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De Gouden Boom

The history of the brewery :

The gouden boom brews beer since 1455, but then under the name of ‘t Hamerken. And this all happened thanks to  Jan Hugheins.

Now in 2002 all of the possibilities of the current technology are used as much as it can. The quality care supports on the strict norms of the present day. And precisely because of those rules the Gouden Boom expands to a modern company with several other breweries throughout the European Union and far outside it .



Different kinds of beer from the brewery:

Bruges white beer

Bruges white beer is a beer of high fermentation with an alcohol percentage of 5 % vol.


Bruges triple:

Bruges triple is a beer of  high fermentation with an alcohol percentage of 9% vol.


Abbeybeer of Steenbruges, double and triple:

Steenbruges Double and triple are both abbey beers with an high fermentation.



Steenbruges double has an alcohol percentage of 6,5%vol.  


Steenbruges Triple has an alcohol percentage of 8,5%vol.

Bruges blonde:

Her character is special, it is refreshing as a Bruges white beer and tastefully as a Bruges triple.


more info on the official website of Brewery Gouden Boom:



Guido Van Dorst


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