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Hoegaarden has been known as the champagne of beers. It is named after a small town in Belgium that has been famous for beer for over a hundred years. Try one today!

The village Hoegaarden was raised more than 1000 years ago. From the Begarden monniks who astablished them selfs back in the late Mid – Centuries, the rustic farmers learned all the special things of the line of brewers.



They had clean water and a fruitful country and they started more and more with brewing beer of their graincrops. De inhabitants of Hoegaarden gave their knowledge through from father to son. In Hoegaarden you can taste the sphere of a
rich past of beer.
You have 6 kinds of Hoegaarden namely Hoegaarden white beer, Hoegaarden Grand Cru, Hoegaarden Forbidden fruit, Hoegaarden Julius, Hoegaarden Speciale and Hoegaerdse Das


Hoegaarden Grand Cru

Grand Cru is the noblest beer of the Hoegaarden brewery.Real beer lovers will appreciate its surprising bouguest which is the result of a traditional brewing method where special attention is given to the severe selectin of ingredients, such as Hoegaarden yeast, as well as to the time necessary for brewing and for refermentation in the bottle. It really deserves its good repute


Hoegaarden Speciale

is a stronger wheat beer (5.6% vol) brewed over the turn of the year and available from September until February. Hazy golden in colour, it has a mouthcoating taste of lightly roasted malts, and a slight flavour of Hoegaarden herbs. Hoegaarden Speciale is refermented in the bottle. It should be served at a temperature of 2 to 3° C.


Hoegaarden Witte

Probably the most familiar Belgian beer to overseas beer lovers, and the most well known representative of the witte style. Really a home beer of the Leuven region, but to a spoilt temporary resident like myself, rather undeservedly looked down on. It is certainly light and refreshing and very citrus to the taste. A nice summer choice. To be honest though, my favourite use of Hoegaarden witte is as a cooking ingredient, where it does things to leek and potato soup that you just wouldn't believe. Try it!


Hoegaerdse Das

Hmm.. I don't know why the "Das" bit either.. The rather old spelling of "Hoegaerdse" is an attempt to reflect the fact that this is a revival by Hoegaarden of an old recipe. The beer is light at 5%, and is an amber in style and colour. I don't think this is my top amber beer, but it is a good choice as a low alcohol refresher. It does have a very boring glass however, which in Belgium is usually a bad sign.


Verboden Vrucht

The "forbidden fruit". However I encourage the surrender to temptation in this case. This beer really does have a sort of chocolate flavour. It is another wonderful dark brew, very rich and full of flavour. Definitely up among the best in my opinion. The added bonus is the raunchy label. Well ok - it's not raunchy, but apparently it did result in a temporary export ban to the U.S.!



Hoegaarden's Julius is a special brew with three types of hops. It is reminiscent of a trappist Tripel, with a beautifully hoppy, spicy, fruity nose, loads of character, and a lovely golden-but-cloudy color. There's a nice little swirl of yeast at the bottom of the bottle. Very little alcohol kick, but just a bit cloying. Many flavors come through the nose and the initial taste - mostly spices like nutmeg and cloves, perhaps coriander. There is also the slightest metallic taste, even a brine-like aspect that reminds one of a salty cheese. Still, the hoppiness makes this a sure bet. Overall, a very nice offering from Hoegaarden.

Tine Herreman          
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