ABATE Wings Logo
The Columbia County Chapter
A.B.A.T.E. of New York, Inc.

Meetings held Monthly
at the

ABATE Wings Logo

White Stone Cafe
2337 State Route 66, Ghent, NY
(518) 392-7171

2009 Meeting Schedule
January 8 (2nd Thurs.)
February 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
June 4
July 2
August 6
Sept. 10 (2nd Thurs.)
October 1
November 5
December 5 (Christmas Party)

From I-90, take Taconic Parkway south, to Rt. 295 south, to Chatham, and continuing south on Rt. 66 to the village of Ghent. Whitestone Cafe is on your left before the Citgo & Custard Stand as you enter the village.

From the west, reach Ghent on County Route 21 direct from Rt. 9 in Kinderhook, or via 9H/203/21B/21 from Valatie, or via 22/21 from Columbiaville. For all of these, when you reach Ghent on County Route 21, turn left at the stop sign at Route 66, and the Whitestone Cafe is on your right following the Custard Stand & Citgo at the far end of the village.

From the south, Rt. 9 north to Rt. 9H north to Rt. 66 north (or Taconic State Parkway north to Rt. 23 west, to 9H north to Rt. 66 north). Once you reach Ghent, the Whitestone Cafe is on your right following the Custard Stand & Citgo at the far end of the village.

From the southeast, State Rt. 22 north to State Rt. 23 west, to Taconic State Parkway north, to Rt. 203 west, to Rt. 66 south to the village of Ghent. Whitestone Cafe is on your left before the Citgo & Custard Stand as you enter the village.

From the northeast, Rt. 22 to Austerlitz, to Rt. 203 west, to Rt. 66 south to the village of Ghent. Whitestone Cafe is on your left before the Citgo & Custard Stand as you enter the village.

Click link to download map_ghent.pdf

Map to Village of Ghent NY

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WhiteStone Page On-Line 26May2006 / Updated 18Feb2009

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