Mina Loy

     From: Three Moments in Paris

     1. One O'clock at Night

     Though you have never possessed me
     I have belonged to you since the beginning of time
     And sleepily I sit on your chair beside you
     Leaning against your shoulder
     And your careless arm across my back gesticulates
     As your indisputable male voice     roars
     Through my brain and my body
     Arguing "Dynamic Decomposition"
     Of which I understand nothing
     And the only less male voice of your brother
        pugilist of the intellect
     Booms      as it seems to me     so sleepy
     Across an interval of a thousand miles
     An interim of a thousand years
     But you who make more noise than any man
        in the world when you clear your throat
     Deafening     wake me
     And I catch the thread of the argument
     Immediately assuming my personal mental attitude
     And cease to be a woman

     Beautiful halfhour of being a mere woman
     The animal woman
     Understanding nothing of man
     But mastery     and the security of imparted physical heat
     Indifferent to cerebral gymnastics
     Or regarding them as the self-indulgent play of children
     Or the thunder of alien gods
     But you wake me up
     Anyhow     who am I that I should criticize
        your theories of "Plastic Velocity"

     "Let us go home     she is tired   and wants to go to bed."



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