About Us

Please take a moment to look at what makes us...us

A. Boston, and New England as a whole, has been blessed with a rich and long-term history in sports. Whether is be the Red Sox, or the Patriots, there is a winning history to every sports franchise in the area. Here at the Boston Sports Apparel Company, we aim to capture some of those moments, and some of that history, in what we do every day: delivering high quality apparel to you. No matter if its the 2004 World Series, or the 2014 Super Bowl, there is something here for you. Take a look at what we have in the store, and we are sure that you will find something to satisfy your sports apparel craving. If not, we custom make shirts to order, no matter the order size. Dont hesitate to Contact Us for any order placements, questions, or concerns.

B. I wanted this site to be a straight forward as possible. I truly beleive that a website is not made great by the bells and whistles that is has, but instead is made great by the content and the information contained. I wanted to grab attention with the design of the homepage, so I made that more appealing to the eye, and then wanted the supporting pages to be easy to read so the content could be taken in. I think I achieved that end.

C. I think if I had unlimited time to tinker with things, I would mess with the sizing and layout of the multiple pictures and videos used throughout the site, and make them really pop. For future iterations of the site, I would like to expand on the store, and find ways to make the end product more visually appealing, while at the same time not taking away from any of the site content.