Submitted by Melinda McGibony


A DIGEST OF THE EARLY CONNECTICUT PROBATE RECORDS 1723 to 1729. Page 314-15 Name: Daniel Deacon Cone Location: East Haddam Died 16 June, 1725. Invt. oe858-17-10. Taken 16 July, 1725, by Daniel Brainard, John Bate and Thomas Robbinson. Court Record, Page 99--7 September, 1725: Adms. to Mary Cone, widow of the sd. deceased. Exhibit of inventory. Page 119--1st March, 1725-6: Adms. account exhibited: Paid in debts and charges, oe42-07-11; invt. oe1101-14-08; subtracting oe42-07-11, there remains oe1059-06-09 to be distributed. Order to Mary Cone, widow, oe90-05-07, with dower; to Daniel Cone, eldest son, oe211-19-04, he having received oe9-11-06, which is his double portion of sd. estate; to the rest of the children, to George, Joseph and Jared Cone, to each of them, oe110-15-05; to Sarah Gates, oe89-16-03, she having received oe20-19-02; to Mehetabell Williams, oe82-03-03, she having received oe28-12-02; to Mary Fuller, oe79-09-01, she having received oe31-06-09; to Dorothy Gates, oe89-09-11, she having received oe21-05-06; to Abigail Rowley, oe83-17-00, she having received oe26-18-09. And appoint Joshua Brainard, John Bates and Isaac Spencer, of Haddam, distributors. Page 128--5 May, 1726: This Court do appoint Mrs. Mary Cone to be guardian to George, 17 years, Joseph 14 years, and Jared 12 years of age. Recog., oe300.

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