Submitted by Judy Conant


These abstracts may not be complete in the transcribed information, only the names in the Wills, it is advised that the actual documents be viewed to obtain any further information..

GENERAL PETER CONE  (B.  c1791)  23 Sep 1865  Probated 5 Feb 1866, Children of my nephew P.S Sheffield:  Simeon, Keziah and Peter L. Sheffield.  To Peter C. Richardson (Executor).  To General C. Richardson.  Executrix:  Keziah Delaoch

BARBER CONE (B. c1803)  1 Sep 1877  (second wife Martha) probated 5 Apr 1886,,, Mary Jane Lee, formerly the wife of son John S. Cone (b 21 Apr 1836), and her three children: Julia, Agnes & Mary Jane Cone.  Witnesses:  John F. Brannen, Charles W. Sheffield, Martha A. Sheffield.

MARTHA CONE 7  Jan 1887 Probated 6 Jun 1887   Granddaughters:  Mary Jane (Brannen), wife of U(riah) M(ch) Davis (executor) (b. 14 Mar 1844, son of John C. Davis), Agnes Sheffield, Laura J., Wife of Dennis Lanier, Lena F., wife of C. H. Warnock, Sallie E. & Jane Haseltine Brannen.

J.G. CONE 17 May 1896 (wife Nellie) probated 4 Jan 1897 Witness:  D. R. Groover

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