HDTV Reception:

An HDTV antenna system is very critical, and should use a HIGHLY DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA designed for "Fringe Area" reception.  Your objective is to pick up the signal directly from the transmitting tower, without picking up signals bouncing off of buildings, electrical transmission towers and wires, et.  This is the design goal of a "Fringe Area" antennas: to reject signals coming from any direction other than straight ahead.   You should avoid using an antenna mounted amplifier.  These amplify everything, including the nearest telephone cell site. Mount the antenna away from all reflective surfaces or other antennas, and as high as possible.   

The Federal Communications Commission guarantees you the right to install a TV antenna, even if local zoning codes or "Condo Associations" forbid it.  

Buy a rotator for your antenna if the stations you are trying to pick up are more than 30 degrees apart.  If you live less than 5 miles from the station, you may have to buy a 10 or 20 db attenuator to reduce the signal to a level that will not overload your HDTV set.

One of the most common causes for poor reception is strong signals from FM radio and TV stations.  An FM TRAP (filter that remove FM stations) is sometimes necessary.   Your antenna brings in the whole broadcast spectrum, and this can overwhelm a receiver, just like a camera's flash "blinds" your eyes.  Too high a signal is just as bad as too little.  Remember: your antenna delivers ALL TV and FM stations to your DTV tuner at once. 

Seal all outdoor connections, especially at the antenna, with a product called "coax seal."  If none is available, use RTV.   Humidity in the atmosphere is your worst enemy, and can form water droplets and corrode your connections.  

If you have multiple TV's, and cannot put up a separate HDTV antenna:

IF ALL THE TRANSMITTING TV STATIONS ARE IN THE SAME DIRECTION and you have multiple TV sets and splitters, replace the splitters with a good MATV Antenna Amplifier with multiple outlets - one for each TV, and buy and install a termination for any output you don't use on the MATV amplifier.  Place this MATV amplifier as close to the antenna as possible, in the attic, and make your runs to each TV from there.  

The purpose of this MATV amplifier is NOT to provide as much signal as possible to your HDTV set.  TOO HIGH A SIGNAL WILL MAKE YOUR HDTV SET USELESS (pixelate). The purpose of this amplifier is to provide ISOLATION from each of the other TV sets and their cable runs.  

Thing to consider:

  1. Power distribution grids that emit  "static," especially poles with  lightning arrestor banks.
  2. Power distribution grids that emit  "static" caused by  .
  3. Ignition "noise" from parked or passing cars, motorcycles, lawnmowers, et.
  4. Portable home telephones, Cell Phones, and (digital) 2-way radio equipment
  5. Starting circuits on motors, pumps, and air conditioners.
  6. RF emissions from fax machines, computers, "screw-in" type florescent lamps with electronic ballasts, and even some battery charges for laptops, camcorders, et.
  7. Home and industrial lighting dimmers
  8. Appliances, including other TV's
  9. Battery operated Tools (drills especially) and Toys
  10. Common tube-type florescent lamps, especially towards the end of their life when they "flicker"