesus in full aƒsurance of Hope of a Glorious Resurrection at the Last day unto Eternal Bleƒs and Glory & for what worldly goods God in his ___ mercy hath been pleased to allow me I give & Dispose of as follows Item I Give to my beloved wife Winney Cone all my Lands Household furniture And Stock of Cattle Sheep Hogs and Horses Except my male {Hondres?}Filley during her Natural Life & then to be sold & Equally Divided Among my Four children Jhn. Richard Ezekial & Francis Cone to them and their heirs for ever. . . . . . . . .

Item, I give & bequeath to my Eldest son John Cone my Sorrel Filley To him for ever . . .

Item, Leave my Negro man Dick to my Loving wife during her Life & Then to be Equally divided as the thing above mentioned Lastly I appoint my Loving wife Winney Cone Excuter of this my Last will and Testament revoking other wills In witneƒs whereof I have set my hand and seal this 11th Day June 1780 Jhn Cone Seal Test George Angell Jhn Angell Jr.

Halifax County __ May Court 1784 Then the Afore going will was ___ & duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Jhn Angell one of the subscribing Witneƒs who on his Oath did say that he saw the Testator Signed Seal ____ & Declare this to be his Last Will & Testament & that at the time of signing the same to the best of his Knowledge & Belief he was of sound mind & memory Hereto where upon Winifred Cone Jno {Difyed?} as Extr & on ____ Ordered to be Recorded Test Wm _____ CC

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