Starfleet Historical Database
Cpatain April's Enterprise
Captain April Synopsis

The Time- 2245, twenty years before James T. Kirk will assume command of the USS Enterprise

The Galaxy- The Federation has been in existence for eighty-four years. A disastrous first contact has made the Klingon Empire an adversary . The Romulans have not been in contact since the war in 2156.
Orion pirates plague the space ways, attacking and looting ships and colonies. The Vulcans, while supportive of the Federation, are wary of Starfleet and actively oppose its expansion.  Most of the Alpha Quadrant remains unexplored; space is the final frontier.

The Ship- USS Enterprise NCC-1701, Constitution Class Starship. The newest of twelve ships in this class, with three more currently under construction. Six of the ships are Cherokee class vessels upgraded to Constitution specs. One is a Constitution prototype upgraded to the final Constitution specs. The Enterprise has a crew complement of 220. It is armed with lasers and photon torpedoes.  This is it's first five year mission. Since it is twenty years prior the Kirk era, the ship may look somewhat different internally and externally, but should be identifiable as the same Enterprise from the original Star Trek series.
When the Constitution class ship design proved successful and was completed ahead of schedule Starfleet decided to upgrade the last of the Cherokee class ships still under construction to Constitution specs and modify several existing Cherokee class ships as well. A previous prototype for the Constitution class, NX 1697 was also upgraded to the final Constitution class specifications as well.

NCC 0956    USS Eagle Upgraded Cherokee Class
NCC 1017    USS Constellation Upgraded Cherokee Class
NCC 1317    USS Republic Upgraded Cherokee Class
NCC 1657    USS Potemkin Upgraded Cherokee Class
NCC 1664    USS Excalibur Upgraded Cherokee Class
NCC 1672    USS Exeter Upgraded Cherokee Class
NCC 1697    USS Essex Constitution prototype version 1.0
NCC 1700    USS Constitution Constitution prototype version 2.0
NCC 1701    USS Enterprise Constitution Class
NCC 1703    USS Hood Constitution Class
NCC 1709    USS Lexington Constitution Class
NCC 1717    USS Yorktown Constitution Class
NCC 1764    USS Defiant Constitution Class (under construction)
NCC 1831    USS Intrepid Constitution Class (in development)
NCC 1895    USS Endeavour Constitution Class (in development
Captain April Page Links

Captain Aprils Enterprise Crew
Captain Aprils Enterprise Aliens
Captain April's Enterprise Uniforms
Captain Aprils Enterprise Bridge Stations
USS Enterprise 2245

Table of Contents
Starfleet Uniforms
Starfleet Insignia
Starship Development
Other Star Trek Stuff


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